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Garage Band

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Nothing to do with music. Everything to do with getting even.

Lanthus Trilby lived an ordinary life, in an ordinary house with an ordinary family. Well, perhaps not so ordinary considering he was married to Felicity, but that’s not the point. He worked an ordinary job at a big insurance company. But all that changed when Lanthus was retrenched without warning. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Hell hadn’t met Lanthus Trilby.

One night in a bar after a lot of alcohol, determined on getting even with the company he had served loyally for seventeen years, Lanthus hatches a grand plan for revenge.

Lanthus Trilby transforms from the grey, invisible actuary to a criminal mastermind as he plots an event that will cripple his former employer. He assembles an unlikely team of skilled experts to pull off the most daring hostage situation the world has ever seen to hold his former employer to ransom. But can he stay one step ahead of the relentless Detective Muller and the entire police force in his single minded quest for revenge?

Garage Band is a witty, light hearted comedy suspense that keeps you in stitches while you balance

386 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2016

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About the author

Adam Rabinowitz

5 books39 followers
I love writing because for just a few precious hours, I get to make you laugh, smile, sit glued to the edge of your seat, and even cry. I've even made my wife call my mother to complain about the way I ended one of my books on a cliffhanger. I get to entertain you in the world I've created just for you. And if you put down one of my books after you've read the last words and smile, wishing there was more, then you've given me all the reward I need as an author.

I have a day job as Chief Imaginator at Imagin8, a tech company I founded a long time before I published my first novel.

To date I've written 4 novels in three different genres - Fantasy, Crime/Thriller, and Comedy/Suspense. If you have one of my books on your reading list, do yourself a favour, and make it the next one you read. Then share your thoughts on my FB author page, or here on Goodreads.

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Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews
Profile Image for Andrew.
89 reviews13 followers
May 23, 2016
Now we’re talking! A dose of Robert P. Parker, a shot of Carl Hiaasen, and a smidgeon of Donald E. Westlake, all mixed in a shaker called South Africa.
South Africa has produced some fantastic crime writers, but has been sorely lacking in what I call “West Coast” crime – books seated in crime, but on a chair of humour.

Eccentric and quirky characters, including an actuary, a female cage fighter and a husband-and-wife acrobat team, populate a story that moves as quickly as a Hollywood blockbuster. Rabinowitz has created a tight, well-planned heist that his characters execute in a believable manner. Even more importantly, the plot evolves smoothly with the reader skilfully directed and misdirected by Rabinowitz’s talented writing.

Perhaps what I enjoyed most about “Garage Band” is how the novel remains witty and amusing, without degenerating into slapstick and, similarly, how the intricacies of the plotting never collapse into a reading experience characterised by endless mental notes.

Rather, “Garage Band” is simply a thundering good caper filled with crime and good fun.
Profile Image for Robyn.
159 reviews8 followers
July 20, 2017
5/5 Stars

I received this book in an online competition and am THRILLED to have it as part of my collection now.

The Book
Lanthus Trilby is an actuary at an insurance company, a husband and father to an uninterested and unappreciative family and living under the shadow of a far more successful brother in law, which his wife Felicity never hesitates to remind him about. He's given 17 years of his life to his job, so when the a**holes retrench him, he is less than impressed, in fact he's down right ravenous for revenge.
Meeting a bomb expert at a bar on Fathers Day (having slaved away for everyone else and getting no rest for himself), he finds himself plotting a scheme so great, the world would HAVE to stand up and pay attention.

A bomb expert, a gymnast/cage fighter, a university student/hacker, and The Lovers come together under Lanthus' still developing leadership as The Garage Band. Failure is not an option.

What I loved
1. Lanthus' internal dialogue had me in stitches, Adam has done an incredible job at making everything he comments on completely relatable and realistic.
2. The plot - there is no slow intro here, you've got your character introduction and then BOOM we're straight into the story
3. I was desperate to fast forward to the last page. I couldn't wait to get to the end of this book, purely because I needed to know whether the GB succeeded or not.

What I didn't love
1. Even though I couldn't wait to get to the end, I didn't want it to end.

I was beyond excited when I first read about this book, so when I received a copy I had to make sure I could devote 100% of my attention to it. Adam has managed to put together a story that remains focused on the main character, but still providing sufficient spot light for other characters that the tale never gets boring.
The dialogue is witty, often sarcastic and even heart warming, as we see the bond of the group strengthen the closer to D-Day they get. Adam's ability to describe the South African consumer hot spot of Sandton was brilliant, better words I could not have chosen. He even manages to incorporate just a hint of political scandal without dulling the overall tone of the book.

