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Love, Rosie

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Rosie and Alex are destined for one another, and everyone seems to know it but them. Best friends since childhood, their relationship gets closer by the day, until Alex gets the news that his family is leaving Dublin and moving to Boston. At 17, Rosie and Alex have just started to see each other in a more romantic light. Devastated, the two make plans for Rosie to apply to colleges in the U.S.

She gets into Boston University, Alex gets into Harvard, and everything is falling into place, when on the eve of her departure, Rosie gets news that will change their lives forever: She's pregnant by a boy she'd gone out with while on the rebound from Alex.

Her dreams for college, Alex, and a glamorous career dashed, Rosie stays in Dublin to become a single mother, while Alex pursues a medical career and a new love in Boston. But destiny is a funny thing, and in this novel, structured as a series of clever e-mails, letters, notes, and a trail of missed opportunities, Alex and Rosie find out that fate isn't done with them yet.

Sometimes you have to look at life in a whole new way...

From the bestselling author of PS, I Love You comes a delightfully enchanting novel about what happens when two people who are meant to be together just can't seem to get it right.

512 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 8, 2004

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About the author

Cecelia Ahern

108 books18.7k followers
Cecelia Ahern was born and grew up in Dublin. She is now published in nearly fifty countries, and has sold over twenty-five million copies of her novels worldwide. Two of her books have been adapted as films and she has created several TV series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,560 reviews
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.2k followers
December 30, 2015
This book was...okay. It wasn't bad, it did make me laugh and giggle a bunch which saved this book for me! Although, there was a major downfall for me:
The first 100 pages were really good!
The next 100 pages were slowing down and getting draggy
The next 219 pages went at a frustrating snails pace until FINALLY the last page had what the whole book was leading up to.
I am disappointed by Love, Rosie because it could've been SO MUCH better if it wasn't so slow and draggy. At the end I didn't like Alex as much as I did when it started, by the end he was almost like a stranger. Also the book was quite depressing at times which could've been more meaningful but I found myself not connecting to it since the events that made the novel sad were given to me second hand in letters & DMs.
I don't want to say it was a waste of my time because it was enjoyable at points but I just wish it was better since I don't read contemporary novels often so I went out on a whim with this one and was disappointed.
The movie on the other hand was how the book should've been written, slowly paced enough so you could fall for the characters but not so slow that you lost interest. This is definitely a case where I like the movie better than the book.
Oh well, I am not going to like every book.
2.75/5 stars
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
April 19, 2018
OMG, how to rate this book?

How can we be able to love a book so much but at the same time completely hate it? It was just so frustrating... I know, I know, I'm a sucker for HEAs and it makes me insane when I don't get them or when it takes too long for the main characters to achieve it. And this is definitely the case here. Be sure you are in a very patient mood before starting this read because you'll get many and many impediments on that HEA's.

Don't get me wrong, I really adored this book and I definitely don't regret reading it. It's just that I can't rate it any higher as most of the time I kept thinking: please, somebody just kill all this irritating characters already (not the main characters, of course) as they are annoyingly in the way of my beloved and awaited HEA. I guess when we get to think like that (repeatedly) we must admit the read just wasn't working as one could expect and things didn't develop as smoothly as one would want them to. I'm all about making the main character suffer a bit, but I think this was too much.

Still, I think this book will make an amazing movie one day. Probably because it's easier to suffer a couple of hours than 2 days of frustrating long reading, lol.
Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books82.4k followers
January 23, 2015
El libro me gustó muchísimo y el final me sacó lágrimas de felicidad, PEEEERO le quité una estrellita porque la mayor parte del tiempo me la pasé MUY frustrada con los personajes, ¡fue demasiado tiempo, DEMASIADO!
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.8k followers
March 7, 2015
Book 25/100 for 2015

This was such a cute book! Although this was a pretty long book for a contemporary, it covered the lives of Rosie and Alex from ages 5 to 50 and I remained interested in their story the whole time. I loved these two characters but at the same time I wanted to smack them over the head several times for being so stupid.
As for the writing style, it is written in the forms of letters, emails, chat rooms (hahaha who even uses those even more?) and instant messages. This took me a while to get into because at times I felt like it was difficult to understand how much time had passed since the last section and sometimes I felt that I couldn't fully connect to the characters. However, I eventually got used to the writing and it actually made it a quicker read than if it was just plain narrative prose. Also, the epilogue wrapped the story up so well!
I had so much fun reading this book and I can't wait to watch the movie with Lily Collins and Sam Claflin (even though I hear it is pretty much nothing like the book).
Profile Image for Victoria Resco.
Author 6 books28.6k followers
July 20, 2022
Hay pocos libros 5 estrellas en mi lista de leídos de este año, pero dejar a este afuera sería un crimen porque es una historia inolvidable. Rosie y Alex son personajes que no voy a olvidar en mi vida y su historia la voya llevar conmigo siempre porque es única en su esencia tanto como en su narración. Voy a dividir esta reseña en varias partes, porque hay DEMASIADO que decir.

Primero que nada, un breve resúmen de la trama para los que no quieren tomarse el trabajo de leer la sinopsis: Rosie y Álex sopn mejores amigos desde que tienen uso de la memoria y este libro nos va a llevar por todas las subidas y bajadas que implica una relación tan apasionada y fuerte como la de estos dos a lo largo de los años. Lo que me lleva al primer punto de esta reseña: los AÑOS.

