•Anna•'s Reviews > Love, Rosie

Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
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bookshelves: netgalley

[I HAVE TO write this book review but it's gonna be so hard! I have billions of notes on my e-reader I think I'll end up not writing it at all. OH MY GOD, THIS IS MUCH MORE FRUSTRATING THAN THE WHOLE BOOK WAS.]


E-book copy kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

"Mistake are the portals of discovery."
James Joyce

I love that quote - I really do. But seriously, how many years of mistakes did it take them to even realize they were perfect together???


F I F T Y .

But I guess I can go by that since I unexpectedly enjoyed the exchange letters! It was really fun, actually, even though I may have cried a little at the beginning (I know, SO NOT ME). I was just sad when Alex had to move to Boston missing the debs and the chance of rescuing his best friend from the "worst" night of her life (in hindsight it wasn't that bad).

What I really loved about this book was the kids. Katie, Toby and Josh. Their letters/postcards/whatever were so funny and sweet, all their grammatical errors made me laugh my lungs out!
Katie and Toby were the spitting images of Rosie and Alex... their unconditional love knew no bounds and nothing would tore them apart.
Luckily, Katie and Toby didn't spend ALL THEIR LIFE making mistakes in choosing their partners but found their silence, their perfect moment of quietness, in each other.

On the other hand Rosie and Alex DROVE ME CRAZY. I mean, seriously? ALL THOSE F****** YEARS?


It's better late than never, I suppose.

P.S. Thinking about Sam Claflin helped a lot. He looks so damn perfect for Alex's role I can't wait to watch the movie *SWOOOOOON*

P.P.S. I forgot to mention the setting. GOD I LOVE IRELAND! I've been to Dublin, Galway and Kilkenny and every time someone named those beautiful cities my heart just filled with pleasure! *-*

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Reading Progress

June 8, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
June 8, 2013 – Shelved
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: netgalley
April 17, 2015 – Started Reading
April 17, 2015 –
4.0% "Mr. Simpson: I think you two would find it interesting sometimes if you listen to me every now and again. You can really learn some useful tips like how to keep an instant message private so everyone else on the other computers can't see.
Alex: Are you telling me other people in the class can read this?
Mr. Simpson: Yes I am.
Rosie: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

April 17, 2015 –
12.0% "I may or may not have a huge lump in my throat.
I clearly wasn't ready for this.
April 18, 2015 –
17.0% "Tell her it is lovely, very hot and sunny, and you can show her the photograph of me and Alex lying on the beach to show her what it looks like here.
We are very happy and very much in love.

April 18, 2015 –
17.0% "Ruby: Anyway, don't rise to her, just ignore it.
Rosie: Oh don't worry, I won't respond.
[...]To Sally,
Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you liked my dress, but if I were you I would have worn a pretty dress like my mum's for my wedding day. Everyone said that it matched Alex's tuxedo really well. They made a nice couple, don't you think?

Using a little girl to mark their territory AHAHAHA"
April 19, 2015 –
31.0% "Mum said he's there because of his snoring. I don't believe her because Toby and I put a tape recorder in the room and he doesn't snore. He sleep talks though! He said, "Don't send the horses to the rainbow!" It's true, we have it on tape.

This kid is just great!
Oh, and I hate Greg :)"
April 20, 2015 –
43.0% "Oh the beautiful Ricardo, Ruby!! (...) The sound of that sexy Italian accent...

Ok, I'm gonna pretend for the umpteenth time that people don't really know the difference between people who speak Spanish and people who speak Italian. I mean, he's a salsa instructor! And his name is Ricardo!"
April 20, 2015 –
51.0% "DAFAQ?
I swear, this book is killing my patience!
April 20, 2015 –
61.0% "They were really concerned, asked me loads of questions, gave me tissues when I cried. (...) I pointed out Greg's house as we passed and they seemed really interested and we all gave him the finger. Such nice guys.

The two masked men broke into victim' home and demanded the bank manager open the bank and empty the safe.

April 20, 2015 –
67.0% "That means I'm gonna have a brother or sister. I think I'm the only person around here who thinks it's cool.
She is four months gone they say. Gone where, I don't know. I only saw her yesterday.