It is a fresh take on a well known subject of getting even with the 'big dog', never before have I felt as satisfied to read the words "You're fired" as with this book.
Profile Image for Janice.
346 reviews11 followers
March 27, 2016
Adam Rabinowitz presents us with a raw, gutsy and thoroughly entertaining caper, carried out by the most unlikely protagonist. Lanthus Trilby, our hero, represents Everyman: every man (and of course, when I say man, I mean woman too) who has ever been put down, belittled, demeaned, ignored and unappreciated.
Over the last 17 years, Trilby has loyally worked for South Africa’s largest insurance company, Eastland. He has given them his all without question, day in, day out, (and some nights too) after which he then returns home to a nagging, dissatisfied wife and 2 cheerless teens who prefer to behave like he doesn’t exist.
But on the day that Lanthus is unceremoniously told that he is about to become superfluous to the company’s needs, something inside him snaps. He is sick and tired of being a nobody, fed up with being ignored, and has had quite enough of being taken for granted. He decides that the time has come to strike back, and he knows exactly how and where to do it!
It is quite fortuitous that while he is down at the local pub drowning his sorrows and pondering his next move he happens to meet Reyno, an explosives expert (we should all have one of these in our lives – I can see you all heading off to the nearest bar to find one!). Reyno fully understands his new acquaintance’s predicament and willingly assists Lanthus in putting together what could probably be considered a rather unconventional, although highly skilled, team consisting of a hacker, a female cage fighter, and a pair of acrobats pilfered from the popular Madame Zingara travelling circus!
What follows is a riveting, roller-coaster of a romp as our quirky crew endeavour to pursue justice at all costs. Lanthus and the hacker, Jason, are the only members of the group whose characters we learn any background about – purely because they’re the only ones whose backgrounds bear any relevance to the storyline. However, I became so involved with the action and everyone involved that by the end I really wanted to know more about all of them.
The plot is skilful and clever, and most of all, it’s based on a theme that so many of us will easily identify with. Joburg locals will get an added kick from the inclusion of many recognised landmarks, most notably, Sandton City (which you’ll look at with new eyes after reading this; I know I do!).
This book is an extremely exciting entry onto the South African fiction landscape. I know that I always preach the mantra ‘Be Bold’ to all SA authors I interact with, and I’m going to be exceptionally bold here and I’m going to mention two little words … FILM RIGHTS … (I’ve even put them in bold – see?) I’ll just leave that there, then.
Oh, and also, I do think a sequel would be very brilliant … please!!

Many thanks to the author, Adam Rabinowitz, for sending me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Garage Band is due for publication on 1 April 2016. Get it. Read it. You’ll enjoy it!

Profile Image for Mary.
343 reviews72 followers
July 11, 2016
Revenge is sweet. There is nothing sweeter than the taste of revenge against a large insurance company that has wronged you, especially if you are one of their own employees.

Lanthus Trilby was such an employee. For seventeen years, he was a dedicated employee, rarely missing a day of work, keeping a low profile, always complying to the tasks given to him. Lanthus, husband to a complacent wife, and father of two teenagers full of angst has reached his limit when the company that he has dedicated his entire life to decides his services are no longer needed. Lanthus has reached the very limit of his patience.

And that's when he starts his plot for revenge. Together with a team, Lanthus has decided to take down the large insurance company.

Having personally been through a similar situation as Lanthus, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story unfold. To me, it was a very relatable experience, and I found myself cheering him on every step of the way, imagining myself in Lanthus' place and his company was mine.

Plenty of dark humor, yet light hearted suspense makes this a compelling read.