Lo que más me fascinó de esta lectura, fue el concepto del tiempo, el ver los años pasar para estos personajes, su crecimiento gradual pasmado en un sinfín de cartas y mensajes y correos electrónicos. Las disputas y los momentos especiales, los cumpleaños y las fechas dolorosas que llegan con la adultes, las desiciones difíciles, los desgarros del corazón. Siento que con cada capítulo de este libro, todos los personajes (primarios, secundarios e incluso terciarios), se metieron bajo mi piel, me enseñaron cosas nuevas. Crecí con ellos y hay una emoción en ver toda su evolución que es desgarradora. Al final no podía dejar de llorar y no fue solo por lo increíblemente perfecto que fue para la historia, sino también porque sentía que al cerrar este libro, estaba dejando ir a un montón de maigos, gente que vi crecer y cuyas preocupaciones fueron mías por casi un mes (que fue lo que me llevó leer este libro porque es MUY LARGO). Las lágrimas se me escapaban en el epílogo y el corazón se me contraía porque sabía que no me iba a olvidar de lo que había vivido con esos personajes.

Y ya mencioné las cartas, mensajes y múltiples correos electrónicos que guían esta historia y la hicieron completamente desgarradora. Eso fue tal vez lo más ingenioso del libro. Nunca había leído algo ni remotamente parecido. Porque no son cartas siempre del mismo remitente al mismo receptor, como suele suceder en otros libros similares, si no que está narrado con todas las cartas de todos los personajes (primarios, secundarios, terciarios) que son necesarias para que sientas a cada personaje como si fuera un pedacito de tu corazón y a la historia como si fuera tuya propia. Es alucionte lo adictivo y fácil de leer que se hizo gracias a esto y el increíble don de la autora con la pluma. Ceciulia Ahern consiguió que yo supiera quién escribía cada carta y mensaje incluso antes de leer quién la había enviado porque cada personhaje tenía sus formas de escribir, de expresarse y de ver el mundo tan definidas que hubiera sido imposible mezclarlos. Esta historia se sintió como chismear con una amiga, entre risas y sporpresas, a lo largo de toda una vida.

Si con esto todavía no los convencí de leerlo, esperen porque tengo MÁS. Voy a continuar esta reseña hablando de algo que muchos me dijeron que iba a ser un punto en contra en esta novela: la película. la conocidísima película, también titulada "Love, Rosie", basada en este libro es prácticamente un clásico, y muchas personas creen que es una buena idea quedarse con lo que vieron en lugar de leer el libro. Dejadme intentar convencerlos de lo contrario: porque son historias similares y aún así, completamente diferentesen su esencia. Si bien en la película vemos a los personajes crecer, la historia concluye MUCHÍSIMO antes que en el libro y descarta un montón de escenas valiosísimas y preciosas que en el libro te arrancan gritos de impotencia y suspiros incrédulos. Como siempre, ua experiencia audiovisual nunca va a igualarse a una de lectura y viceversa. Si bien adoro a Lily Collins y a Sam Clafflin como Rosie y Alex, no son capaces de hacerte sentir lo que esta recopilación de cartas hizo con mi corazón. Hay una cercanía, una armonía con los personajes, que nunca vas a poder VER, sin leer antes sus interacciones. A su vez, sí creo que la película hizo un trabajo excelente en retratar el espíritu del libro, su aura y sus personajes.

Creo que ambas obras son excelentes y que por eso no deberían cancelarse mutuamente. Como fanática de la película que fui antes de leer el libro, les recomiendo altamente darle una oportuinidad a la lectura en la que se basaron para el guión porque van a poder conocer a estos personajes que tanto aman todavía más.

Si hay algo que definitivamente amé del libro es cómo el personaje de Katie está mucho más explorado y su relevancia en la trama y especialmente en el final de la historia es clave.

Pocas veces cerré un libro con la sensación que Love, Rosie me dejó en el pecho al hacerlo y por eso mismo no puedo insistir lo sufieciente en que le den una oportunidad. No se pierdan esta obra de arte.

P.D.: en mi canal de YT (victoriacomelibros), voy a estar haciendo un video comparando el libro y la película a fondo y reseñando ambos, por si les interesa. ;)
Profile Image for Liam.
297 reviews2,270 followers
January 5, 2015

basically, this book was an absolute roller coaster ride filled with extreme frustration and a severe case of toying with my emotions, but I am very much pleased with the ending of this book.

The writing style and the way that this book was organised and made up completely of letters, emails, instant messages etc was brilliant. I must admit it took a while to get used to but when you do it works so well and makes the story so much more interesting. You really get to dig deep into the main character's emotions and feelings this way and I really enjoyed it. However, at times it did become annoying because it kind of skipped main events and you didn't get to find out much about them (which I would have really liked).

Pacing wise, I was hooked and desperately needed to find out what happens with Rosie and Alex!!! If you read this book and you did not want them to be together then we MUST have read a different book because I routed for these two from the very start!

I really enjoyed getting to really know the characters and they were all so well developed and portrayed. On the other hand, at times I did feel like the characters all aged too fast but I guess that's symbolic to life because times just goes by so fast!

I think this book is leaning towards a definite 4.5 starts, I absolutely loved and devoured it!I am extremely excited to get round to watching the film as I feel like it will work really well!
Profile Image for Patricia Carstairs.
189 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2014
Desde hace tiempo que quería leer este libro porque supe que habría película y que los protagonistas serían Lily Collins & Sam Claflin pero lo pospuse mucho tiempo, en fin, hoy (técnicamente son las 2:00 am así que creo fue ayer...) lo empecé y bueno, horas después lo acabé y así estoy ahora mismo:
Me devoré el libro porque esas cartas/emails/postales... eran tan enganchantes (a pesar que al principio me estresó por lo mismo) y más que nada porque me moría por saber cuándo demonios Rosie & Alex iban a empezar por decirse sus verdades y afrontar ese amor que tan condenadamente obvio era.
Desde el principio intuí que me iban a hacer sufrir éstos dos, y sip, pero ahora me pongo a pensar que así es la vida, pasan tantas cosas inesperadas, por una decisión que tomas se desencadenan diversos acontecimientos que pueden terminan haciendo que nada pasé como esperabas Creo que estoy extrañamente conforme y feliz
Y en el final fue como una gran patada en el estomago, te deja un tremendo mensaje; o te arriesgas en busca de lo que podrá ser o te acobardas y desperdicias grandes años por miedo a perder algo, es tan simple como eso.
Le puse 5 estrellas porque me hizo sentir mucho esta historia; me hizo reír varias veces, me hizo suspirar aún más, pero a su vez me desesperó tanto, me hizo enojar demasiadoooo y me hizo llorar como mensa....
Creo que necesito ir a dormir, ya no sé qué estoy escribiendo y no sé qué haré cuando salga la película y todo ésto cobre vida.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,134 followers
December 5, 2014
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

