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Die drei Geschichten aus dem Leben des Landstreichers Knulp, einem Nachfahren von Eichendorffs Taugenichts, zählen zu den reizvollsten Stücken der frühen Prosa Hermann Hesses. In der Folge seiner Werke gehören sie zum großen Zyklus seiner Gerbersau-Erzählungen, der uns das Leben in einer schwäbischen Kleinstadt um die Jahrhundertwende am Beispiel zahlreicher charakteristischer und größtenteils authentischer Einzelschicksale überliefert.

136 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1915

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About the author

Hermann Hesse

1,891 books17.8k followers
Many works, including Siddhartha (1922) and Steppenwolf (1927), of German-born Swiss writer Hermann Hesse concern the struggle of the individual to find wholeness and meaning in life; he won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946.

Other best-known works of this poet, novelist, and painter include The Glass Bead Game , which, also known as Magister Ludi, explore a search of an individual for spirituality outside society.

In his time, Hesse was a popular and influential author in the German-speaking world; worldwide fame only came later. Young Germans desiring a different and more "natural" way of life at the time of great economic and technological progress in the country, received enthusiastically Peter Camenzind , first great novel of Hesse.

Throughout Germany, people named many schools. In 1964, people founded the Calwer Hermann-Hesse-Preis, awarded biennially, alternately to a German-language literary journal or to the translator of work of Hesse to a foreign language. The city of Karlsruhe, Germany, also associates a Hermann Hesse prize.

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Profile Image for Ben Winch.
Author 4 books394 followers
May 23, 2022
I hesitate to recommend this so highly, yet I must have read it five times by now and every time it inspires me, moves me, makes me cry. It’s so simple, so understated, could so easily be sentimental, but it’s heartfelt. Hesse is the author I feel I should grow out of but never do - I’ve loved him ever since I read Journey to the East as a teenager. At his best he’s untouchable, precisely because he eschews all the flashy pyrotechnics and trappings of the modern that make his competitors seem superficially more important; in fact, at his best he eschews everything that isn’t intrinsically his. He’s humble, a noble soul, a good guide to have when you’re young. I love this man. And Knulp is one of my favourites. Here he too is young, on the cusp of becoming a phenomenon, growing up before our eyes. Read his more famous books, for sure, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that Steppenwolf and Siddhartha are the high points.

POSTSCRIPT: I gave this to my girlfriend to read and she loved it! Cried and cried. Said it’d be hard to imagine a better book to follow. It reassures me, somehow, that I’m not the only one who loves this.
Profile Image for Mohamadreza Moshfeghi.
98 reviews27 followers
April 10, 2023
هرمان هسه در اين رمان كوتاه به تفاوت روح انسان ها با يكديگر و فربانى و زخمى شدن روح انسان در كالبد تن و جسمى زنده و شاداب اشاره كرده است .
زخمى كه خنجر فروپاشى روياى زندگى و عشق بر روح و ذهن انسان مى زند و چه در اوج لذت و شور زندگى وجوانى(براى تسكين وفراموشى اين زخم)و چه در اوج درماندگى و شكست و حتى در واپسين لحظات زندگى هم خوب نمى شود ومرهم نمى يابد.

از متن كتاب؛
پدر ممكن است شكل بينى ورنگ چشم وحتى فهم وشعور را به پسرش به ارث بدهد،اما روحش را نه. روح هركس با خودش به دنيا مى آيد.
Profile Image for Guille.
870 reviews2,435 followers
March 30, 2024

No me alargaré mucho, no vale la pena. Siento ser tan duro, pero la novela me ha parecido un bodrio absoluto, de una misoginia insufrible, filosóficamente ingenua y banal, como de otra época, tanto es así que me seduce pensar que el traductor fue de mi misma opinión y aprovechó la caspa para hacer un homenaje a las radionovelas de posguerra al elegir el viejuno vocabulario que utilizó repleto de expresiones y palabras del tipo púsole o abrióse, es menester, en diciendo, primor, feble, zagala , buido, etc etc etc. Únicamente me hizo gracia, aunque estoy seguro de que el autor no lo hizo con fines paródicos, esa religiosidad voluble y acomodaticia del protagonista, tan común por otra parte, que culmina en ese imposible diálogo con Dios en el que este le consuela al borde de la muerte de sus remordimientos al quitarle toda responsabilidad sobre su vida: “¿De veras no sabes que todo se ha consumado en regla, que no hubiera podido ser de otra manera?... No cabía que me sirviese de ti de otro modo que como tú eres”… en fin.
Profile Image for Raha.
186 reviews219 followers
July 26, 2018
داستانِ کنولپِ صحرا گرد داستان جوانک پر شر و شوریست که پایبند هچ جا و مکانی نمی شود .او در جستجوی آزادی و لذت بردن از زندگی رهسپار سرزمین های دور می شود و در هر کوی و مکانی مسکن می گزیند و به بعض شیرین زبانی هایش دوستان زیادی می یابد.اما دوران جوانی کوتاه است و به زودی پیری و بیماری گریبان گیر او می شود

