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Dracula’s Bloodline #1

Prince of Midnight

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Let me tell you a secret - Dracula had a brother. This is true. They called him Radu the Handsome, but his beauty was deceiving, and it hid a deadly secret...

With high ambitions as a journalist, Juliet Jochs travels to the Carpathians to investigate a mysterious and unnaturally beautiful prince. She suspects that he's a dangerous man, and that this mission may cost her life. But, as the prince's masks begin to peel off, she fears she may lose her sanity. 

Prince Radek's dark powers suck Juliet into a whirl of hypnotic desire--no woman has ever resisted his lures. But something is different about her, special, and he's growing dangerously addicted to her. She must keep her head above the water if she is to save herself, run away and not look back before he consumes her completely. But can she resist opening the last door to his most terrible secret?

173 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 18, 2018

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About the author

Ana Calin

51 books253 followers
Transylvanian witch writing dark and twisted fantasy romance. Meet tall, dark and brooding heroes who walk the fine line between good and evil, and the only heroines who can tame them. Beware - these stories are going to be outrageous, scandalous and partly triggering. Also, along the way, each one of the heroines discovers her own hidden magic, ranging from the abilitly to cast spells to taming the elements. Follow her here to find out more:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
724 reviews1,154 followers
June 20, 2019
What a awesome storyteller!!! This is a whole new spin on the legend of dracula. This tale is the story of his brother Radek who was cursed like his brother vlad,but radek's curse is to become a monster every night at midnight and who can kill by unmasking and showing his face,the curse will cause the black death to all who look upon his face. When Juliet is sent to investigate and find out how someone as young as radek has amassed so much wealth and power she becomes fascinated with this sick twisted cursed man and is slowly becoming enslaved to his nightly visits and his total possession of not only her body but her soul as well. This book isn't warm, fuzzy or romantic. It's a totally erotic lusty read with strong language and details,but it is done so well !!! Ana has written awesome characters with great detail and flame worthy chemisty!!! This tale is only beginning and Drac has made his apperance,but theirs more to come for him and radek. Who will come out on top! I Can't wait to see!! 💋💖
Next up in this series: Prince Of Obsession
December 24, 2020
Dracula’s little brother is more powerful and much hotter!

Who knew Vlad’s little bro would end up more powerful and hotter. His curse is a bit different than Dracula’s. Though they were both changed in the same ceremony performed by their father when they were children, each involved separate rituals and each brother was cursed differently.

Prince Radek is handsome though he has dark hypnotic powers and Juliet falls under his spell early on, though she is always wary of him and is aware that things aren’t as they seem. This is a great take on not only the Dracula story, but a new supernatural power type of story. Prince Radek has certain powers that we really haven’t seen before.

I always like books that have hugely famous historical characters, whether real or fictional and Dracula or Vlad the Impaler is a bit of both, so that is cool. I am moving right on to the next book in the series and can’t wait to see what happens. Dracula will play a bigger role in this one, I think...

Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews508 followers
April 14, 2020
2.5 (generous) stars


So this had a good premise. The beginning was shaky for me but it smoothed out as the book went on. What I had major problems with was the romance..

I liked the plot with Dracula and the respective powers of him and the Prince and I want to know what happens next. I'm hoping that the romance is in more equal terms in the second one..

Profile Image for Deborah.
3,632 reviews477 followers
February 26, 2019
2.5 - 3*

I started reading this book firstly because I was looking for a vampire read. Not a quick flaky romance but something with some substance. And secondly because the reviews were so good. And they were. I couldn’t find a bad review anywhere.

On the plus side this is a different vampire read. It’s an interesting idea and as such it’s well worth taking a look.

I had two main problems.
My first was that I found I just didn’t really like and therefore care about any of the characters. Personally I need that attachment. For a romance to work and ultimately this is a romance. I need to like at least one preferably both of the main characters. And I just didn’t.

I found Juliet annoying and weak. I know some will argue the weak point since she’s under a strong compulsion in the castle. But it’s how I feel.

Radek. I love a dark brooding villain and I would have thought I’d love him but again I didn’t.
I don’t want to make this a spoiler review but the fact that he didn’t know what was going on on his own home made him seem less somehow as well.

The first half of this book was for me anyway very much ‘take it or leave it’ I felt I could have put it down at any point and walked away without a second thought. This changed at about the halfway point and I found myself interested and engrossed. I did even consider moving on to the next one but my original point still stands. I don’t like either of the main characters.

Now it’s worth mentioning that I’ve been struggling lately. I’ve been stuck in a re-read cycle that I’m desperately trying to break out from.
So it’s safe to say it’s probably me not the book.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews51 followers
Want to read
March 1, 2019

🎁 FREE on Amazon today (3/1/2019)! 🎁

Let me tell you a secret - Dracula had a brother. This is true. They called him Radu the Handsome, but his beauty was deceiving, and it hid a deadly secret...