2.5 Stars

Once again it appears I’m the solo gal who didn’t absolutely fall in love with this book. Shaddup and let me ‘splain myself.

But first, let’s cover the synopsis for those who aren’t familiar with the story (which could easily be the case since this book has been published under THREE different titles).

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Alex and Rosie have been besties since Kindergarten. They’ve managed to remain friends despite of the best efforts of Ms. Big Nose Smelly Breath Casey to keep them apart in elementary school, through the trials and tribulations of puberty, and even when Alex moved across the pond to America. They’ve stuck together and always told the other everything . . .

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I mean EVERYTHING . . .

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Even through that little mishap, Alex and Rosie managed to remain friends. They supported each other through marriages as well as divorces and always ignored that niggling little voice telling them they should maybe be more than just best buddies. But how long can you ignore a voice that is sooooo persistent?


The answer to the question right above my spoiler tag? Apparently you can ignore that little voice inside your head until you are F-ING FIFTY!!!! 50!

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That’s redonkulous and the main problem with this book. A story which
should have been wrapped up at a respectable 300 pages just kept going and going and going all the way to nearly 450. Rather than having Rosie and Alex experience one bad marriage/failed relationship/whathaveyou each, Cecilia Ahern had them experience multiple failures and waste more than half their lives wondering “what could have been” . . . and it was super annoying to me so it gets only half the stars.

Now, let me just say if I were to judge the movie (based on the trailer alone, as I haven’t seen it yet), this would get 4 Stars minimum. From the looks of things TONS of pages were left on the cutting room floor WHERE THEY BELONG. I mean seriously, everyone is familiar with the story:

1. Boy meets girl;
2. Boy and girl become friends;
3. Boy and girl realize they could “ruin the friendship” if they take it to the next level;
4. Boy and girl date/marry other people;
5. Boy and girl’s marriages/relationships fail; and
6. Boy and girl finally realize they were meant to be together and live happily ever after.

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I live for that shit when it comes to my movies of choice . . . but good grief, it ain’t Moby Dick. There’s no reason for it to drag on (andonandonandon). I loved Alex and Rosie. They were great characters that seemed like real people and were adorable and funny and everything that I want in a RomCom. They just didn’t know when to STFU and get down to the hibbidy dibbidy and therein was the problem.

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I have a feeling this is one of the rare occasions when I will enjoy the movie more than the book. And hey, even if it sucks, it still has Finnick Sam Claflin . . .

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Yep, me. Welcome to Cougar Town, Sam : )
Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
685 reviews1,268 followers
December 29, 2014
"Life is funny isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about something, and feel like you know what direction you’re heading in, the paths change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south, and east is west, and you’re lost. It is so easy to lose your way, to lose direction. And that’s with following all the signposts”

This book... gave me so many damn feellllssss... so many fucking emotions...

there were times I was cracking up like a freakin' hyena...

there were times I was crying like I was the one who was heartbroken...

there were times I was swooning over Alex and Rosie..

Oh my goodness! So good. So good. So good.

Honestly though, I wouldn't have bothered picking this book up if I didn't see the freakin movie trailer. It was hilarious. It was so cute. Sam Caflin was so hot! Lily Collins looked really good too. So there, that's the story of why I picked this book up.

Lookie that movie poster.

Pretty good ei?! Sam Caflin. I didn't like him as Finnick. Didn't even recognize him. Haha. Found out when I googled him after I watched the movie trailer. Sam Caflin... I'm in love. He's the perfect Alex.
Alright. Enough of that.

So here's the gist

Rosie and Alex has been best friends ever since they could remember. They've been through a lot. They hade their fair share of happy, sad, and mostly embarassing moments at school, even arguments actually (Rosie got really upset when Alex didn't invite her to his birthday.. That was hilarious).

Alex's family had to move to the US being his dad got a good job offer there. So Alex and Rosie got separated, their only form of communications were mails, letters, and IM's. Rosie was heartbroken. She had feelings for Alex for a long time, but was too scared to admit it. She was too scared to lose her best friend.

Rosie applied to Boston University and got accepted, while Alex got into Harvard. But life had other plans for them, Rosie got pregnant. She slept with a guy that night Alex didn't arrive to escort her to a gala. She decided not to move to the US and pursue her studies there. Rosie stayed in Dublin. She struggled making ends meet. She struggled raising her daugher while working on jobs that would feed them both. Although she had the support of her parents, it still had been hard for Rosie.

Alex, on the other hand, successfully graduated at Harvard. His plans were slowly becoming reality. His career is right on track. He met a woman whom he thought would complete him, then started a family of his own with her.

Would there still be a chance for Alex and Rosie when too much stuff have already happened?

Let me tell you a bit about the characters.


I see myself in her. I really really do. She's a single mom like myself. She's lucky though that she has a best friend like Alex, who despite being in another country, was still there for her. He got married, he was there for her. She got married, he was still there. Of course, he couldn't be there for her physically, but the moral support that he gave her... just so sweet.