هسه به واقع قلم سحرانگیزی در به تصویر کشیدن مناظر طبیعی داره ! هر زمان که با داستان های هسه همراه میشم حس خوب یک گشت و گذار کوتاه اما دلچسب در طبیعت بکر و دست نخورده رو تجربه میکنم و درست به اندازه شخصیت های کتاب غرق اون همه لذت و آرامش و زیبایی میشم

به تصور من اوج داستان این کتاب قسمت پایانی اون بود. زمانی که کنولپ مرگ رو در چند قدمی خود می بیند و لب به گله و شکایت از خدا می گشاید که چطور زندگی اش این گونه طی شده است و خداوند در پاسخ اینگونه به او جواب میدهد که

خدا به او گفت : ببین من تو را جز این طور که هستی نمی خواستم. تو به نام من صحرا گردی کردی و پیوسته و اندکی میل به آزادی در دل اسیران شهرها پدید آوردی. به نام من دیوانگی کردی و تمسخر دیگران را برتافتی. آنها نه تو ، که من را در تو مسخره می کردند یا دوست می داشتند. تو فرزند و جزئی از منی و هر لذتی که بردی و یا رنجی که تحمل کردی من در آن شریک بوده ام
Profile Image for Susan Budd.
Author 5 books259 followers
March 27, 2020
To be all things, God also has to be this thing that is me. Tat tvam asi. This is that.

God is perfect. Creation is imperfect. God is actual. Creation is potential. The potential does not precede the actual. On the contrary. The actual encompasses the potential. (See Aristotle.) Must not perfection, then, encompass imperfection?

It is a paradox. If perfection is a lack of imperfection, then God lacks something that Man has. Then Man knows something that God can never know. But that cannot be. Perfection lacks nothing. To be perfect, God must also encompass imperfection in all its myriad forms:

Time and space.
Growth and decay.
The noblest of men
and the basest of men.
This suffering that I suffer
and that suffering that you suffer.
This moment-by-moment
experience of existence
that I call “I.” This “I”
that is a verb,
not a noun.

Potential is imperfect because it is change. It is time ~ movement from one state of being to another state of being, each state of being incomplete, a fraction of the whole.

If I am an experience of God, this unique imperfection, this piece of the whole, this experience of change and time, isolated from the whole, fractured from eternity, if, like Knulp, I am this, why do I still ask why? Why do I wish for things to be other than they are?

I see Vishnu dreaming the world and its myriad creatures into existence in less than a wink of Brahma’s eye. The mystic perhaps is one who becomes lucid in the dream and sees that he is, not just the dream, not even just the dreamer and the dream (for Atman is Brahman), but the dreaming too!

The dreamer, the dream, and the dreaming.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
The dreamer dreaming the dream.
Tat tvam asi. Thou art that.
Profile Image for Maziyar Yf.
657 reviews424 followers
September 29, 2021
کنولپ شخصیت اصلی کتاب داستان دوست من ، نوشته هرمان هسه نویسنده معروف آلمانی یکی دیگر از انبوه شخصیت هایی ایست که نمی خواهد به روال عادی و معمول دیگر مردمان زندگی کند ، او زندگی در دشت و صحرا را به زندگی در شهر ترجیح داده ، و تلاش می کند از زندگی خود در لحظه لذت برد .
عشق و علاقه مفرط کنولپ به آزادی غیرقابل باور است ، او خانه را حتی برای چند روز هم نمی تواند تحمل کند ، مشخص است که چنین آدم خانه به دوشی در زندگی دست آورد ، موفقیت و یا همدمی هم ندارد .
داستان این قلندر نه چندان بی ادعا هم در صحرا به پایان می رسد ، البته روشن نیست که کنولپ به چه دلیلی در انتها داستان به خداوند شکایت می برد که چرا زندگی او این چنین شده ، سبک زندگی که خود او انتخاب کرده راهی برای شکایت نگذاشته است .
داستان دوست من اگر چه دانش جدیدی به خواننده اضافه نمی کند اما می تواند کمی او را با دنیای هرمان هسه و لطافت ذهن و روح او آشنا سازد ، نگاه خاص آقای هسه اگر چه قدیمی و تکراری به نظر می رسد اما در دنیای سخت و بی رحم امروز شاید بتوان به آن پناه برد .
Profile Image for Mariel.
667 reviews1,147 followers
April 8, 2014
On the way home she wondered why he hadn't kissed her again, now with a sense of regret, now with the feeling that in not kissing her again he had been really sweet and considerate. And this was the feeling she ended up with.

I felt the homesick servant girl lucky to wake up on this side of the daydreaming bed. I think that's what tugged at my wistful side the most about Knulp. How the people Knulp meets in his new leaves catch themselves in the misgivings and the envy and looking at yourself outside of yourself. That nose to the hunger glass in envy of someone who is looking beautiful walking away. The old friend he knew him when he was free, smiles pulling down all the girl heartsleeves, music like the best song you only ever once. I did that all of the time when I was young and couldn't buy my own music. I'd hear the best song I've ever heard and I'd try my little heart out trying to do the whole thing in my head. Knulp's friends will do this. Dream music longing. The old friends he's always meeting again. He's looking at them now, and they are looking at him then and now. Maybe some uncertain steps alone beyond that. So the father who loves his kids and they have the inner grace that's so lucky to envy Knulp without taking anything away. (That the father says he especially loves the oldest made me want to follow his other children in starving windows fashion. I'd want to love them to make up for it.) This is what I loved: Knulp tells his friend about the unanswering whistle he can give to his orphan. It feels like grace they have, the something inside to sidestep a worse fate, to miss too hard what they cannot have. So when he is forever meeting again friends, friends who will not know him at first. When he's no longer young and falling on their side.

