- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Studied Computer Science at University of NGOZI and gratueted from Microverse school for developers.
- 💼 Working as a IT support and database manager at Hôpital provincial du Nord-kivu.
- 🌱 Full-stack development, Cloud Architecture and Systems Design.
- ✍️ Pursuing Graphic Design and Blog Writing as hobbies/side hustles.
- 💻 JavaScript | React | Redux | Ruby | RoR | Python | Java | React Native
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | Node.js | ReactJS
- 🛢 MySQL | MongoDB | Couchbase
- 🔧 Git | GitHub | Docker
- 🖥 Photoshop | GIMP
⭐️ From guillainbisimwa