From Alex
To Rosie
Subject Dreams

Again, Rosie, you're just not stretching far enough. I'm right here. Always have been, always will be.

Anway, back to Rosie. I'm so proud of this girl. You see her change, mature, and make really good decisions for herself. She transformed from a weak, undecided teenager to a blossoming young woman who knew exactly what she wants for herself and for her daughter.

“I think I need to face what I could have been in order to understand and accept what I am.”

I like Rosie, because I experienced the same stuff she's experiencing... actually until now. I'm not struggling, but I am coping with my being a single mum. I love my daughter just as much as Rosie loved hers. Like I said earlier, only difference was, she had an Alex, I don't. I wish I had Alex or Sam Caflin whichever... I won't be picky. LOL.

Rosie's been through a lot. She had been heartbroken a lot of times. When Alex moved. When she got pregnant. When Alex got engaged. When Alex got married. When she had husband issues. Her frustrations with her career. There were a lot of things that put her down, but each time, she stood up stronger than before. So proud of Rosie.

One last thing, Rosie was a smart mouth. I absolutely adore her for that. Here's a teaser:

“To the most inconsiderate asshole of a friend,
I’m writing you this letter because I know that if I say what I have to say to your face I will probably punch you.


I loved Alex. He was such a good friend to Rosie. He has always been there for her. But I do have to say he was a coward. He has feelings for her, but didn't want to act up on it. Both of them were cowards actually, but still, he's the guy!!!! What the hell Alex? What the freakin hell? You could have save all Rosie all those tears and pain and rejection.

Like Rosie, Alex really did mature as well. But there was one thing that didn't change about the young and the old Alex.. Ahaha. How he spells his "know". Despite his age, he still spells it as "no". He's a sample.

"I no what the feeling was at your wedding - it was jealousy."

See what I mean with the "know"? Haha. So cute.

What else can I say about Alex? Well, he's a good dad, a good uncle, and a good husband. He tried. You'll see it throughout the book. You'll love him more and more as you read through the series of messages.

Oh god. I really love Alex. I want a best friend like him. I want to have that person who wouldn't give up on me, someone who would always be there even in my ugliest day.

You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you're doing, where you are, who you're with and if you're OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and who can protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who can make you happy, really happy, dancing-on-air happy. Someone who should have taken the chance to be with you years ago instead of becoming scared and being too afraid to try.

Are you in love with him yet?


Alex and Rosie's story reminds me of the song "Realize" by Colbie Caillat.

They were so perfect for each other, but they were too scared that if they jump into something, they will end up losing the friendship, the years of friendship that they've developed. They felt that in a way, staying friends will let them keep each other longer. But it doesn't work that way, in my opinion. As time pass by, they'll have a lot of "what ifs" and "what could have beens". And that's exactly what happened to these funny couple.

However, I was happy. Everything about this book made me happy.

I was satisfied.
It took a long time, but the ending just made me really happy, contented, and just... i dunno how to explain it. It made me believe that if two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way for them to be.

The story was told in a very unconventional way. You'll meet and know the characters based on their letters, emails, instant messages, and the sort. The pacing of this book was so fast. You'll breeze through the life of these two and also the people around them.

For those of you who wants a sweet love story about two best friends who lost each other but found their way back together again, then I definitely recommend this. It may sound clicheish, but it's not - definitely NOT! I loved it so much.

PS. I really can't wait to see the freakin movie. If you haven't watched the trailer, I recommend you do so.... NOW!
Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
408 reviews137 followers
February 7, 2017

I have a week spot for best friends turn lovers books and after a friend recommended me this one, I was very curious to read it. I wanted something nice and easy, to just spend a weekend in bed reading.
This was my first book from Cecelia Ahern and after hearing so many amazing things about her, I had to crack the ice and see for myself.

Meet Rosie and Alex, 2 best friends that share with us their funny and sad moments. Why share? Because the book is made of letters, emails, notes and postcards! It was such an interesting thing in reading the story using this instruments and I was very excited to understand how Cecelia managed to make the reader understand the plot. It was very simple, with a natural flow to the story and a very well developed plot.


So, back to our characters. Rosie and Alex, 2 best friends since childhood, with a lot in common, who dream of a future together, as friends of course. Having spend the majority of their time together, they are used in sharing things and talking about anything. But, as time passes and they grow up becoming teenagers, their priorities will change as well, leaving to them having different paths. Alex dreams of becoming a doctor and Rosie wants to run her own hotel. In all this time they are apart to study, they keep in touch, by using letters and emails. I loved this thing that Cecelia brought for the readers, because it was an unique book for me. Never I have seen the plot to be constructed upon this written elements and it gave so much depth to the story, because they were intimate and genuine. Exactly like providing dual POV, but more detailed if it's possible.

As time passes, Alex and Rosie keep in contact, only to figure out how lonely they are without one another. They are so stubborn to realize how in love they are, even if they know each other since childhood. In a relationship, you first have to meet your friend, and after that the lover. So I wanted to strangle them much all of the book, because I knew that destiny would want them together. I wanted to see them accept their feelings and have a life together. Of course they will make mistakes and BIG ones that can't be mended, but they will learn from them and manage to live with them.

This is a classic example of having the love of your life right in front of you, but being too blind, you are unable to reach out and take it. Rosie and Alex lived this experience and let me tell you that it truly hurt knowing they lost a lot of years not giving in to their instincts and feelings.

4 stars!


For more reviews please check https://readwithloveblog.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Sarah.
409 reviews142 followers
February 3, 2016
Update 2/2/16 FILM IS WAY BETTER!
DNF @ 55%.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

This book started out really promising. I liked the letters and emails thing, it was something I have never read before. But my God, does Cecelia Ahern know how to drag a story out. And then things kept separating Alex and Rosie and it just got really tedious. I don't care. I don't fricking care anymore!!! They were both unlikeable in my opinion. I didn't ship them together once they got to about 23.

