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Just Listen

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Last year, Annabel was "the girl who has everything" — at least that's the part she played in the television commercial for Kopf's Department Store.

This year, she's the girl who has nothing: no best friend because mean-but-exciting Sophie dropped her, no peace at home since her older sister became anorexic, and no one to sit with at lunch. Until she meets Owen Armstrong.

Tall, dark, and music-obsessed, Owen is a reformed bad boy with a commitment to truth-telling. With Owen's help, maybe Annabel can face what happened the night she and Sophie stopped being friends.

371 pages, Hardcover

First published April 6, 2006

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Sarah Dessen

78 books46.9k followers

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Profile Image for Ari.
940 reviews1,348 followers
April 21, 2023
"The best way out is always through."

This book kept me thinking...

How many times did you answer to the question "how are you" with just "fine", or "I’m ok"?
How many times did you feel like your heart was breaking but you couldn't make it right?
How many of your dark, inside secrets have made your heart break a little bit more every day?
How many times did you need help but you didn't know how to ask for it?
How many people tried to be part of your life, but you kept them in dark?
How many times when someone got too close to you, did you push that person away?
How many times did you have so much to tell, but didn’t find the words?
How many times silence got so loud that you couldn't bear to listen to it any longer?

Someone said that the mp3 players were made for the people who can’t handle their own thoughts… So tell me, how many times did you get yourself lost in music, not wanting to hear the rhythm of your own heartbeat?

Too many times to count.

There are secrets that we keep safe in our heart, there are things that could hurt the people we love if we let them out, there are friendships lost between the layers of time, and there are people who get to know us better than anyone because they know how to look into our heart..

For all these, there is this book – about broken hearts, and lost dreams, about loneliness, and silent cries, about being too late and second chances, about love in every form we can find it.
And, for all those people, we need to do one thing: just listen.

In this story we meet Annabel - a girl who has lost her old friends, her old life and eventually, herself.
She doesn’t know what to do with her life; she doesn’t know how to be part of her family, which seems to be falling apart; she doesn’t know how to say “I’m sorry”, she doesn’t know how to say what’s wrong with her; and she doesn’t know what to do with all the bad things that happened to her, things she didn’t say a word to no one about.

When one boy from school, Owen, starts hanging with her and challenging her to put into words her real feelings as they are, the chaos that her life has become seems to get bigger, and the only way for her to make things right is to start being honest with the people around her (her mother, her friends, even Owen), and more than that, to be honest with herself.

"Plus there's the fact that music is a total constant. That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment."

You would think that telling the truth is as easy as breathing, but is it? Who decides if a lie is big or small; if a lie can make us happy or sad? And if we say the truth, will it make a difference? And how do you know, whom you can trust with your secrets? And how do you know if they will believe the truth or they will think that it’s another lie?
How do you say what you want, when you don’t even know it, and how will you face the truth when you’re trying to run away from it?

Yes, we live in a world full of lies – some of them are meant to make us feel better, some are meant to make us cry; some of us can make the difference between a dark secret and a light lie, but most of us are starting to forget what being honest really is: not to say all that you think, but to think all that you say!

So, the next time your heart is telling you its truth.. just listen!

Yeah. Don't think, or judge. Just Listen.

This review can also be found at ReadingAfterMidnight.com

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Profile Image for Hurricane_ReD.
492 reviews33 followers
September 2, 2017
Am I the only person who is tired of Sarah Dessen?
I loved the first book of hers I read, Someone Like You, but unfortunately it seems like the more books of hers I read, the more formulaic her writing becomes.
It seems like every novel she writes follows this structure:
1) Girl (with very uncommon name) is unhappy about something in her life
2) Girl with very uncommon name meets Boy with very uncommon name
3) Girl and Boy decide to date
4) Big major conflict in story happens that causes girl and boy to doubt each other, and they have a huge fight and then breakup
5) In some versions of the story, the boy and the girl get back together, but in some they don't. Either way, the relationship that occurred causes the girl to realize something really profound about herself, or her life, or blah blah blah.
Why is this author suggesting to our teenagers that they can't overcome the obstacles in life without a boy to help them through it? And she's even a teacher in creative writing! - She's got to realize that by this point everything she writes is starting to sound the same! I might be the only person who's not looking forward to her new book.

UPDATE May 2015: I thought it was especially interesting, seeing as I had previously written this review, that I recently received what was purported to be a "personal letter" from Sarah Dessen. Imagine my initial confusion (Did she read my review and wants to reprimand me? Is she distraught over its content? Does she want to discuss how I arrived at my conclusions?), which later turned to laughter as I realized that it was really an advertisement for her new book, Saint Anything . She claims that the story means a lot to her, and that she hopes it will mean a lot to me too. In this case, however, me simply refers to everyone this blanket book suggestion was sent to. Such disappointment I have with today's marketing generalizations...

UPDATE September 2017: If you liked this review, you may want to look at my review of Sarah's other book, That Summer, where I expand on the other things I think are missing from her work...like the fact that her protagonists don't seem to have any real personalities...or friends...
Profile Image for Cara.
290 reviews731 followers
May 29, 2024
This is going to sound stupid but I'm hyperventilating writing this review. I hardly ever buy books but I bought this one as a present for my sister (she introduced me to Dessen) and of course I just happened to read it too. I've read this book four times (the most I've re-read any book) and I know it inside and out, but I don't think know I won't be able to do it justice. Here goes nothing...

First of all I could probably write a whole dissertation on Owen. He's is just so... AWESOME really that word doesn't even cover it, but I will refrain about talking about him too much (keyword try). Annabel Greene is your typical beautiful middle class girl but we all know that the surface isn't always what it seems. She is hiding a terrible secret that she won't even admit to even herself. It only takes one night to change everything.

Everything from Annabel's relationships to the description of the glass house is pitch perfect. The storyline hits so many things. Eating disorders, modeling, music (huge in this story), anger, high school dynamics, family relationships, and so many other relevant topics but it never feels like it's being stuffed. It's told with the right amount of realism and the pacing is right on. The one thing (among many others) that struck me the most was Owen's policy of always saying the truth. After reading this I always feel a little more conscious of what exactly I'm saying.