With high ambitions as a journalist, Juliet Jochs travels to the Carpathians to investigate a mysterious and unnaturally beautiful prince. She suspects that he's a dangerous man, and that this mission may cost her life. But, as the prince's masks begin to peel off, she fears she may lose her sanity.

Prince Radek's dark powers suck Juliet into a whirl of hypnotic desire--no woman has ever resisted his lures. But something is different about her, special, and he's growing dangerously addicted to her. She must keep her head above the water if she is to save herself, run away and not look back before he consumes her completely. But can she resist opening the last door to his most terrible secret?
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
April 24, 2019
I loved the sound of this, a story/romance framed around Prince Radek (Dracula’s brother), who has dark, ancient powers. The Prince is positioned as a dangerous being, one that entrances journalist Juliet Jochs, who has come for a career making story. All of this had me keen to read.

I was expecting something sensuous and rich, a Prince who was deliciously dangerous and a heroine with fire, but that didn't happen, neither character drew me in – I couldn’t connect with them. Plus, the chemistry between the characters for me was lacking. I also found that whilst the writing wasn’t bad, it didn’t weave a spell where time fell away and I became lost, even fleetingly, in the characters and narrative. This led to some skim reading, but it also means, sadly, that I barely remember what I read.

Acquired via KU.
Profile Image for Rose Hastings.
88 reviews
May 28, 2020

I don't think I've ever rated a book under three stars. Ever. I would have actually given this one star but I decided to save it for another day.

Juliet Jochs is an aspiring journalist and her big scoop comes when she is noticed by Prince Radek at one of his rare press conferences. When Juliet asks bold questions about him, Radek is amused and decides to invite her to his palace, the Bran Palace in which Bram Stocker's novel claims Dracula lived. Excited at this opportunity, Juliet accepts but what she doesn't know is that the Prince is one cruelly twisted man and the only reason he invited her was so that he could have a new plaything. Juliet must now try to survive mind-boggling secrets about the man in question and herself, and prepare to have her whole life turned upside-down.

Now that you know what the book is about, let's move on to my thoughts.

Let me tell you the positives first.

1. The cover is stunning.

2. The first 10% of the book is amazing.

3. There was this fight at the end that I liked.

*****Proceed after this point with caution. Extreme swearing, sarcasm and graphic content present along with spoilers. Read the book is you want before going down here. Those who loved this book, you should probably go check out the next one instead of loitering around here because you may find this seriously offensive.*****

Please bear in mind that I was not disturbed because this was a dark erotic read. It was the characters who I hated. Their behaviour was disturbing and I've read some seriously dark reads. Don't believe me? Check out Dolly by Measha Stone and Siren by Jaimie Roberts. (I'm using my tab right now and will edit this a bit later so I can give you guys proper links to follow if you want.)

I have never made the amount of notes as I did for this one. 46. I'm serious. And that is excluding some of the stuff I was too tired to criticize. I have never, I repeat, NEVER, taken three whole days to finish a measly 170 page book. Never. Just the though of picking up the book gave me goosebumps and a headache but I genuinely believe that every book deserves a chanced so I persevered and finished this one stupid STUPID book when I could have finished two better ones.

This is going to be one long review as I'm going to share everything that disturbed me. I noticed none of the other negative reviews have really delved into what the actual problem was here so allow me to do it for you.

I was actually in a really good mood while I started this book. I wasn't even angry or in a book slump or anything. The cover also really lifted my mood. The first 10% was okay. I was excited. Everything seemed good, but then a single sentence Radek uttered started giving me warning bells.

1. Page 22: I stop to consider whether I find her more than just pretty. Pretty is but a mask that can hide monsters, I know that better than anyone, so I never held physical appearance in high regard. I actually despise anyone who grooms it-- which Juliet Jochs doesn't. She wasn't wearing any makeup the first time I saw her at the press conference, and she isn't wearing any now. She isn't trying to impress me, or anyone.

This may not seem bad at first and may actually make you like the MMC. Radek comes of as a conceited confident man who is more than aware of his looks but two minutes in, he starts about how he only cares for a beautiful soul and stuff. Puh-lease. Okay, he may not hold physical appearances in high regard, but shaming those who groom it is so damn wrong. There is nothing wrong in a woman trying to feel beautiful.
I was feeling insecure about myself a few months ago. Who doesn't have random bouts of it? My skin is darker that the rest of my peers'. When I was young, a few people used to compare me to a crow, or a raven if you may. I didn't like my skin colour then. I used to think that it was bad and I look ugly. But, I started reading and somewhere along the way, I realised my colour doesn't matter and that it wasn't going to change. I understood that to feel beautiful, I must embrace what I have. So I started wearing a darker shade of powder. I highlighted the darkness of my skin instead of making it lighter with nude shades. I started feeling confident, I felt beautiful. I may not have huge curves but I started loving mine and tried to persuade my parents to buy me tighter clothes. My lips are not pink. I understood it didn't matter and started wearing lip balm every day to make them shine and highlight them. When I did these things, I started loving myself and now, I don't care about how I look. I groom myself to be the best version of myself, to feel beautiful for myself, and that one thought which Radek had about despising people who groom themselves felt so damn wrong to me and that was what put me off at first.
I'm sorry, but I warned you. This is going to be one long review of why I hated this book.

