The servo driver HAT is a PWM based expansion board designed for Raspberry Pi. The PCA9685 chip expands up to 16 channels and supports 12-bits resolution for each channel. It uses the I2C protocol for communication purpose.
For detailed information, kindly visit our wiki page :
Stack Servo HAT on Raspberry Pi.
Now connect the external power supply of 6V - 12V DC on the Green connector as shown below, Turn on the adapter and it will power the Raspberry Pi.
Now connect Servo motor on any servo port ranging between 0-15.
Clone Github repository by running below command in terminal.
git clone
- It will clone the repository in the '/home/pi' location, To enter cloned repository, enter the below command.
cd Raspberry-Pi-Servo-Driver
- Now run the below command to execute the python code.
sudo python3
- If you are using any other pin for servo motor (between 0-15) then change the default servo pin to the designated pin in code i.e controller.Set_Pulse(15,i)
if __name__=='__main__':
controller = I2C_Controller(0x40, debug=False)
while True:
for i in range(500,2500,10):
controller.Set_Pulse(15,i) #setting 15th pin of the servo header(forward direction)
for i in range(2500,500,-10):
controller.Set_Pulse(15,i) #setting 15th pin of the servo header(backward direction)