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The Executive Office #1

Enemies of the State

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Listening Length: 14 hours and 15 minutes.

Newly elected President Jack Spiers's presidency is rocked from the very beginning, and he's working furiously to keep the world from falling apart. Between terrorism attacks ripping apart Europe, Russia's constant posturing and aggression, and the quagmire of the Middle East, Jack is struggling to keep his campaign promise - to work toward a better, safer world.

For Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach, Jack is just another president, the third in 12 years. With Jack's election, he's been promoted, and now he's running the presidential detail, which puts him side by side with Jack daily. He's expecting another stuffed suit and an arrogant DC politician, but Jack shocks him with his humor and humanity.

There are rules against a Secret Service agent and one of their protectees developing a friendship - big rules. Besides, Jack is straight as a ruler, and a widower, and Ethan has always avoided falling for straight men. Ethan keeps his distance, but Jack draws him in, like gas to a naked flame, and it's a lure he isn't strong enough to turn away from.

15 pages, Audible Audio

First published February 14, 2016

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About the author

Tal Bauer

26 books4,701 followers
Tal Bauer writes breathtaking, heartfelt, and often action-packed gay romance novels. His characters are head over heels for each other and fight against all odds for their happy ending. Nothing stands in the way of love. Tal is best known for his romantic suspense novels, including the Executive Office series, The Murder Between Us, The Grave Between Us, The Night of, and his MM sports romance, The Jock.

Website - www.talbauerwrites.com
Amazon Author - http://amazon.com/author/talbauer
Instagram - @TalBauerWrites
Newsletter - https://mailchi.mp/f1fd8baec198/talba...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,172 reviews
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,034 followers
November 25, 2016
Reread October 2016 This one was even better the second time! Added it to my "fuck yeah, 5+ stars" shelf. Diving into the sequel. Yippie!

Release day! Tal Bauer did a guest post at Gay Book Reviews today announcing that Enemies of the State is part of a series, which means more Jack and Ethan!

First off, plan your day around this one. You will NOT want to put it down. If you have spoiled dogs like I do and it's past their bedtime, this might happen to you:

Newly elected POTUS Jack Spiers is having a tough time acclimating to his new job. He was widowed 15 years ago and never had any children, so he is alone in the White House. He is lonely and stressed out over his new responsibilities.

Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach is a 12 year veteran of the Secret Service and served under two presidents before Jack. His rule, and the rule he tells all his agents: Don't get involved and invested in a friendship with the people you are protecting.
Distance is important. Critically important. You can't be objective if you're involved with the protectee.

When Ethan sees how stressed and lonely Jack is, he breaks his rule and reluctantly offers to be Jack's workout partner in the White House gym, hoping the physical activity and conversation will ease his stress and loneliness.

And that, my friends, is all I'm going to tell you about the plot. You will want to read how these two get together yourself, with no spoilers. You won't want to be spoiled about who the bad guys are (I didn't guess correctly, which is rare for me) and what their endgame is. I will tell you that the emotions between these men is incredibly strong and goes very deep. These two did NOT act like the leader of the free world and a hard-ass Secret Service Agent when it came to their personal relationship. Some may say it is too much or "cheesy" but it really WORKED here and sucked me right in. I really cared about these two men and hope we haven't seen the last of them!

Oh, I am so excited for everyone to read this!
First time author!
A silver-fox President!
A muscle-bound Secret Service Agent!
Bad guys!
Double agents!
Murder plots!

But before you go thinking this is a Tom Clancy novel, it also has
Strong emotions!
Man tears!
Hot man-sex!

I like to do character collages (what I think the characters look like) after reading a book that stirs me emotionally (examples: In the Absence of Light, Between Ghosts, Dancing Lessons) but the artist who did this cover was SPOT ON with how I imagined these characters looked.

Enemies of the State reminds me of two books. The first one is Valor on the Move. I liked Keira Andrews' tale of a Secret Service Agent falling for the son of the POTUS, but the young age of the son made me feel like the relationship was inappropriate. If you liked Valor on he Move, you will love this one. It has men in their 40's and the only thing inappropriate is their working relationship, which they figure out together. It also reminds me of In The Middle of Somewhere by Roan Parrish. I was all fan-girl-stupid with that book because of discovering a new author who kicked some series ass. I feel fan-girl-stupid again about a first time author and I cannot WAIT for Tal Bauer's next book.


Galley copy of Enemies of the State provided by NineStar Press in exchange of an honest review.

This review is also posted at Gay Book Reviews

Profile Image for Sheziss.
1,364 reviews489 followers
June 26, 2016
In order to read this book, you have to suspend disbelief.


And then more.

I had three major problems with this book (Whaaaaaat? Only three?).

Firstly, this is unrealistic. Not a little, or much. Just I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E. I spent the first 25% rolling my eyes six ways to Sunday (and the rest 75% I managed to combine the eye-rolling with some kind of grumpy acceptance). I was sinking in despair seeing how ridiculous it all was, seeing two grown-up men behaving like teens. Their infatuation lead them to make great mistakes and missteps because they can’t simply control themselves, even when the situation they are in requires a composure none of these guys happen to have a hint about.

How is it possible Jack Spiers became President of the USA? How is it possible Ethan Reichenbach is the detail lead of the POTUS, not only once but also three times before Jack?

Really, I appreciate fiction in my books, but this one goes too far. I was close to taking my eyes out with a spoon to see if they were working correctly. Because I was reading nonsense after nonsense. There was no bottom.

They both have important positions, important jobs, important tasks. Still, they seem to be a pair of totally irresponsible hotheads, drooling over each other when they are supposed to keep a professional distance, a distance they are both masters at, because they’ve spent years of their lives acting that way. Dealing with people. Having professional relationships. It’s not as if they don’t have any practice. However, they struck me as immature kids playing a game together, instead of fulfilling their duties, which are not few.

(Let’s play the President!)

Yes, I’m aware public personalities are not as perfect as they want to make us believe, but for some reason I couldn’t picture Jack nor Ethan, in the roles they were meant to fit into. I couldn’t picture Jack as the winner of the general elections, I couldn’t picture him as someone with connections, charisma, poise and that astuteness you would expect from a wannabe President of an important country. How did he survive all the sharks in the path towards the White House’s seat? He’s too candid and too trusting for this. He is simply not able to achieve it.

(Come on, you can do this, you are the President!)

And then Ethan… his job seems like a child’s play. I expected his job to be something of utter complexity, but he seemed decaffeinated in his duty, as if it wasn’t challenging at all. As if it required just a little effort, but not much beyond that. I tried to imagine him as a hardened Army guy with lots of experience in his field, but failed. He just doesn’t have that aura. He just seemed too vulnerable, too out of place. He falls for the President and he can’t avoid it nor keep a professional stance.

He’s a big boy. Supposedly.