Everytime I read this book I still laugh at the same parts, still anticipate certain scenes, and still cringe at the heavy moments. Annabel comes to know that she really was never alone as she felt because in reality she was always only a hand reach away from people that are willing to just listen.

When this song plays I always remember this book.
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
July 27, 2019
if theres one thing i know for certain, its that i wish i had sarah dessen novels in my teens. this book came out when i was in high school, so it makes me a little regretful that its taken me nearly a decade to read it. there is just something about her stories that i know teenage me would have greatly valued.

this story in particular deals with a much heavier topic than im used to from SD, but im glad for it. are things that need to be openly talked about so that girls (especially teenage girls) are aware and can know that their voices are important. and i loved how the heart of this book is listening to your own voice, because sometimes thats the hardest one to acknowledge.

heaviness aside, this is still a classic SD story. its the same old formulaic structure with interchangeable characters and predictable endings. however, i have come to rely on these things over time. its sort of become a comfort to know exactly what i am going to get when i pick up one of her books. and this was no exception.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
June 27, 2017
"There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying."

This was spectacular. After the disappointment that was Saint Anything I wasn't motivated to try another Sarah Dessen novel for a while. However I was looking for a nice summer read and Just Listen popped into my head. Many of my friends told me that it was their favourite Dessen book (mine is The Truth About Forever) and I decided that it was time I read it.

Sarah Dessen's books are always the same: it's a typical American chick lit novel. A pretty main character who pretends everything is perfect, high school cliques, surburban moms and a cute, handsome love interest. You could narrow it down to that, but it's so much more. Sarah really managed to surprise me. Behind the facade of the typical light summer read hides a thoughtful story. Maybe that is because my expectations were so low, but I didn't think that I would love this book so much. The only things I could criticise is the rather plain main character and her father. A husband and father of three daughters shouldn't evade arguments. He shouldn't run for cover when the talk turns to menstruation or buying tampons. He should man up.

There are a few things you should know before you go into this book. It deals with difficult topics, such as depression, eating disorders and rape. But in my opinion Sarah Dessen handled them extremely well and I am again surprised that she dared to bring so much heaviness and depth to this novel. That is also what impressed me the most, though.

I wonder if Sarah's newest book is just as good as this one. I might just have to check it out.

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Profile Image for Jessica.
281 reviews3,376 followers
April 6, 2016
4.5 stars
I really, really liked this book.
I definitely feel for Annabel and her family... I loved how big a part music had in this story as well as friendship. This book shows the importance of family and friends, speaking up for yourself, and of course listening to those around you. This was my first Sarah Dessen book and I'd definitely love to read another!
Profile Image for Erin.
303 reviews68 followers
June 28, 2007
Annabel Green lives in a glass house - literally. But even inside of the glass house that her father built, she realizes that it is easy to hide secrets. It is easy to hide the fact that her mother has become a different person since her grandmother’s death. That her oldest sister has moved away, leaving a gaping hole in the family.

It is easy to hide the fact that her other sister is suffering from an eating disorder that her parents choose to dismiss until it’s almost too late.

Like her family, Annabel also has secrets to hide. It is easy to cover up the reasons why her friends no longer talk to her.

But why is Annabel Green so keen on hiding from her friends and family? She seems to have the perfect life – great friends, a nice family, and a promising career as a model. At least, she did until that night last summer…

The only person she seems to connect with anymore is another high school student who is a loner by choice. Owen teaches Annabel that she needs to be honest with everyone – including herself. She has been ignoring the one voice she should have been listening to all along – her own. When it comes to music, other people’s opinions, or Annabel’s inner monologue, Owen’s advice remains the same: don’t judge...just listen.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,107 reviews1,158 followers
April 6, 2017
Just Listen now replaces This Lullaby as my favorite by Sarah Dessen and has earned a well deserved place among my favorite YAs of all time. This is one of the most beautifully written novels I’ve ever read and I’m still a bit sniffling as I’m writing this review.

The story is mainly about Annabel, who despite her beauty and popularity just wants to keep to herself and opts to hide her true feelings and problems being the youngest daughter of three girls in her family. Seeing her parents already going through so much especially with her middle sister’s illness, she decides to unburden her own family by burying in silence her deepest, darkest trouble and attempts to live her life by simply trying to forget until she becomes friends with Owen who could be quickly described as a teenage Hulk with constant earphones and a faithful servant of honesty and straightforwardness. Together, Annabel and he are dubbed as Beauty and the Beast but I love that they both don’t care, especially Owen who has this admirable, refreshing character and personality. I learned quite a lot from him especially from his effective anger management techniques and his passionate perspective about music even if his choices are mostly eccentric.

This is one of those YA contemporaries that managed to hit so many targets in just one story. It also managed to shoot me straight to the heart resulting to unavoidable waterworks even though there were so many times the characters and dialogues cracked me up too. I love that the story is rich in themes especially on family, how it portrays both the dark and bright side of every family, how every individual member sometimes goes through something so dark but that is what family is for, to be there for you no matter what. I also love the individual stories of Annabel and her sisters that put so much meaning and layers in the story contributing to this one whole meaningful theme that resonated throughout the novel. I also admire the emphasis on the power of music, its ability to heal, to connect people and to make important memories linger.

JUST LISTEN. Two very short and simple words consisting of one simple sentence but these two words will now mean so much more to me and hopefully to more people out there as well because whether we admit it or not, a lot of people spend more time talking than really listening. I take back my most recent comment on Ms. Sarah Dessen’s books because she has exceeded herself in this novel. She has earned both my awe and respect for coming up with this beautiful piece that gripped, touched, inspired and most of all enlightened me and I would wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone.
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 9, 2012
Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.com

Up until now, THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER has always been my favorite Sarah Dessen book. Now that I've read JUST LISTEN, however, I think there's a tie! The characters of this latest release are so honestly real, their dialogue perfectly placed, that you can't help but be pulled into the life and times of Annabel Greene.