So this put me in a bad mood, and then Juliet had to worsen it with her 'pretty little mouth', as Radek calls it.

2. Page 37: "I'm sorry. I don't know how to take a compliment."

If the author expected me to feel sorry and warm up to Juliet because of her naivety, she was wrong. A girl either denies, blushes, or accepts a compliment. If you want me to appreciate her naivety, make her deny it, not say *imitates high-pitched screechy voice* "I'm so sorry.... I don't know how to accept a compliment. Excuse me prince." It felt like she was trying to gain pity for herself by making her appear lesser. *Eyeroll*

3. Page 43: "Beauty is only skin-deep, a worthless asset."
"Only someone who has an overload of this commodity can afford to speak about it in these terms. It's easy to despise what you have some much of."
He hisses, as if my words arouse him. "Your smart mouth, Juliet," he confirms. Hell, this guy is twisted in more ways than I thought.

The hell? The guy finds the heroine talking about how he doesn't value beauty because he has so much of it arousing. Seriously? You need to be doing some self-reflection on whether what she told is true, not comment on how smart she is (which she actually isn't ).

4. Page 43: I'm so giddy at the prospect of having sex with this mad Prince, even though everything he is doing is sick, and possibly dangerous. I mean, come on, the guy probably drugged me, had something put in the water on my desk or something, in order to render me unable to move. Now, he's having his way with me without showing his face -- probably wearing the Prince of Midnight's mask. He clearly has a mind as twisted as all those tunnels he's built inside the rocky base of this castle. But, despite all that, it seems my brain has descended between my legs.
"Just, please be gentle. I haven't been with a man in a very long time."
Page 44: "I can't have meaningless sex," it rolls out. "I want to mean something to the man I sleep with. He gets to see me down there, things don't get any more intimate than that. I can't treat sex like some kind of recreational activity."

This is the part where I found out something is seriously wrong with this book. Let me tell you want happens here. It is the second night at the castle for Juliet. Juliet gets ready for bed and she lies down. After a few seconds, she finds that she cannot move. She has been immobilised. She hears Radek's voice. So now, Juliet is apparently under some kind of compulsion. She knows that she's been drugged somehow and all she can think of is how good it'll be to have sex with the prince. Seriously? You've been drugged for fuck's sake woman. You should be scared that you can't move. You shouldn't be begging him to be gentle when he fucks you.
She also is apparently under some kind of truth spell that makes her tell the truth. So she isn't lying when she says she doesn't want to have meaningless sex. But then, they still proceed to have sex that night. Keep in mind, their interactions have been brief and it is only Juliet's second night at the castle. So there is no chance for a deep emotional bond between those two. Radek asks her to tell him to stop if she feels uncomfortable. She is under a truth spell. She likes Radek's touch. She cannot lie. But just because she cannot tell him to stop doesn't mean she wants it. I'll make this clear.
I'm a teenager. I had a crush on a boy ( I've never told this to anyone before but I need to make a point here). My friends starting shipping me with him because we were both elected as class captains. They used to tease me without knowing that I actually found him nice. My friends who we are talking about are my BFFs. I've known them for nine, almost ten years now. They shipped me for two years. Never have I told them that I actually like that boy. It is because I don't want them to know. It may be the truth, but I will deny it. I don't do crushes. It's meaningless to me. So I never told them. In this case, Juliet is compelled to tell the truth and is drugged. If she was in a clear state of mind, she would have told him no because she doesn't want meaningless sex. Radek twisted his words and told her to tell him to stop only if she felt uncomfortable. Juliet didn't. So she was took part in something she normally wouldn't have done. This gave me too much rape-y vibes so I closed the book and went to sleep, hoping to forget it. I mean, don't you guys see it too? Please tell me you do.

5. Page 54: Fuck. The more I think about it as I wiggle into a comfortable but still business-like blue dress, the more my brain wakes up. This is an outrageously beautiful prince who can have any woman he wants. No, who sure as hell has had dozens, and I'm just one of the countless pussies he's pounded with his dildos for his special kind of pleasure. If he doesn't have a girlfriend by now, it surely isn't because he couldn't get one, but because he didn't want one. Why would he? What normal man would settle for one woman when he can have not only the bodies but also the love of so many. Love, like beauty, must be a commodity he has had too much of, so why should he value it?

This girl wakes up in the morning, and her first thought is about how he must have had dozens of women before her. Jesus, she should be angry at the fact that he had sex with her, not express disbelief. Dumb bitch.

