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Saaif Alam Saaif Alam > Quotes


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“Never bend down possessing the feeling of despair. Stand up and seek new opportunities in order to pursue long term success.”
Saaif Alam
“Knowledge gives us power and respect.”
saaif alam
“Popularity does not happen overnight with a blink of an eye. It takes time, effort and creative knowledge to reach that particular goal in life.”
Saaif Alam
“A fool will always rely on what someone else says, however an intelligent person would use critical thinking to justify the rationality of statements made by others before embracing their influence.”
Saaif Alam
“If you bewilder other people about your self identify, this shows that you are being behaving really good in disguise. Also, if posses this kind of personality, you will likely have no remorse for your mistake and you will eventually lose your trust from others.”
Saaif Alam
“Education attainment is a kind of achievement that nobody can seize from us as the assets we own in our regular lives because we earned it with the use of our own knowledge and creativity.”
Saaif Alam
“A person who has common knowlege can depict the casual events and the educational concepts that they learn everyday life. However, a person who has a high quotient intelligence can comprehend some critical concepts, which is unlikely for a human being with average intelligence. The method for this person to increase his/her level of intelligence is that they should be encouraged to examine or study the critical issues and difficult concepts that revolve in our current environment.”
Saaif Alam
“If words come upon our minds, we should express them in order to free ourselves from high anxiety.”
Saaif Alam
“A brain is a space that is infinite that give people the capability to accumulate new information that we never know or revive the information that they forget. However, peoples' character can really indicate how much information they want to accumulate that can really distinguish the intelligence for every individual.”
Saaif Alam
“A sunshine can bring opportunities for a person's life and you should never be disappointed if it shines on you because if you disregard it, you will miss the moment of great luck.”
Saaif Alam
“A wiz does not only rely on his or her peers for assistance., however he or she will unleash his or her exceptional accomplishments by working wisely and independently.”
Saaif Alam
“Knowledge give us power and respect.”
Saaif Alam
“The topics we learn from our four core subjects during our childhood and adolescent stage of our lives help us to understand the norms of common knowledge and take pride of our citizenship.”
Saaif Alam
“A person who posses a cunning attitude are not always academically intelligent, but they are considered clever because they can manipulate and cause harm towards others in order to gain something out of them for their own benefit. They can be defeated if people stand up towards them and point out their actual inappropriate behavioral activities with logical reasoning.”
Saaif Alam
“Leaders who formulate positive ideas and implement effective change in their community can help others overcome difficult economic and social hardships.”
Saaif Alam
“People should understand that compassionate love defines trustworthiness, attachment, and empathy when they live and interact with their romantic partners. However, they should make a commitment not to betray, deprive or stay distant with their life partner if they want to keep the relationship last for a lifetime.”
Saaif Alam
“Becoming prominent is about doing more for others and talking less about yourself.”
Saaif Alam
“Don't be preoccupied with something that drags your mind downhill. Be someone who could be destined to shine and can have the ability reach ultimate goals for the future."”
Saaif Alam
“The real value of democracy comes from unity, equal rights and ethical leadership. If we abide by this value, our community can progress without the rise of civil and economic inequality.”
Saaif Alam
“When you earn your freedom, make decisions wisely in order to pursue economic and social success in the long run.”
Saaif Alam
“A person can gather a wealth of knowledge by reading texts on a daily basis, watching current events about broad issues taking place across the world and observing his or surroundings analytically everyday.”
Saaif Alam
“If you graduated from higher education, you should feel proud and not allow your grades to define who you are. Regardless of your cumulative GPA, you will always have opportunities to find a career that suits your skills and interests.”
Saaif Alam
“If you want to advocate for change, observe critically an ongoing struggle a group of people encounter for periods of time and formulate a solution that adequately address the problem for social justice.”
Saaif Alam
“If someone thinks that they are invincible, they would start to become arrogant with others and greedy about power. Eventually, people who are more intelligent can defeat him or her and give them a taste about their weakness.”
Saaif Alam
“If something traumatizes you, please do not think that your life is coming to an end. You will still have opportunities to resume with your life by speaking up and seeking for assistance.”
Saaif Alam
“People's hearts are always fragile, so we have to make sure that other people's hearts don't break. If they break, it will be hard for us to recover their broken hearts.”
Saaif Alam
“Although profanity is part of our language that we speak everyday, it can simultaneity be used as a weapon to demoralize other people if it is offensive within its meaning.”
Saaif alam
“A man made invention is never similar to mother nature's creations because they do not have the strongest structures that can withstand any kind of destruction and not one hundred percent healthy. This is why nature is our unique beauty that we can enjoy unlike the creations that are made by mankind .”
Saaif Alam
“High self respect is a characteristic that we earn from our environment by showing courtesy and naturally exhibiting behaviors that can praise others about the output of our intellectual accomplishments instead of chasing them for attention.”
Saaif Alam
“A reasonable person can broadly interpret objects, theories , equations, principles, and literature without specialized education. However a person who earned proper specialized education posses thorough understanding of a specific kind of object, theory, equation, principle, and/or literature.”
Saaif Alam

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