The writing was actually okay. It was simple and easy to read but it was too much. I think Cecelia Ahern could have slashed the story in half to be honest. I read a summary of what happens at the end and oh my Jesus, I'm so glad I stopped reading this!!! Cecelia Ahern is now in my bad books. I would not recommend this book to anyone!!!!
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,084 reviews455 followers
January 10, 2020
Tarde Demais

Rosie e Alex desde muito jovens que se amam profunda e verdadeiramente!
Porém, em vez de juntos e felizes, encontram-se a milhas um do outro, trocando cartas e emails.

Porque razão Alex e Rosie terão soterrado esse seu belo sentimento partilhado, ao invés de o soltarem e explorarem, como seria lógico e expectável?!

Comecemos por dissertar um pouco sobre o assunto:

Quantos de Nós, não passámos já por fases em que atirámos com os sonhos para a arca, entregando-nos a uma Vida em Piloto Automático?! Ou seja, ao invés de nos guiarmos pelo que verdadeiramente somos, optámos por rotinas de trabalhos forçados!...

"Para Sempre, Talvez", é mais uma estória que explora esta premissa - é sobre sonhos acorrentados, sobre o que não se concretizou, e perdeu o timing!

Não aprisionemos por tempo demasiado os Nossos Sonhos, pois quando decidirmos finalmente libertá-los, pode já ser Tarde Demais.
Julgo ser esta a mensagem que se abriga nas entrelinhas desta estória encantadora!
Profile Image for Maru.
274 reviews50 followers
July 1, 2018
Volver a releer este libro fue una de las mejores decisiones que tomé últimamente. Amo esta historia y a sus personajes con todo mi corazón.

I'm not crying.
I am not crying. Not at all.
I've never ever been so frustrated in my life. I hated this book so much it has become one of my favourites.

You can hear it in the silence, silence
You can feel it on the way home, way home
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You're in love, true love

Pauses, then says, you're my best friend
And you knew what it was, he is in love

(Taylor Swift - You are in love)

Siempre quise hacerle una reseña apropiada a este libro (o aunque sea un comentario decente). Pero no me sentía capaz de expresar lo que me había causado. Y hoy, justo en este momento cuando debería estar estudiando, de pronto me dan ganas de hacerlo.
Siempre tuve cierta debilidad por las historias de amor entre mejores amigos, así que cuando vi este libro, lo agarré y leí la sinopsis, supe que tenía que ser mío. Suelo comprarme libros y hacerlos esperar mucho tiempo en mi biblioteca, pero este no. Repito: mejores amigos, romance y la duda de cómo la vida se inmiscuía tanto entre ellos. Tenía que leerlo lo más pronto posible. Y lo hice. Y me atrapó desde la primera página. Y también dolió. Y me frustraba. Y me hacía reír sin parar. Y quería llorar. Y lloraba.
Hace poco me di cuenta (síp, me llevó su tiempo) es que este libro no tiene mucho romance. Este libro es sobre la caótica vida de Rosie Dunne y su mejor amigo Alex; de sus idas y vueltas, sus altibajos. Sobre las cosas que no decimos y que cuando queremos, termina siendo muy tarde para decir.
Odié este libro tanto como lo amé. Me ponía nerviosa que ambos buscaran ese momento perfecto para decir lo que sentían y que no, nunca va a llegar ese momento perfecto. Y me frustraba todo el tiempo que transcurría y ellos lo perdían estando separados, en silencio, soportando los infortunios de la vida solos. Bueno, no solos solos, pero no juntos. Me rompía el corazón. Me lo sigue rompiendo, porque este libro no me lo puedo sacar de la cabeza, no me puedo desprender de sus personajes y siempre vuelven a mí.
Pero supongo que todo pasó como tenía que pasar, ¿no? Los dos tenían que vivir su vida, soportarla y darse cuenta que lo único que les faltaba era valor para expresar lo que sentían.
Sé que el libro tiene otros personajes increíbles, y no me olvido de ellos. Pero hoy es sobre Alex y Rosie, porque otra vez volvieron a mí para romperme el corazón. Y sé que este comentario es totalmente subjetivo y poco coherente. Entiéndanme, estoy cansada, sensible y frustrada porque debería estar estudiando y no me puedo concentrar.
Cecelia Ahern creó una historia única para mí, una que no creo olvidar nunca. Y me muero por leer otro de sus libros, que están ahí esperándome, para sufrir.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,145 reviews6,461 followers
February 13, 2017
*AKA LOVE, ROSIE IN THE UNITED STATES* I have REALLY mixed feelings about this one. I loved the writing style and the way it was written (in letters, emails and IM's), but it was so FRUSTRATING and it literally took for them to finally USE THEIR BRAINS AND JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW THEY FEEL! It was SO ANNOYING. And then at the end, I don't know. I enjoyed it, but I didn't????
Profile Image for Mary ツ⋆.
94 reviews98 followers
June 24, 2020
Love, Rosie is a captivating story of two childhood best friends, Alex and Rosie who were pretty much destined to fall in love with each other. Despite everything that happened in their lives, they always had each other's back. Their friendship is so strong that throughout the years, even being thousands of miles apart, they remained the best of friends.

This was such a sad, but a sweet love story. This book was phenomenally written with its unique format, although for me, it is rather painful, or even tragic. Knowing the fact that these two should have ended up together since their teenage years, yet there were obstacles on their way that hindered them from being together. The story is realistic. It reveals how life is not always as sweet as we want it to be, how it could also get messy. That there are things that may not always go as planned, but what is destined for us will always happen, regardless of how long it takes.