I was beginning to tell a friend everything about the book (I do it very often, above all when I’m so WTF I need to give a way to out all my stupefaction) and the first thing he asked was “Do they masturbate themselves while crying?” (Damn, he’s good), and I said, “Almost”. Because, seriously, they both cry and sob multiple times in the story. For God’s sake, they are forty years old (or more) each! They have onion paper skin, everything hurts them and makes them cry!

I’m aware Presidents (and Secret Service people) can cry, too. They are human beings, after all. But please, they are public personalities, they have an image to maintain. They represent a country, after all. It was pathetic. The Russian President had more spine. Even the Chinese guy and the Saudi prince were made of tougher material.

It’s amazing they each got so far in their respective careers, that they could handle all the obstacles and difficulties they surely had to overcome. I don’t mean they can’t be good people or feel affected by the events but their roles are too big for them both. They don’t live up to their reputations.

(Pretend, you fool, pretend you are someone)

I was driven to despair for most of the book. I’m serious. I was pulling my hair, rolling my eyes, crying in disappointment. This is so unrealistic I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I pushed and pushed, making a great effort to finish this book, but with each passing page I was more and more traumatized.

I’ve not read many political books (but I do watch movies) because I’m not into thrillers but this was so perfect, so idealistic: the bad guy is very bad, the friends are all so good and supportive, the conclusion is so fairy-tale. Everything is so neat, so ideal, so black-and-white. When the big secret comes out, there is a scandal for a short while. They are so honest and morally strong and brave. Then everybody is happy with it all. Only a grumpy guy or two. Ugh? A pink ribbon or something similar would have been the icing on the cake in this madness.

This felt like a movie but not a serious one. I expected Q to appear all of a sudden to show off the new devices he has invented since the last mission and saying “Please, return the car in one piece”. With the difference that his movie doesn’t have the same charm Roger Moore’s films had.

Secondly, this major problem is only mine to blame for, but it didn’t help. My mind makes funny things sometimes. I plead guilty! I’m going to regret explaining it here and you are definitely going to hate me, but here it goes: I began comparing it with real life. For real. I began thinking about George W. Bush in this role. No kidding, I couldn’t erase that pic from my head. I began imagining Bush having a gay affair and now and then this thought came out in the most unexpected moments and I began giggling stupidly. Then I imagined Reagan. Or Donald Trump.

It’s not that a President can’t be gay, it’s just that the prospect of imagining the sexual life of certain people is bizarre at least. I prefer not thinking about their private lives at all. But I can only speak about myself, maybe some people do.

Then I did something worse, I imagined this situation in my own country. There are shipping stories with wannabe Presidents in my country (no joking here, and please, don’t ask how did that ever happen). What, you don’t believe it?

In this book, I find I’m ruined for future Presidential books. My bad.

(This is the only pic I’m going to post about this, I’m trying to control myself, dammit! And only a cartoon, reality is too creepy to tell)

I will draw a veil over this.

My third issue is this premise, or better said, the absence of this premise: you not only have to tell me you are good, you have to demonstrate you are good. Replace “good” with every word you can come up with: “clever”, “cool”, “strong”, “powerful”, etc.

Well, the characters and the narrator are talking all the time about how wonderful, awesome and effective USA is in every field you can think of.

If that’s true, then how is it possible they had so much shit in their politics and government and everything under the sun? How is it possible they ended up making a fool of themselves in front of everyone, with so many corrupted and powerful personalities manipulating so many people for so long… everything behind the President’s back, behind many important people’s backs! For years! And nobody suspects a thing! Only the Chinese guy and the Saudi prince and even the Russian President suspect something is off! Really! It’s worrisome!

The President is the best one in years, the Secret Service is infallible, the counselors are the most prepared people on Earth…

Yet they are deceived very easily. Yet they fail in their purpose. Yet they are ridiculous.

Is that the impression you want to give the readers about how awesome they all are? Because you are proving the opposite with these actions! Words are words, nothing. Actions are the ones that count. And here actions were crappy, at least.

However, the worst thing is that bad people are laughable. How did these idiots maintain the secret from everybody? It’s absurd. I knew for ages who the traitors were, who the moles were. And I suck at mysteries, everybody knows who the assassin is before I do. But here, I knew it before everybody else. They are supposed to be experts! I was never impressed. The nemesis is ridiculous.

I was thinking “This can't be happening” all the time.

I was in a constant state of facepalm.

This was a comedy, not a thriller.

This was a caricature of itself.

Now, about the love story. It was a gay-for-you. Jack Spiers is a widower, and he didn’t feel attraction to men. Until he meets Ethan. Well, that’s not true, after Ethan makes the move. Before that, Jack considers Ethan his best friend. That’s it.

I admit there were moments in which I smiled but still, the chemistry was off to me. I couldn’t believe the gay-for-you thing. Their relationship is more about “telling” than about “showing”. The sex scenes were cold and forced. I didn’t get the vibes I’d like to get.

Yes, I kept reading because of them, because they kept me interested, but I was never entirely captivated.

To sum it up, it was a total miss for me.


***Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
May 19, 2021
Forth re-read: 19.05.2021
I was watching Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen the other day, and I got a strong need to re-read this book. Mike and Ben could've been Jack and Ethan easily. Btw, Ethan is actually quite an emotional guy...

Third re-read: 26.08.2020
I skimmed all the politics - I've read it before, I know what will happen and I hate politics - and only focused on Jack and Ethan's relationship. While it's quite beautiful relationship from friends turned lovers, I still wish we had gotten more. I wish at least of the the males were alpha male. I need me some alpha male. That being said, I did enjoy the re-read, even though I skimmed quite a bit because there's a whole lot of politics in this book. Overall, it still doesn't feel like a president book for me for some reason. Which is so strange...


White House:
Jack Spiers: President of the United States.
Ethan Reichenbach: Head of Presidential Secret Service Detail.
Scott Collard: Presidential Secret Service Detail Agent.
Levi Daniels: Presidential Secret Service Detail Agent.
Luke Welby: Presidential Secret Service Detail Agent.
Elizabeth Wall: Secretary of State.
Jeff Gottschalk: Chief of Staff.
Pete Reyes: Press Secretary.
→ General Bradford: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
→ General Porter Madigan: Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
Lawrence Irwin: Director, CIA.
Peter Stahl: Director, Secret Service.
→ Lieutenant Adam Cooper: Leader of USMC Special Operations team.

Sergey Puchkov: Russian President.

Saudi Arabia:
→ Prince Faisal al-Saud: Royal head of the Saudi Intel. Dir.

→ Colonel Song: Central Military Commission, People’s Republic of China.

