I'm a software engineer with a passion for building things that make people's lives easier. Primarily a Go developer, but i've also got extensive experience with PowerShell, and some experience with a mix of other languages like C++, C, C#, Bash, and Typescript.
Primary Projects:
- SupermarketHelper: A web application for the game Supermarket Helper, to help manage inventory and prices.
- OpnLab: New experimental project focused on making homelabs more accessible and managable.
- School Projects: Older college projects
Fun fact: I run my own kubernetes cluster for funsies at home, with the following services:
- Talos Linux
- MetalLB + Cilium + Nginx for networking
- Grafana + Prometheus + Mimir + Loki + Tempo + Pyroscope for monitoring
- Gitea for git hosting
- Audiobookshelf for Audiobooks
- Home Assistant for home automation
- GoAuthentik for SSO
- Uptime Kuma for site availability monitoring
- Cert Manager for SSL certificates
- StackGres for Postgres management
- Harbor for a container registry and image caching
- Goldilocks for VPA generation and viewing
- Kyverno for policy enforcement and auditing
- Trivy for vulnerability scanning
- Mealie for recipe management
- Infisical for secrets management and syncing