Welcome to Wit MTN MOMO API Python SDK, here is the full tutorial on how to use it:
- pip install basicauth
- MTN MOMO developer accountT(https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/signin?ReturnUrl=%2F)
- MTN MOMO developer collections and disbursement api user and key
- MTN MOMO developer subscription key for collecions and subscriptions
- Collections and disbursment subscription keys
Open pay.py and update these values:
- Update collections_subkey with your collections subscription key
#Collections Subscription Key:
collections_subkey = "{{Collections_subscription_key}}"
- Update disbursment_subkey with your disbursement subscription key
#Collections Subscription Key:
disbursment_subkey = ""
- Only for users in production
Update collections api user
collections_apiuser = ""
Update api key with your collections keyapi_key_collections = ""
- Set application environment
By default the environment is sandbox
#Application mode environment_mode = "sandbox"
from pay import PayClass
callPay = PayClass.momopay(amount, currency, txt_ref, phone_number, payermessage)
To return the reference(UUID), print out this:
And to return the status code print out this:
Note: If it returns 202 or 200 then it means the request was successful
Checking the transaction status is used to verify if the customer has confirmed the payment or not. Here is the calling for transaction status and verification check.
from pay import PayClass
#Verify the transaction
verify = PayClass.verifymomo("Reference returned by momopay function")
Status 200 or 202 means okay When the transaction is successful it returns:
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UGX",
"financialTransactionId": 23503452,
"externalId": 947354,
"payer": {
"partyIdType": "MSISDN",
"partyId": 4656473839.0
"status": "SUCCESSFUL"
For the complete reference of payment verification read on the bottom page from this link" https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/requesttopay-referenceId-GET?
This function is used to check the account balance for the money inside the collections wallet account. Here is how the API call is done:
from pay import PayClass
#Checking the collections balance
checkcollectionsbalance = PayClass.momobalance()
If the status is 200 or 202 it means the call was successful. After the call above it returns the account balance
This function is used to check the account balance for the money inside the Disbursement wallet account. Here is how the API call is done:
#Checking the disbursment balance
disbursementBalanceCheck = PayClass.momobalancedisbursement()
If the status is 200 or 202 it means the call was successful. After the call above it returns the account balance
This function is used to transfer money from MTN disbursement account to an MTN mobile money account. Here is how it is done:
from pay import PayClass
#Transfer money from disbursement account
withdrawmoney = PayClass.withdrawmtnmomo(amount, currency, txt_ref, phone_number, payermessage)
After a successful transfer it either returns 202 or 200 Note: To check the status print this
To Check the transaction UUID(Reference) Print this:
Note: The call withdrawmoney["ref"] returns a unique UUID(reference) which we will use in the next part
This function is used to check the withdraw status after calling a withdraw function. Here is the code:
from pay import PayClass
CheckWithdrawStatus = PayClass.checkwithdrawstatus("UUID reference returned from the transfer")
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /Token - Post. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/token-POST?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). Request to pay. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/requesttopay-POST?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /requesttopay/{referenceId} - GET. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/requesttopay-referenceId-GET?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /v1_0/account/balance - GET. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/get-v1_0-account-balance?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). Disbursement token. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/disbursement/operations/token-POST?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /transfer - POST. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/disbursement/operations/transfer-POST?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /transfer/{referenceId} - GET. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/disbursement/operations/transfer-referenceId-GET?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]
MTN DEVELOPER, (2019). /v1_0/account/balance - GET. MOMO DEVELOPER PORTAL, Available: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/disbursement/operations/get-v1_0-account-balance?, [ACCESSED: 7 july, 2022]