Second re-read: 03.11.2019
I'm not exactly sure as to why I started re-reading this one. I saw it on the GR dash and felt that small need to be with Ethan and Jack again. But I pushed that thought away.... until I couldn't (many days later). So here I am, re-reading it again. The book is interesting, it is. However, politics is NOT my thing. I hate it and find it boring, but Ethan and Jack's relationship is really what brings me in. I love them together, which is why this book is worth reading. That being said, I skimmed through all the parts that didn't have Ethan and Jack in it, especially the politics.
It felt like ice cracking, like a glacier fracturing, deep in his chest. He inhaled against the pain, the sharp, stabbing lances and the frigid chill sweeping through him. Must be my heart. His throat closed, and Ethan blinked fast behind his shades, trying to keep back a rush of hot tears. God, how long had it been since he’d cried? Twelve years? More?
“I didn’t—” Ethan started but stopped when his voice wavered, heavy with unshed tears. Collard turned his head, staring at his profile. “I didn’t ask for this,” he finished through clenched teeth.
“You didn’t do anything to stop it either.” Collard wasn’t shouting anymore, at least, but his voice was still hard.
“I didn’t want to stop it,” Ethan finally admitted. I still don’t.

Re-read: 14.09.2018
Strangely, I think I actually like this book more this time around reading it. I didn't like it MUCH more, bit a little more :P Ethan and Jack was more cute... Gad I'm weird. But jesus, there's so much information in this book. Seriously, way too much.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Not all that bad*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

First read review:
This book didn't start out good for me. No, it didn't start getting interesting before after 60% into the book. However those last % of the book was awesome enough to make this book worthy enough to read. There was, though, way too much information. It was also, strangely, a bit (tiny though) predictable. And then, of course, there was that love and falling part I didn't feel in the first 20-30% of the book, simply because it felt like the newly elected President Jack Spiers (45) and Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach (43? In his forties at all?) had a friendship outside of the book: we didn't see it devolve, at all. So consider me quite shocked when the word falling and love entered the picture so fast... Overall, it was a cool book with action, treachery, love and a small case of; ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, but it was a bit too long filled with a overload of information that just became too much.
“First Name, I’m with you all the way.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Ethan Reichenbach.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably not.
Rating - 3 stars.
Profile Image for Dan (I want my damn notifications back).
2,277 reviews453 followers
October 7, 2024
I really wanted to love this book. It has so much promise, at the beginning, to be great...

I did enjoy the action-packed adventure and thriller sequences. Those are super cool and well-executed.

Ethan is not fully fleshed-out, but he does come across as genuine, heroic, and, at the same time, relatable. It's easy to put yourself in his head/place.

Yet the love story itself is completely lacking in actual romance.

What do these guys even know about each other or enjoy doing, other than football, pool, and the obvious? This is a couple I can't ship--because Jack.

He's completely flat, and beyond the superficial, again, we learn nothing about the man himself. He wants to save the world, and he is questioning his sexuality--ok, and?!? Ethan does all the giving in the "relationship," and Jack does all the taking. I want to root for them, but the best I can come up with is ambivalence. Jack never does anything sweet or caring for Ethan (having his personal chef make a dinner he himself would like? Yeah, no.), and yet Ethan is head over heels for Jack. It's not even the power imbalance; with Jack, there's just no "there" there. Their intimate moments (see: pitcher/catcher dynamics, especially) are 1000% unbelievable.

I will endeavor to complete this trilogy as I am curious. Will we learn who Jack truly is? Will he ever manage anything resembling reciprocity as regards Ethan? I certainly hope so, because Ethan deserves better.

Perhaps this will not turn out to be the Gay For You garbage I am quite fearful it is, so far, turning out to be.
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews975 followers
June 3, 2022
Reread May 2022

Audiobook - 4 stars
Story - 4.5 stars

Still too sweet. I think Tal's writing has always been like this, I had some issues with this that I didn't have back then but it is Jack and Ethan they get a pass.

My Faisal... GAAHHH book 2 here I come.
5 Amazing POTUS Secret Agent Stars


This book.. was amazing filled with on the edge of your seat action and the best slow burn romance.

Jack Spiers is the newly elected POTUS has been a widower for 15 years and has never been with anyone until Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach Secret Service comes into his life. Jack starts to befriend Ethan but Ethan has rules , his job doesn't allow him to get close to the protectee i.e Potus. But who can resist Jack's easy going personality, friendliness and his smile, well not Ethan, so Ethan throws every rule out the window and these two begin a very special friendship...and the rest well you just have to read to find out.. I was not disappointed .

It all starts with working out together...


The action was mind-blowing think Olympus has Fallen meets Captain America Civil Wars


The romance part ..OMG. it is a slow burn but worth it.. Jack and Ethan are cute together ,they just fit.

“Ethan,” Jack breathed. “Let me take care of you.”
Mute, Ethan nodded, and he let Jack lead him to the bed.


The Poker Scene.....well that was hot

Jack slipped back to the table, but instead of sitting next to Ethan again, he stood behind him, snaking his arms around Ethan’s shoulders and leaning down, pressing his cheek to the side of Ethan’s face. He kissed him, resting his hands over Ethan’s chest.
“Good hand,” Jack murmured into his ear. “Might win with that.” Hot breath ghosted over Ethan’s skin and Jack’s lips brushed his hair. He shivered. He tried to hide it.

So much Love between these two

“I will tear apart the planet. Cross continents, oceans…” He shrugged. “Nothing will keep me from him. And nothing will stop me from protecting him. I’ll die for him. In a heartbeat.”


This book is so good i believe everyone should read it. Its only $ 0.99 on Amazon.


Jack is now my number 1 book boyfriend.. sorry Zane and Ty, sorry Logan and Tate but for now you have got nothing on Jack he is the best book boyfriend any man would love by his side.

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
February 21, 2016
4.5 Stars!

Well done Tal Bauer! Well done!

I don't do politics. I don't discuss them. I don't debate them. But oddly enough I like to read about them.

And while this one might have been slightly higher on the politics scale then the romance scale for my personal preference, I still loved the hell out of it.

It read like a movie. This could have been a movie. I would watch this movie.

It's definitely a slow build between Jack and Ethan. And there was almost a forbidden quality to their relationship.

This was a longer book, well longer for me. But I was never bored. And the last 40% of the book.

The writing was great. The story intriguing. The characters likable.

I'm giving it a .5 deduction simply because (a) I would have liked a bit more steam. There was some, and coupled with the buildup and tension in the first half it was enough. BUT, we've got a GFY here people. And a virgin.

and (b) for the fact that it's not a complete story. There is no cliffhanger ending but it's definitely happy for now. We all know how I feel about continuing series.

BUT, I will NOT be missing the rest of the books in the series. Just don't make us wait too long Tal!
Profile Image for Karla.
1,229 reviews332 followers
June 10, 2022
Re read June 2022

4.5 stars**

Yes! Yes! I'm in love again and thank goodness my heart is huge and I can keep falling in love over and over.....