6. Page 58: He seems to despise women who appreciate beauty. Is he some deranged man who punishes women for shallow desires?

Fuck both of them. What the fuck is wrong in appreciating beauty? Wanting to be beautiful is not a shallow desire. Only when you feel beautiful do you feel secure, confident and powerful. You feel satisfied and comfortable. To me, feeling beautiful is feeling good. I could bitch slap Juliet for this one sentence alone. Not all women who want to be beautiful are shallow. Fuck her. She is the shallow one for thinking so, and I'm not even pretty, let alone beautiful. If this angers me so much, I don't know what a genuinely pretty or beautiful person will do. These kinds of stuff are the things that make people insecure. Telling them that being beautiful means you are conceited and self-centred.

7. Page 63: By the time our father sent us to the Sultan's court we'd already been initiated, Vlad and I. We were already---" He bites down on his lip. God, he's so sexy he seems cursed with it.

Okay. Now who is being shallow? Not only that, she is also being very insensitive. Radek is obviously talking about a very sensitive subject and this girl can only think about how sexy is it. Note this sentence as proof that Juliet only cared about Radek for his beauty at first. Later on at the book, they were like Juliet is special because she didn't fall for my looks and stuff but I say, bullshit. God, I hate this girl. I may not be as beautiful or special as Juliet obviously is but I would never think about how sexy a guy is when he is hurting. Also, two seconds later , she becomes jealous.

8. Page 63: "The curses that infects humans who look me in the face eventually kills them".
Yeah, I figured that much. But right now, I'm focused on another problem. Jealousy has awakened in the pit of my stomach, crackling through my stomach.

Jesus fucking Christ this girl! He is talking about how he kills people and the girl is thinking about the other woman he must have had sex with. I wanna rage and scream at the stupidity of this girl. Seriously.

Page 63: (continuation of the above extract) "So you've been feeding of sex for centuries. From the 1400s, to be exact. How many women have there been?"
"Wait, I need you to understand this, Juliet." He takes my hand, our faces close to each other. "I feed of the thickness of humans' blood, the vigor of their organs, the perfection of their genes. In a word, I feed off vital energy and youth. Both transfer from you to me through sex."
My cheeks are burning--- I can never be unique to him. He's had so many women...


9. Page 65:. "How did we even get here, Radek?" I whisper, allowing all the intimacy I feel into my voice. "It seems like yesterday I laid eyes on you at that press conference. Next thing I know, we're-- " I let the word roll of my tongue like waves of honey.

Seriously? You talk as if you've known him for more than a month. It hasn't even been a week. It's only your third day at the palace and second night with him.

10. Page 67: " Things became clear earlier today-- she is capable of real compassion and empathy, feelings that she showered over me. She did it last night in the rush of pleasure (.....) She takes physical love very seriously, and is unable to act without involving herself emotionally. That's how she got intimate with the monster at the level of her soul, and started healing him."

What bullshit is this? Three days. She's known for just three fucking days and it's not like they've been attached at the hip and spent all their time together or something. There was dinner the first day, some strange interaction the second day and sex in the second and third night. That's all. I don't see how Juliet got herself emotionally involved in this time. Just because you have sex doesn't mean emotion is involved. Hmph.

11. Page 69:. I took women like a master would take lusty sex slaves, punishing them for wanting beauty and money, and for despising the puppy love they got from less attractive men.

Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I fucking hate you. There is nothing wrong with a woman desiring money are beauty. Are you implying that a woman shouldn't want money for her own? That we should stay as a slave to men? Seriously? How jaded are you? I think I've already ranted about the beauty aspect plenty. And we all don't despise this 'puppy love from less attractive men' as you put it. If we don't like a person, we don't like them. It's not because of their looks. Also, have you never heard of people having 'types'? There are a plethora of other reasons we could not like someone's affection. Character, habits, it could be any trait of the person. You are seriously fucked up if that is your impression on women.

12. Page 83:. (.....) as if she's pondering what to tell a lunatic who is asking crazy questions. I must be looking like one indeed, biting my nails, glaring at her, my foot nervously tapping the floor, my hair disheveled because I haven't seen to it in days, too busy obsessing over Radek.

Page 90:. A new feeling accompanied the horror that creased every inch of my skin---disgust. Radek is indeed a monster, inside and out.

Juliet is such a fickle creature. Allow me the displeasure of telling you what happened. So Juliet and Radek are having sex. Suddenly, this guy jumps up, tell her that he needs to feed and just leaves. Now what does Juliet do? She sits and obsesses. Apparently, three months have passed now. Three whole fucking months have passes and Juliet doesn't know it, she is that far gone. Radek doesn't show his face for three months. And when she sees his former mistresses, she gets scared and runs. She is so damn stupid. If you obsess over him, stand up for him. If you didn't, you should have left a long time ago. What is wrong with you? She doesn't even think rationally. Bitch.

