A neovim plugin to persist and toggle multiple terminals during an editing session
- 23/03/2021:
command syntax has been refactored to useTermExec cmd='my-command'
Neovim's terminal is a very cool, but not super ergonomic tool to use. I find that I often want to set a process going and leave it to continue to run in the background. I don't need to see it all the time. I just need to be able to refer back to it at intervals. I also sometimes want to create a new terminal and run a few commands.
Sometimes I want these side by side, and I really want these terminals to be easy to access and not clutter my buffer list.
I also want my terminal to look different from non-terminal buffers so I use winhighlight
to darken them based on the Normal
background colour.
This is the exact use case this was designed for. If that's your use case this might work for you. If not there are a lot of much more stable alternatives.
I wrote this initially in vimscript as part of my init.vim
. I then realised I wanted to extend the functionality,
but didn't want to end up maintaining a bunch of vimscript I had just managed to hack into place 🤷.
All I really want this plugin to be is what I described above. A wrapper around the terminal functionality.
It basically (almost) does all that I need it to.
I won't be turning this into a REPL plugin or doing a bunch of complex stuff. If you find any issues, please consider a pull request not an issue. I won't be breaking my back to maintain this especially if it isn't broken "on my machine". I'm also going to be pretty conservative about what I add.
This plugin must be explicitly enabled by using require"toggleterm".setup{}
Setting the key to use for toggling the terminal(s) will setup mappings for insert, normal and terminal modes If you prefix the mapping with a number that particular terminal will be opened.
size = 20,
open_mapping = [[<c-\>]],
shade_filetypes = {},
shade_terminals = true,
shading_factor = '<number>', -- the degree by which to darken to terminal colour, default: 1 for dark backgrounds, 3 for light
start_in_insert = true,
persist_size = true,
direction = 'vertical' | 'horizontal',
alternatively you can do this manually (not recommended but, your prerogative)
" set
let g:toggleterm_terminal_mapping = '<C-t>'
" or manually...
autocmd TermEnter term://*toggleterm#*
\ tnoremap <silent><c-t> <C-\><C-n>:exe v:count1 . "ToggleTerm"<CR>
" By applying the mappings this way you can pass a count to your
" mapping to open a specific window.
" For example: 2<C-t> will open terminal 2
nnoremap <silent><c-t> :<c-u>exe v:count1 . "ToggleTerm"<CR>
inoremap <silent><c-t> <Esc>:<c-u>exe v:count1 . "ToggleTerm"<CR>
This plugin provides 2 commands
This is the command the mappings call under the hood. You can use it directly
and prefix it with a count to target a specific terminal. This function also takes
a the size
and dir
as an argument e.g.
:ToggleTerm size=40 dir=~/Desktop
If specified on creation toggle term will open at the specified directory at the specified height.
NOTE: If the terminal has already been opened at a particular directory it will remain in that dir
This command allows you to open a terminal with a specific action.
e.g. 2TermExec cmd="git status" dir=~/<my-repo-path>
will run git status in terminal 2.
note that the cmd
argument is quoted so that can it can be distinguished from the dir
This plugin automatically shades terminal filetypes to be darker than other window
you can disable this by setting shade_terminals = false
in the setup object
shade_terminals = false
alternatively you can set which filetypes should be shaded by setting
-- fzf is just an example
shade_filetypes = { "none", "fzf" }
setting "none"
will allow normal terminal buffers to be highlighted.
By default, this plugin will persist the size of the terminal split. You can disable
this behaviour by setting persist_size = false
in the setup object. Disabling this
behaviour forces the opening terminal size to the size
defined in the setup object.
persist_size = false
In order to tell each terminal apart you can use the terminal buffer variable b:toggle_number
in your statusline
" this is pseudo code
let statusline .= '%{&ft == "toggleterm" ? "terminal (".b:toggle_number.")" : ""}'
You can create your on commands by using the lua functions this plugin provides directly
command! -count=1 TermGitPush lua require'toggleterm'.exec("git push", <count>, 12)
command! -count=1 TermGitPushF lua require'toggleterm'.exec("git push -f", <count>, 12)
or in lua:
function _G.term_git_push()
require('toggleterm').exec("git push", vim.v.count, 20)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<map>", [[<cmd>lua _G.term_git_push()]], {silent = true, noremap = true})