Jack, has just become the POTUS and as the most important man he needs protection. Nathan, is the leader of the secret service for jack he is also openly gay, unlike Jack, who is straight and a widow. Working together Jack/Nathan formed a special bond and soon Nathan finds himself attracted to Jack. He battles with his feeling for Jack, and that fact he can also lose his job since it's against the rules to have any kinda of personal relationship between protector and protectee.


"Enemies of the state" was the whole package everything I love in a book. Fast paced, filled with action twists and turns, betrayals, conspiracies, who's a friend and ally or enemy, there was never a dull moment. In the midst of all this was the relationship between Jack/Nathan, and gosh it was so intense especially for Jack seeing him fall in love. It was so heartbreaking, he cared so much for Jack and when he revealed his feelings ugh tears and tears. And Jack, for him it was as difficult, having these feelings for a man, his protector, his best friend. But the way he handle those emotions and what he said to Jack, was perfection.


Regardless of everything that was going around them, their love only grew stronger. They were both so protective of each other and their sexy times started out slow that built and built into a passionate affair.


Loved absolutely everything about this book all the emotions I went through with these two men the ups and downs but most of all their love. Looking forward to more of Jack and Ethan.❤

Nathan "I will tear the world for him, I will tear apart the planet. Cross continents, oceans....nothing will keep me from him and nothing will stop me from protecting him I'll die for him in a heart beat"
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
725 reviews42 followers
December 23, 2020
Reread December 2020: Audiobook = ***3 - 3.5 Stars***


Original review November 2016:

Holy conspiracy…

This book reminded me a bit of a gay version of Olympus Has Fallen and I just couldn’t help it, but the image of Gerard Butler always popped up in my mind’s eye when I visualized Ethan ;-)

There were scenes…

… that kept me on the edge of my seat and my eyes glued to my Kindle and I could hardly put it down. Normally, I don’t do politics, I’m not interested in politics, and –what’s more- I don’t understand politics, so I was reluctant at first to read Enemies of the State at all, but this book made my head spin while I tried to figure out who is an ally and who is a foe and I really enjoyed it. The whole global crisis situation in this book with Islamistic extremist attacks and refugees felt tangible and as current as it could be and made the whole reading experience even more interesting.

I took the personal situation of President Jack Spiers and his lead detail Ethan Reichenbach like the rest of the story for what it is: FICTION. Maybe it is a bit unlikely even these days, but hey… who would have thought a decade ago that someday there would be an African-American president residing in the White House and a woman the next presidential candidate? So, why the hell not a gay (or as in this case a demisexual) president? Never say never…

Jack and Ethan were so cute together.

I loved their slow burn relationship. Their text messages plastered a silly grin on my face all the time and I can’t wait to read more about them in the sequel.

I liked the writing style and it sucked me right into the story. After a while, though, it got sometimes a bit too cheesy for me and there were suddenly too many weeping men. Especially Ethan gave me some *eye rolling* moments round about the middle and the end of the book. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when my heroes show their vulnerable side and I don’t mind men crying, but Ethan just wept too easily for my liking and sometimes it was just… too much. A bit less soap opera and this book would have made it straight to my favorites shelf.

And now, with united forces…

… on to book #2!

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
April 17, 2017
I really loved the first half of this book. The US President and his Secret Service bodyguard falling in love with each other. Slow burn, partly gay for you - perfect! I really loved Ethan. He was a very likable and relatable guy.

Then around the 50% mark, they became flawless lovers, celebrating their undying love with hearts in their eyes - constantly proclaiming how they would do anything to be with each other. No relationship or identity finding issues at all...

The action sequences reminded me a bit of an average Tom Cruise movie - and the scenes taken from the war movie 'Black Hawk Down' were a bit too obvious.

All in all, this was just a 3 star story for me. One that could have been much more complex, IMO.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
November 8, 2016
The President and the Special Agent! Of course, I have read it! If anything, it is original.

I am not sure why this is happening lately, but I keep discovering great MM romance books. Maybe it is because my tastes have changed. Maybe it is because new great authors manage to get published. The result is me being a happy girl.

Take this book for example. It is extremely well written and it has the correct balance of romance and adventure. I loved it.

The love story described in this book cannot be more complicated.

Ethan Reichenbach is the head of Secret Service detail in White House. He has experience protecting and working for US presidents and a committed, enthusiastic team of agents who are mostly his friends and respect him. He never had to hide the fact that he is gay. Nobody really cared for his sexual orientation and he was never judged – although his best friends and team members were either single and straight or married and straight. The most important thing is that he never had a problem getting laid and he has been avoided relationships. No time actually. He was spending most of his time in White House or travelling with the President.

Jack Spiers is the President of the United States, a Republican who has just been elected. He is confident, nonjudgmental, charismatic and good looking. People love him. He is the most influential man in the planet the most powerful, but he is so so lonely. He is a widower for the last fifteen years and adored his late wife an Army Captain who was killed in Iraq during the war. Jack never had a relationship ever since.

When Ethan meets Jack, he is smitten with him. This is something normal, I guess. A lot of people (men or women) could fall in love with a charismatic, powerful, good looking president/leader. Jack also needs a friend and he keeps pushing Ethan to hang out with him. They talk, exchange texts, play pool. They are BEST FRIENDS. Ethan helps Jack to release his stress from his duties.

Ethan is in big trouble. Firstly he keeps company to the President and this is forbidden for his position as the head of Secret Service detail. Secondly, he is falling in love. The problems with this fact are three:
1. He is in love with the US President. If anybody ever finds out, they will eat him alive.
2. The President is not attracted to men. He was married before; he never had a relationship with another guy. If Jack finds out about Ethan feelings, Ethan may lose him from friend.
3. The President is celibate for 15 years, i.e. he had no sex life since his wife died. He considered himself “a celibate, warrior-politician dedicated to public service”. So he is living like a monk.

And then despite all this issues, Ethan kisses Jack. And Jack is gobsmacked. You can imagine the scene:

Jack: “Girlfriend?”
Ethan: “No girlfriend. Not that there would ever be. I’m gay, sir.”
Jack: “Cool. No boyfriend then?”

And I am thinking, laughing out loud ‘What are you doing man? That thing you are asking will change your life in the next 5 minutes. Are you sure you are ready for his answer?’

Apparently Jack is not ready. And neither is Ethan who has to learn that when you express your feelings you need to be ready for every possible result.

Obviously Jack will rip Ethan’s heart out for a while. It is not easy. Anyway, grown up men are allowed to cry!

The key questions that arise from this book are the following:
-Is the President allowed to make mistakes?
-Is the President allowed to have a personal life, if he is not married? It doesn’t really matter if he has a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

The main reason I read this book was to satisfy my curiosity. How the writer will handle these issues, how the American people will act?

Jack is very lonely. I suppose the burden he has to carry must be unbearable. He always goes back home alone. It is hard. He needs to have a family, someone he can go back home and talk outside politics. He is not even allowed to have a friend. Ethan is sneaking in to keep company to Jack. The company Jack craves.

