- hangzhou,china
- http://www.votbar.com
[DEPRECATED] Lightweight, scalable ,distributed game server framework for Golang
distributed gateway server(php game server, tcp server, websocket server)
A socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
supern / glide
Forked from bumptech/glideAn image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
Book of Elementary Functional Algorithms and Data structures
supern / Uninstall_Statics
Forked from sevenler/Uninstall_StaticsAndroid 统计 应用 自身被 卸载 Android Statistical application is uninstalled
Android plugin for the Gradle build system.
A plugin system that runs like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load apk plugins which runs natively on Android system.
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
Android Maven Plugin
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Åkerfeldt's ViewFlow.
Library for implementing the action bar design pattern using the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.