A network using IEEE 802.11 DCF mode as MAC protocol is considered. There are n nodes in the network where they all always have packets to transmit. It is assumed that all the nodes can hear all the transmissions, including RTS, CTS, DATA, and ACK.
The throughput of the system is defined as the number of bytes delivered over a communication channelper per time unit. Varying the number of nodes from 2 to 10, with steps of 2, (n=2,4,6,8,10), the throughput of the network can be calculated in two ways: analytical and actual.
After calculating the throughputs from both points of view, a graphical comparison is presented, too.
The system parameters are as follows:
Slot time = 1 time unit;
DIFS = 2 time unit;
SIFS = 1 time unit;
ACK = 1 time unit;
Packet transmission time = 10 time units.
Propagation delay: ignored;
RTS and CTS = 1 time unit;
CWmin = 2 time unit;
CWmax = 26 time unit;
Average packet payload size = 100 bytes.