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Schema Enforcer provides a framework for testing structured data against schema definitions.


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Schema Enforcer

Schema Enforcer provides a framework for testing structured data against schema definitions using JSONSchema.

Getting Started


Schema Enforcer is a python library which is available on PyPi. It requires a python version of 3.8 or greater. Once a supported version of python is installed on your machine, pip can be used to install the tool by using the command python -m pip install schema-enforcer.

python -m pip install schema-enforcer


Schema Enforcer requires that two different elements be defined by the user:

  • Schema Definition Files: These are files which define the schema to which a given set of data should adhere.
  • Structured Data Files: These are files which contain data that should adhere to the schema defined in one (or multiple) of the schema definition files.

Note: Data which needs to be validated against a schema definition can come in the form of Structured Data Files or Ansible host vars. Ansible is not installed by default when schema-enforcer is installed. In order to use Ansible features, ansible must already be available or must be declared as an optional dependency when schema-enforcer upon installation. In the interest of brevity and simplicity, this contains discussion only of Structured Data Files -- for more information on how to use schema-enforcer with ansible host vars, see the ansible_command README

When schema-enforcer runs, it assumes directory hierarchy which should be in place from the folder in which the tool is run.

  • schema-enforcer will search for schema definition files nested inside of ./schema/schemas/ which end in .yml, .yaml, or .json.
  • schema-enforcer will do a recursive search for structured data files starting in the current working diretory (./). It does this by searching all directories (including the current working directory) for files ending in .yml, .yaml, or .json. The schema folder and it's subdirectories are excluded from this search by default.
bash$ cd examples/example1
bash$ tree
├── chi-beijing-rt1
│   ├── dns.yml
│   └── syslog.yml
├── eng-london-rt1
│   ├── dns.yml
│   └── ntp.yml
└── schema
    └── schemas
        ├── dns.yml
        ├── ntp.yml
        └── syslog.yml

4 directories, 7 files

In the above example, chi-beijing-rt1 is a directory with structured data files containing some configuration for a router named chi-beijing-rt1. There are two structured data files inside of this folder, dns.yml and syslog.yml. Similarly, the eng-london-rt1 directory contains definition files for a router named eng-london-rt1 -- dns.yml and ntp.yml.

The file chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml defines the DNS servers chi-beijing.rt1 should use. The data in this file includes a simple hash-type data structure with a key of dns_servers and a value of an array. Each element in this array is a hash-type object with a key of address and a value which is the string of an IP address.

bash$ cat chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml
# jsonschema: schemas/dns_servers
  - address: ""
  - address: ""

Note: The line # jsonschema: schemas/dns_servers tells schema-enforcer the ID of the schema which the structured data defined in the file should be validated against. The schema ID is defined by the $id top level key in a schema definition. More information on how the structured data is mapped to a schema ID to which it should adhere can be found in the mapping_schemas README

The file schema/schemas/dns.yml is a schema definition file. It contains a schema definition for ntp servers written in JSONSchema. The data in chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml and eng-london-rt1/dns.yml should adhere to the schema defined in this schema definition file.

bash$ cat schema/schemas/dns.yml
$schema: ""
$id: "schemas/dns_servers"
description: "DNS Server Configuration schema."
type: "object"
    type: "array"
      type: "object"
          type: "string"
          type: "string"
          format: "ipv4"
          type: "string"
        - "address"
      uniqueItems: true
  - "dns_servers"

Note: The cat of the schema definition file may be a little scary if you haven't seen JSONSchema before. Don't worry too much if it is difficult to parse right now. The important thing to note is that this file contains a schema definition to which the structured data in the files chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml and eng-london-rt1/dns.yml should adhere.

Basic usage

Once schema-enforcer has been installed, the schema-enforcer validate command can be used run schema validations of YAML/JSON instance files against the defined schema.

bash$ schema-enforcer --help
Usage: schema-enforcer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  ansible        Validate the hostvar for all hosts within an Ansible...
  schema         Manage your schemas
  validate       Validates instance files against defined schema

To run the schema validations, the command schema-enforcer validate can be run.

bash$ schema-enforcer validate
schema-enforcer validate

To acquire more context regarding what files specifically passed schema validation, the --show-pass flag can be passed in.

bash$ schema-enforcer validate --show-pass
PASS [FILE] ./eng-london-rt1/ntp.yml
PASS [FILE] ./eng-london-rt1/dns.yml
PASS [FILE] ./chi-beijing-rt1/syslog.yml
PASS [FILE] ./chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml

If we modify one of the addresses in the chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml file so that it's value is the boolean true instead of an IP address string, then run the schema-enforcer tool, the validation will fail with an error message.

bash$ cat chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml
# jsonschema: schemas/dns_servers
  - address: true
  - address: ""
bash$ test-schema validate
FAIL | [ERROR] True is not of type 'string' [FILE] ./chi-beijing-rt1/dns.yml [PROPERTY] dns_servers:0:address
bash$ echo $?

When a structured data file fails schema validation, schema-enforcer exits with a code of 1.

Configuration Settings

Schema enforcer will work with default settings, however, a pyproject.toml file can be placed at the root of the path in which schema-enforcer is run in order to override default settings or declare configuration for more advanced features. Inside of this pyproject.toml file, tool.schema_enforcer sections can be used to declare settings for schema enforcer. Take for example the pyproject.toml file in example 2.

bash$ cd examples/example2 && tree -L 2
├── hostvars
│   ├── chi-beijing-rt1
│   ├── eng-london-rt1
│   └── ger-berlin-rt1
├── invalid
├── pyproject.toml
└── schema
    ├── definitions
    └── schemas

8 directories, 2 files

In this toml file, a schema mapping is declared which tells schema enforcer which structured data files should be checked by which schema IDs.

bash$ cat pyproject.toml
# Map structured data filename to schema IDs
'dns_v1.yml' = ['schemas/dns_servers']
'dns_v2.yml' = ['schemas/dns_servers_v2']
'syslog.yml' = ['schemas/syslog_servers']

More information on available configuration settings can be found in the configuration README

Supported Formats

By default, schema enforcer installs the jsonschema format_nongpl extra (in version <1.2.0) or format-nongpl (in versions >=1.2.0). This extra allows the use of formats that can be used in schema definitions (e.g. ipv4, hostname...etc). The format_nongpl or format-nongpl extra only installs transitive dependencies that are not licensed under GPL. The iri and iri-reference formats are defined by the rfc3987 transitive dependency which is licensed under GPL. As such, iri and iri-reference formats are not supported by format-nongpl/format_nongpl. If you have a need to use iri and/or iri-reference formats, you can do so by running the following pip command (or it's poetry equivalent):

pip install 'jsonschema[rfc3987]'

See the "Validating Formats" section in the jsonschema documentation for more information.

Where To Go Next

Detailed documentation can be found in the files inside of the docs/ directory.