Other issues arise are the following:
-Can a straight man fall in love with another man? The term is “Gay for you” - in case you don't know. Jack was not interested in men before he met Ethan. Only this can make things complicated enough.
-Can a man have a second chance in love after 15 years of loneliness? It is so cruel and heartless for Jack to be so lonely. Can he be strong enough and love again without feeling that he betrays his wife?

The love story, their relationship will come naturally. It does not monopolize the book. It is part of the whole world situation. There is: Fragile world peace. A bomb in Nairobi. Refuges. Terrorist attacks. Jack will be trying to make friends with Russia. South Arabians and Chinese will get involved. Ethan will be crazy with worry and “God help the man who will try to take Jack away from him.”

In the last part everything goes so fast. Try to think Jack Bauer (from 24) or Carrie Mathison, (from Homeland) trying to save the president in less than 24 hours. It was one of the few times I was actually biting my nails while I was reading a book.

Friends will become traitors and enemies will become friends.
The stuff movies are made of!
Profile Image for Rina Pride.
331 reviews88 followers
April 20, 2024
Relido com prazer! Dessa vez em audiobook narrado pelo John Solo que é um narrador incrível de bom! A história já era boa, mas ficou ainda melhor em audiobook. Executive office é a melhor série política MM, nada supera esses livros. Foi com eles que me tornei fã de Tal Bauer e assim li muitos outros livros maravilhosos dele. Perfeição essa série, Ethan e Jack para sempre no meu coração ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,123 reviews253 followers
May 23, 2019
*** A magnificent futuristic story with marvelous characters, who are fated, destined, dynamic !
*** Shady dealings are happening in the military of Washington, D.C. and what happens is shocking. In his late forties, Jack Speirs has won the Presidential election, inherited a load of problems, and 1 1/2 years ago lost his wife.

Now he's awaiting the change of command and looking forward to doing a good job for the people, the country and the world. Ethan, head of the Secret Service detail

covering the President, is buff and brawny, gay and single, plus dedicated to his work. He's had ten years in the Army, and twelve with Secret Service. We get news headlines and articles that help explain the state of the world within politics and military actions, plus the inner workings of the White House.

This is so beautifully written with lyrical language and phrasing, terrific lingo, treasonist's conversations, and rumors galore amongst the facts. The Secret Service men work in close quarters, Jack and Ethan become friends for each other,

and too close according to the rules. Ethan is falling for the man, but Jack is straight. The team provides safety for trip to Italy, Camp David, and Prague, showing the logistics and priorities of travel. This information is effective, riveting and certainly relates to the current state of our global concerns today.

We are drawn in by the awesome writing and the sexual anticipation, which is tremendously well done. Jack must examine his reactions to Ethan, and this is a "GFY - gay for you" - tale because Jack is only interested in Ethan; it is Ethan, and only Ethan that grabs his heart.

The talks and actions are so relatable, so realistic and we can't put this book down. The story has deep emotion, it's fascinating, sexually super charged, action packed, with major twists that will shock you.
I highly recommend this sleek, sexy story. Loved that they are older, stable suit and tie wearing, strong men.
The next edition, continuation of their story, comes out Oct. 24, 2016. I can't wait !
Thank you darling Gigi for the rec !
There is a new "Special Edition" out, with 476 pages, up from 340, but the story is the same !

Profile Image for Anne Boleyn's Ghost.
373 reviews68 followers
February 16, 2019
Re-read February 2019

One of my monthly challenge tasks was "re-read an old favorite." I wondered if I would be as obsessed as when I first read and reviewed it. Verdict? Still obsessed.

This was so good.

Why did I wait so long to read this?


If it wasn't obvious, "good" is an understatement. Enemies of the State checked all of my boxes and it checked them hard.

Last night I read until 1 am, then I read all day today (work? what work?), then I decided to forgo my weekly tradition of attending Whole Foods' "Five After Five" wine tasting (yes, I'm basic af) to read.

Tal Bauer, you are brilliant.

Your story drove me to drink

Excited me

Devastated me

Frightened me

Infuriated me

Then put me back together again

Also, selecting these GIFs reminded me of when Scandal was watchable. Thank you for that.

I literally cackled during Welby's drug store visit. My neighbors probably think that I'm a witch. Well, they probably already thought that.

People a little more, uh, stable than I have written coherent and comprehensive reviews detailing the political intrigue, the passionate and tender relationship between Jack and Ethan, the thrills and chills. I have little to add other than I was utterly and thoroughly riveted and I am starting the next story immediately.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
September 8, 2019
Really, the only thing I can say about this book is OMFG WHY DIDN'T I READ THIS BEFORE NOW???

Seriously, this book has been on my tbr list a while but I kept putting it off. Politics are NOT my thing. I have ZERO interest in books centering around politics. But every time I asked my friend Anne, for a recommendation for something beautiful and romantic, she rec'd this book. She kept on telling me, you will love these two guys. And once again, she did not steer me wrong. I am absolutely and totally in love with Jack and Ethan.❤️❤️

I will admit, I wanted to skim the political stuff, but I stuck to my guns and read. And guess what? I became so engrossed that I could not stop reading. This read like a damn action-packed movie. Someone please make this movie!!! I would be on the front row with my popcorn ready to go!

My heart broke for Ethan in the beginning. Unrequited love is a bitch. Wanting something you know you can't have and breaking all the rules and breaking your heart in the process. But when the unthinkable happens and Jack is left hurting, OMG I wanted to curl up in a ball and sob with him 😭.

But all the sweet and tender moments and words between the two, melted my heart into a pile of goo. This is one of the most romantic books I've read. Gah! I'm still swooning. Just beautiful.

And hats off to Tal Bauer. I mean, you made me engrossed in a political book that I would never have touched otherwise. What stellar writing!

Well, moving on to the next because I need to see where these two are going to go.
Profile Image for Diana.
598 reviews18 followers
December 4, 2020
5 Mr. Bunny Stars

Ethan Reichenbach is a veteran Secret Service Agent and in charge of the President- elect Jack Spiers’s protection detail and definitely not looking forward to another 4 years of a new President. Ethan certainly did not expect President Speirs to be kind, caring and absolutely lost and lonely as the new President. Spending time together made Ethan think for the first time in his life, he cared more about a man than just a quickie. But how can they ever have any type of relationship when Jack is the President of the United States and is totally straight? There are plenty of twists and turns, misunderstanding and heart pounding moments where I couldn’t put the book down and practically growled if anyone talked to me.
”When you love someone, really love them, you’ll do anything. Figure anything out. Because having them in your life is worth more to you than living without them.”~Jack

I loved Just Jack. He was so focused on helping the world move towards peace, but yet always afraid of making the wrong decision and costing lives. Even though he is the President, there were times he just wanted to be an “average” guy, hanging out with friends watching the ball game.
Jumping into this book, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I have never read a political romance before, and I was a little nervous. Well, I absolutely fell in love with the story and is definitely one of my favorites of 2016. I will admit, it was a little confusing with all the political talk and learning the names of all the political players, but I did get used to it, and the story flowed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to everyone.
 photo Enemies of the State 5_zpsl3hbom50.jpg
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,445 reviews507 followers
January 23, 2021
4 Stars

Forbidden love of the highest order!