It isn't worth it to Knulp in Early Spring. The favored glances from knowing eyelids of the tanner's wife. Something was meant in her looks, her special liver treats. It's someone's stretched out days in their house. Already he's giving the sad servant girl a reason to smile at the end of the day. He's going to be on his way. It already meant a lot to me that the tanner was so happy to hear him again. What it must have been like when they had run around together. It meant a lot to me to see the youth on the tanner's wife, once upon a time a maid in an inn. Maybe they would look for Knulp out of the window instead of the end of a long winter. If they were lucky enough inside to think kindly of him.... That meant a lot to me, that kind of warmth. If I were there I'd surely be the bump on the log of the second part "My recollections of Knulp". I would hope not to be my dripping wet blanket self and not go "Oh please!" that he knew whatever the right thing to say to everyone be the breath of air. I think Knulp would understand, though. His friend of "recollections" recognizes in him on waking what will be a good day for Knulp. Maybe a great dream and a mind unstalked by some ominous cloud (the cartoon kind for one poor sad sack) is responsible. Maybe the conditions weren't right and it's time to move on. This happens to Knulp a lot and I felt this too. You couldn't hold onto your halo that day. Maybe you threw away your charms, security blanket and the stuffed toy with the really understanding eyes to spite yourself. My copy split between parts one and two as if they were separate books. The three parts felt to me this understanding of what could have gone right (and wrong, but not wrong, if you think about it). So Knulp gets old, and everyone does, and yeah I had been thinking the whole time without thinking I was thinking it about what if Knulp missed something. You know how his friends were happy to see him again, as if they knew him and he wasn't the stranger tramp he appeared to be? What if there was a time he didn't know how to get to the lucky part? When he was young he didn't know how to get over not needing anybody and nobody needing him? When he's told what he had, when he knows that everyone does die, and if you weren't happy that way what if you could have been happier another way? It meant a lot to me the way he gave to people without knowing he was giving them anything. The blown seeds wherever they will go. I know all of that too and it's that lonely knowing that doesn't feel like you know anything unless something happens you feel like you lived it. I loved how Hesse did that in Knulp. How happy his friends were. Knulp, could it be you? Remember when we...?

During my awful period of not being able to read anything or anything at all.... Well, when I could read again I realized there was nothing I missed more than that dreamy between feeling. You could live off it. Besides what Knulp talks about his life out loud and his friend says he knew what it was to miss.... I knew how the friend felt when Knulp was talking about the things he had thought privately to himself. The recognition felt like that, without having to be said. He wanted him to go on more than anything, maybe you could reach that alive almost then, and Knulp would already be restlessly moving away. There's this flip side of what they always wanted/what's not good enough. The spirit's greener other side. The place that can't settle anywhere. There was something about this book that had that in the in between because of how he pulled their luck in the three parts. When it is enough to bridge and then you don't know where you even dropped the thread. (I loved that Knulp was begrudging in his center of the world childish longing that his doctor friend be the adoring twelve year old boy again so that he could be where he could remember he was happy. But remember when....? Yeah, those were great times. Sighs.)

