koajs-typeorm-ts Public
A sample CRUD application using KoaJS, TypeScript with TypeORM. Uses Ajv as validator.
TypeScript UpdatedSep 4, 2023 -
DynamoDB-CRUD Public
A very basic set of AWS Lambda functions to perform CRUD operations on DynamoDB. Also utilizes github Actions
JavaScript UpdatedApr 10, 2023 -
mongodb-nodejs-mongoose Public
Boilerplate for creating REST APIs using MongoDB, NodeJS, Mongoose along with Express Framework
Serverless-SQS-Pipeline Public
Contains SQS Publisher and Subscriber lambda with DLQ setup and other customization
Python UpdatedAug 23, 2022 -
discord-bot-bantawa- Public
Forked from aayush262/discord-bot-bantawa-JavaScript UpdatedAug 25, 2021 -
postgres-node-sequelize Public
NodeJS project for creating CRUD operations APIs on Postgres using express and sequelize
Serverless-mongodb-node Public
Boiler-plate application for NodeJS Serverless Project. Uses JEST for unit testing, mongoose as ODM.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
dynamodb-dynamoose-node Public
Boilerplate for performing CRUD operation on DynamoDB using NodeJS, Dynamoose and Serverless Framework with AWS LAMBDA
React-amplify-auth Public
Amplify powered react application with authentication