13. Page 96:. She might be an angel, but I'm a monster, and this is my nature. There is nothing I can do to change that. I can't live knowing Juliet is with another man. If I can't have her, nobody will.

What a self-centred prick!! Jeeerrk. He leaves her for three months. Juliet is scared and leaves. After she leaves, this guy comes back and immediately becomes jealous because she left without telling him with another guy. It was you who stayed away, not her. You have no right to act like this you prick!! Asshole.

Okay, I give up. I think my point is made pretty strongly. I seriously don't have the time nor the strength to write anymore. I will state one more thing though...

14. Page 108:. "He keeps them in a drugged state, uses them and ditches them." There's resentment in Magda's voice. I narrow my eyes at her over the coffee cup, trying to ignore the pang in my chest at the mention of other women.

Okay. You guys see Juliet for what she truly is now? She can only focus on the fact that Radek has had other women, not the fact that he DRUGS them, USES them and then DITCHES them? What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?

Page 163:. " You know I'm possessively, jealousy in love with you," I whisper. "When I thought you had my sister, my biggest fear was that you chose to sleep with her, instead of what you might be doing to her. Don't you see? My love for you turns me into the kind of person I don't want to be--weak, desperate, addicted to you."
His eyes narrow, his beautiful jaw tight. My words arouse him so much that he can barely contain himself, I can feel it. His cock grows, pushing through the leather between my naked buttocks.

Ew Ew Ewwwww. Just, yuck. I have no words. *Gags*

I'm just gonna go now. My point is made. If you guys want books similar to this, you should read Slave to a Vampire by Katrina Kahler and if you want a book with a heroine gets scared of the hero at times, you should read Mated to the Alpha King by Jennise K. They may not be perfect but atleast the relationships aren't toxic. I'm sorry if my review has offended anyone but I'm just calling what I see. You can decide if this should be a one-star or a two-star. I don't want to be too harsh so I'm leaving it at a two star for now. Maybe 1.5?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
February 17, 2019
Mixed feelings on this, I’ve just finished it and I enjoyed it, but not sure if I want to read on or not ! I like the MC and came to like Radek eventually but he lacked charisma and magic, what I’d usually expect from a male lead. The book starts and ends well it just felt a bit meandering in the middle and overlong there. A good read but could be better with work on the chemistry of the characters.
Profile Image for Khara.
414 reviews30 followers
December 6, 2020
I'm fussy about my smut, and this one wasn't really for me.
I liked the idea of it, but the beginning was super rushed. The first night at the castle they're having sex. The prince can control time, and has mind coersion. So Juliet was literally under his spell. The 'You can say no" wasn't true if you're mind is a fuzzy mess. Yes, she thought he was super hot etc, but still there's a difference. 50% in there was more story, and supporting charachters came in to play. That was interesting, and Created more of a story. Yet even they want Juliet to stay with the prince, because they have their own motives! Juliet even admits they have a meesed up, possessive, jealous love for each other. That's not the kind of romance I like to read about.
Profile Image for Giselle.
990 reviews6,647 followers
Want to read
March 14, 2019
Review copies are open for requests here: [closed - other review opportunities found here]
Profile Image for Caroline Doig.
5,401 reviews46 followers
December 22, 2018
I love Ana Calin’s stories and this one the Prince of Midnight is such a fantastic story I enjoyed it immensely. Juliet is a reporter for an internet E-zine and her first press conference is for Prince Radek Basarab he had bought the opera house and he was there to talk about it. Prince Radek talked about finding love and Juliet shouts out that maybe Cupid’s arrow just splintered against your steeley heart, and that got the prince’s attention. Once back at work Juliet gets told by her boss that she is going to work for the prince and that she needs to get as much information about the prince and that will open so many doors for her. Now Juliet is on her way to the Bran castle like the one from Bram Stoker’s novel. That my friends is just the beginning of this amazing story but there is so much more to keep you entertained and turning the pages. A fantastic story a 5 plus ⭐️ read and I highly recommend this book it’s definitely well worth the read.
Profile Image for Jennifer Soppe.
2,251 reviews12 followers
December 20, 2018
A must read in a new series starter

Juliet, a novice journalist, picks on Radek, a reclusive prince, at a press conference earning his undivided attention. As the story progresses secrets are kept, emotions turn deadly and danger seems to come from all sides. Prince of Midnight is a wonderfully twisted tale of betrayal, love and suspense. Ana Calin has taken a turn at the legend surrounding Vlad the Impaler and his brother Radu. In this mentally stimulating and suspenseful tale the reader is introduced to the Prince of Midnight and given a lovely taste of what to expect in this must read new series starter.

I received a free copy of the book from the author. I had the opportunity to review or not.
Profile Image for Nikki Landis.
Author 124 books2,058 followers
February 19, 2019

It's no secret one of my favorite genres is paranormal romance. Toss in a vampire or wolf shifter and you've got me hook, line, and sinker. Add excellent storytelling into the mix, a solid plot, tension, thrills, sexy chemistry, and a gothic vibe - well, let's just say this ticks all the boxes off for me and I'm one happy reader.

