A computer UI based management simulation game. In spaaaaace!
Angular 8 with TypeScript and NgRx for state management
Possibly reliant on a back-end web server written in NodeJS
This targets a web-based delivery mechanism with possibilities of mobile or desktop (via Electron) support.
This will be deployed to Itch.io as well as to a third-party site of my choosing.
This will need to support IE 11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.
This is a turn-based management game with the player able to make decisions before clicking "Begin Shift". Once a shift begins, it will complete and you'll see the time cards and updates made by everyone on your team
The crew will have a variety of work items to work on including
Players will take on various interactions:
- Reviewing the result of the previous shift
- Prioritizing crew actions
- Creating new initiatives as needed for the crew in idle time
- Setting policies on crew time
The following types of systems are available:
- Work Item Management