Open-Sourcer working on GraphQL tools including the "GraphQL Network Inspector". Working with TypeScript, GraphQL and Web.
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OpenMandriva Association was established on December 12, 2012 under 1901 French law. It manages some Free software projects, including OpenMandriva Lx - a GNU/Linux operating system - that is a free alternative to other operating systems.
Coding School for Enlightenment
Team lead of the official Rust linter Clippy
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An event-driven networking engine, written in Python.
Maintaining the Slim template language
Support Nathan Jaremko's open source work
I make things with the Bevy Game Engine. I write and maintain Bevy Cheatbook and various plugins and contributions.
Support aumetra's open source work
Open source author, and maintainer of MassTransit, a free, open-source distributed application framework for .NET.
Support Piped's server costs
PHP Stubs makes static analysis and IDE autocompletion possible.
Support the open source work of Viktor Szépe.
I'm in the Vox Pupuli Management Committee where I maintain the Puppet community. I'm working with Puppet since 2012 and active in most of the well-known and approved modules.
Head Developer Advocate at [Bit]( GitHub Star, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in Developer Technologies, Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert.
Support groue’s open source work
I'm the author of alive-progress, clearly, about-time, human-repr, among others. If you liked any of my work, this page is a good way to show your appreciation!
Thank you!!
Support I am Jakoby's Work
I'm an open-source creator and maintainer. I create stuff for shells, smart homes, and frontend tooling.
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