Symfony example of how to use the matiux/broadway-sensitive-serializer library in a CQRS + ES project made with broadway/broadway in order to make the system compliant with the GDPR law.
You can switch between three branch:
git clone && cd sensitive-serializer-demo
cp docker/docker-compose.override.dist.yml docker/docker-compose.override.yml
rm -rf .git/hooks && ln -s ../scripts/git-hooks .git/hooks
make build-php ARG="--no-cache"
make upd
make project ARG="setup"
This repository uses GitHub actions to perform some checks. If you want to test the actions locally you can use act. For example if you want to check the action for static analysis
act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:latest --job static-analysis
make build-php ARG="--no-cache"
make upd
make enter
php bin/console sense:user:register <<name>> <<surname>> <<email>> | jq
php bin/console sense:user:add-address <<user-id>> "<<address>>"
php bin/console sense:user:show-list | jq
php bin/console sense:user:forget <<user-id>>
php bin/console sense:user:replay <<user-id>>