Although one of the things I dislike about this is how some of the parts bore the heck out of me. Don't get me wrong, I like how we were able to see instant messages and emails between all characters, but the only one I look forward to was Alex and Rosie's because, despite the twists and fate, I've always been rooting for them. After all, they surely have a special bond that no one could ever replace. They have been in each other's lives since they were five years old. They saw each other grow and mature, and I just knew that they would wind up together. It may have taken way too long but I'm so glad that they finally got the ending that they deserved.

Overall, I had a great time following Alex and Rosie's story. I was also pretty much sobbing throughout the story. I love how this story stands out in all contemporary romances because it is not the typical insta-cheesy love story. Don't get me wrong because I'm certainly a sucker for contemporary romances even if it is ultra cheesy, but this hits different. Love, Rosie was able to teach us crucial lessons about love, how it should not be rushed, and that destiny will always follow us, even if it takes time.
Profile Image for Angela.
880 reviews1,506 followers
October 9, 2023
"Because sometimes the best things in life were right in front of you the whole time. So If you're waiting for the right time you might be waiting forever."

I will save you sometimes and just be flat out honest… This book is fine… not good, not great, and 100% drags on… WATCH THE MOVIE!!!! This is one of the rare times the films is so superior compared to the book.

It's one of my favorite comfort films. The chemistry between Lily and Sam is a 20 out of 10!!!!

Profile Image for Colleen.
199 reviews33 followers
June 12, 2011
I am highly torn over whethether to give this three or four. If I had the choice, it'd be 3.5, so 4 would be over rating it. 3, on the other hand, is under rating it. I've gone with three because I prefer to under rate than over rate. So yeah... on to the review...

This book started off FANTASTIC. I loved every page. I was totally engrossed in it. Couldn't put it down.
I loved how it was written with notes and emails and messanger conversations. It was different and gave a different kind of depth to the characters.
We weren't getting to know them through how they spoke, what they looked like, what their habbits were. That was all down to our imaginations. We were getting to know solely WHO THEY WERE. That was a nice change in my opinion. There was no emotional baggage to get caught up on. The characters just... were.
I was gearing up for a five star rating and a fabulous review stating how inspiring it was.
Then Cecelia Ahern ruined it a bit.
It felt like, at around half way through, she began repeating the same old story over again. I could barely bring myself to finish it.
It was as though I had finished the book and began reading it again.
I found that a huge disappointment.
It was torture getting to the final chapter where everything worked out how I wanted it to but I was left feeling unfilfilled.
The characters were fifty odd by the time they finally got together. They could have gotten together twenty years or so before then had she not have repeated the whole knocking-up-and-marrying-the-wrong-one plot.
It left me feeling frustrated.
Half of the book was completely unnecessary. That's all I have to say.
I kept hoping something interesting would happen while reading the second half but when I finished it, I realised I'd wasted my time and could have simply skipped to the last few chapters for a more gratifying tale.
Maybe that's just me though.
Or maybe not.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for alexandra.
230 reviews1,532 followers
September 3, 2020

LOVE, ROSIE made me feel nostalgic about the future.

i generally don't read books that follow the characters into their adult life, but this novel really changed my perspective on that. for the majority of the book, rosie is in her twenties and thirties and raising a child. because the pacing is fast, it made me realize how time moves so quickly. before you know it, years have gone by and everything has changed, but at the same time, nothing's changed. i dunno, it made me feel thoughtful about life. it also made me realize how important it is to keep your relationships in life, even though the small things like writing a postcard or sending a small gift. life is short and people grow apart very easily.

even though the entire book is told solely through IMs, emails, and letters, i could truly see rosie grow and change as a character. i know a lot of people found her annoying, but i think she's a very human character, which is to say there's nothing particularly extraordinary about her and that simple fact made me like her even more. everything about this novel is very mundane and regular, but i was still invested in all the relationships and characters. towards the end, i wasn't even all the invested into the relationship of the novel, but more on rosie's character and life.

as i mentioned before, the entire book is told through letters. it's interesting and different, and in some ways made me like the book more, but in others, it made me feel like it was holding back. i cared for the characters but didn't FEEEEEEL them; i was frustrated at the situation, but it wasn't as ALL CAPS UGH UGH UGH as i'd thought it would be. also because it's written in this way, there were some parts that felt a bit unnecessary and dragged (just a little bit). aaaaaand the pacing was a bit strange, albeit reasonable. we'd jump from two years of radio silence to fifty pages of non-stop IMs and letters for a year. it was realistic in that sense, but also unnerving. (side note: it also made me want to start writing letters.)

overall, i truly enjoyed this novel! i'm surprised at how invested i was into the story – finishing it in three days even though i was quite busy in my ~real~ life. i do think it could've been a bit MORE at some parts, but i still find it enjoyable and nice. i'm glad it put my mind into perspective of things, and now i'm off to watch the movie and perhaps write some letters.

Profile Image for *MystGrrl Reviews*.
51 reviews22 followers
December 28, 2010
I loved PS I Love You, so I thought I'd give another Ahern book a go. I wasn't to fazed by the fact the story of Where Rainbows End is completely written as a correspondence, mostly between the two main characters, family and friends. I had read The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot which was written in a similar style and stilled loved the story.

The gist of Where Rainbows End is have you ever had someone, a boy or girl, who you had been friends with for long period of time and even though it seemed that you both liked each more than just friends, the circumstances where never quite right? You'd be single but he'd be dating someone else or vice versa? This story is what happens when two best friends Rosie and Alex are separated and the wrong set of circumstances keep tearing them apart though fate kept bringing them back together.

