Khaled Hosseini's Blog

March 13, 2017

Literacy of the Heart

I am pleased to announce that I will be in conversation with poet and teacher Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian on March 29, 2017 at Kepler's Books in Menlo Park at 7:30 pm.

The times we live in require us to develop a "literacy of the heart"- a deeper quality of listening, discerning, and connecting heart to heart and soul to soul. Literature itself, both poetry and prose, plays a timeless role in awakening our hearts to deeper truths we may otherwise miss.

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian and I will talk about the ways reading, writing, and listening can bring forth profound questions, surprising graces, and the palpable presence of radical hope. I will discuss selections from And the Mountains Echoed, and Yogacharya O'Brian will read from her recently released award-winning book of poems, The Moon Reminded Me.

This event has limited seats --so get your tickets early.
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Published on March 13, 2017 18:31

December 3, 2013

Thank you!!

I want to thank all of my readers at Goodreads who have faithfully supported my writing. Receiving the Goodreads Choice award in the fiction category is an enormous honor for me for two reasons. First, 2013 was an exceptional year for fiction, with an abundance of wonderful fiction from some of the best writers working today, all of whom I salute. So, for And The Mountains Echoed to be selected from among such an embarrassment of riches is hugely rewarding. Second, and far more importantly, this is an award bestowed by you, the readers, the people who go out and purchase books, discuss them with friends and family, and are the primary engine of that elusive but oh so precious word-of-mouth phenomenon. I cannot tell you what it means to me to be honored and embraced by the very people my books are intended for. So, as we say in Afghanistan, Tashakor, or thank you. Tashakor -not just for this award- but for reading, and not only my books, but simply for reading. And a heartfelt Tashakor to all the good folks at Goodreads for providing such a wonderful forum where people who love books can engage and exchange ideas.
Happy reading, everyone.
Gratefully yours,
Khaled Hosseini
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Published on December 03, 2013 20:14 Tags: andthemountainsechoed

May 8, 2009

UNHCR's Shelter Program in Afghanistan

Dear Readers:Thank you for letters of support and encouragement. As ever, I cherish and appreciate them immensely.Well it appears that The Khaled Hosseini Foundation is up and running. We had our first public event to raise funds for the foundation on April 25th. My good friends Michael and Carolyn Bealmear, whom I have known through Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) fundraising, arranged a fundraising evening for us at the Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church. Roughly 600 people
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Published on May 08, 2009 03:56

November 28, 2008

New primary school in Northern Afghanistan

Dear Readers:I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. In the spirit of the season, I am thankful for all the support and encouragement that I have received from you over the past several years. In addition, I am thankful for your empathy and generous offers to aid the Afghan people. It’s really a great honor for me if these novels have helped make the hardships of the Afghan people feel real and not something academic and distant. Many many thanks
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Published on November 28, 2008 17:40

October 11, 2008

Optimism or Pessimism - thoughts on Afghanistan's future

Hello everyone:First, many many thanks for your visits to this website and for your entries, which I appreciate very much.An update first. The paperback edition of A Thousand Splendid Suns will be published on November 25th of this year. In early December, I will make a few public appearances in its support. The dates and venues have not been decided upon as yet. When I have details, I will post them on this website. I thank you for your continued support and patience.Secondly, The Kite Ru
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Published on October 11, 2008 18:40

July 16, 2008

Hidden Treasures from Afghanistan

Dear Readers: “A nation stays alive when its culture stays alive.”This is the motto of the Kabul Museum , recently printed in bold letters on a banner above the entrance. In that spirit, I want to draw attention to a National Geographic's exhibition that is presently on tour in the U.S. It is called Afghanistan, Hidden Treasures From the National Museum, Kabul. The exhibition consists of more than 22,000 ancient objects of gold, a collection that includes exquisite and priceless artifacts da
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Published on July 16, 2008 18:46

May 20, 2008

2008 Book Group Discussion Update

Dear Readers:I want to take this chance to thank all of the readers who submitted questions for the Book Group Discussion. I was thrilled to receive over 600 questions. I thank each and every one of you for your interest in my books and for submitting your questions. The questions covered an entire spectrum of topics. We received questions about the characters, about the creative process, the writing life, Afghanistan, politics, etc. Though it was not feasible to answer every question
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Published on May 20, 2008 22:13

March 31, 2008

Film Version of A Thousand Splendid Suns

Dear Readers:Thank you, as ever, for your comments and questions. As always, I appreciate hearing from you and am grateful for your encouragement and support.A quick update. Because many of you have asked, I will quickly address the film version of A Thousand Splendid Suns. It is being adapted to the screen by Steve Zaillian, the brilliant screenwriter behind Schindler’s List and Searching for Bobby Fisher. The film will be produced over at Sony/Columbia by Producer Scott Rudin, who ju
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Published on March 31, 2008 20:14

January 11, 2008

2007 Recap...and into a New Year

Dear Readers:I first want to wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2008. I hope the new year brings you all the joy, good fortune, and happiness that you wish for.For me, 2007 was an incredibly eventful year. It saw the publication of my second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, back on May 22nd. Many of you have asked me in your e-mails what inspired me to write this novel, and I thought I would say a few words about that. In some ways, I felt that this was a book that I had to write
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Published on January 11, 2008 02:39

April 28, 2007

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Dear Readers:Over the last four years, I have traveled across the country and met with thousands of readers like you, who showed up to hear me speak about The Kite Runner. I have received countless letters and e-mails in support of The Kite Runner, and have always been moved by how passionately readers continue to embrace my first novel. In my encounters with readers--be it in person, or by letter/e-mail--I've answered every imaginable question. But one that kept coming up -and one for which,
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Published on April 28, 2007 22:25