Of course everyone thinks that Annabel has the perfect life. She's a model who has been in television commercials, in print ads, and in fashion shows at the local mall. She's popular at school, even if it is mostly because she's best friends with Sophie, the high school girl who demands attention. Her father is an architect who designed their house of glass; her mother lives for Annabel's modeling; she has two older sisters, Kirsten and Whitney, who are both former models themselves.

Under all of that perfection, of course, lies the real Annabel. The one who suffered from something so horrible at the end of the last school year that she's lost not only her best friend, but her self-respect. Her family is so consumed with Whitney's eating disorder, with Kirsten's college life far away in New York, with keeping everything under control that Annabel doesn't tell them what's happened--the things that are still happening every day she goes to school just dreading the day. She doesn't want to add more problems to the mix; in fact, she lies by omission, simply avoiding the truth rather than shattering her family's illusions.

But then Annabel meets Owen Armstrong, a boy she once watched punch out another student, then calmly walk away. Owen keeps to himself, never seems to be without his iPod, and doesn't appear to need any friends. But after he reaches out a hand to her, literally, after she's sick outside of school one day, a budding relationship of friendship begins to build between the guy who never lies, no matter what--and the girl who lies to protect other's feelings, namely her own.

I loved JUST LISTEN. Owen is a character that will immediately grab your interest, especially with lines like "...for me, not saying how I feel when I feel it is a bad move. So I don't do it. Look at it this way: I might be saying you're fat, but at least I'm not punching you in the face." As for Annabel, the things she's holding inside are tearing her apart, and, in the end, it's the strength of her sisters that gets her to ask for help.

The characters of Kirsten and Whitney are complicated and complex, and I have to admit that there's a part near the end of the book in which the sisters come together that had me crying like a baby. As for Annabel, it's not all about telling the truth, but about listening, not just to others, but mostly to that voice inside of her:

"...this is what happens when you try to run from the past. It doesn't just catch up: it overtakes, blotting out the future, the landscape, the very sky, until there is no path left except that which leads through it, the only one that can ever get you home."
August 11, 2021

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So I'm doing this project called the Literary Sad Girl Canon, which is basically me rereading all of Young Me's faves and then judging them as an adult. The project has actually mostly been a success; it turns out I had pretty good taste as a kid. Go figure, right? I guess that's why I became a blogger or whatever. (Hahaha...)

Anyway, the latest item on my project was Sarah Dessen's JUST LISTEN. Sarah Dessen was basically the Colleen Hoover of the early 2000s, okay? She brought the angst and the bad boys and the tortured teenage girl drama, and us millennials at that shit up on silver spoons. I can guarantee you that practically every girl who read books in my middle school and high school years probably had at least one copy of something by this author languishing on their shelves next to LOVELY BONES. I'm honestly surprised none of her stuff ever became movies.

JUST LISTEN was the book I was most amped about reading because it reminded me a lot of SPEAK, only with an emphasis on music instead of art. Like Melinda, Annabel's life is disrupted by a sexual assault: and like Melinda, she is bullied and shamed for it, and all of her old friends turn against her because they blame her and not the boy. Unlike Melinda, Annabel has other stuff going on. Her older middle sister is struggling with an eating disorder, she's a model (but getting sick of it), and she's basically learned to deal with all of her problems by running away.

The title of the book comes into play on multiple levels. The guy in Annabel's life, Owen, does indie radio, and attempts to get her involved in underground media. But Annabel also learns to listen to her own internal voice, as well as to her sisters and the people she considered her friends: people who care about her who she pushed away when things got hard. Sometimes Sarah Dessen's books can feel kind of slow-paced, but I felt like there was tons of action packed into this one.

I'm giving it four stars instead of five for several reasons. The first reason is that the narrative feels clunky. There's a ton of info dumping because the author made the creative decision to do these cutaway asides diving into Annabel's past instead of dual timelines, and I kind of feel like a dual timeline might have made these transitions easier. The second reason is Owen. He's not a bad love interest but I found him really annoying. He's kind of a manic pixie dreamboy and he is really obnoxious about music. Which is realistic for teens, who tend to define themselves by shit like that (ask me what my thoughts were about metal at seventeen), but I rolled my eyes at his spiels a lot.

Overall, though, this book holds up super well. DREAMLAND used to be my favorite Dessen book but I think this one is much better, especially if you like SPEAK.

4 to 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Glass.
646 reviews4 followers
August 29, 2011
Half way trough this book, I realized that I was scared. Scared because it took me back to the place in my mind which I don't have any dessire to go back - ever again! I used to have a "friend" like Sophie, I had a eating disorder when I was senior, there was "owen" who helped me to wake up (but, he was just a friend). It took me two years to recover completely and it was awful. I used to stop eating when things in my life were out of my control and it gave me false sense of some kind od meaning, stability. When everything else was out of my reach, my body was one thing I controled. And don't for one second think that now I don't have moments when I feel tempted to slip back. It follows you, always, and you have to fight with yourself all the time.

So, girls, read this book! And don't be afraid to look for a help!
Profile Image for Taylor.
767 reviews417 followers
June 18, 2015
I'd seen so much about Sarah Dessen and her books but I never got around to reading one of her books until a friend gave me Just Listen. I started it right away and finished it within a couple days. It's save to say I'll be read another Sarah Dessen book soon.

This book is so well written and emotional. I quickly became invested in not just Annabel but her whole family has well. Just Listen deals with many difficult issues and I felt like everything was handled in a very powerful way.

I love how Just Listen focused a lot on family. Not a lot of YA books include family has a main theme but Just Listen did. And it was consistently a main focus though out the whole book.

There was so much character development in this book! I love development in teenage characters and Sarah Dessen is amazing at it with this book.

Owen was such an amazingly well written character. He's so honest and I loved how he was able to teach his honesty to Annabel. I wish more male characters were like Owen.

