By using this service "nvd123s tools" you agree to the following
- You are not allowed to use the service for any illegal or unethical activities
- You are not allowed to use the service to view, watch, or listen to NSFW or NSFL (Not Safe For Life) content in any capacity
- You are not allowed to use the service to run malicious code on another website
- You are not allowed to abuse the service to "shut down" the servers
- If you make a fork of the service you may not change any code. The following are exceptions
- Adding apps, games, or tools
- Any violation of the following terms will revoke your access to the service
While using the service you agree to the following data collection
- Your IP adress, which allows you to use the service (this is deleted when you close the browser)
- Location (only on specific websites, deleted when you close the browser)
- Cookies stored in the browser (deleted when you clear computer cache, stored locally)
- Tracking of data like requests sent, bandwith usage, and time spent using the browser (not deleted, but stored anonymously)
- Any disagreements to these collections officially prohibit you from using the service
If these terms are violated we have the right to the following
- SUE a user of the service for changing the branding and claming the service as "their own"
- Revoke access to the service for a particular user
- Send DMCA takedown requests for any infringement of branding