You're sections headers will be used to reference location of destination.
- Description
- UX
- Technologies
- Deployment
- Testing
- References
- Features to be implemeted in the future
- Author Info
This project is created to showcase a local owned gym in Deptford, London. The goal with this website is to attract new customers, as the owners think there will be a surge in the market after the lockdowns are over, and more people wnat to have a healtier lifestyle. The website is created with HTML5 & CSS3, and made responsive with Bootstrap.
- As a user, I want to be able to see the location of the gym. (Top of each page)
- As a user, I want to be able to see a phone number to call the gym. (Top of each page)
- As a user, I want to see the the opening hours of the gym. (Top of each page)
- As a user, I want to see different pictures of people in the gym.
- As a user, I want to be able to sign up for a PT session and get an introduction at the gym. --
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
This project was deployed using GitHub Pages.
To deploy this page to GitHuB Pages from its GitHub repository, the following steps were taken:
- Log into GitHub
- From the list of repositiores on the screen, select Tofthaslund/Deptford-Gym.
- From the menu items near the top of the page, select Settings.
- Scroll down to the Github Pages section.
- Under Source, click the dropdown menu labelled None and select Master Branch.
- On selecting Master Branch the page is automatically refreshed, the website is now deployed.
- Scroll back down to the GitHub Pages section to retrive the link to the deployed website.
To clone this project from GitHub:
- Log into GitHub.
- At the top search bar, search for "Tofthaslund/Deptford-Gym".
- You will land on the Code section of the repository.
- Click on the Code dropdown menu, just above the README file.
- Click on the clipboard next the the URL.
- Paste that into our local IDE of choice
- W3C CSS validation
- W3C Markup Validation
- The delevoper has used W3C CSS validation and W3C Markup Validation to check the validity of the website code.
Testing client stories from UX section of
As a new vistior to the website, I want to easily navigate the site, so I can find hat I need efficiently.
- No matter what page the visitor lands on, they can easily find the navigation bar.
- The headline always leads back the home page (the starting place for most client stories)
- The go back button that appears after a client has signed on to a pt session, sends the client back to the homepage.
As a new visitor of the website, I want to be able to see a gallery of the gym, to see if I like it before I join.
- At the top of the website (the nav bar) the is a call to action button there leads the visitor on to the gallery page.
- A clearly labelled Gallery page button is to be found on every website.
As a visitor, if i am curious about the gym and want to know more I have the option to do show.
- At the top of every page there is a phone number for the gym, clients can call to more about it.
- At the bottom of each page (footer) the are 3 links to the gyms external social media.
As a visitor I want to know the gyms location.
- At the top of each page, the location of the gym is clearly stated.
As a user, I want to be able to sign up for a PT session and get an introduction at the gym.
- at the top of each page there is a link for the Sign-up section of the website, there will guide the visitor to a sign-up form for a PT session in the gymm.
## Testing of the functionality of the website
- Action: Click on the Gallery tab.
- Expected behaviour: Browser goes to gallery page of website.
- Pass/Fail: Pass.
- Action: Click on the Sign-Up tab.
- Expected behaviour: Browser goes to Sign-up page.
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Click on the Facebook icon.
- Expected behaviour: Browser goes to Faceboog page in new tab.
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Click on the Instagram icon.
- Expected behaviour: Browser goes to Instagram page in new tab.
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Click on the Twitter Icon.
- Expected behaviour: Browser goes to Instagram page in new tab.
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Press Let's Go button on the Sign-Up page without filling out the form
- Expected behaviour: Please fill in this field pops up for the First Name tab
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Press Let's Go button on the Sign-Up page with only first name filled out
- Expected behaviour: Please fill in this field pops up for the Late Name tab
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Press Let's Go button on the Sign-Up page with first name an last name filled out
- Expected behaviour: Please fill in this field pops up for the Email tab
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Press Let's Go button on the Sign-Up page with first name, last name, email filled out with wrong email form
- Expected behaviour: Please enter a email address pops up for the Email tab
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Press Let's Go button on the Sign-Up page with first name, last name, email filled out
- Expected behaviour: Please fill in this field pops up for the Pick a Date tab
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: The form is filed out correctly
- Expected behaviour: The browser takes you to a new page with the messeage Thanks for signing up
- Pass/Fail: Pass
- Action: Clicking the back button on _Thanks for signing up page.
- Expected behaviour: The browser takes you back to the home page
- Pass/Fail: Pass
A number of external sites and/or templets has been used doing this project.
- README template by Jack Q Quick
- Pictures from The Noun Project
- Icons from Font Awesome
- Font Style from Google Font
- Login page for current members
- Page with Classes overview
- Ability to book a class
- Payment setup options for different memberships
- Twitter - @lasse090892
- Github - Lasse Toft Haslund