If you do fork this repo, please give the original repo a star! It helps out alot and only 30% of people who fork give us a star... besides, you know you want to...
- About:Blank Cloaking
- Fast Speeds
- Wide collection of Games
- Tab Cloaking
- Wide collection of Apps
- Built-In Tab System
- Clean UI
You can NOT deploy to Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, Github Pages or any other static Web Host.
Note Join our Discord Server for more options & tutorials.
- Create a Replit Account (https://replit.com)
- Click + Create Repl
- Click Template and Change the language to Node.js
- Then click Create Repl
- Click Shell
- Paste the code below. (Ctrl + Shift + V)
git clone https://github.com/interstellarnetwork/interstellar
- Once it's done cloning paste the code below. (Ctrl + Shift + V)
cd interstellar && npm i && npm run start
- Create a GitHub account if you haven't already
- Scroll up, click "Code" (green button), and then "Create Codespace on main"
- In the terminal on the buttom, and paste
npm i && npm run start
- You'll see a popup on the corner about an application. Click "Make public"
- Go to the ports tab on the top (where the terminal is), and then click the website that appears on the list.
Note If you have any problems please open an issue, so we can fix it ASAP!
If you don't know how to do this because you are an absolute no-brainer then message us a report in our Discord.
Huge thanks to following people for contributing to Interstellar!