Trustworthiness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trustworthiness" Showing 1-30 of 82
Tiffany Madison
“Never trust someone that claims they care nothing of what society thinks of them. Instead of conquering obstacles, they simply pretend they don't exist.”
Tiffany Madison

Steven Pinker
“People do more for their fellows than return favors and punish cheaters. They often perform generous acts without the slightest hope for payback ranging from leaving a tip in a restaurant they will never visit again to throwing themselves on a live grenade to save their brothers in arms. [Robert] Trivers together with the economists Robert Frank and Jack Hirshleifer has pointed out that pure magnanimity can evolve in an environment of people seeking to discriminate fair weather friends from loyal allies. Signs of heartfelt loyalty and generosity serve as guarantors of one s promises reducing a partner s worry that you will default on them. The best way to convince a skeptic that you are trustworthy and generous is to be trustworthy and generous.”
Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

Mohsin Hamid
“I have this thing about friends and secrets. Sometimes when I meet a person I like, I tell them a secret they don't know me well enough to be told. It lets me judge their potential as a friend.”
Mohsin Hamid, Moth Smoke

Samuel Johnson
“The vanity of being known to be trusted with a secret is generally one of the chief motives to disclose it; for, however absurd it may be thought to boast an honour by an act which shows that it was conferred without merit, yet most men seem rather inclined to confess the want of virtue than of importance.”
Samuel Johnson, The Rambler

“Understanding RELATIONSHIPS –
If I have something to share, however, I didn’t share it with you because you didn’t ask me. It means I DON’T TRUST YOU.
Even if you didn’t ask me, I still shared it with you, giving my trust to you. However, you shared it with the entire world. It means YOU ARE UNTRUSTWORTHY.
I know what you know, however, when I asked you, you lied to me. It means YOU ARE DISHONEST.
LOVE and AFFECTION are two essential elements of HUMAN RELATIONSHIP. However, whether you deserve my LOVE and AFFECTION or not is based on your TRUSTWORTHINESS and HONESTY.”
Sanjeev Himachali

“Jo tried to think about her suspicion that Lynn liked her. She figured that Lynn was nice to her because she was a patient. Jo's mother had shown her what it meant to have a professional mask. The times Jo saw her mother at work in the lab, busy and efficient as she drew blood and marked vials. Nancy smiled warmly at the patients, ready with a sympathetic comment. If a patient or a doctor called Nancy at home, she immediately became the caring professional, no matter what had been happening before the phone rang. When Lynn hung up after an evening phone call from Missy, Jo suspected that Lynn resumed screaming at her husband or kids.”
Joan Frances Casey, The Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality

Michael Bassey Johnson
“With loyalty, you gain access to places where others have been denied entry.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

“It's small things that determine our credibility for bigger things. If one can't be trusted with small projects never can they deliver when given big projects. Unfaithfulness in pennies indicates corrupted morals, never will the trust be manifested in dollars.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Germany Kent
“Being consistent in your behavior is a great way to build trust.”
Germany Kent

Jane Stanton Hitchcock
“Never trust a poker player.”
Jane Stanton Hitchcock, Bluff

John Joclebs Bassey
“People want others to trust them, yet they have no single trust for themselves.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Frank  Sonnenberg
“It takes a lot more effort to rebuild trust than to establish it from the start.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One

Alex Paknadel
“Rebuilding bodies is one thing… rebuilding trust is quite another.”
Alex Paknadel, Redfork

Mark Eddy Smith
“He has done the best he could in a difficult situation, and his conscience is clean. It is far more important to be trustworthy than to seem trustworthy, a lesson he learnt from a lanky man named Strider long ago”
Mark Eddy Smith, Tolkien's Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of the Lord of the Rings

“Test a man with pennies; if he passes then put him over your business.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“Love beyond physical appearance is divine in nature.”
Arshia Mittal

Germany Kent
“People are less likely to see you as a threat if they know they can trust you.”
Germany Kent

“Be leary when someone is trying to insist that you can trust them."
-Terraine Francois”
Terraine Francois

Melanie A. Smith
“On some level I want to believe it’s the truth. But even if it’s his truth, does it change anything? Trust isn’t so easily rebuilt.”
Melanie A. Smith, Finding His Redemption

“We may trust someone again. But the fear of betrayal will always be there.”
Garima Soni - words world

David Amerland
“It is humanity that’s actually propagated through the gossamer, reaching tendrils of trust and the emergence of happiness.”
David Amerland, The Tribe That Discovered Trust: How Trust Is Created Lost and Regained in Commercial Interactions

Abhijit Naskar
“It takes a lot of heart to build trust, even more to keep the trust.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yarasistan: My Wounds, My Crown

Stewart Stafford
“Perhaps the most crucial choice we make in life is who to trust.”
Stewart Stafford

“Trust is the currency of freedom.”
Aegelis, Sophizo

Binod Shankar
“If you can manage your mind (thoughts, emotions, and feelings), body, and behaviours you will gain a lot of credibility and trust in the eyes of your team. They also won’t fear you (or your unpredictability/changes in mood) and instead will open up to you. That level of trust and respect will in turn unleash better communication and cohesion within the team. You may even be sought after as a mentor.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Leonora Carrington
“As pessoas acima dos sete e abaixo dos setenta não são nada confiáveis, a menos que sejam gatos.”
Leonora Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet

Frank  Sonnenberg
“You may not think that paying lip service to trust bears a cost, but it commands a very handsome price.”
Frank Sonnenberg, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose

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