God Tier Classpects
Prince of Life

– requested by Anonymous


Prince – one who destroys his aspect, or destroys via his aspect.

Life – This aspect is quite literal; it pertains to the life or life force of people, trolls, imps, etc. 

The Prince of Life would be the player that destroys life. Essentially, this player’s special abilities are related to ending life and killing. The Prince of Life will be especially strong at destroying living things, and will be a huge asset on the battlefield. The Prince of Life who learns to properly master his abilities would be able to kill from a distance, simply by destroying the life force in a person. If he concentrated enough, the Prince of Life may even be able to kill someone from a completely different point in space. The Prince of Life has extremely volatile powers that should not be used on a whim. 

The Prince of Life will also have a unique and dangerous power that should only be used in the most dire situations: the ability to use his own life force to destroy other life forces. The concept of this power is that if the Prince’s powers are not working or not effective enough, he will be able to destroy through the use of his own life force. However, this power is literally drawing from the Prince’s own life force – enacting this power will cause the Prince serious damage, and may put him in a coma, if he’s lucky, though it is more likely the use of this will kill him outright. While this is extremely useful in helping one’s team, a Prince must know there is no other option before using this power. Its very similar to Sepulchritude from Problem Sleuth in some respects. 

It is likely that the Prince of Life will either start out extremely wary of using his powers, or extremely eager to use them. Once he starts taking ownership of his powers, this player must be careful not to let his powers go too far. If he does not use extreme care when handling his abilities, he may unintentionally harm someone, especially his friends and loved ones. 


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