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Education and Training

Several General Conference Resolutions dating back to 1991 have underlined the fundamental importance of sustainable education and training programmes. In response to these resolutions, in particular GC(44)/RES/13 (2000), the Secretariat drew up the Strategy for Education and Training in Nuclear Safety (Note 2001/19) and the Strategic Approach for Education and Training in Radiation and Waste Safety (Note 2001/20).

Training is an essential component in building and sustaining capacity in national nuclear security systems. The IAEA offers a wide variety of international, regional, sub-regional and national training courses and workshops which draw upon international guidelines and recommendations published by the IAEA and international best practices.

With many countries expressing the intention to embark on nuclear power programmes and others planning to expand existing programmes, a major challenge is to establish and/or ensure a sustainable national infrastructure for nuclear programmes. A comprehensive and effective radiation, transport and waste safety infrastructure is considered to be an essential component of any nuclear programme. For the countries embarking on nuclear programmes, a first step is to develop and implement a strong governmental, legal and regulatory framework: this requires technical capacity building, an integrated approach to safety and strong management. Countries with expanding nuclear power programmes face increased competition for competent staff, as in many cases expertise is insufficient or not readily available.

Key elements for planning and implementing a sustainable nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety programme and effective nuclear security systems with an adequate and sustainable regulatory framework are well-trained and highly qualified staff and comprehensive education and training (E&T). These elements will enable the next generation to prepare for the challenges the future will bring, and at the same time promote the development of sustainable human resources, thus contributing to capacity building at institutional and State levels.

The Department of Nuclear Safety and Security provides E&T programmes to assist Member States in developing and sustaining effective nuclear safety and security infrastructure.

In line with IAEA policy, the Department has established a working group on Coordination of Education and Training Support to Member States to help ensure that E&T support is provided in an integrated, consistent and optimized manner, which contributes to Member States’ efforts in building sustainable national capacity at institutional and organizational levels.

Links are maintained to the web sites of the National Regulatory Bodies and the Responsible Bodies for Atomic Energy as well as publicly available, recent reports of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) and the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (JC).