"To me there's nothing more beautiful than fireworks in the night. There are blue and green fireballs, they rise up in the darkness, and at the height of their beauty they double back and they're gone. When you watch them, you're happy but at the same time afraid, because in a moment it will all be over. The happiness and the fear go together, and it's much more beautiful than if it lasted longer. Don't you feel the same way?"
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews385 followers
July 27, 2017
Knulp, Hermann Hesse
Published in Germany in 1915, Knulp is a novel written by Hermann Hesse. It was Hesse's most popular book in the years before he published Demian. The novel is split up into three separate tales which are centered on the life of the main character: Knulp. Knulp, who was once a gifted and promising youth, is depicted as an amiable vagabond perpetually wandering from town to town, staying with friends. He is liked by almost everyone he encounters in the novel for his manners and charming demeanour. He often receives charity from those sympathetic with him.
عنوانها: داستان دوست من؛ داستان دوست من (کنولپ)؛ کنولپ: سه خاطره؛ نویسنده: هرمان هسه؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و چهارم آوریل سال 1973 میلادی
عنوان: داستان دوست من؛ نویسنده: هرمان هسه؛ مترجم: سروش حبیبی؛ تهران، انتشارات رز، 1350 ؛ در 118 ص؛ عکس؛ چاپ دیگر: تهران، رز، 1354؛ در 136 صفحه؛
عنوان: داستان دوست من (کنولپ)؛ نویسنده: هرمان هسه؛ مترجم: سر��ش حبیبی؛ تهران، ققنوس، 1382؛ در 112 ص؛ شابک: 9643114600؛ عنوان دیگر: کنولپ؛ چاپ دیگر: تهران، نشر ماهی؛ 1393؛ در 130 ص؛ شابک: 9789649971377؛ موضوع: داستانهلی نویسندگان آلمانی قرن 20 م
عنوان: کنولپ : سه خاطره؛ مترجم: فریدون مجلسی؛ تهران، فریدون مجلسی، 1371؛ در 144 ص؛
عنوان: کنولپ : سه خاطره؛ مترجم: عبدالحسین شریفیان؛ تهران، اساطیر، 1378؛ در 128 ص؛
کنولپ آزادمردی ست که زیستن در صحرا را جایگزین زندگی در شهر کرده است. او تنفس در بیابان و خوابیدن زیر سقف آسمان را بر دوندگی و روزمرگیهای همیشگی در شهر و یا روستا ترجیح میدهد. کنولپ قلندری است ولگرد که توانایی انجام هر کاری را دارد، ولی در عمل بیکاره ای بیش نیست. وجودش سرخوشی و شادی به ارمغان میآورد. و از نبودش کسی رنجی نمیبرد. در هر مکانی دوستان و آشنایان بسیاری دارد. با اصطلاحات و راه و رسم همه ی حرفه ها آشناست، ولی تن به کاری نمیدهد. چهار دیواری منزل و یا حتی محل کار حوصله اش را تنگ میکند. ولی پا به صحرا که میگذارد ...؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Pedro Pacifico Book.ster.
353 reviews4,296 followers
November 16, 2020
O meu primeiro contato com o ganhador do Prêmio Nobel de 1946 foi com “Sidarta”. Amei a leitura, sobretudo a forma como Hesse conseguiu em poucas páginas construir personagens profundos e nos conduzir por questionamentos existenciais.

Apesar de tratar de uma temática bem distinta, a verdade é que a leitura de “Knulp” me lembrou bastante o estilo de “Sidarta”.

Também em poucas páginas, acompanhamos algumas passagens da vida de Knulp, um andarilho sem muito rumo na Alemanha do final do século XIX. A sinopse até parece simples demais e, por isso, não há nem muito como desenvolver a narrativa por aqui. É um daqueles livros que parecem ser sem graça quando você tenta contar para alguém, mas que encantam pela simplicidade.

E essa simplicidade e pureza nos sentimentos do personagem me tocaram muito. Knulp é a imagem da liberdade e do desapego a bens materiais e a laços sociais mais profundos. Por outro lado, o modo de vida do personagem acaba gerando um certo incômodo nas pessoas que cruzam o seu caminho. Todos pensam que Knulp está deixando de aproveitar a vida quando opta por andar sem rumo e sem “objetivos”. Todavia, é justamente aí que aparecem as principais reflexões encontradas na leitura: a simplicidade não seria uma forma de curtir a vida?

É um verdadeiro ato de rebeldia para os padrões sociais da época. Na verdade, ainda que esse tipo de história costume aparecer com mais frequência hoje em dia, em que pessoas abrem mão das convenções sociais e da rotina “normal” e resolvem tomar novos rumos, a sociedade ainda enxerga essa decisão como um desvio do que é certo.

A escrita de Hesse é incrível e a leitura flui muito bem. Recomendo muito, até porque você só vai conseguir entender o valor desse livro após lê-lo.

Nota - 9,5/10

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Profile Image for مجیدی‌ام.
213 reviews139 followers
December 15, 2020
خب، این دومین اثری بود که از هرمان هسه می‌خوندم و واقعا نمی‌دونم چرا به دلم ننشست!
نه اینکه بد باشه، ولی خیلی خوب و خفن هم نبود!

از ترجمه هم راضی نبودم، با اینکه سروش حبیبی زحمتشو کشیده بود.
البته مشکلات نگارشی هم توی کتاب کم نبود.
*چاپ سال 1383 انتشارات ققنوس

نمی‌دونم، شاید من سطحم پایین‌تر از کتاب بوده باشه!
به هر حال باید سر فرصت از هرمان هسه کتاب‌های دیگه‌ای بخونم، بلکه نظرم عوض شد!

*امتیاز این کتاب، دو و نیم ستاره اس!
Profile Image for Ivy-Mabel Fling.
530 reviews38 followers
September 15, 2024
I dug this up when I was clearing out and was somewhat surprised to find it was in Dutch - well, never mind, it made me use my brain, which can never be a bad thing! And the Dutch of it is not horrendously difficult (although Hesse is famous in Germany for using an extensive vocabulary, so you may well need a reasonable dictionary for areas like rural crafts and natural phenomena).

Knulp is a wanderer (translated on some sites as a tramp but that strikes me as too negative) who meanders from village to village and whose travels (and thoughts) reminded me of my time in Swabia.
The three tales in this book clearly belong to Hesse's early period and are less philosophical than the longer, more renowned stories but they have a charm which the better-known books lack (in my view). Whether I would appreciate Hesse so much had I not lived in the area where he grew up (and had I known little or nothing about South German Pietism), I do not know, but the tales are short and portray a world we shall no longer be able to see for ourselves. Certainly worth reading.
Profile Image for Moshtagh hosein.
371 reviews24 followers
April 8, 2024
باز هم رمانی تازه از هسه از نظر من
یک کاراکتر و سه راوی!
Profile Image for Dhanaraj Rajan.
485 reviews339 followers
January 18, 2016

It is deceptively a simple book containing a simple story - even one can call it a dull story. But allow it to simmer down and take possession of your thought and being, you will be in for a surprise. One of my GR friends said that Hesse's books have 'contemplative quality.' I find myself agreeing to it hundred percent having read just this short book alone by Hesse.