This was a plausible slow progression as Secret Service agent Ethan, for the first time ever, falls in love, and it’s a fucking revelation. There’s just one snag. He’s in charge of the president's safety, and anything other than ultimate professionalism cannot be tolerated.

However, even though friendship isn’t allowed, Ethan can’t resist Jack’s down to earth, honorable idealism, and Jack finds an honest supportive shoulder to lean on from the man who keeps him alive and well.

Feelings between these two inevitably develop which of course, blossoms into so much more!

This brings elements of Flynn’s Transfer of Power and the movie Olympus Has Fallen. Swoony romance and intense action against the backdrop of a smart complex political game, this was one compelling page turner!
Profile Image for JAN.
1,198 reviews919 followers
September 30, 2016

****4.5 Stars****

Wow! Such a great story!
Enemies of the State came to my attention because the sequel, which will be released soon, started popping out on my feeds. I have to confess that despite all the good rates from my friends I went into this walking in eggshells. Politics is not usually appealing to me in a story. I decided to take the plunge though and loved it!

The intricate world of politics was very well played. It was nothing boring, perhaps due to action and mystery elements that were added to the story. And that good ol’ slow burn feeling??? It almost drove me mad.

We have Ethan as a special agent and Jack as Mr President.
Ethan has been working in the White House for the last 12 years. This time around though, due to a career promotion, he is responsible for the President security, working side by side with him. Ethan thinks it will be just like any other job. Easy peasy and following the rules: keep your distance and don’t get involved with the protectee.

Jack Spiers is the new elected President, a 45 year old widower who loved his wife very much.

Jack is nothing like Ethan was expecting. He surprises Ethan with his humour and humanity. He very often tries to engage Ethan in conversations to hear his thoughts as a commoner. Ethan keeps trying to put some distance between them but always fails miserably. Jack draws Ethan in. A friendship began to flourish and Ethan starts to feels attracted to Jack.

The tension between the MC’s was so good!!!! In fact, the time it took for some male x male action to happen in the story was crucial to make this romance convincing in my opinion. Without the slow burn, this story wouldn’t have worked for me at all, after all Jack was straight and completely clueless about Ethan’s feelings for a good part of the story. Until Ethan

makes a pass.

I loved Jack’s character and I cannot blame Ethan for not resisting such a charismatic person. Jack was honest and down to earth. The world would be a much better place with more politicians like him. It took him awhile to discover Ethan’s feelings for him but as soon as it happens he began to wonder about his own feelings. That was the point in the story that things got hot.When Jack finally admits to being attracted to a man and realises he wants more from Ethan than friendship, he faces it! Brave Jack!

Great read!

Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books560 followers
February 20, 2022
First and foremost, I’d like to give thanks to my girl Jessi for gifting this audiobook to me. You’re the sweetest, bestest friend ever!

Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach isn’t the kind you settle down with and bring home to mom. He’s the hottest one night stand because monogamy is a four letter word to him. So of course, the first time he feels the urge to settle down it’s for the worst person imaginable.

You see, he’s a secret service agent, he’s to protect the president with his life. Not only is Jack the man in the White House, he’s a straight widower. He couldn’t be any more inappropriate for Ethan but it’s like that old saying goes. The heart wants what the heart wants.

And I am living for it!

I love when Jack finds any possible way to spend time with Ethan. From running to asking advice about things that Ethan shouldn’t even know about. It’s freaking adorable.

“Cum on the White House carpet wasn’t the legacy he wanted.” I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard because of a book.

I can’t remember a sexier scene than when Jack stripped naked and put on Ethan’s jacket. It’s such a simple thing but so incredibly erotic. I applaud TB for his subtle nuances.

Omg this book is ridiculous and I mean that with the most lovable intentions. The slow burn they’re idly fanning is literally making me breathe heavy. And I can honestly say that has never happened to me before. Neither by reading, watching, listening or real life. Holy smokes Mr. Bauer, you have my undying gratitude for this masterpiece.

Of course this road would never be easy and not just for the obvious. These men travel the rockiest road but there’s nothing that’ll keep them away from each other.

My emotions were all over the place; I laughed, I cried, I was angry, I desired … oh man did I desire and I want more. Gimme book two!
Profile Image for Alona.
674 reviews12 followers
October 31, 2016
I'd like to start by offering some helpful advice:
- If you're looking for a story that has a strong hold on reality, it's not for you!
- if you are not ready for some GFY sweet romance, that has ALSO a very, VERY, dominant side-plot of politics/action, look elsewhere. It's full of it!

Now to my review:
Who would have thought..??
I certainly didn't!! (Read: March 9 2016)

I was checking my TBR shelf for hours but nothing, absolutely nothing "did it" for me.
This book blurb sounded nice, but sort of "been there, done that", the cover was also- as generic as it can get...
But some loving reviews from friends made me go for it.
I jumped head first, yet with low expectations.

God, this book was all sorts of right for me!

It was so well crafted and written.
I loved being with Ethan and Jack while they became friends, and then, slowly, took their relationship from friends to lovers.

It was slow, but SO NOT boringly slow.
It was HOT, but not smutty hot...


What I loved best, and what I thought was the greatness of Tal's writing, was that I totally FELT the emotions, the intimacy, the love, while reading those beautiful sex scenes!
And not just during the sex scenes.
I swear, more than a few times my heart skipped a beat, or I held my breathe while reading some emotional scenes.

I feel the need to say that there are some things that might not work for everyone:

-it's a romance, and an amazing one at that, yet, it's also pact with action, politics and mystery (especially the last 20%)
It worked for me, perfectly, but if it's not your thing, you might want to think again

-it is some what slow, but, it's also it's beauty, IMHO. (Not too slow, 50% slow!)
It made it so sweet and perfect!

-it's a Gay-For-You and I know it's not for everyone.
(I read for fun, I read fiction, I read fantasy... I'm a bloody female reading 80% m/m how more fictional/fantasy can it get???? I'm intelligent enough to know RL from my books!! Thank you very much!!!)

Oh, and I love the "middle finger" the author showed "Putin" and the Russian homophobia!

What an amazing debut book!
Well done Tal!
(Yes I just shouted that from the top of my lungs!)

*** it's book #1 in a series, but it can be a stand alone (with a solid HFN ending) ***
Profile Image for Gabi.
139 reviews
April 24, 2024
At 50 % I started skimming.
The plot is so unbelievable and the romance overly cheesy. Well, it’s Tal Bauer, what else to expect? 🤷‍♀️😂
Also, I went into this not knowing it’s GFY. Not a fan of this trope.