I received this ARC for an honest review.
March 30, 2016
Fathers day was just about to be a non-event for Lanthus Trilby, who woke up to no smiling faces, no father's day cards and no presents. Instead his wife Felicity had lovingly prepared a Father's day lunch for her father Steve and her brother Arthur, a good looking, wealthy successful businessman, the polar opposite to Lanthus.
And so began a day in the life of Lanthus Trilby, a hard working, middle class husband and father who finds himself at the precipice, his world about to spiral out of control both at home and at work.
Could it get any worse? Yes. Lanthus Trilby was about to be made redundant. What would be the catalyst to give him back control not only of his life, but also his job and his self worth?
Enter the dark underbelly world of Johannesburg's Northern Suburbs and find out how Lanthus Trilby goes about plotting revenge against the machine that had just derailed his very existence.
The new exciting South African thriller, Garage Band, by author Adam Rabinowitz, is guaranteed to keep you intrigued until the very end. A must read SA thriller. Highly recommended.
April 1, 2016
Adam Rabinowitz brings us the compelling story of an ordinary man, living an average uneventful existence with his equally uninteresting family, whose world is completely turned upside down when his employer of 17 years unceremoniously dismisses him. What follows is a plan for revenge that is unpredictable, gripping, extremely entertaining and humorous. The suspense will keep you glued to the pages as this dull man’s path crosses with an explosive expert, a hacker, a female cage fighter and acrobats from the Madame Zingara circus. Together they form the Garage Band, and the ordinary character first introduced becomes their hero leader. South Africans will love the setting as this drama unfolds in and around Sandton City, Johannesburg, and depicts several well-known landmarks. Is revenge really sweet? … Get the book and find out for yourself.
Thank you to the author, Adam Rabinowitz, for sending me an advance copy of the book for review. Garage Band is due for publication on 1 April 2016. Be sure to get it.
March 31, 2016
This is a great read, set in Sandton, South Africa, the Hub of the African Economy. The author has managed to create a nail-biting, suspense crime-caper with real characters, real drama and real danger, but avoiding the trap of clichés pertaining to the crime and political hot pot that is so obviously known to locals in South Africa. An ordinary blue collar, overworked and underpaid Lanthus Trilby is someone we can all identify with. Revenge is his dish, no matter how it is served. There are twists and turns leading to a fantastic end. Delving into international espionage must certainly be on the cards for any sequels, which I am sure the author has thought of.
Profile Image for Vera Smith.
1 review1 follower
March 28, 2016
Rabinowitz serves up an intriguing tale of revenge,following Lanthus Trilby on his journey from colourless subservient actuary, to the powerful instigator of of a successful coup to render an upmarket shopping centre inoperable. Aided by a "band" of specially selected partners, rabinowitz adds in a couple of computer hackers, an explosives expert, and they're ready to hold an insurance company to ransom. Quirky side plots bring in a female cage fighter, followed by a couple of acrobats, plus of course, our own gumshoe police services... Peppered with a dash of good South African humour, this book delivers on its promise of a rollicking good read.
Profile Image for Teri G.
24 reviews3 followers
March 23, 2016
Fantastic book by Adam Rabinowitz. It kind of reminded me of The Sting and The Italian Job. Dark humor, outrageous characters and a plan of revenge that achieved far more than originally hoped for. I loved the pacing and the plot line. This is a sexy, action-filled, humorous and mind consuming tale. I read it straight through, that is how much it intrigued me. I received this ARC for an honest review, and I can give that review with great pleasure. I look forward to more from the talented mind of Adam Rabinowitz. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Rebekka Steg.
628 reviews102 followers
October 11, 2016
I was contacted by the author who apparently had liked some of my Amazon reviews and thought I would enjoy this book. I have no idea why. Not only is it poorly written, it is one of the most sexist pieces of garbage that I've ever read. In the end I only read the first 10% of the book and the last chapter (to see if there might be some redemption towards the end. There wasn't.). This is a book oozing of white, middle-age, male privilege and entitlement and I'd encourage you to stay far far away from it.

