The SAPO Security Lib is a library whose purpose is to provide functions/classes that solve common security related problems, while being easy to use even by those who are not security experts. This repository contains the Python version of this library.
Our design principles:
- Security — This is an obvious one, but it is important to explain how it
is enforced.
- No security primitives were invented, all security sensitive code is based on modern security best-practices (e.g. we use PBKDF2 to derive keys from passwords, we didn't reinvent the wheel).
- Very high (near 100%) testing code coverage.
- Manual code review by security professionals.
- Security by default — Using the library with the default parameters should provide enough security for most cases (maybe not military grade top security, but enough for an application like Gmail, for example). Flexibility was even traded in some places for increased security, for example by making it hard (i.e., impossible without messing with the lib code) for someone to use a weak algorithm instead of the default one.
- Simple API — Unfortunately, the acronyms AES, PBKDF2, HMAC, etc. are
cryptic for many developers, and many others know them but might have
difficulty knowing when and how to use them. As such, we decided to hide the
implementation details in the API function names, resulting in names such as
, etc. which most developers are able to understand even if they are not security experts.
There are currently 4 modules in this library:
- crypto — Cryptographic functions library.
- advanced_crypto — Advanced cryptographic functions library.
- random — Secure generation of random numbers and strings.
- passwords — Creation and validation of user passwords.
Some examples of use cases for each of these modules are given below.
For the full documentation of the library, go here.
Please file any bugs you find in our issue tracker.
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up -d
- docker exec -it upgrade sh
- cd /securitylib/tests
- nosetests
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up -d
- docker exec -it upgrade sh
- cd /securitylib
- python bdist
You should change version in when upgrading
Upgraded to support from Python 3.5 to 3.12. There are several ways to install SAPO Security Lib.
Just run:
pip install securitylib
- Dowload the tarball
- Unpack the tarball
python install
Generating a key for encryption:
import securitylib
encryption_key = securitylib.crypto.generate_encryption_key()
Generating a key for encryption based on a user's password:
import securitylib
password = 'this_is_the_users_password'
salt = securitylib.random.get_random_token()
encryption_key = securitylib.crypto.generate_encryption_key_from_password(password, salt)
Encrypting and decrypting data:
import securitylib
data = 'this_is_the_data_we_want_to_encrypt'
encryption_key = securitylib.crypto.generate_encryption_key()
authenticator_key = securitylib.crypto.generate_authenticator_key()
encrypted_data = securitylib.crypto.encrypt(data, encryption_key, authenticator_key)
decrypted_data = securitylib.crypto.decrypt(encrypted_data, encryption_key, authenticator_key)
assert(decrypted_data == data)
Using a stream cipher to encrypt or decrypt a stream:
import securitylib
data_chunks = ['this_is_', 'the_data', '_we', '_want_to_', 'encrypt']
encryption_key = securitylib.crypto.generate_encryption_key()
# Data can be encrypted chunk by chunk
stream_cipher = securitylib.advanced_crypto.StreamCipher(encryption_key)
encrypted_data = ''.join(stream_cipher.encrypt(chunk) for chunk in data_chunks)
# Decryption can also happen chunk by chunk. Here we are decrypting the whole
# stream at once just to check that we get the original data back.
stream_cipher2 = securitylib.advanced_crypto.StreamCipher(encryption_key)
decrypted_data = stream_cipher2.decrypt(encrypted_data)
original_data = ''.join(data_chunks)
assert(decrypted_data == original_data)
Generating random values using a secure source of randomness:
import securitylib
random_bytes = securitylib.random.get_random_bytes(length=16)
random_integer = securitylib.random.get_random_integer(min_result=1000, max_result=9999)
random_string = securitylib.random.get_random_string(length=100, charset='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
random_GUID = securitylib.random.get_random_GUID()
print(random_bytes, random_integer, random_string, random_GUID)
Generating a random password:
import securitylib
password = securitylib.passwords.generate_password(length=12, lower=True, upper=True, digits=True, special=True, ambig=True)
Getting a password's strength (between 0 and 100):
import securitylib
print(securitylib.passwords.get_password_strength('this is my password'))
print(securitylib.passwords.get_password_strength('This 1s My P4ssword...'))
Validate a user's password against a list of rules:
import securitylib
password = 'this_is_the_users_password'
error_list = securitylib.passwords.validate_password(password, min_length=12, min_lower=1, min_upper=1, min_digits=1, min_special=1, min_strength=50)