Overall, I loved this book so much. It was so heartfelt and powerful. I'm basically at a loss for words because my love for this book cannot be expressed with words. I highly recommend picking this book up.
Profile Image for emma.
2,253 reviews74.5k followers
January 13, 2018
this was - when i used to read a lot of sarah dessen - my favorite sarah dessen book. to the best of my recollection. (even the best of my recollection is not a very good recollection.)

anyway. that's why it seemed a good place to start on the Massive Sarah Dessen-Centered Reread Bonanza of 2018. which was supposed to happen in 2017. but life, you know? i do not keep my promises.

this was exactly what i wanted, and also a lot more than i'd bargained for??? i am the worst ever, so i'd forgotten that sarah dessen delivers a hell of a lot more than sweet, fluffy love stories. (although, sometimes that.)

this book covers eating disorders, rape, victim-shaming, the sh*ttiness of high school, a dash of bullying, a nearly-book-boyfriend-a-ble love interest, family drama, sisterhood, music, a sprinkle of anxiety, and character development like the world has NEVER SEEN.

your fave could never.

so even though it wasn't perfect (long, v dramatic, semi-flat characters, fairly f*cking repetitive)........it was pretty damn good.

bottom line: DESSEN REREAD OFF TO A GOOD START. (but not a perfect one.)
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,882 reviews6,114 followers
March 14, 2019
“No matter how much time has passed, these things still affect us and the world we live in. If you don't pay attention to the past, you'll never understand the future. It's all linked together.”

I'm so in my feelings about finally writing a review for this book! This has been my favorite Sarah Dessen title since the first time I picked it up, waaaay back in 2006. Her books introduced me to the YA contemporary genre, and this one has been dear to my heart for so long that I was a little bit afraid to reread it. This was probably my 12th reread, but it had been a while, so I'm happy to say that I still enjoyed every moment of it. ❤

Annabel used to have it all. She was a successful teen model, she hung out with the coolest girls in school, she went to all the best parties... everything was fine, until her sister developed anorexia and had to go to treatment; until modeling became less of a joy and more of a nightmare; until a party went wrong and her former best friend managed to convince everyone who mattered that Annabel was a relationship wrecker.

This book is full of characters that feel really authentic and genuine:

• There’s Annabel, whose biggest flaw is that she’s dishonest, because she hates confrontations and saying what she really feels. The entire plot of the book really wouldn’t even exist without her refusal to just speak up and say what’s on her mind, but we get to follow her as she grows and learns how to be honest and listen to her heart.

• Owen, the love interest, seems at first like your typical “bad boy”: he’s big and tall and brooding and a little bit scary because he has anger issues. Rumors abound that say he’s done hard time, he’s violent, etc. We learn pretty quickly that he’s not only a bit of a teddy bear, but he’s also really freaking geeky when it comes to music. Completely obsessed, and not with the death metal and rock that we’re led to expect, but with… chants? And techno? He’s an odd character in the best way and he’s easily my favorite part of the book, because his banter is so damn cute and he’s got a heart of gold.

• Whitney, Annabel’s middle sister, suffers with an eating disorder that manages to never feel like a prop, despite it being present only in a side character (instead of the narrator, as we usually see in YA). I was enthralled by how much effort Sarah puts into fleshing her out beyond just her disorder.

• Sophie, the former best friend, is one of my favorite portrayals of the “mean girl” trope, because she feels genuine. She’s got a troubled past to explain her behavior, and Annabel even relates stories from their friendship that offer insight into how Sophie’s behavior hurt her with just as many people as it helped her with - rather than just showing her as some sort of goddess that everyone in the school is unable to resist, which is a trope that I HATE in YA contemporaries.

There isn’t really anything to say on anyone else, but I do always love the fact that Sarah throws in a few characters from her other books here and there (I won’t tell you who cameos in this one – you’ll have to read it and see!).

There are a few different catalysts for action in this book (like Whitney's ED, or Owen's anger management issues, or Annabel's modeling), but the most important and primary one is the trauma that happened to Annabel. We learn early on that Sophie hates Annabel over something that happened at the end of the previous school year, and with the way she constantly calls Annabel a "slut" or a "whore", coupled with Annabel's obvious symptoms of PTSD when she sees a certain male individual, it's not hard to put two and two together.

In case you didn't guess it early on, though, Sarah does take us through Annabel's thought processes as she slowly comes to terms with what happened, and it climaxes in a chaotic memory of a party that she regretted ever going to. There's a big scene that I wouldn't call graphic, but will say it could be potentially triggering for abuse survivors.

That said, Sarah writes the entire plot arc beautifully. Annabel's feelings felt so genuine and real and I related well enough to some of the things that she said and did, that I found myself wondering if Sarah writes from experience. I hope not, but we all know the statistics. On a happier note, we get to watch Annabel slowly heal, with the amazing support system she has in place.

This may be partially nostalgia speaking here, but I love this book so much and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys YA contemporaries, especially if you've been considering trying out one of Sarah's many well-acclaimed works and just don't know where to start in her bibliography.

Content warnings: this book includes scenes of sexual assault, eating disorders, violence, and slut-shaming (from side characters).
Profile Image for Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile.
2,260 reviews881 followers
September 23, 2021
I think this may be my favorite Sarah Dessen book I’ve read. The character growth was phenomenally written, and the emotion was raw and vulnerable. Loved it, but beware there are sexual assault triggers.
Profile Image for Monisha.
50 reviews96 followers
July 24, 2013
Don't think or judge, just listen.

These words are screaming in my head right now and lord, are they inspiring.

Annabel, just your average girl used to be popular, had one really popular friend and had everything right.
She keeps to herself about what happened during summer, where everything turned upside down.

The story starts off with her and gets even better once she meets Owen.

He is most definitely music obsessed, always telling the truth and has anger management issues.

I loved Owen!
He takes his music so seriously, it's laughable!
If he was real and saw that comment, he'd kill me.
No joke.
But that's what I love about him as do others in this book.
He's completely honest and won't think twice about lying to others. Annabel, however, refuses to tell the truth of what caused her life to come to this.

