Scala library for interfacing with php serialized format (data only - no objects)
val phpSerializedContent = """a:2:{s:3:"one";d:5.0;s:3:"two";d:6.0;}"""
val parsed = PHPVal.parse(phpSerializedContent)
if (parsed.successful) {
val phpValue: PHPValue = parsed.get
val prettyPrintedString = PHPVal.prettyPrint(phpValue)
/* will print:
PHPArray {
PHPString("one") => PHPDouble(5.0),
PHPString("two") => PHPDouble(6.0)
val phpValue = PHPArray(
(PHPString("one") -> PHPDouble(5)),
(PHPString("two") -> PHPDouble(6))
val serialized = PHPVal.stringify(phpValue)
/* will print:
This is similar to JSON Reads in Play framework.
// The same thing as above
val phpSerializedContent = """a:2:{s:3:"one";d:5.0;s:3:"two";d:6.0;}"""
val parsed = PHPVal.parse(phpSerializedContent)
if (parsed.successful) {
val phpValue: PHPValue = parsed.get
//but now we want to get a map out of it
val assocMap: Map[String,Double] = PHPVal.fromPHPVal[Map[String,Double]](phpValue)
You can also define Reads for your own type
//Your ususal case class
case class ReadsTest(a: Int, b: String)
//Implement the Reads[A] for your type
implicit val myTypeReads = new Reads[ReadsTest] {
def reads(phpValue: PHPValue): Try[ReadsTest] = {
phpValue match {
case PHPArray(ar) => {
val atribs = ar.toMap
val atribAT = Try(atribs(PHPString("a")))
val atribBT = Try(atribs(PHPString("b")))
for {
atribA <- atribAT
atribB <- atribBT
atrA <- PHPVal.fromPHPVal[Int](atribA)
atrB <- PHPVal.fromPHPVal[String](atribB)
} yield ReadsTest(atrA,atrB)
case _ => Failure(new Exception("Not an array, can not parse my type out"))
//You get this from the parsing step
val parsedValue = PHPArray(List(
(PHPString("a") -> PHPInt(123)),
(PHPString("b") -> PHPString("onetwothree"))
//And voila:
val read = PHPVal.fromPHPVal[ReadsTest](parsedValue)
Again, this is very similar to JSON in Play
val aList = List("one", "two", "three")
val phpValue = PHPVal.toPHPVal(value)
/* It now contains:
(PHPInt(0) -> PHPString("one")),
(PHPInt(1) -> PHPString("two")),
(PHPInt(2) -> PHPString("three"))
And of course custom Writers ala carte
//Your type again ;)
case class WriteTest(a: Int, b: String)
//define the custom Writer
implicit val writeTestWrites = new Writes[WriteTest] {
def writes(o: WriteTest): PHPValue = {
(PHPString("a") -> PHPInt(o.a)),
(PHPString("b") -> PHPString(o.b))
//Instance of your type
val value = WriteTest(123, "onetwothree")
//And you transform into PHPValue ready to be serialized
val phpValue = PHPVal.toPHPVal(value)
val serialized = PHPVal.stringify(phpValue)
Parser combinators for arrays
val i = Format[Int](PHPString("i"))
i.writes(1) //PHPArray(List((PHPString(i),PHPInt(1))))
val s = Format[String](PHPString("s"))
val is = i ~ s
val x1 = is.writes( (1, "hai") ) //PHPArray(List((PHPString(i),PHPInt(1)), (PHPString(s),PHPString(hai))))
is reads x1 //Success((1,hai))
//or even
case class Wrap(n: Int, msg: String)
val w = _).tupled, Wrap.unapply _)
w reads x1 //Success(Wrap(1,hai))
w writes res2.get //PHPArray(List((PHPString(i),PHPInt(1)), (PHPString(s),PHPString(hai))))