Radek and Juliet are intriguing from the start. The slow build of their relationship along with foreshadowing, mystery, and enough nostalgic horror film nods to make me giddy grew this story with care. The gothic twist I absolutely loved as well as the deep roots of the character's history. Radek was the perfect mixture of crazed and cursed, handsome and refined, and his personality lent a sexy but dark vibe to the book. Juliet was smart and cunning, and her bravery was interesting to watch unfold. The steamy parts were an added bonus.

Excellent book from an excellent author. Highly recommended!

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Word Building: 5/5
Story Flow: 4/5

Picky Bitches OVERALL SCORE: 5/5
Profile Image for Maria Recinos.
115 reviews2 followers
December 20, 2018
It's been a while since I Iiked books with vampires but this one got me loving one with sexy blue eyes. I was turning the pages eager for more and more, I need book 2 ASAP. I liked the storyline and how somethings were introduced anticipating the second book. 5 sexy vampire stars.
Profile Image for Jennifer Miller.
Author 29 books162 followers
December 22, 2018

My emotions are all over the place with this book.. this series is extremely original and page turning. I’m interested to see where this goes.
Profile Image for Lady Raven Books.
1,171 reviews28 followers
December 20, 2018
Remarkable Read

This story is absolutely off the charts. My reviews are a bit longer, but I don't do spoilers. The writing and flow of this book is amazing. I absolutely recommend this book. One thing I can say I love the Prince of Midnight.
Profile Image for Casey Nicholson.
92 reviews8 followers
December 23, 2018
Review Time! Last week’s Book of the Week was The Prince of Midnight: Dracula’s Bloodline by Paranormal Romance Author Ana Calin

The cover was captivating and I was thrilled to see the story was every bit as Dark and Steamy!
Prince Radek is handsome, rich, monstrous, possessive and a bit obsessive. He ensnares the ever so clever and captivating heroine, up and coming investigative journalist Juliet Jochs, under his spell. But she has to decide if there’s a real connection, or just another illusion, before time runs out.

But this story is more than just romance. There’s also an intense battle of strengths and wits, between immortals and mortals alike. I am thrilled to see the battle will carry on in book 2, Prince Of Obsession!

I enjoyed the originality and twist on Radek and Dracula’s backstory. After speaking with the author, Ana Calin, Im pleased to announce that I found out that there’s not only one but TWO more books planned in this series! It sounds like Part two will be releasing shortly afterwards, so no angst filled wait to continue consuming these books!

Profile Image for Louise Norton.
280 reviews7 followers
December 23, 2018
Oh my goodness this is one book you must read. It is dark and gritty. Set in the carpathians journalist Juliete tries to get a story on the dark Prince but has she took on to big a job. What secrets is the dark Prince hiding? Why is she so drawn to him? And will she survive Radeks hold on her?
Utterly amazing to read 5* is not enough in my opinion.
I voluntarily reviewed a reader copy from the author
December 23, 2018
I’ve always been a Dracula girl, so Prince of Midnight was a very interesting new outlook of a story I hold so close to my heart. Our main heroine Juliet is loveable and a joy to connect with and Radek is intriguing and sexy. I can honestly say I enjoyed reading the book and I can’t wait to see how it progresses in the future.
Profile Image for Nicole.
25 reviews
December 23, 2018
I enjoyed this book, especially the main character Juliet Jochs. The book pulls you in from the start, and it is hard not to fall for Prince Radek. Can not wait for the second book. Would definitely recommend to a friend.
Profile Image for Shirley.
932 reviews230 followers
March 24, 2019
Original review

This book was provided by the author through Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Ana Calin and Xpresso Book Tours!

Prince of Midnight
is the first book in the Dracula’s Bloodline series and tells the story of Juliet and Radek.

The first thing that drew my attention was the cover. It’s such a beautiful cover and Radek is so hot… I’m not going to lie, a beautiful cover is always important. But besides a beautiful cover, a good synopsis is also important, and after reading the synopsis I was sold. I just had to read this book.

I really loved the concept of this book because it was so interesting. I’ve never read anything like this and I loved it. A lot of Supernatural Romances are somewhat the same but Prince of Midnight is really different, a good different.

Prince of Midnight was really fast paced and well written. I really enjoyed the characters and I really wanted to know how this book was going to end. Juliet is definitely my favourite character because she could see the beauty beneath the monster. I’m also curious to see what is going to happen to Radek.

Prince of Midnight was an amazing read and I cannot wait to read the sequel, Prince of Obsession!
Profile Image for Casey Nicholson.
92 reviews8 followers
December 23, 2018
Review Time! Last week’s Book of the Week was The Prince of Midnight: Dracula’s Bloodline by Paranormal Romance Author Ana Calin

The cover was captivating and I was thrilled to see the story was every bit as Dark and Steamy!
Prince Radek is handsome, rich, monstrous, possessive and a bit obsessive. He ensnares the ever so clever and captivating heroine, up and coming investigative journalist Juliet Jochs, under his spell. But she has to decide if there’s a real connection, or just another illusion, before time runs out.