Oh, I could dedicate this whole review just to Owen, but I won't.
I promise!

They way Annabel and Owen developed was really interesting, it wasn't insta-love and it wasn't like they were destined to be with each other. But how these two were like forced together, two loners at high school, was so intense to read.

It is talent when you make the reader (someone like me), love your characters with all my heart and the romance, ohhhhh~~~ the romance *swoons*
I think I died reading it.

I must say there was a lot of reflecting back to the past in this book, but I think Sarah Dessen did a awesome job at it. It's not like info dumping, where it just gets ridiculous and boring. All of it was necessary and showed so much depth.

I really think Just Listen puts your mind into perspective of Annabel's life, there's drama of all sorts; eating problems, romance, friendship, family, modelling. This contemporary novel is one of a kind.

Her story is so remarkable; you want to read all the secrets yourself. No review can some up the words for this genuine novel.
All the unscrambled situations will work itself out in the end.
Sarah Dessen will not disappoint the young teen readers.
Once you start you won’t be able to stop.
That’s a promise.

Simply adored the book for the way the story is told. Loved the R and R's, the two rings that Owen wears and the World of Waffles!

PS: If you're not too convinced with this review, let it go to hell and read the book anyway, cause it's worth it!
Profile Image for Mohadese.
389 reviews1,108 followers
August 13, 2022
☆ چهار ستاره‌ی نقره‌ای ☆
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۲. رابطه شخصیت اصلی با خانواده‌ش و بیشتر مادرش. مادری که آرزوهاش رو می‌خواست توی دختراش ببینه و هیچ وقت اون‌ها رو نشنید.

جز اون کتاباس که واقعا هم برای نوجوونا خوبه هم خانواده‌ها.
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امیدوارم فرصت پیدا کنم و کامل بخونمش...
Profile Image for Bonnie Shores.
Author 1 book375 followers
August 18, 2017
Friend: How was your day?
Me: Fine.
Friend: What did you do?
Me: Nothing.

That's kinda how I felt about this book. It was "fine". I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. And, for most of it, I felt like "nothing" was going on. And I really don't feel like talking about the banality.

"Why this book?" you might be asking. Well, I chose this book to fulfill a challenge—read a book tagged "family" at least 10 times. This one was tagged 63 times as family and it was by the Sarah Dessen. I was feeling good about my choice.


BUT... While this book is a work of fiction, you truly had to suspend all disbelief in order to accept the premise that Annabel, a beautiful high school girl who has been modeling her whole life, who has two older sisters who were also models, and who comes from an affluent family, would be shunned by her entire school after a supposed incident with her best friend's boyfriend. Really? Everyone is so afraid of Sophie (the so-called best friend) that no one will talk to Annabel anymore? No one asks her what really happened? And she's so afraid of confrontation that she never shares her true feelings with anyone?

I get that the point of the story was that things are often much different than they appear to be on the surface, but Annabel was written in such a way as to appear pretty much flawless. From the beginning, I felt disconnected from her and her social plight. Once her sister's "illness" (anorexia) was introduced, and Annabel struck up an unlikely friendship with Owen, a reformed bad boy (and giant teddy bear) with a commitment to truth-telling, the story got more interesting. Still... (btw, this word was used in this way so often that I wished I had kept count).

It wasn't until about two-thirds of the way through that I actually started liking Just Listen. I was sure I was only going to rate it 3-stars, partly because of the disconnect and partly because I was frustrated with Annabel's reticence to do the right thing out of fear of confrontation. But, by around the 70% mark, we finally see the beginning of a healthy relationship between Annabel and Owen; we are finally made to understand why Whitney (the sister with anorexia) is the bitch that she is and you really feel for her and want her to succeed; we finally see the growth of Kirsten (the eldest sister) from self-absorbed nonstop chatterer to introspective college student and it is all good.

A word about Owen... awesome! He was the gentle giant who always had his earbuds in and didn't bother anyone. He loved all kinds of music (except pop) obsessively and had his own show, Anger Management, on the local radio station at 7am on Sunday morning. He was a good listener. A good friend. And a good match for Annabel, outward appearances to the contrary.

I have to also mention a couple of characters whom I really liked. Mallory, Owen's fashion-obsessed little sister, who stages fashion shoots at her house with her friends and makes Owen take the pictures. She's adorable in her exuberance! Also, Rolly, Owen's best friend and radio station co-worker who falls madly in love with a girl who punched him during a martial arts exhibit, but is waiting for the perfect moment to strike up a conversation with her. Great supplementary characters. By the way, I'm not going to say anything about Sophie because she was horrible.

Bottom Line: I like Sarah Dessen's writing style, but this book wasn't great. I know 4 stars means "really liked it", but I think of the stars as letter grades. A-Excellent, B-Good, C-Fair, D-Poor, F-Fail. So this is probably a B-, but I always round up. 😉


Favorite Quotes:

"Maybe it was a stupid exercise and you couldn't grow things in winter. But there was something I liked about the idea of those seeds, buried so deep, having at least a chance to emerge. Even if you couldn't see it beneath the surface, molecules were bonding, energy pushing up slowly, as something worked so hard all alone to grow."

"I was beginning to understand, though, that there were no such things as absolutes. Not in life or in people. Like Owen said, it was day by day if not moment by moment. All you could do was take on as much weight as you can bear and, if you're lucky, there's someone close enough by to shoulder the rest."

"Don't think or judge. Just listen."
Profile Image for Karla.
1,229 reviews332 followers
January 3, 2019
4 stars!

This author right here is the reason why I’ll always read YA! There’s something captivating about her stories how she focuses on the family dynamic. Because her stories are more than a love relationship it’s about dealing with serious issues.