This book kept making me want to bash my head against a brick wall. Though I'm familiar with the situation, the fact that the story of this book takes place over a few DECADES with the same vicious cycle repeating itself over and over and over and over (x10) again, was really quite painful to read. By the end of the book I really pitied both Alex and Rosie for all the time lost and wasted.

Though you might enjoy the development and drama of the main characters, their friends and family, it might take you a while you get through this book as there is only so much repetitive/depressing events you can take in a space of time. I found myself repeatedly putting the book down and doing something else just to take a break from the same cycle of events.

The story wasn't bad but it wasn't great either and though the ending finally gave me a sigh of relief, I don't think it will be enough for me to pick up this book again.
Profile Image for  Mary.
750 reviews11 followers
August 27, 2015

No había leído antes nada de Cecila Ahern y decidí empezar con este cuando ví que este libro va aser llevado al cine.

Que historia tan hermosa!!!!!!! Me encantó y debo admitir que sufrí como una condenada con los desencuentros de Rosie y Alex, en serio estos dos no podían estar más desincronizados!!!! La historia es básicamente la vida de Rosie y Alex desde los 5 años hasta los 50 y mi corazón romántico espera que sigan así durante muchos años más. La forma de narrar la historia mediante cartas, mail, mensajes, postales, etc me parece muy original y hace que uno se involucre en la historia al llenar los espacios entre las numerosas cartas.

Hablar de los personajes tomaría años porque de cada uno de ellos hay cosas para destacar pero es gracioso ver como la historia de Rosie y Alex tiene coincidencias con la historia de Katie y Toby, Ruby es la mejor amiga que toda mujer debe tener y la mejor amiga que uno debe ser para su mejor amiga.

Creo que la palabra clave en esta historia con la moraleja que me quiero quedar es "MIEDO": es el tema central en las vidas de Rosie y Alex; "miedo a expresar mis sentimientos y ser rechazado", "miedo a perder una oportunidad","miedo a decepcionar a los demás", "miedo a cambiar", "miedo a estar solo", "miedo a arriesgarse" por eso cuando Katie decide hacer lo que su madre no se animó a hacer es algo que les da valor a Katie y Alex, realmente la vida es hermosa, nunca es tarde para arriesgarse y no tener miedo de las nuevas oportunidades y luchar por lo que uno quiere y encontrar la felicidad al final del arcoiris.

My dear Rosie,
Unbeknownst to you I took this chance before many, many years ago.
You never received that letter and I’m glad because my feelings since then have changed dramatically. They have intensified with every passing day.
I’ll get straight to the point because if I don’t say what I have to say now, I fear it will never be said. And I need to say it.
Today I love you more than ever; tomorrow I will love you even more. I need you more than ever; I want you more than ever. I’m a man of fifty years of age coming to you, feeling like a teenager in love, asking you to give me a chance and love me back.
Rosie Dunne I love you with all my heart, I have always loved you even when I was seven years old and lied about falling asleep on Santa watch, when I was ten years old and didn’t invite you to my birthday party, when I was eighteen and had to move away, even on my wedding days, on your wedding day, on christenings, birthdays, and when we fought. I loved you through it all. Make me the happiest man on this earth by being with me.
Please reply to me.
All my love,
Profile Image for Fenia.
294 reviews483 followers
January 15, 2015
Oh my. I'm crying rivers!! This was such an heartbreaking book!! I love love love it!! The relationship between Rosie and Alex was so beautiful and it just wrecked me!! I love the fact that this book was really letters and cards,post-cards,emails,invitations. It was so interesting reading it!! And omg dont even get me started on the 'silence'!!! I can't imagine a better description for love. the silence..when you don't have to say anything.you only have to feel!! I really like all the other characters and especially Katie,because the whole mother-daughter relationship reminded me of Gilmore Girls and it just was so heart-warming. I've never read a 'cecelia ahern' book before,but i've seen p.s: i love you, the movie, and i knew i was going to love this book,so reading 'love,rosie' just motivated me to read ,not just 'ps: i love you',but ALL of her books!! She's just a great story teller!! This book is hands down the most perfect romance-fiction i've ever read!! Its a book that i wouldn't mind reading every year till i'm old and grey and my eye-sight is so poor that i can't read!! PERFECT.PERFECT BOOK!!! ♥
Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
442 reviews5,564 followers
August 23, 2016
¿Cómo se supone que debo hablar de un libro que ha calado tan hondo en mí?
No quería acabarlo, ha sido una historia muy especial y que me ha hecho sentir muchísimas cosas. Solo podría decir que le deis una oportunidad, este libro tiene algo que el resto no. No sabría explicarlo, es demasiado especial. Los personajes son especiales, los conocemos desde niños hasta que son adultos, está narrado a través de cartas, emails, mensajes instantáneos... y no sé, conocer la historia así me ha encantado. Que lo leáis y ya está.
Profile Image for Aliix.
167 reviews83 followers
February 22, 2019
Por quéeee carajos no se dijeron las cosas!!!! se pudieron haber ahorrado tantos cosas innesesarias, neta quería ahorcarlos a los dos, por no ser DIRECTOS y CLAROS en sus sentimientos TODO POR EL JODIDO MIEDO!!
Me perturba, siendo yo una persona que no tiene tapujos en decir lo que siente y como se siente!! fue frustrante, sé lo que es estar en esa situación llamada "oh estoy enamorada de mi mejor amigo" pero como sabes que no tienes una oportunidad si NUNCA LO INTENTAS!!!
Es mejor arriesgarte que quedarte siempre con la duda de lo que pudo ser.!!!