But this story is more than just romance. There’s also an intense battle of strengths and wits, between immortals and mortals alike. I am thrilled to see the battle will carry on in book 2, Prince Of Obsession!

I enjoyed the originality and twist on Radek and Dracula’s backstory. After speaking with the author, Ana Calin, Im pleased to announce that I found out that there’s not only one but TWO more books planned in this series! It sounds like Part two will be releasing shortly afterwards, so no angst filled wait to continue consuming these books!

277 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2018
I've read about the Prince Radu before (a story about his time in the East Court), but then I didn't understand that he was Draculas brother or that he had a curse. This new story (a fabulous retwist of Beauty and the Beast) set in present times, is very interesting, not many characters but each one very well crafted. There are many supernatural features, but all of them have an explanation in the end (wait for it! 😊). The only problem: this story is way too short (for me that is... I like them big 😉). It has what I call a "end for now", so it leaves us wondering what will happen next and how all this characters will evolve, because the story has major potential!
Profile Image for Samayra.
177 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2019
I didnt like it much.. things went tooo fast after juliet went to the castle. Suddenly she was in love.. and she was supposed to be this smart woman??? Radek is a monster.. hokaay.. she can heal him.. hokay. He mesmerized her but thats hokay too.. I dont think ill read the next book.. It wasnt for me
Profile Image for Hermilene.
85 reviews7 followers
January 7, 2019
Entertaining reading,the mythology was good and intriguing.
I love Radek and Juliet as a couple and how possessive and jealous both of them were but I would I have liked to really see their relationship develop more at the beginning to be less rushed.
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,684 reviews99 followers
October 4, 2022
Una lectura vampírica distinta pero no pude meterme de lleno en ella.

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers.
•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen.

Prince of Midnight de Ana Calin serie Dracula's Bloodline libro 1


Déjame contarte un secreto: Drácula tenía un hermano. Esto es cierto. Lo llamaban Radu el Hermoso, pero su belleza engañaba y escondía un secreto mortal...

Con grandes ambiciones como periodista, Juliet Jochs viaja a los Cárpatos para investigar a un príncipe misterioso y de una belleza antinatural.

Ella sospecha que es un hombre peligroso y que esta misión puede costarle la vida. Pero, a medida que las máscaras del príncipe comienzan a despegarse, ella teme perder la cordura.

Los poderes oscuros del príncipe Radek succionan a Juliet en un torbellino de deseo hipnótico; ninguna mujer se ha resistido jamás a sus señuelos. Debe mantener la cabeza fuera del agua si quiere salvarse, huir y no mirar atrás antes de que él la consuma por completo.

Pero, ¿podrá resistirse a abrir la última puerta a su secreto más terrible?

Mi humilde opinión:

Me intrigó la idea del hermoso príncipe de la oscuridad, hermano de Drácula, con su maldición de la peste negra y sus poderes de controlar un mundo en otra dimensión dónde estaba su castillo pero estaba escrita de una forma que me resultaba difícil involucrarme no solo con los personajes sino con lo que sucedía.

Mí mayor problema era Juliet. Ella me enojó a lo largo del libro. Era como un personaje con múltiples personalidades. Al comienzo me pareció tan malo el enamoramiento que tenía por su jefe mucho mayor que ella. No entendí qué era lo que veía tan irresistible en él. El trato que ambos hacen para que ella pueda obtener un ascenso y al jefe también si investigaba con éxito a Radek era asqueroso. Hay tantas cosas que no me hacían respetar a la heroína. Podía ser inteligente pero también tomaba malas decisiones. Era una mujer ambisiosa pero después parecía que eso no le importaba tanto porque ya no pensó más en la historia que fue a buscar como periodista. Era un felpudo pero podía tenía momento de valentía. Me cansaron sus continuos celos y preguntas sobre con cuántas mujeres se acostó Radek en el pasado.

Radek me resultaba demasiado pervertido y obsesivo. Él era realmente oscuro y lo pintaban como alguien poderoso y mortífero, entonces su antigua amante Victoria complota contra él en sus propias narices y no solo no se da cuenta sino que cree como un tonto todas sus mentiras? Esto le restó puntos para mí.

Todo lo que parecía haber entre Radek y Juliet era sexo y palabras sucias. Estoy bien con la combinación siempre y cuando se usen bien pero aquí simplemente no me pareció sexy!

Juliet al final parece sentirse obligada a casarse con Radek. Y a él no puede importarle menos si ella quiere o no irse como su esposa a vivir a su castillo. Parecía que aceptaba estar con él solo para salvar a la gente de su maldad.