This one was one of the most intense I’ve read by her. I love the growth of the h, Annabel at the beginning of the story she was really lost not just by the fallout of her relationship with her best friend but her family as well. The author did a great job by giving us a glimpse of how Annabel seemed to lose herself. The H, Owen was so lovely I enjoyed this love of music I have to say his music taste was one of the most interesting I’ve ever read it made their banter fun.

I was really glad that Annabel found her voice on her own I mean she had the support of Owen but ultimately she took the step on her own. The only thing is I wanted to happen sooner and for the relationship between Annabel and Owen to develop more. Still another profound and captivating by SD! ♥️

”Don’t think, don’t judge, just listen”

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,026 reviews2,452 followers
August 20, 2019
4 stars!

“Don't think or judge, just listen.”

Just Listen is the story of Annabel, a high school senior going through a rough time. After something happened at a party last spring, she no longer has all her friends and has alienated herself from everyone else. Surprisingly, she becomes friends with the school outcast, Owen, and the two bond through music.

“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.”

This is the kind of “sweet” book that I enjoy. I never had any intention of reading this book, but it came up on the Top 100 YA books on Goodreads so I decided to suck it up and give it a chance. I am so glad I did.

I mostly devoured this book. The first five chapters I listened to on audio, but the narrator made Owen sound like a stuffed up seven-year-old and I couldn’t take it anymore! I went out and bought the paperback and from there I devoured this book in a matter of hours.

I thought this was a thoughtful novel on what it’s like to be a teenage girl, the expectations and pressures involved. I loved the story of Annabel and her family, it was so wonderfully done. And I like that the reformed “bad boy” was actually a very sweet guy. More teen books need to have love interests like Owen.

“There comes a time in every life when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your heart.”

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Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
514 reviews346 followers
June 14, 2016
Review posted on Fafa's Book Corner !

Beware spoilers ahead!

Last year I read my very first Sarah Dessen book Saint Anything. I loved it and continued to look for more book by Sarah Dessen! Out of all her books the synopsis of Just Listen appealed to me the most. Which is why I decided to read this before the rest of my Sarah Dessen books. I am happy to say that I enjoyed it!

The book begins with Annabel watching a commercial she was in. She turns off the tv and mentally prepares herself for school. Annabel has been dreading going to school for months now. After the argument with Sophie and avoiding everyone in school she's not sure what she'll find when she reaches school.

When Annabel reaches school she sits in her car for a few minutes just to think everything through. As she gets out of her car she and Sophie came face-to-face. Sophie swears at her and leaves. It becomes evident that there is no way to salvage their friendship and for the rest of the year Sophie will consistently pick on her.

The first day goes by in a blur. As Annabel tries to make conversation with other people they don't talk to her. Last May she wanted nothing to do with other people now she's getting just what she wanted. During lunch she sits alone. Apparently Emily is choosing to sit with Sophie even though Annabel was friends with her first. Annabel's former best friend Clarke clearly wants nothing to do with her. And then there's Owen. Who seems intimidating and closed off. While she's eating lunch she sees Will Cash pass by. She freezes up and once he leaves she vomits in the bush.

The next weeks continue normally. Sophie will call Annabel names when she least's expects it. Annabel eats lunch alone and keeps to herself. While Annabel is leaving school Will Cash catches her eye and talks to her. Annabel manages to get away quickly. Sophie confronts Annabel and threaten's her for talking to Will who is apparently Sophie's boyfriend. Annabel snaps and pushes Sophie. Annabel runs away and vomits in the bush again. Owen is yet again there to witness and helps Annabel. After that day the two of them become friends.

Wow this was such a good book! In the beginning I thought that it would be a 3 star but as I read on I found myself really enjoying it! This book is written in first person in Annabel's point of view. There are quite a few flashbacks but it ever became overwhelming.

I loved the family aspect in this book! Annabel's older sister Whitney was diagnosed with Anorexia. For the past few months it's been difficult for Whitney and her family. In the beginning Whitney didn't acknowledge that there was something wrong. That what she was doing wasn't healthy. She didn't see it that way.

Their oldest sister Kiersten noticed (they lived together) but Whitney claimed that Kiersten must have been jealous of her as Whitney got more modeling opportunities than Kiersten. Once the family caught on they continued to support and be there for Whitney. The eating disorder was very well done! Whitney didn't get better in one day she took time but she got there. I liked the entire family in general. My favourite was definitely Kiersten.

Annabel and Sophie's relationship was complicated. In a sense it was an abusive relationship. Unhealthy. Sophie spent most of her time bullying Annabel into what she wanted. Annabel gave in because she was scared off crossing her. Plus Sophie was the reason she was popular and gained most of her experiences from. Once they stop being friends Annabel realizes that she shouldn't have stuck around Sophie. She already lost Clarke and now she wants to make it up by being friends with Owen.

While I haven't been in the same situation as Annabel I could relate and empathize with her. I understood why she was scared of Sophie and why she kept that night a secret. It didn't bother me at all. It made perfect sense and was handled well. Annabel lies quite a bit. Not because she enjoys lying but because she's afraid that if she tells the truth she'll hurt the people she cares about. It's her way of maintaining peace in her life.

This all changes when Annabel meets Owen. Owen went to juvie for getting in a fight with a guy in the parking lot. Since then he has had to take Anger Management and vows to be honest in every aspect. Owen is extremely passionate about music and tries to educate Annabel in it. Owen also gets Annabel to be honest with everything she has to say. Surprisingly Annabel does so because it's easy being honest with Owen. I found Owen to be a refreshing character! I really liked reading about him! The romance is slow burn and it was done well!

It was nice reading about Annabel's character development! Being around Owen has made her more confident and honest. She's actually happy with her life when she wasn't earlier. Annabel also learns so much from Whitney and admire's her strength for overcoming everything.

I didn't have any problems with Just Listen. I simply didn't love it hence the rating. Note there is abuse in this book. If you are a sensitive reader you might not enjoy this book. I would suggest reading another contemporary.

Overall this was a really good book! I recommend it to fans of the author and contemporary fans.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
277 reviews884 followers
November 20, 2018
2018 Review
Oh my gosh, whaaaaat. How did I not like this when I read it as a teenager?

