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A broker quota plugin for Apache Kafka® to allow setting a per-broker limits statically in the broker configuration


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Quota Plugin for Apache Kafka®

This project is based on and was originally created by Ulf Lilleengen.

This is a broker quota plugin for Apache Kafka® to allow setting a per-broker limits statically in the broker configuration.

The default quota plugin in Apache Kafka will hand out a unique quota per client. This plugin will configure a total quota independent of the number of clients. For example, if you have configured a produce quota of 40 MB/second, and you have 10 producers running as fast as possible, they will be limited by 4 MB/second each.

The quota distribution across clients is not static. If you have a max of 40 MB/second, 2 producers, and one of them is producing messages at 10 MB/second, the second producer will be throttled at 30 MB/second.

Using with Strimzi-based Apache Kafka clusters

When using the Strimzi Quotas plugin with Strimzi-based Apache Kafka clusters, please follow the Strimzi documentation to configure the plugin.

Using with other Apache Kafka clusters

The Quota plugin can be also used with non-Strimzi Apache Kafka clusters. You have to add the plugin JAR file to the Apache Kafka broker class path for example by copying it to the libs/ directory. Configure Apache Kafka brokers to load the plugin and configure it in the broker properties file:

# Enable the Quota plugin

# The quota is given in bytes, and will translate to bytes/sec in total for your clients
# In this example configuration the produce and fetch quota is set to 1MB/s

client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 # required if storage.check-interval is >0
client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.ssl.truststore.location=/tmp/trust.jks # optionally configure the admin client further
# Storage quota settings in bytes. Clients will be throttled to 0 when any volume in the cluster has <= 5GB available bytes

# Check storage usage every 5 seconds
# By default set to 60 seconds

# Optional list of principals not to be subjected to the quota;User:principal2

Properties and their defaults

Property Type Default Description
client.quota.callback.static.produce Double 1.7976931348623157e+308 Produce bandwidth rate quota (in bytes)
client.quota.callback.static.fetch Double 1.7976931348623157e+308 Consume bandwidth rate quota (in bytes)
client.quota.callback.static.request Double 1.7976931348623157e+308 Request processing time quota (in seconds) String "" Semicolon-separated list of principals excluded from the quota. Each principal has to be prefixed with User:. Integer 60 Interval between storage check runs (in seconds, a value of 0 means disabled) Long None Stop message production if availableBytes <= this value. Mutually exclusive with Double None Stop message production if availableBytes / capacityBytes <= this value. Mutually exclusive with
client.quota.callback.static.throttle.factor.fallback Double 1.0 Fallback throttle factor to apply, in the range 0..1 if current factor expires. Applied by multiplying the factor against client.quota.callback.static.produce thus 0.0 effectively blocks producers.
client.quota.callback.static.throttle.factor.validity.duration String PT5M How long a throttle factor derived from a successful observation of the cluster should be applied (iso8601 duration)
client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin.bootstrap.servers String None Bootstrap servers of Kafka cluster. This property is required, otherwise the Kafka broker will fail to start.

All configuration properties starting with client.quota.callback.static.kafka.admin. prefix will be passed to the Kafka Admin client configuration.


The plugin currently provides the following metrics:

  • io.strimzi.kafka.quotas:type=StaticQuotaCallback,name=Produce shows the currently configured produce quota
  • io.strimzi.kafka.quotas:type=StaticQuotaCallback,name=Fetch shows the currently configured fetch quota
  • io.strimzi.kafka.quotas:type=StaticQuotaCallback,name=Request shows the currently configured request quota

NOTE: Only one quota plugin can be used in Kafka. Enabling this plugin, the built-in Kafka quotas plugin will be automatically disabled. This means that you won't see per-client quota metrics, but only aggregated quota metrics.

Additional metrics for cluster wide monitoring

Name Metric Type Meaning Type Tags
ThrottleFactor Gauge The current factor applied by the plug-in [0..1] ThrottleFactor observingBrokerId
FallbackThrottleFactorApplied Counter The number of times the plug-in has transitioned to using the fall back factor ThrottleFactor observingBrokerId
LimitViolated Counter A count of the number logDirs which violate the configured limit ThrottleFactor observingBrokerId
ActiveBrokers Gauge The current number of brokers returned by the describeCluster rpc VolumeSource observingBrokerId
ActiveLogDirs Gauge The number of logDirs returned by the describeLogDirs RPC VolumeSource observingBrokerId
AvailableBytes Gauge The number of available bytes returned by the describeLogDirs RPC VolumeSource [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir]
ConsumedBytes Gauge The number of consumed bytes returned by the describeLogDirs RPC VolumeSource [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir]
CachedEntries Gauge The number of logDirs currently cached by the plug-in CachingVolumeObserver observingBrokerId
LogDirEvictions Counter The number of times each remoteBroker.logDir has been removed from the cache. CachingVolumeObserver [observingBrokerId, remoteBrokerId, logDir]

Tag definitions

Tag Definition
observingBrokerId The BrokerId of the broker node executing the plug-in
remoteBrokerId The BrokerId of the broker node hosting the logDir
logDir The path to the specific logDir as returned by the describeLogDirs RPC


To build the plugin:

mvn package

Copy the resulting jar in target/kafka-quotas-plugin.jar into the Kafka classpath.

Alternatively, you can publish to your local maven repository with:

mvn install

Testing locally

Run it locally (make sure your enables the reporter):

CLASSPATH=/path/to/target/kafka-quotas-plugin.jar ./bin/


A broker quota plugin for Apache Kafka® to allow setting a per-broker limits statically in the broker configuration




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