The kids in this book are THE BEST!"
April 21, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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message 1: by gio (new)

gio Ahaah ora è il tuo turno! :P

•Anna• Non voglioooooooo! >.<

message 3: by gio (new)

gio almeno gli hai dato il voto! XD

P.s. Oggi la Schwab rivela la cover di ADSOM 2...*^*

•Anna• Sì ma in realtà vorrei dire taaaanto (perché non è che quella fine mi abbia convinta), però allo stesso tempo non voglio, perché so che perderò troppo tempo e non so come mi ritroverò a finire la recensione alle 19, o peggio alle 21! ,________________,

Whoa! E io devo ancora leggere il primo... bene, bene... xD

message 5: by gio (new)

gio Wow, davvero? O.o
Io ci metto una mezzoretta...e forse si vede xDDD

AHAHAH *la spinge su adsom*
Muovitiiii LOL

•Anna• No, vabbè, si fa per dire! xD Però la sensazione del tempo che passa è quella xD

Ma sai, visto che non ho ancora iniziato aspetto che la data di pubblicazione del secondo sia vicina... che mi costa? xD

message 7: by gio (new)

gio Ahahah ma se provassi a scriverla per punti? Così è molto più veloce, io quando non ho voglia/tempo faccio così xD

*prende spruzzino*
Male Anna, male. Non c'è nemmeno un cliffie -.-

•Anna• Magari faccio così anch'io... quanto mi annoia?!?? xD

Uh, niente cliffie. Mannaggia, la mia scusa non regge ._____.

message 9: by gio (new)

gio Ahaha
Ma dai, per punti ci vuole...un nulla u.u

Eh già *spruzza*
"Bad dog!" Cit. Mercer. XD
"Bad dog Mercer?" *^*

•Anna• Se non c'è da criticare io non mi diverto, lo sai :(((

Ok, frena, mi hai annaffiato abbastanza per oggi >.>
Ci penserò U_U

message 11: by gio (new)

gio AHAHAHAH daiiiii :P

*sventola bacon davanti*
Daiiii *puppy eyes*

message 12: by gio (new)

gio AHAHAH vedi ce l'hai fatta!
P.s. Guarda quella cover, è bellissimaaaaa

•Anna• EVVAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII *asciuga sudore dalla fronte*

Fammi capire... mi sventoli il bacon davanti... chi è il puppy, qui? >.>

Già fatto? xD
Sono stata via... un'ora AHAHAH

message 14: by gio (new)

Tu? Io?

Si, guarda il mio status *^*

•Anna• Ahahah xD

Fatto u.u
Comunque, ora che ci penso la Schwab non cliffhangera (?) mai... almeno credo, ho solo letto una sua serie finora xD

message 16: by gio (new)

gio Esatto, lei non scrive cliffie, motivo in più per adorarla? XD

•Anna• Sicuramente :PPP

message 18: by Claudia (new)

Claudia Il film io l'ho visto :3
Davvero bellino.
E poi Sam Claflin è LA pucciosità. Mi sono innamorata *w*
Non avevo intenzione di leggere il libro... ma mi stai quasi facendo cambiare idea u.u

•Anna• Io lo sto guardando adesso... ehm xD
Sam. Come si può restare impassibili davanti a quel faccino? E quelle FOSSETTE! ♥w♥

Sìììì :3
Secondo me lo adorerai! O forse no perché sai già tutto, però a me è piaciuto tanto, nonostante tutto sia scritto attraverso lettere, e-mail, messaggi, biglietti d'auguri ecc :D

•Anna• Comunque il film è già abbastanza diverso dal libro (non sono nemmeno a 10 minuti xD)

message 21: by Claudia (new)

Claudia •Anna• wrote: "Comunque il film è già abbastanza diverso dal libro (non sono nemmeno a 10 minuti xD)"

ahahahahahaha xD
Io ormai mi meraviglio più del contrario xD

•Anna• Va be', un po' lo capisco in questo caso. Immagino sia un casino trasformare un epistolario in un film xD

message 23: by Claudia (new)

Claudia Non hai torto XD

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