“I don’t consider myself gay. Being with Ethan wasn’t some kind of realization of who I was deep inside. It wasn’t a… yearning of my hidden gay man.” […] “It was just me falling in love,” Jack finally said. “And figuring out how to make that work with Ethan.”[…] “The fact that the sex was actually pretty amazing was a nice bonus.”
All right, Mr. President 🙄🤣
Profile Image for Elisa Glendenning.
522 reviews48 followers
June 7, 2022
Re-read June 2022

Loved this all over again ❤️ I may have skimmed some of the politics in the very beginning but I powered through this. Still adore Jack & Ethan so.damn.much. Don’t even care that they got a little bit mushy towards the end. Sigh 😍

******* Original Review *******

Wowzer! I’m not really into politics so was a little dubious if I would like it, but it was fab. Ethan’s and Jack’s forbidden friendship evolves into more, gradually becoming one of the best m/m romances I’ve read. When Ethan decided to take that first step - oh my lord. The angst - it was so well written and I loved how they took things slowly, which made it more authentic. So relieved how this concluded, after all that drama!!!. Can’t wait to read the next in this series.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,328 reviews19 followers
January 13, 2024
Read #4

Read #3

"First Name, I'm with you all the way." GAHHHHH

Love this book. Love this series. I just adore how their physical relationship progressed slowly. I love how Tal writes friendship before love because let's face it: a couple who don't like each other as friends will never love or stay in love with each other. And he just nails this shift from friends to lovers.

Third read and I still sit on the edge of my seat with all the twists Tal spins.

Third read and I still hurt when Faisal and Adam reunite. Epic ❤️


Rereading this book was such a treat❤
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,712 reviews
March 9, 2017
HAVE to read it again! At last, book three is coming. Still one of the most gripping and exciting and romantic books I've ever read!

10/2/16 Reread for SEQUEL! Loved it as much, if not more than the first time!

1st read 2/1/16 So, I started reading at 2:30 pm and finished at 1:40 am, only because I was forced to stop reading by Real Life and dinner.

This was a little reminiscent of a Tom Clancy novel with Jack Ryan as a gay man! A story of politics and foreign policy, and a very slow burn romance. There's a complex conspiracy, and the narrative includes a fair amount on foreign unrest and diplomatic and political maneuvering. It also involves mature men, in their 40's, a dynamic that I love!

In the midst of growing violence in the Middle East, and tension with Europe, China and Russia, Jack, a widower for 15 years, takes office as President. He misses having someone "normal" to discuss issues and ideas. He is drawn to Ethan, who heads his Secret Sevice detail, and wants to cultivate a friendship. Ethan begins to question if it's friendship or something more. Either would compromise his position and his job and he suffers from unrequited desire and emotional confusion. Insurmountable obstacles for Ethan and he's trying to stay detached from Jack.

Jack deals with political/foreign policy concerns, policy making and summits, without knowing of the manipulation and conspiracy indicated in the prologue. Ethan agrees to a clandestine friendship with Jack, since he has no hope that Jack is other than straight. After some misunderstandings, tears and soul searching, things get hot, really hot! Besides the bombs exploding, that is! There's heart stopping action and danger, bullets flying.

As I've learned to expect from Tal, they write wonderfully evocative descriptions of place and time, creating atmospheres that add to the scenes. There is strong character and world building and realistically described scenarios, not out of place with today's world crises. There is a lot of detail about actions and procedures, but not to excess and always necessary to the story. A little suspension of disbelief is required for the developing romance, and the crisis they face, but that's to be expected.

This was thrilling and riveting. It's a roller coaster story, with a slow climb to the apex and a killer ride following. There is sex, but it's fairly minimal, part of the developing romance. It's also a very well written and edited story. There are a couple of plot threads left dangling that I hope lead to a follow up in the future!

I was provided with an ARC copy by the author and this is my heartfelt and unbiased review!
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
October 23, 2016
Re-read in October 2016 : I confirm my rating, really good and ready to go for "Enemy of my enemy" :-)
I’m not really into thrillers, but I gave it a try because 1)the reviews were good, 2) I’m a huge fan of the TV series « the west wing », and 3) I have a soft spot for GFY books, especially involving mature men. Glad I took the plunge.

Jack, a widow in his forties, is the new POTUS and feels a bit isolated even though he’s constantly surrounded by people. He seeks for the friendship of one of his secret service personal detail, Ethan. Ethan, ex-military, gay and not into relationship, takes his job very seriously and is used to follow the rules ie protecting his charge without any attachment.
However, Ethan is completely taken aback by Jack’s loneliness and compassion he displays running the country.
Day by day, they build a relationship that slowly turns into more for Ethan who struggles fighting his growing attraction for the “straight” president, especially since Jack relies more and more on Ethan’s opinion on the international crisis involving the US, Russia, China, the Middle East and terrorists.

This book is a great combination of foreign politics, intrigue, conspiracy, action and of course romance with 2 likable MCs and second characters. This is a slow burn between the 2 MCs but with strong sexual tension and very hot and highly emotional sex scenes (oh boy, how much you can feel the emotion !!).

The writing is so well done I couldn’t put the book down. For sure, I will read the next installment (no cliffhanger there, which works fine for me).

I didn’t give a 5 stars because the balance of the story was more in favor of the politics than of the romance for my taste and I would have liked more steam (sue me !!). And maybe also because of the snide remarks about French :-)
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
May 9, 2017
The one man he’d gone and fallen for, and he was so many different kinds of off limits.

Special Agent Ethan Reichenbach has finally been given the lead position of the Secret Service. He’s watched over three presidents and always kept his professional distance, until now. Newly elected president Jack Spiers is not what he’s used to. He’s friendly and lonely and seems to want Ethan as a friend. But it’s against the Secret Service rules, and his fascination and desire for Jack is not helping Ethan keep his distance. Nothing can come of Ethan falling for Jack, not only is Jack straight but he’s the POTUS.

“I never thought that I would feel this way for a man. But I do. I want you, Ethan.

Jack hasn’t been interesting in anyone since the death of his wife years ago. He now lives and breathes for making America a safer and better place. Although he’s used to keeping his distance from others, he can’t help but want to befriend Ethan. Talking and spending time with him has become the highlight of his days. Until Ethan kisses him and he’s forced to question why he really wanted Ethan around him so much.

Meanwhile a secret unit that has been biding its time, intent on overtaking the Whitehouse and placing themselves as the ultimate power, is finally ready to makes its move. Can Ethan keep the man he’s come to love safe?

It was the choice of a lifetime, and more than just two hearts hung in the balance.
To love or to wither. To cherish or to destroy. Their world, together, or the world at large.

I loved Ethan and Jack both. They are such good guys, both trying to make a difference in the world.