Okay, we all know Sarah Dessen has a schtick: pretty, all-American teenager goes to great lengths to make everyone believe that her life is perfect, but in reality she keeps secrets, and always, always has trouble telling people how she really feels (this is one aspect I desperately wish Sarah would change as I find it nearly impossible to relate since I'm incredibly emotional and tell everyone exactly how I'm feeling all of the time). There's a handsome guy, clueless parents, and a happy ending. Some of her books suck big-time (Along for the Ride), but Just Listen is great.

This book covers a LOT of heavy stuff: eating disorders, depression, anger management, bullying, and sexual assault included. And Sarah writes about these topics really well. There's an amazing sister storyline in this one too that I just loved.

I would highly recommend this book to highschool students except that I hated it when I first read it. So maybe wait until you're 26? Har har. Yay rereads!

Also, read my original review below because it's SO SNARKY and hilarious. Oh, I thought I was so much better than everyone.
Rereading this because I miss the old days of contemporary YA.

Also my old review is so surly haha.

2010 Review
Girl With Annoying Name goes through traumatic experience and despite having a family and home life that is maybe not perfect, but good enough that she should have no problem opening up and solving her problems in five minutes, she withdraws into herself and makes her own life a living hell until she meets Boy With Annoying Name who causes her to have a revelation and the ending is happy. Same old, same old.

Annabel Greene is described as being popular but apparently only has one friend? Because after a giant fight with Sophie, Annabel is totally isolated and alone. Like really, there is absoultely no other person in the entire school you could hang out with, Annabel? Oh, I guess not, since this is one of those books where the entire student body sides with the most popular girl in every situation. Sophie is the most popular girl and right now she doesn't like Annabel, so neither does anyone else. Oh, but wait! There is someone you can hang with! Scary, outcast Owen! Wow, it turns out he's just misunderstood too. Aw. Owen, by the way, is an anger management case, total music snob, and also painfully truthful. You're allowed to disagree with his taste in music, because he appreciates the honesty, but it is still better than your music, kthx.

Other characters include Annabel's father, delusional mother, and two sisters; the bold, exciting chatterbox, Kirsten, and sullen, anorexic Whitney, who, despite having a mental heath problem, ironically seems to be the sanest person in the house besides Mr. Greene.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the book. I found Sophie more realistic than most mean girls that appear in YA fiction, and she was more interesting than Annabel by a long shot. Annabel's family wasn't a total disaster like in most YA novels. And Owen was vaguely interesting, not just some babe magnet spewing deep and romantic thoughts. Of all the Sarah Dessen I've read, I enjoyed this one the most. But don't get swept up in the hype. It's not as great as it's said to be.
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,715 followers
June 24, 2018
Just Listen is a fantastic contemporary book and by far my favorite Sarah Dessen novel. I love it deals with family, friendship, and romance. It also tackled about eating disorder and sexual assault, both topics were handled well and it's impressive.

Annabel Greene has been modeling since she's a kid just like her older siblings Kirsten and Whitney. Like her sisters, she has zero passion about modeling and hasn't been upfront with her mother about it. With Whitney's eating disorder (Anorexia), her friendships fall out after a traumatic incident and the pressure of modeling, Annabel kept her feelings to herself.

In school, she meets Owen Armstrong. He's a mysterious guy who always wears his earphones. Rumors say he's a bad boy but what's got to love about him? His bluntness and his passion for music. Though Owen has a bizarre taste in music, he and Annabel got along pretty well. Their friendship was beautiful and even more when they turned into lovers. Both of them grow as individuals, especially Annabel. He helped her find the courage to be herself and whatever bothers her, he's willing to listen to her story. I love how these two were so sincere to each other.

The messages conveyed in this book was beautiful, emotional and empowering. What's amazing in music? It's therapeutic in all aspects. It soothes your soul and you can interpret it any way you want it. Like songs, everyone has their own story and it's about learning to listen without judgment. Listening can form new/ rekindle connections and uplift someone through their low moments. Even save someone's life.

The issues were addressed wonderfully and justice has been served. I shed some tears on those parts and I'm proud to all the characters (except Sophie. I despise her). The story was realistic and simply touching. It offered such depth and substance. Thus, earning a five star rating.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
421 reviews
March 2, 2009
Annabelle has spent her entire summer sequestered after an incident at a end-of-school party in which she was humiliated in front of all her friends. Her best friend is no longer speaking to her, and we find out in progressive flashblack clips what exactly happened. Before Annabelle can get too lonely, she meets fellow social outcast Owen who teaches her the virtues of honesty and gives her the confidence to come clean about her secrets.

If this storyline sounds familiar, it's because "Just Listen" is extraordinarily similar to Laurie Halse Anderson's "Speak", except that the characters in "Just Listen" are one-dimensional and cliche. Annabelle comes across as incredibly passive and weak. Still, it's passable chick lit for romance-minded teen readers.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews383 followers
November 30, 2019
Just Listen, Sarah Dessen
Just Listen (2006) is a young adult novel written by author Sarah Dessen. It is her seventh published novel. Annabel Greene is a girl who has it all—at least, that's how it seems on TV commercials. Annabel's life is far from perfect. Her friendship with her best friends Clarke and Sophie ended bitterly. This left her alone and friendless at the beginning of a new school year. Her sister Whitney's eating disorder is weighing down the entire family, and Annabel fears speaking out about her past and her lack of enthusiasm for modeling. Annabel and Clarke were best friends before meeting Sophie. When Sophie joined their friend group, she bullied Clarke about her allergies and not using makeup. One night, Annabel ditched Clarke to hang out with a boy, and Clarke didn't speak to her again. Later on, Annabel got raped by Sophie's boyfriend Will Cash. Sophie walked in and thought Annabel was fooling around with Will. In the midst of her isolation, she meets Owen—a music-obsessed, intense classmate who, after taking an anger management class, is determined to tell the truth. With his help, Annabel may start facing her fears—and more importantly, speaking the truth to herself.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش نسخه اصلی: روز سی ام ماه آوریل سال 2019 میلادی
داستان دختری به نام آنابل گرین است؛ زندگی آنابل بسیار عالی نیست. دوستی او با بهترین دوستانش کلارک و سوفی تلخ تمام شد. و ...؛ ا. شربیانی
June 9, 2017
*New Mommy Review #1* (Meaning: Not great, but at least I'm getting some thoughts out there...)