*I received a free copy from the author, the review is my own, honest opinion.*
1 review2 followers
March 29, 2016
I really liked reading Rabinowitz's Garage Band! What a fun, easy route to escapism! It's well written, is set up beautifully, hooks the reader and does not disappoint towards the end. Garage Band is in the same vein as The Italian Job, but being set in the richest square mile in Africa gives it a unique flavour and makes it very 'now'. I can already see the movie credits rolling to this action packed, meticulously planned story.
1 review1 follower
March 30, 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Rabinowitz's attention to detail puts the reader squarely in the heart of the action and the plot line absorbs one right from the opening chapter. I loved the fact that it was set in South Africa, and in particular, Johannesburg. His descriptions of the local area was so on point you were able to picture yourself right there. A great read for those looking for a quick escape from reality.
1 review1 follower
March 18, 2016
Adam Rabinowitz's third novel is a light-hearted revenge tale which appeases the inner revenge-seeker in us all.
Filled with absurd yet relatable characters, dark humour and nail-biting moments, Garage Band is a thrill ride from beginning to end.
I recommend this book to everyone and look forward to the next tale from the talented mind of Adam Rabinowitz.
Happy reading!
1 review1 follower
March 27, 2016
Thrilling, exciting, very cleverly plotted with lots of laughs and tension throughout. The story keeps you guessing all the way through and you will never guess how it ends. Lots of reminders of South Africa and its culture in the book. Extremely diverse crew and yet you somehow associate with their intentions and passion behind it. Truly a brilliant, gripping read!
1 review2 followers
March 28, 2016
Garage Band is a page turner that will keep you reading late into the night! The protagonist is an unlikely hero that the reader will immediately identify with. The plot is detail orientated and well thought through, with twists that the reader will not see coming! This feel-good adventure has universal appeal and is highly recommended.
2 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2016
Garage Band is one of those books that you don't want to end but can't wait to get to the end to see how the plot plays itself out. The characters are real and the descriptive writing makes you feel that you are part of the adventure. Well done to the author Adam Rabinowitz. A great read and highly recommended.
Profile Image for Adrian Holm.
1 review3 followers
April 7, 2016
Adam Rabinowitz has delivered a fantastic read which kept me riveted from start to finish. Set close to home, I completely related to the characters, and will view the locations with a new perspective. Thoroughly enjoyable, with well-timed off-beat humor that broke up the tension nicely.
Highly recommend Garage Band.
Profile Image for Adri Zaayman.
1 review10 followers
April 2, 2016
The Garage Band succeeds in delivering an entertaining, and delightfully South African take on a caper that is clever enough to keep you interested and surprised throughout without inducing headache. I found myself rooting for the unlikely heroes throughout, and was still grinning when I turned the last page.
March 24, 2016
An enjoyable read with interesting characters. Being a South African and having a story based on Sandton and surrounds, the images are rich and resonate to those who know this city. I could relate to the characters although a tad stereotyped. A fun, easy to read and enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Arlene Zlotnick.
1 review2 followers
March 27, 2016
It was a very good read didn't want to out it down. Had twists and turns in that I was not expecting well written
Profile Image for Lisa Flanders.
1 review13 followers
March 31, 2016
when I am reading a book I love to picture the scenario and with this book it was so easy! Thrilling and exciting. As they say in the classics, Revenge is Sweet!!

Great work Adam!
Profile Image for Daniel.
15 reviews
August 25, 2024
Quick summary: Adam Rabinowitz's lighthearted, humorous suspense novel Garage Band tells the story of Lanthus Trilby, an average actuary who, after losing his job at an insurance business, turns into a master crook. He devises a plot to exact revenge on his former boss by setting up a risky hostage scenario, driven by rage... and booze! In order to carry out his ambitious plan and remain ahead of Detective Muller and the authorities, Lanthus needs to put together a team of professionals for his idea. The narrative combines suspense and humour as Lanthus makes his way through his new life of crime.

Rating: 3.5/ rounded up to 4 stars!

My review: This book felt like a movie! I found it really funny and the characters were really joyful. Who doesn't love a good rag-tag team story? Oh, and talk about a suspenseful plot twist. I flew through this book and actually lost track of time while reading it. Also, I love it when I read books and know where the characters are since this takes place in South Africa. It adds a nice sense of relatability. I hope to see more from Lanthus and the gang in the near future!

Would I recommend this book?: Definitely. I want to buy the book (I picked it up from the library) so it can sit comfortably in my room but I cannot find the imagin8 cover that was published in 2016 FOR THE LIFE OF ME. Amazon only has the one with the guy on it (I'm not a fan of people on covers-.) If anyone knows where I could purchase the Imagin8 cover then feel free to send me a message right here on Goodreads!
2 reviews
April 15, 2016
Garage Band is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. Set in Sandton, South Africa it was a delight to be able to picture exactly where all the action was taking place.
Adam Rabinowitz brings all the characters to life, and one can almost sympathize with the reasoning behind the need for revenge.
The book is fast paced, with many twists in the tale.
A thoroughly enjoyable read which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
This book would make a great action movie.
Profile Image for Rob Whitlock.
5 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2016
Garage Band is a great tongue in cheek, largely cyber, thriller rather than a comedy thriller. Although some of the scenes are purposefully exaggerated the plot is believable and scarily possible - perhaps rally at such at such a large scale in real life and probably with more restraint! The plot is well crafted and has the reader guessing to the last page!
April 4, 2016
The book starts slow but once you get with Lanthus' plan you just can put it down. If you're into Guy Ritchie movies, this might just be the book for you.
I'm just not a fan of the style of writing but the story makes up for it.
Profile Image for Claire Bennett.
58 reviews1 follower
July 12, 2016
This was not my usual read at all & I came across it looking for another book. I loved this book & really routed for Lanthus throughout. The ending was brilliant.......way to go Lanthus!
Profile Image for Alan Menachemson.
252 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2016
One of the very best South African novels ever...long on plot....descriptive and fun....read it
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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