He’d taken a chance, and he’d found a love that couldn’t be named, that couldn’t be contained, and that had redefined his life in ways he had only just begun to discover.

I loved their romance and the slow burn of it. It took Jack so long to realise the true depth of his feelings for Ethan, while Ethan was despairing over unrequited lust and love, and I loved it. I loved that their romance showed that one could fall in love with a person even though that person isn’t someone you thought you would ever feel that way about. And I loved how brave Ethan was in making his move, even though he didn’t expect anything to come of it, and how Jack didn’t let his confusion about his sudden attraction to Ethan ignore how he felt. The risk they took to be together was very special and romantic.

I’m not one for politics but I enjoyed the whole presidency background, the inner workings of the Whitehouse and the suspenseful plot.

This was my first book by this author and I’m very impressed. I can’t wait to read the next book. A definite must read for all m/m fans who like gripping action thrown in with the romance.

Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews512 followers
November 7, 2022
First reread: Nov 7-8
New Rating: 4.5 stars

I can't believe I've reread this book. I got into a massive slump after this series and I swore I wouldn't reread this series because I didn't know left from right after this series.

Mariam is honestly a hag of a hypocrite lad.

And let me just refine my oh so eloquent original review.

Ethan Reichenbach is the finest, and greatest man I've ever know. He is beyond integrity, encompasses what lays past strength and bravery and courage and he is beauty and jaw-breaking awe in a bottle.

God, when I first Book 1 of E&J, I fucking hated Scott and his reaction to E&J. I cherish every scene of him now and him carrying Ethan never fucking stops go slay me.

But two small characters, but damn their impact over my tiny heart. I love Daniel and Welby SO MUCH. I want Daniel to have a partner and be fuckin happy and I just want Welby to have his DAMN BOOK.

God my heart PANGED for Daniel. I have some new appreciation for his, the way he watched E&J's entire relationship just silently and steadly grow. The scene with tears in his eyes the duffle bag scene... fuck me, I love him so much

What a book, and what a sough-out ending.

Audiobook rating: 4.5 stars ⭐✨

original review:
original rating: 4 stars ⭐🤩

Tal, you unfair, damned, vicious, ANNOYING, damn AMAZING author. I hate you, and I fucking LOVE YOU!

Swallowing, Ethan tried to find his tongue. “I’m just your detail lead, sir.”
“You are the kind of guy I’d be proud to call a friend.”

God this book was a mixture of time skips and wanting to throw Tal under a bus and then having all that time resurged and revived and now I'm pumping oxygen to make sure Tal stays alive to write books until my DEATH BED.

[Do the American people know that you’re a total goof?]
Do they know that the Energizer Bunny protects me?
[This bunny has to go to work, First Name. Hopper 1, out.]
Hippity hop! ☺

He hesitated, closing his eyes as another solid sank into the pocket. “I met someone that I think I’d like to be with, though.”
“Oh yeah? [...] What’s he like?”
“Brilliant,” Ethan said quickly. His eyes burned as he stared at Jack, watching him study the table. [...] “He’s perfect. Brilliant, hilarious, confident. I think he can do anything.” Ethan swallowed. His eyes traveled Jack’s body, slowly. “He’s gorgeous, too.”
“Wow.” Jack flashed him a quick smile, big and warm. “Seems like a catch. And you, Ethan, sound smitten.”

ugk, so much time jumps, a few intimate scenes were skipped, the pacing was terrible because of it, and Ethan starting to adore Jack by chapter 3 (no matter how adorable and mushy gushy he is) was surprising, and yes yes yes, I could moan like a slut about the many complains this book caused, but damned it all! I had an extensive to do list to tackle the night I stupidly read this, had a bagillion deadlines to conquer and face my ass from failing and yet I accomplished NOT A SINGLE ONE because the second I continued from page chapter 1 (let's be honest, the prologue was a snooze fest and I couldn't be bothered by the politics or terrorism occuring in this book) I. WAS. IN. LOVE.

Jack smiled, wistful. “You think so highly of me. I don’t know what I did to earn your respect. But, Ethan, the way you look at me.” His eyes shifted. Heat smoldered in his gaze. “It makes me feel alive.”

He was just a man, a man compromised by love.
He wanted Jack like he wanted oxygen. Like he wanted his heart to keep beating. He wanted, so deeply, so badly, but that want ignored the realities of the world.

And I gotta say, holy fuck, tal actually writes intriguing action scenes. I get bored by anything that's not romance cus they don't hold my attention and makes me log through the scenes but the way Tal describes the the actions scenes pictured me watching an actual movie (basically got London has Fallen vibes all over but make it gay).

So yeah, damn you Tal. DAMN YOU!

He was just a man. A man that yearned. A man that loved.

His eyes searched Jack’s. He saw a joy that mirrored his own, shining bright. “I will do anything it takes,” he whispered. “Anything. For you.”

Everything had been changed by Jack. Everything in his life had changed. Jack, was the only thing he’d ever yearned for, had ever truly, to the depths of his soul, wanted. Every piece of his heart, and of his life, had grown so completely full with his love for Jack. He hadn’t known, not at all, what he’d been missing before Jack.

initial reaction:
I am going to fail all my closes because someone needs to take books AWAY FROM ME
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews517 followers
June 19, 2020
Audio: 5 STARS!
Story: 4 STARS!

The love story was WONDERFUL, the political intrigue was top-notch, but I just wasn't a big fan of how the action slid into OTT territory.

But if romantic suspense is your thing, I'd definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Meags.
2,326 reviews591 followers
December 1, 2020
5 Stars

What a wild ride this was! Action-packed and romantic as all get-out, Enemies of the State might just be the best bodyguard romance I’ve ever read—and I don’t kid about such things as an avid lover of the bodyguard trope.

The story follows newly sworn-in President Jack Spiers and Secret Service agent Ethan Reichenbach, lead of the President’s protective detail, as they spark fast and hot in this forbidden romance. Filled with political intrigue, rogue government plots of destruction, and so much love and passion between Ethan and Jack that my heart was almost overflowing with it, I'm quite certain that the presidential office has never looked quite this appealing before.

This was quite a lengthy read, but it was flawlessly written, perfectly paced and absolutely engrossing in practically ever facet of the story. I loved every minute of it!

On reflection, Enemies of the State was easily my favourite read of November, and quite possibly my favourite M/M read of 2020. I may be a bit late to this book party, but apparently good things come to those who wait—in this case, a nice and tasty backlog of Bauer’s books to keep me cosy!
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews260 followers
April 1, 2016
Guys, this moved me. M-O-V-E-D me.

This is going down as a favorite of the year.

The intrigue, the suspense, the friendship, loyalty and shit, the love.

I never wanted this to end but couldn't turn the pages fast enough.

My God did I need a book like this, And now, I need ten more.

So good.
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