Such books also offer challenge to the reviewer. Anyway, I take the help of Hesse himself and try to present my impressions of the book in this so called review.

Hesse's Assumption and My Opinion:

I believe Hesse has assumed a particular fact to be fundamental and based on this assumption he builds on the premise/plot. Here is the assumption of Hesse in his own words:

"Every human being has his soul, he can't mix it with any other. Two people can meet, they can talk with one another, they can be close together. But their souls are like flowers, each rooted to its place. One can't go to another, because it would have to break away from its roots, and that it can't do. Flowers send out their scent and their seeds, because they would like to go to each other; but a flower can't do anything to make a seed go to its right place; the wind does that, and the wind comes and goes where it pleases."

In short, he says the opposite of a popular saying: No man is an island. To Hesse each one is an island. To be an island can be very boring and to escape boredom/loneliness the island has to find the meaning for its existence. Hesse exhorts everyone to find the meaning for his/her own life and that can be very liberating.


This short novel is about a person, a vagabond who thought his life had no meaning at all. That haunted him and at the end when he finds the meaning of his life, his death was already near. Anyway, he died peacefully. If you expect your end to be as peaceful as the protagonist, figure out the meaning of your life. A worthy advice. What do you say to that?
Profile Image for Carlo Mascellani.
Author 20 books284 followers
November 25, 2019
In questo romanzo, la sapiente mano di Hesse tratteggia uno dei suoi personaggi più icastici. Oltre i panni del vagabondo Knulp si cela una sorta di oltre-uomo nietzschiano, che vive nel mondo seguendo i propri dettami, plasmando il contesto circostante sino a renderlo simile ai suoi valori, assaporando ogni singolo istante nel bene e nel male, senza lasciarsi sopraffare dagli eventi. Libero come il pensiero, riflessivo e profondo, fedele alla vita scelta, Knulp trascende i confini dell'umano consorzio e dell'umana ragione sono a prodursi in un poetico dialogo con l'unico interlocutore realmente degno della sua unicità: Dio.
Profile Image for Haniyeh.
130 reviews51 followers
December 26, 2023
برخلاف داستان دمیان، این کتاب به دلم ننشست. دمیان حرفی برای زدن داشت و بعد از خوندنش، فکرت درگیر میشد، اما این کتاب... نه!
برام یکم ناامیدکنننده بود.
Profile Image for Sheida.
43 reviews10 followers
July 13, 2023
روایتی جالب و متفاوت از هرمان هسه، فصل آخر برترین فصل این کتاب بود و تضاد افکار کنولپ در لحظه و تغییر آن در گذر زمان، بصورت خیلی زیبایی روی کاغذ اورده شده.
خوش بخوانید.
Profile Image for nananatte.
401 reviews125 followers
April 23, 2018
คนุลป์ Knulp ของ เฮอร์มานน์ เฮสเส ตีพิมพ์ในชื่อไทยว่า 'ทางเลือก' แปลโดย น. ชญานุตม์ พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2 พ.ศ. 2535

คนุลป์เป็นเรื่องสั้นของเฮสเสที่เราไม่คิดว่าตัวเองจะมีโอกาสได้อ่านเลยค่ะ ยิ่งเป็นเล่มแปลไทยด้วยอีก ...หายากและไม่ถูกพิมพ์ใหม่เหมือนเล่มอื่นๆ น่ะค่ะ เล่มนี้ได้มาจากบูทหนังสือเก่าในงานสัปดาห์หนังสือรอบที่ผ่านมา ตอนเห็นนี่ตาโตเป็นอย่างยิ่ง ตกใจ ไม่คิดว่าวันนึงจะมีโอกาสได้อ่านเรื่องนี้จริงๆ

คนุลป์ เป็นงานเขียนที่เป็นรอยต่อของเฮสเส คือมีความฟุ้งฝันชนบทสวยงาม เอ้อระเหยลอยชาย พูดง่ายๆ ว่า 'โลกสวย' แต่มันเริ่มเห็นความเดเมียน ความสเต็ปเปนวูล์ฟ ความสิทธารถะกรุ่นๆ ขึ้นมาแล้ว แต่ยังจางอยู่ แต่เริ่มเป็นไปในทิศทางนั้นแล้ว

คนุลป์ เป็นหนุ่ม���รจัดรูปงาม รักความสะอาด เป็นที่รักของมิตรสหาย(มีเพื่อนในทุกเมืองที่ท่องเที่ยวเดินทางไป) ใช้ชีวิตอยู่ในความงดงามของสายลม แสงแดด ห้องรับแขกห้องนอนบ้านเพื่อน มีเสน่ห์ต่อหญิงสาว ชอบแต่งกลอน ผิวปาก และเต้นรำเก่ง