In all honesty, this book started out so great. I was comparing to one of my all time favorites, Some Girls Are, almost immediately. But where SGA got more intense as it went along, JL fell apart, for me, as it continued.

I lost interest in our main character, was beyond annoyed at her childish reasoning for each situation where she simply only had to say 'just give me a minute', and, ultimately, I just got bored. I loved Owen, but even he wasn't enough to save this boring and anti-climactic story. Hell, I couldn't even put him in my unforgettable male leads shelf because he was in it so little. Sigh.

Frankly, the same thing happened with her other book I read-it was going so well and then the author just veers the story completely away from what I would have done and, frankly, it's obviously a case of 'this author just isn't for me'.

Pretty writing, albeit a bit stale, and fleshed out characters you want to know more about...I just couldn't love this story. When things finally started to get interesting she ran away. And, hey, just not enough Owen (IE not for me).

Oh well. Better luck next time...though, it probably won't be a book by this author.

For more of my reviews, please visit:

Profile Image for Laurence R..
615 reviews84 followers
September 27, 2015
Wow. It's so, so, so, so good. I loved this book. It's so hard to read about such a sad story though, it hurt me more than any book did in a while, if not ever. I was sobbing at some point and there were other times all of my body hurt, even though I couldn't cry. It's incredibly sad, but I'm glad it gets better.

Having read two or three of Dessen's novels, I was expecting this one to be fluffy, with romance and one or two small issues. Well, let me tell you, the issue mentionned in this book is probably the worst thing ever. I was absolutely not expecting something this traumatic or sad, so it completely destroyed me.

I loved this book's characters and how the good ones reacted to Annabel's story. Owen was my favorite, expecially since his care for Annabel kept melting my heart, compensating for the sadness I was reading about. He made me smile, with his adorable sister and his love for music, and I loved his honesty.

Once again, Dessen created a character I could totally relate to. While I haven't experienced anything like Annabel, we share many personality traits, which is why it hit me when Owen told her he absolutely never lies. Like Annabel, I'm always a bit too nice and I hate saying hurtful things, so little white lies are part of my life. I don't hate confrontation as much as she does (I kind of like it, once in a while), Owen's words still made me think a lot about my entire life and every single lie or omission I can say without thinking about it. I now realize there's no way to always be nice, so I'm trying to get better, just like Annabel.

All of Dessen's books have one similarity, it's that they all have great families. Maybe not in the fact that they're perfect, but more in the sense that they're realistic and loving. This book isn't just about a love story, or about a traumatic experience, it's about every single part of Annabel's life, including her family. I love it when authors include family members a lot in their story, because family is important. Her sister's issues are ones that I had to deal with in my family, so I can completely understand how Annabel feels. I loved seeing how she Evolved and it gave me hope for the future.

Overall, this book is awesome. It has everything you could ask for: romance, some more serious stuff, family, love, music, everything. I highly recommend it. It's definitely my favorite book from Sarah Dessen so far.
Profile Image for Drew.
452 reviews555 followers
May 4, 2017
The first thing I thought after finishing this was Why haven't I heard more about Sarah Dessen? I'd heard her name around before but always associated it with cheesy, romantic chick lits from the blindingly bright, pink, girly covers. Her books seemed like the kind I wanted to stay as far away from as possible.

But in reality Just Listen shocked me - it was a deeply meaningful contemporary with a poignant, realistic romance. It was pretty much the opposite of what I'd expected.

Right off the bat I knew I was in for a surprise when the narrator, Annabel, jumped into her family's problems, giving detailed backstories about her mom's depression and her sister's eating disorder. I'm impressed when a YA book even mentions the main character's parents, let alone gives them in-depth personalities. Because the truth is, most teenager's parents are a huge part of their lives, and it's just unrealistic - and lazy - to cut them out entirely of a novel focused on a teen.

Annabel is a model who tells us how her life spiraled downhill since a party last fall where something unspeakable happened. Now she goes to school without talking to anyone and comes home to a broken family; her sisters won't talk to each other and her parents don't know what to do. Not to mention, Annabel can't work up the courage to tell her mom she wants to quit modeling.

When she meets intense, music-obsessed Owen at school, she finds herself opening up to him. Annabel realizes he's the only person she can be honest with lately. But when their friendship turns to attraction, Annabel worries she'll wreck it like she's done with everything else in her life.

“A song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment.”

The romance was well written and, like I said in an update, I really appreciated the realistic male love interest. I expected Owen to be one of those "perfect" stereotypical hot guys, so I was surprised when he told Annabel he had an anger management issue he went to counselling for, a radio show he ran, and an annoying little sister. He and Annabel didn't get along perfectly - they argued a lot about their different tastes in music - but I so appreciated the little touches of realism.

Now having read my first Sarah Dessen book, I think I can say she deserves the hype. This book was nothing like the sugar-coated Morgan Matson romance I expected - which isn't a bad thing, if you're in the mood for something light and fluffy - but turned out to be a thoughtful, character-driven novel I grew to love.
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,380 reviews327 followers
May 30, 2017
Desi m-am lungit cu cititul acestei carti destul de mult...si asta nu pentru ca nu mi-ar fi placut cartea, ci pentru ca nu prea am avut chef de citit... Vreau sa va spun ca este o carte frumoasa, plina de trairi intense! Ceea ce poate fi ca o concluzie este casa de sticla..unde din afara vezi o familie normala, unita si fericita; dar daca esti in interior, realizezi ca fiecare are problemele si secretele sale, si încearcă sa le faca fata in felul propriu!
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