"Te mereces a alguien que te amé con todo su corazón, Alguien que piense en ti constantemente, Alguien que pase cada minuto de cada día preguntándose,“Qué estás haciendo” “Dónde estás” “Con quién estás” O si estás bien. Necesitas a alguien que te ayude a Realizar tus sueños y alejarte de tus temores. Necesitas a alguien que te amé con respeto, Que ame cada parte de ti, pero sobretodo tus defectos.
Deberías estar con alguien que supiera hacerte feliz, realmente feliz, que te hiciera sentir en las nubes de tanta felicidad. Alguien que no tendría que haber dejado escapar la oportunidad de estar contigo años atrás en lugar de asustarse y dejarse dominar por el miedo a intentarlo. Ya no estoy asustado… No me da miedo intentarlo.”
Profile Image for Tahera.
639 reviews268 followers
June 24, 2019
A cute story about best friends also being soul mates. I liked how the author told the entire story in the form of letter writing, emailing and instant messaging done between the two protagonists and their family/ friends.
Profile Image for alittlelifeofmel.
913 reviews389 followers
March 31, 2017
I've been thinking about this book ever since I read Me Before You (I blame Sam Claflin) and I think I've finally settled on 4 stars.

Get yourself a copy of the book here! http://www.bookdepository.com/search?...

I have decided that I am actually going to leave this unrated. I feel like a 3 star rating does not do it justice, my reasons for disliking the book do not permit me to give it a 4/5 star and I didn't hate it enough for a 1/2 star.

I adored this book. Truly. From the first page I knew that I would love this story. I will admit, the letter format took me some time to get used to, but only about 30 pages and I was used to it and hooked.
Rosie and Alex are the most complex and irritatingly loveable characters I've ever read. Alex and his constant inability to tell anyone how he feels and to play everything off, as well as being unreliable.
Rosie and her inability to listen to everyone's advice, to be a negative whiny person and to never do anything for herself.
I admit, I never have wanted kids, infact I am violently against having children and this book just further reminded me why I don't want kids. Rosie is a great mother in that she sacrifices LITERALLY her entire life for her daughter, but I don't have it in me for that.
The side characters were so cute and I loved them all. I loved Ruby and her siblings and his siblings and Katie and Josh as well.
The length of the book though had me skipping a lot of the side stuff near the end. I lost interest in the brothers and sisters and even the children because I was so anxious to finish this 550 page book. It was so good but it really didn't need to be that long.
The length was also a little weird in terms of timing. The book spans 45 years of their lives. You have entire decades that pass in the span of 3 pages, and then you stay on one year of their life for 100 pages. It was a little hard to follow the time at points but it didn't seem to take away from the story.

Where I have a hard time rating the book is the love story. I didn't actually like it in the end. I loved them, I truly wanted them together. Until they were about 35. Then I stopped. I really DID want them to be together at first. They loved each other, that much was clear, but they just got sidetracked, babies happened, wives and husbands and then they couldn't be together. But then Sally and Alex got divorced and Alex was ready. Then Rosie and Greg got divorced and they were ready. I was extremely happy with that and I wanted it to stay like that. But then there was a new complication that prevented them from being together, once again, and that's where I lost interest. It went from being a really believable heartbreaking story of people who couldn't be together, to a story where a lot of stuff happened just to add drama. I think that 10 or so years of waiting was enough. I don't really think that the author needed to start adding more complications. I lost interest almost in the book entirely by that point. Not to mention that it's kind of bittersweet that they finally end up together on the last page, where we can't read any of it, and when they are 50. They have lived almost their entire lives by then. It's not a romantic storyline anymore, it's just sad.

So the reason I am refraining from rating the book is NOT because I didn't like it, it's because I don't think it's fair to rate a book 1 star because of a romance plot (even though that's the whole book), but I'm not rating the book 5 stars when I didn't like the main storyline. So if you're looking for a decision whether to read this or not, I leave you with all of that information and you can decide what to do with it.

Book Challenge book #1: A Book With More Than 500 Pages
Profile Image for Eda**.
720 reviews438 followers
April 15, 2015

** 3,5-4 "honestly, truly, completely" STARS **

That was so cute!

Just what I'd needed! I guess sometimes you need to squeeze in a light read inbetween all the dark and tense ones! ;)

** ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **
Profile Image for •Anna•.
292 reviews81 followers
June 23, 2015
[I HAVE TO write this book review but it's gonna be so hard! I have billions of notes on my e-reader I think I'll end up not writing it at all. OH MY GOD, THIS IS MUCH MORE FRUSTRATING THAN THE WHOLE BOOK WAS.]


E-book copy kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

"Mistake are the portals of discovery."
James Joyce

I love that quote - I really do. But seriously, how many years of mistakes did it take them to even realize they were perfect together???


F I F T Y .

But I guess I can go by that since I unexpectedly enjoyed the exchange letters! It was really fun, actually, even though I may have cried a little at the beginning (I know, SO NOT ME). I was just sad when Alex had to move to Boston missing the debs and the chance of rescuing his best friend from the "worst" night of her life (in hindsight it wasn't that bad).

What I really loved about this book was the kids. Katie, Toby and Josh. Their letters/postcards/whatever were so funny and sweet, all their grammatical errors made me laugh my lungs out!
Katie and Toby were the spitting images of Rosie and Alex... their unconditional love knew no bounds and nothing would tore them apart.
Luckily, Katie and Toby didn't spend ALL THEIR LIFE making mistakes in choosing their partners but found their silence, their perfect moment of quietness, in each other.

On the other hand Rosie and Alex DROVE ME CRAZY. I mean, seriously? ALL THOSE F****** YEARS?


It's better late than never, I suppose.

P.S. Thinking about Sam Claflin helped a lot. He looks so damn perfect for Alex's role I can't wait to watch the movie *SWOOOOOON*

P.P.S. I forgot to mention the setting. GOD I LOVE IRELAND! I've been to Dublin, Galway and Kilkenny and every time someone named those beautiful cities my heart just filled with pleasure! *-*

Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,560 reviews

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