คือถ้าให้เล่าง่ายๆ ว่าเป็นเรื่องยังไง ก็คงต้องบอกว่า what if มีชายหนุ่มหน้าตาดีมารยาทดีผู้หนึ่งตัดสินใจเป็นคนเร่ร่อน และความโชคดีคือ เขาเป็นที่รักของผู้คน ไม่ว่าไปที่ไหนทุกคนจะยินดีต้อนรับเค้าด้วยความรักใคร่จริงๆ เขาจะไม่ต้องนอนข้างทางแบบคนจรจัดเลย แต่ได้นอนค้างบ้านเพื่อนเปลี่ยนไปตลอดๆ โดยพื้นเรื่องนะ คนุลป์เป็นเรื่องแบบนั้นค่ะ

คนุลป์ เป็นเรื่องสั้นขนาดยาวค่ะ ลำดับวิธีเล่าเรื่องก็ตรงไปตรงมา คือ คนุลป์วัยหนุ่ม วัยกลางคน และวัยมีอายุ

ช่วงวัยหนุ่ม - มีสีสันสนุกสนาน ทำให้นึกถึงงานเขียนเรื่องสั้นเรื่องอื่นๆ ของเฮสเสใน strange news from another star ค่ะ

วัยกลางคน - พาเพื่อนมาเดินเล่นกลางทุ่งแบบ the sound of music แล้วถกปรัชญา ชีวิต ความรัก การมีชีวิตอยู่ ฯลฯ

วัยมีอายุ - มองย้อนชีวิตตัวเองทั้งหมดกลับไป ความสุข ความเสียใจ ความตายและพระผู้เป็นเจ้า

เนื้อหาที่ถกปรัชญาตอนกลางเรื่อง อ่านแล้วง่วงมาก คือมันยังไม่ถูกพัฒนาไปในระดับให้อ่านแล้วเข้าใจง่ายชนิดซึมเข้าผิวคนอ่านไปเลยแบบในสิทธารถะน่ะค่ะ ก็ง่วงๆ นิดนึง แต่เรากลับชอบพาร์ทตอนจบนะ เราว่ากลมกล่อมลงตัวสวยงาม

งานเฮสเส ก็อ่านได้เรื่อยๆ อยู่แล้วล่ะค่ะ :-)
Profile Image for Hossein.
239 reviews41 followers
April 17, 2019
داستان کوتاه و بدون تکلفی بود از زندگی یک صحراگرد عارف.
اون بخش آخر که به زادگاهش برگشته بود و یاد ایام گذشته رو میکرد به شدت حس دلتنگی رو در من زنده کرد
به نظر من هیچ چیز قشنگ تر از آتش بازی نیست. گوی های درخشان آبی و سبز در سیاهی شب به دل آسمان می زنند و وقتی به اوج زیبایی میرسند قوس کوچکی میزنند و خاموش می شوند. وقتی آدم تماشا میکند دلش پر از شادی است و در عین حال از بیم هم خالی نیست، بیم آن که این نور زیبا فورا خاموش شود. زیبایی و نابودی آن از هم جدا نیست و این زیباتر از آن است که دوام بیشتری می یافت و جاوید می نمود.
Profile Image for Afkham.
145 reviews34 followers
August 5, 2018
"اما آرزو چیز عجیبی است. میدانی، اگر من فقط با یک اشاره می توانستم مثل همان پسرک قشنگ بشوم و تو فقط با یک اشاره می توانستی به صورت آن پیرمرد درآیی، نه من آن اشاره را می کردم نه تو می کردی و هر دو دوست می داشتیم به همین صورتی که هستیم بمانیم."

"انسان می تواند سبک مغزی های مردم را ببیند، می تواند به آن ها بخندد یا بر آن ها دل بسوزاند، اما باید آن ها را در راهشان آزاد بگذارد."
Profile Image for Amin Dorosti.
139 reviews90 followers
February 18, 2019
در کل کار خوبی بود، شخصیت کنولپ بسیار جذاب بود و خوب پرداخته شده بود و از آن کاراکترهایی بود که همه‌ی ما وسوسه می‌شویم مثل آنها زندگی کنیم، از آن کاراکترهایی که تا مدتها در خاطرمان خواهد ماند. البته من با این سبک داستانهایی که در آنها نویسنده خیلی واضح و آشکار درس اخلاقی میدهد موافق نیستم، و از این جهت کتاب را نپسندیدم.
Profile Image for Ehsan'Shokraie'.
664 reviews193 followers
April 13, 2023
زندگی جاودانی نیست و از دستبرد زمان امنیت ندارد،زندگی همانند سفری پر ماجراست،ماجرا هایی که هر یک اثر مبهمی بر صفحه جان ما نهاده و آن هنگام که به پایان زندگی نزدیک می شویم،جز همان خاطرات و رد پای محو لحظات تلخ و شیرین،که اینک همه بس کوتاه و زود گذر می نمایند چیزی باقی نخواهیم داشت..
Profile Image for Mohammad Hanifeh.
306 reviews85 followers
January 19, 2018
بارِ اندوه و نگرانی بدجور روی دوشم سنگینی می‌کرد و ‌دربه‌در دنبال راه و نشونه‌ای بودم که بتونم از این حال خلاص بشم.
همون اوایل صبح بود که کتاب رو شروع کردم و چند جمله از مقدمهٔ کتاب، انگار تمام اون‌چیزی بود که من لازم داشتم:

در انتهای کتاب، وقتی کنولپ -قهرمان داستان- در پایان راهِ دشوار زندگی در بوران شدید خود را آماده می‌کند که در دامان مادر خود، که طبیعت است، جان بسپارد، خدا را در پیشِ چشم مجسم می‌بیند و چون کودکی دُردانه از او گلایه می‌کند که چرا زندگی‌اش چنین و نه چنان طی شد و به حرارتِ پیروزی گرم نگردید. خدا به او می‌گوید: «من تو را جز این‌که هستی نمی‌خواستم. تو به نام من صحراگردی کردی و پی��سته اندکی میل به آزادی در دل اسیران شهرها پدید آوردی. به نام من دیوانگی کردی و تمسخر دیگران را برتافتی. آن‌ها نه تو، که در تو مرا مسخره می‌کردند یا دوست می‌داشتند. تو فرزند و جزئی از منی و هر لذتی که بردی یا رنجی که تحمل کردی، من در آن شریک بوده‌ام.»

همون موقع چند بار این پاراگراف رو خوندم و کلی فکرم رو مشغول کرد. کتاب رو بستم و کنار گذاشتم. چند بارِ دیگه خواستم کتاب رو شروع کنم ولی باز فقط هی مقدمه رو خوندم. همین چند جمله برای کل روزم بس بود.

روزهای بعد کتاب رو کامل خوندم. دوست داشتمش؛ اما کلِ حرفش برای من تقریباً همون جملات بود.
Profile Image for Nafi3.
135 reviews28 followers
December 3, 2020
معرفی از کتابخوان
داستان دوست من (کنولپ) کتاب کوچکی است از هرمان هسه (برنده نوبل ادبیات ۱۹۴۶) یکی از درخشان‌ترین نویسندگان آلمانی‌ که سال‌های متمادی، محبوب‌ترین و پرفروش‌ترین اثر این نویسنده به‌حساب آمده است که به موضوع فرار از زندگی شهری و رفتن به دل صحرا می‌پردازد.
«هرمان هسه» نویسنده‌ی آلمانی زبانی که در آثارش مبارزه‌ی جاودانه‌ی روح و زندگی را ترسیم نموده و با نگرشی هنرمندانه به دنبال ایجاد تعادل بین این دو پدیده قلم فرسوده ‌است، در کتاب حاضر از مردی آزاده روایت می‌کند که زندگی در زیر آسمان صحرا را بر زندگی در شهر و چهاردیواری‌های آن ترجیح داده است.
کنولپ، قهرمان کتاب هسه مردی بیابان‌گرد با شخصیتی شاعرمسلک است که ذات بذله‌گویی دارد و تلاش می‌کند تا لحظه‌ها را زندگی کند.

برشی از متن کتاب:
.... من می‌دونم که روستایی‌ها تو این دنیا خوشی به خودشون روا نمی‌دارن اما زیر خاک که رفتن می‌خوان راحت باشن. اینه که تا زنده‌ان زحمت می‌کشن و سر گورها و اطراف اونا درختای قشنگ می‌کارن و گورستان رو صفا می‌بخشن.

- اینجا چه آرومه
- بعله، اگه کمی آروم‌تر از این بود، صدای حرف زدن اینا رو از زیر خاک می‌شنیدیم.
- نه اونا حرفاشون رو بیش از اینی که زیر خاک برن زدن.

اگه زیبایی چیزای قشنگ جاودانه می‌بود البته از دیدنشون خوشحال می‌شدیم اما اونا رو با همون بی‌صبری و اشتیاق نگاه نمی‌کردیم. به خودمون می گفتیم اینو که همیشه میشه دید امروز نشد فردا. به عکس چیزایی که زیباییشون پایدار نیست رو نه فقط با شوق بلکه با اندکی درد و افسوس نگاه می‌کنیم.

آدما هر کدوم روحی دارن که با روح دیگران در نمی‌آمیزه. دو نفر آدم می‌تونن پیش هم برن و با هم حرف بزنن و به هم نزدیک بشن اما روحشون مثل گُلیه که تو جای خودش ریشه داره و نمی‌تونه جا به جا بشه و با گلای دیگه بیامیزه چون برای این کار باید از ریشه‌ی خودش جدا بشه و این ممکن نیست. گلا گرده‌ی خودشون رو به باد میدن ولی نمی تونن اون رو به گلی که می‌خوان برسونن. این کار به دست باده که میاد و می‌ره و هر جور که بخواد می‌وزه.

پدر ممکنه شکل بینی و رنگ چشمو حتی فهم و شعورش رو به پسرش به ارث بده اما روحش رو نه. روح هر کس با خودش به دنیا میاد.
Profile Image for Donald.
56 reviews14 followers
May 9, 2012
In the second tale from the life of Knulp the narrator says "[Knulp] sang beautifully, and even if the words didn't always make sense, the tune was lovely and that was enough."

