Releases: Netflix/governator
Avoid referring to internal Guice classes
Avoids depending on
Instead only use it if the class can be found at runtime.
This will make it easier for folks looking to upgrade the Guice version.
Update Jetty to latest 9.4.* patch
Update Jetty to latest 9.2 patch
Dependency-only release for Jetty updates
Governator Java11 compatibility
Added missing Java11 dependencies.
Shaded ASM to avoid conflicts.
governator-jetty updates
add finer-grained configuration options to governator-jetty, including max header size
fix assisted inject predestroy
Instances provisioned by Guice using assisted injection that also declare lifecycle methods (such as @PreDestroy annotated methods or implement AutoCloseable) are not handled correctly. This bugfix release introduces specific handling of the NO_SCOPE scope built into Guice, to ensure that associated instances using lifecycle methods are handled correctly.
Fix PreDestroyMonitor memory leak
fixes a memory leak caused by unscoped instances injected via Provider. The situation commonly occurs when a provider is declared for a type that implements AutoCloseable or is annotated with '@PreDestroy'. At runtime, the injected instances are bound with 'no scope' by Guice, leading to a large number of cleanup actions pointing to potentially the same object.
Ignore NoClassDefFoundError in classpath scanner
v1.17.4 Merge pull request #370 from elandau/bugfix/ignore_noclassdeffoundexc…