No sabía qué pensar de este romance, solo no se sintió bien. Tristemente me costó mucho entrar en este mundo sobrenatural pero decidí seguir leyendo para darle una oportunidad y ver qué pasaba. Al final no funcionó bien para mí.

Me asombró que el libro terminara con un cliffhanger, la historia de Juliet y Radek continúa en Prince of Obsession pero honestamente no me interesa saber qué más les depara el futuro.
Profile Image for C.C. Campaign.
215 reviews5 followers
February 12, 2019
*I received an ARC copy via Xpresso Book Tours. This does not effect my views whatsoever.*

We all know the story of Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula. The various adaptions from book to screen aside from the historical facts versus the legend - some of us readers and viewers cannot get enough of this character nor his offspring. Although, books do not mention any facts about his brother, Radu cel Frumos or Radu the Handsome.

The legend of Radu or rumor, if you will, is quite interesting to say the least. While Vlad received the craving of blood and curse of immortality, Radu is cursed with physical beauty until the cover of night where he must wear a mask to disclose his true facial form. If any mortal looks upon his true face, they are cursed with the black plague and die a slow, painful death. 

Author Ana Calin builds upon the rarely spoken of brother of the Prince of Darkness and creates a character with his own immortal dark tale of romance and horror. Radu, or Radek Basarab is known as one of the most eligible millionaire bachelors in all of the world. With his background and business practices shrouded in mystery, journalist Juliet Jochs is aimed at solving it and practically sold to him by her company in order to discover then exploit her findings. However, Juliet quickly discovers she gets more than what she bargained for the moment she is transferred to Transylvania and takes up residence within the walls of Dracula's castle.

The more time she spends at the castle, she notices disappearing hallways, strange noises, and the Prince acting very strange. Now, Juliet started off at being built up to be an independent woman with a mind of her own and sharp wit, but the more time she spends around the Prince, she notices time seems to slip away as well as her energy. Her relationship with him began flirtatious then transforms into something more addicting, and obsessively sexual pretty quickly. Very soon, they become overly attached to one another and the Prince's dark secret is reveals, but something else is revealed.

He is like an Incubus, in a way, but he isn't. He sucks out the life-force of the women he's been with in order to sustain his immortality and beauty. Much like his brother only without the blood and he has to wear a mask at night. His attraction to Juliet is something he is not used too. Not because she is the only woman who has made him feel anything remote to "love", but Juliet somehow has the ability to make him whole and reduces the impact of his dark power. 

The story moves rather quickly with these two, a little too quickly for my personal taste. The legend of Radu is intriguing and I wanted to learn more about it before the romance kicked in. It was as if the legend was put on the back burner most of the time and the romance over-powered it. These two did not have enough conversations or even spent much time together before getting physical and falling for one another. Some readers may like that in their paranormal romance novels, but I like the gradual build up approach. And when it came to the turning point of the novel where the antagonists began to came out of the woodwork, it was close to the end of the novel. 

Do I want to see what will happen between Juliet and Radek? Yes, but I'd like for the sequel to cut back on the rush of romance and give me more exposition between the characters and more action. 

If you are a fan of Dracula, try his brother for a night!
Profile Image for Siobhan Royle keating.
237 reviews10 followers
January 20, 2019
Absolutely amazing Ana Calin was a new author to me and I’m in love with her writing style. She takes a old legend and gives it a spin . The characters chemistry is intense and you can literally feel the vibes from them , Juliet is a journalist and after discovering she’s being sent to investigate a mysterious and unnaturally beautiful prince ( prince radek)
She immediately knows he’s dangerous and she must stay away at all costs because it could mean her life, but she can’t shake the deep longing she holds for him.

Prince radek from the moment he see’s Juliet he wants to consume her every thought and lures her with his dark powers like he’s done before with every other woman, but the closer he gets the more he becomes addicted to her . She’s special different .and Juliet realises if she doesn’t keep her wits about her she may lose more than just her heart.
Lust ,power obsession and dark terrifying secrets will Juliet escape the lure of radek or will she succumb to her fate . Because one things for sure radek never gives up.
I highly recommend this series
Profile Image for Diane Garner.
Author 3 books44 followers
January 28, 2019
Different is sometimes a good thing.

Prince of Midnight (Dracula's Bloodline Book 1)

Juliet is a bottom feeder journalist who believes with a good story she could rise in her career. What are you do when you went to rise? That's correct; you go hang out with the Prince of Midnight (Radek), who is also the brother of Dracula. This kind of story is hard to review without spoiling it for others.

The author did an excellent job in the world and character building. The characters exciting to learn about in the story itself was an easy read am I quite the page-turner. It was extremely fast paced in my favorite; there were no parts that seemed long-winded.

I would recommend anyone who likes any kind of fantasy or vampire type storylines. Even if you don't, I would totally pick it up and give it a try. It's a lot different than most in this genre.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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