Knulp's songs are a metaphor for the character himself. Sweet, simple, ephemeral, melancholy. Like the character, his words are picked up on the breeze and disappear into the forests and fields and hamlets of pre-war Germany.

I love this pretty novella; I've read it a number of times now. It addresses the big questions: what should we do with our lives? What is a life well lived? How do we resolve the tension between duty and freedom?

A five star story.
Profile Image for Cem.
150 reviews42 followers
August 9, 2017
Özgürlüğe, göçebeliğe, rutin dışına, basmakalıp hayatların dışına hep bir özlem var Hesse'de. Bu romanında da, diğerlerinde de. Adı ister Bozkırkurdu, ister Goldmund, ister Knulp olsun.
Profile Image for Homa.
29 reviews6 followers
December 27, 2023
داستان بدون هیچ فراز و فرودی نوشته شده، اما کتاب خسته کننده ای نیست، خیلی داستان روانی داره و گاها ادم رو به فکر فرو می برد.
بخش میانی کتاب رو بیشتر از همه دوست داشتم.
Profile Image for Billy O'Callaghan.
Author 15 books307 followers
October 10, 2015
I've enjoyed a great run of books recently, and Hesse, who can lay a serious claim to being one of my favourite writers, has produced a small, gentle and deeply affecting novella, a book of real soulful beauty.
The story (or stories, since it's told in three parts) is a simple one, presenting the life of Knulp, a happy wanderer possessed of the kind of nature and personality that makes people want to embrace him. Men dig in their pockets for coins that might be spared and offer willing accommodation, women smile and flirt, drawn to his handsomeness and craving even a little of his freedom. Charming and enigmatic, and completely alive in the moment, he flits in and out of various lives, enhancing everyone's existence.
'Early Spring' introduces us to Knulp, freshly sprung from a hospital stint and taking shelter with an old friend, a tanner named Emil, who has recently married. Emil's bride is quickly captivated by the wanderer's charms but Knulp is happier to turn his attentions in another direction, and to provide comfort to a lovely and very homesick young country maid.
The second part, 'My Recollections of Knulp' switches narration to an unidentified first-person voice, of someone who, for a brief but precious time, had shared the road with the lovable vagabond. In this section, Knulp deepens a dimension, firming up what had been alluded to and implied in part one; a soul set free, but also one possessed of a seriously philosophical nature and who passes much of his free time considering the facts and matters of life, death, dreams and missed chances.
'The End' brings things to a conclusion that, in hindsight, was inevitable from the first page. Knulp, stricken with consumption, encounters an old school-friend, now a doctor, and allows himself be cared for. But he has a desire to see his home town again. Without going into detail, it's here that we learn of his sad past, and how he came to be on the road, and it is enough to say that this piece contains some genuinely poignant and in moments devastating passages you will ever hope to read.
Hesse, a true master, has produced a number of essential reads. The pleasure of 'Knulp' isn't in the plot, which is slight, but in the weight of truth and human understanding that thickens the writing. It makes for a remarkable and deeply affecting reading experience. In the days since finishing, I've found myself drawn back again and again to its pages, so much so that I have to count this as one of the great and most welcome surprises of my recent reading life. An unhesitating five stars.
Profile Image for Perihan.
472 reviews138 followers
December 25, 2016
"Doğru olanı ve yaşamın nasıl
bir düzeni olduğunu herkesin kendisinin düşünmesi gerek; çünkü bu hiçbir kitaptan
öğrenilmez." (Knulp)

Hesse , tıpkı bir Aylak Adam gibi gezdirmiş Knulp'u oradan oraya...

Knulp bakıyorsun kitapta durup dururken felsefe yapmaya başlıyor, ortaya bir takım kurallar koyuyor, bunların lehinde ve aleyhinde konuşuyor, sonra bakıyorsun ansızın yine susuyordu.
Çünkü Knulp bilirdi ki,
birisi mutluluğu ya da erdemiyle övünüyor, böbürleniyorsa, onda bunun ikisi de yok demekti.

Hesse iyi ki yazmış
biz de iyi ki tanımışız kalemini...

"Bir babadan çocuğuna burnu, gözleri hatta zekası kalıtım yoluyla geçebilir ama ruhu asla. Her insan yeni bir ruh taşır kendisinde."
Profile Image for S h a y a N.
90 reviews
June 1, 2024
همیشه خوندن کتاب‌های هرمان هسه حال من رو خوب می‌کنه. شخصیت‌ها و داستان زندگیشون و نارضایتی که از زندگی فعلی‌شون دارن منو یاد خودم می‌ندازه و اینکه در نهایت به معنایی که می‌خوان می‌رسن بهم کمک می‌کنه زندگیم رو یکم دوست داشته باشم.

این کتاب کوتاهش به جذابیت شاهکارش «گرگ بیابان» و «رسهالده» نبود ولی حرفی که می‌خواست بزنه رو خیلی زیبا زد و مثل اونها تاثیرش رو می‌ذاره روی نگاه خواننده.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 500 reviews

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