- Khairul Imran bin Jamalullail SD20058
- Muhammad Isyraf bin Azmin SD20065
- Nurul Farhanah binti Isha SD20055
- Sri Vera Thachayaani A/P Vesnathan SD20057
- Nur Ra' Izzati binti Zahari SD20001
- main.py - main driver that user interacts
driver.py - code that does the processes for either cam or image uploadfeatures.py - code that extracts features
To run, execute main.py Enter '0' to upload image, otherwise it will run using camera. Press Enter to exit.
- https://ai-facets.org/robust-logo-detection-with-opencv/
- https://pyimagesearch.com/2015/01/26/multi-scale-template-matching-using-python-opencv/
- with machine learning to add accuracy - https://github.com/nithiroj/pycon-thailand-2018, https://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse04913sl2020.pdf,
- detect all logos present - https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.05359