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The Cixac Programming Language — pronounced 'SIGH-zack'


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The Cixac Programming Language

The Cixac programming language — pronounced 'SIGH-zack' — is a passion project that I decided to pursue with inspiration and guidance from Thorsten Ball's book. Creating this interpreter is the first (out of three) implementation of my object-oriented dynamic programming language.

Note: The documentation for the Cixac programming language is currently under construction.

Try out the demo at:

Quickstart with REPL

Requires: Go Version >= 1.13

Make Commands:

make test - Runs all tests

make build - Builds the project

make run - Builds and runs REPL

Start REPL:

$ make run or $ ./bin/cixac
Cixac Version: 0.5-beta (Oct 03 2024)
Type "quit()" to exit the REPL


Table of Contents


Cixac is an object-oriented dynamic programming language where the syntax is similar to Go and Python.

  • Variable bindings
  • Integers
  • Floats
  • Booleans
  • Strings
  • Arrays
  • Object/Hashmap
  • Arithmetic Expressions
  • Built-In Functions
  • First-Class and Higher-Order Functions
  • Closures

Supported Types

Type Syntax
bool true false
int 0 33 7559
float 0.23 9.33 51.22
string "" "hello"
null null
array [] [1, 10] ["food", 49, true, {"foo": "bar"}]
objects/hashmap {"arr": [1, 2], 5: "five"}

Variable Bindings

let int = 105329                         // integer
let float = 38.221                       // float 
let str = "This is a string"             // string
let nil = null                           // null
let obj = { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }     // object/hashmap
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, [0, 0, 0]]  // array 
let sub = fn(x, y) { x - y }             // function

// const ensures that the variable's value cannot be changed after its initial assignment
const int = 105329                          // const integer
const fun = fn(a, b) { (a - b) * (a + b) }  // const function

Arithmetic Expressions

let x = 5
let y = x * 3
print((x + y) / 2 - 3)
// 7

Single and Multi-Line Comments

function adds two variables together

@param - int x
@param - int y
@returns - int
fn add2(x, y) {
	// add x + y
	return x + y

Conditional Expressions

let a = 18

let greaterThan = fn(x) {
	if (x > 20) {
		return "x is greater"
	} else if (x == 20) {
    return "x equals 20"
  } else {
      "20 is greater" // return keyword is optional

// 20 is greater

For Loop

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  if (i % 2 == 0) {


  if (i >= 5) {
// 1
// 3
// 5

For In Loop

for (i, ele in [1, 2, 3]) {
  print("i:ele = " + i + ":" + ele)
// i:ele = 0:1
// i:ele = 1:2
// i:ele = 2:3

for (key, val in {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}) {
  print("key:val = " + key + ":" + val)
// key:val = 0:1
// key:val = 1:2
// key:val = 2:3

for (i, ch in "string") {
  print("i:ch = " + i + ":" + ch)
// i:ch = 0:s
// i:ch = 1:t
// i:ch = 2:r
// i:ch = 3:i
// i:ch = 4:n
// i:ch = 5:g

While Loop

let i = 0

while (i < 5) {
  i += 1

// 5

Functions and Closures

Using the return keyword is optional when returning an expression.

fn multiply(x, y) { 
  x * y 
print(multiply(40 / 2, 5))
// 100 

print(fn(x) { x }(5))
// 5

// closure
const newAdder = fn(x) { return fn(y) { x + y } }
const addTwo = newAdder(2)
// 5

// higher-order function
const sub = fn(x, y) { x - y }
const applyFn = fn(x, y, func) { return func(x, y) }
print(applyFn(2, 4, sub))
// -2


let fib = fn(x) {
	if (x == 0) {
		return 0
	if (x == 1) {
		return 1
	return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

// 610


const name = "Joshua"
// Joshua

print(name[3] + name[5])
// ha

let makeGreeter = fn(greeting) { fn(name) { greeting + " " + name + "!" } }
let hey = makeGreeter("Hey")
// Hey Joshua!


let arr = ["string", true, 29, fn(x) { x * x }]
// string

print(arr[4 - 2])
// 29

// 4


let obj = {"name": "Alex", "age": 42, "title": "CEO", true: "boolean key", 50: "integer key"}
// Alex

// 42

// boolean key

// integer key

Binary and Unary Operators

Operators Description
[] Subscript
- Unary minus
++ -- Increment & Decrement
+= -= *= /= Compound Assignment
* / % Multiplication, Division, Modulo
+ - Addition, Subtraction
< > <= >= Comparison
== != Equality
|| Logical or
&& Logical and
! Logical not

Builtin Functions

Function Signature Description
len len(arg: STRING | ARRAY | HASH) -> INTEGER Returns length of strings, arrays, and hashmaps
print print(arg: EXPRESSION) -> NULL Prints the value(s) to standard output and returns NULL

Array Builtin Functions

Function Signature Description
first ARRAY.first() -> ANY | NULL Returns the first element of the array or NULL if empty
last ARRAY.last() -> ANY | NULL Returns the last element of the array or NULL if empty
rest -> ARRAY Returns new array with the first element removed
push ARRAY.push(value: EXPRESSION) -> ARRAY Mutates the array by adding the value to the end. Returns the mutated array.
pushleft ARRAY.pushleft(value: EXPRESSION) -> ARRAY Mutates the array by adding the value to the beginning. Returns the mutated array.
pop ARRAY.pop() -> ANY Mutates the array by removing the last element. Returns the popped value.
popleft ARRAY.popleft() -> ANY Mutates the array by removing the first element. Returns the popped value.
slice ARRAY.slice(idx1: EXPRESSION, idx2?: EXPRESSION) -> ARRAY Returns selected elements in an array as a new array. It selects from a given start, up to a (not inclusive) given end.
contains ARRAY.contains(ele: ANY) -> BOOLEAN Return true if the given value is inside the array and false if not.
index ARRAY.index(ele: ANY) -> INTEGER Returns the index of the first element with the specified value and -1 if it's not in the array.

Object Builtin Functions

Function Signature Description
clear HASHMAP.clear() -> VOID Clears all the entries of the hashmap.
keys HASHMAP.keys() -> ARRAY Returns an array of all the keys in the hashmap.
values HASHMAP.values() -> ARRAY Returns an array of all the values in the hashmap
delete HASHMAP.delete(key: HASHABLE) -> VOID Deletes the key:value pair at the given key.
get HASHMAP.get(key: HASHABLE) -> ANY Returns the value at the given key.
set HASHMAP.set(key: HASHABLE, value: ANY) -> VOID Sets the given value at the given key.
contains HASHMAP.contains(key: HASHABLE) -> BOOLEAN Returns true if the given key is inside the hashmap and false if not.

String Builtin Functions

Function Signature Description
split STRING.split(delim: STRING) -> ARRAY Returns an array of the split string at the given delimiter.
capitalize STRING.capitalize() -> STRING Mutates the string by capitalizing the first letter. Returns the string.
lower STRING.lower() -> STRING Mutates the string by making every character lowercase. Returns the string.
upper STRING.upper() -> STRING Mutates the string by making every character uppercase. Returns the string.


The Cixac Programming Language — pronounced 'SIGH-zack'







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