Martin's Reviews > Enemies of the State

Enemies of the State by Tal Bauer
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I really loved the first half of this book. The US President and his Secret Service bodyguard falling in love with each other. Slow burn, partly gay for you - perfect! I really loved Ethan. He was a very likable and relatable guy.

Then around the 50% mark, they became flawless lovers, celebrating their undying love with hearts in their eyes - constantly proclaiming how they would do anything to be with each other. No relationship or identity finding issues at all...

The action sequences reminded me a bit of an average Tom Cruise movie - and the scenes taken from the war movie 'Black Hawk Down' were a bit too obvious.

All in all, this was just a 3 star story for me. One that could have been much more complex, IMO.
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Reading Progress

April 12, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read (ebook Edition)
April 12, 2016 – Shelved (ebook Edition)
April 9, 2017 – Started Reading
April 9, 2017 – Shelved
April 9, 2017 –
2.0% "The president is the gay love interest here? I'm gonna work so hard to get Trump out of my mind now...."
April 10, 2017 –
5.0% "'He’d never told anyone what he’d done, or about how the president could have handed him his ass that night, but instead that they’d sat side by side and worked until the wee hours of the morning.'

This is very cute ;-)"
April 10, 2017 –
6.0% "' The president—all presidents—had to work out.'

Says who?!"
April 10, 2017 –
8.0% "“I’ll sit on your back for a handicap. Then you can do push-ups.” President Spiers winked.'

Oh, I'd LOVE to see that ;-)"
April 10, 2017 –
9.0% "“You telling me you’re ‘involved’ with the president?”
“No,” Ethan answered quickly. “I’m the detail lead. And, as part of my job, I’m trying to keep him safe and sane. Making sure he works out. I’m keeping him grounded. That’s all.”
“That what you’re telling yourself?”"
April 10, 2017 –
10.0% "' Ethan smiled down at Jack. “Mr. President,” he said softly. His voice had dropped an octave, almost purring over the syllables. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, shivering in the night.'

OMG, is he going to...?"
April 10, 2017 –
11.0% "' Jack gestured to the couch, beside him. “Please, sit. I want to hear your thoughts.”

Who *wouldn't* fall for that president? I LOVE him!!"
April 10, 2017 –
11.0% ""Do you have a minute to chat? Help me bounce ideas around?”
Ethan shrugged, throwing his hands wide. “Just… don’t listen to me if I advocate a nuclear strike.”"
April 10, 2017 –
11.0% "' He tried to focus on China, on Taiwan, on the dangers of invasion and the complications of icing out a global player in the world economy, but all he could see in his mind’s eye was the curve of Jack’s lips and the dimple in his cheek when he grinned lopsidedly at Ethan.'

Aaw, sweet..."
April 11, 2017 –
12.0% "“Sir,” he said, addressing Jack and standing straighter. His eyes darkened as he turned to Ethan. “Agent Reichenbach?”

Come on, it's not like you caught them mid-blowjob, LOL."
April 11, 2017 –
15.0% "' And it wasn’t like he was searching for anything in particular anyway. He wasn’t one for long-term anything.'

If you honestly believe that, you wouldn't be reminding yourself on every other page..."
April 11, 2017 –
16.0% "“Yeah, right. You’re getting old. You’re like a GI Joe doll. You gay guys are ageless.”"
April 11, 2017 –
18.0% "No way! The president, vice president and the leaders of Western Europe on the same plane?! Might as well paint a bull's eye on that bird..."
April 11, 2017 –
20.0% "' Ethan hung back with Inada, Daniels, and Scott, eating leftovers in the kitchen with the other members of the international detail while the dinner party carried on outside.'

Poor guys. The secret service is fed leftovers while the politicians feast on haute cuisine..."
April 11, 2017 –
20.0% "'The German chancellor and the British prime minister both folded themselves down into pool chaise lounges with refilled wine glasses and stared up at the sky.'

Merkel and May, LOL. They probably fill the silence arguing about the Brexit conditions."
April 11, 2017 –
20.0% "' His duty, his professionalism, and his career all screamed at him, shrieking that he turn away, that he say no.'

Come on, take the chance! You could become the First Husband (?) and select the White House china!!"
April 11, 2017 –
21.0% "“If we’re talking about a guy and a girl, then yeah, that’d be a pretty good guess. You could take that one to the bank.” Scott hesitated. “But if we’re talking about you and the Goddamn president…”"
April 11, 2017 –
21.0% "“Losing objectivity. Becoming overly familiar with a protectee. Inappropriate behavior with a protectee. And lying about it,” he finished with a roar. After a moment, Scott’s head whipped back around, glaring at Ethan. “And what the fuck did you say about asking your advice? Are you talking to him about political business?”

Oh, Ethan. Just shut up..."
April 11, 2017 –
21.0% "“He’s not giving me any signals like I’d expect if he were interested, or if he were gay. I mean, if he just wanted to fuck, we could have already done that a hundred times.”
“Jesus Christ,” Scott muttered. “Thank God for small miracles.”

I absolutely love Ethan. This story is amazing ;-))"
April 11, 2017 –
23.0% "“If you need puke, you lean out car.” The cabbie snapped his fingers in Ethan’s face at the next light. “No puke inside!”

Poor poor Ethan. I totally feel for him... he's wrecked over a guy he can never be with. The ultimate love story. Love this!!"
April 11, 2017 –
23.0% "' What was done was done, though. He’d pushed Jack away. Made an ass of himself in front of Scott. Looked like an idiot to Daniels. Gotten drunk and stupid at his bar.
And at the end of the night, he was achingly alone.'

April 12, 2017 –
28.0% "Jack's POV!!! Finally!!! OMG, what's the POTUS gonna think about Ethan, LOL? I LOVE this ;-))"
April 12, 2017 –
28.0% "“You’re something else, Mr. President.”
“Jack.” He took a sip of his beer. “C’mon. You can say it. Jack.”
Ethan just grinned. “Mr. President.”
April 12, 2017 –
34.0% "I feel so so sorry for Ethan...."
April 13, 2017 –
35.0% "" We have to try the diplomatic route before we send Europe back to a World War.”

Thanks, Jack. It's appreciated."
April 13, 2017 –
36.0% "OMG, he's love sick AND on the verge of a war with Russia. Not exactly a favorable combination..."
April 13, 2017 –
36.0% "' He wasn’t gay. He wasn’t attracted to men.'

Come on, save yourself that internal monologue and think about why you like him so much!! Because you're clearly NOT straight, Mr President!!"
April 13, 2017 –
36.0% "“Ethan,” Jack whispered. “Why me? I’m not special enough for you.”

Not special enough? Well, there's still the Pope, but I guess Ethan doesn't have THAT kind of daddy complex, LOL."
April 13, 2017 –
42.0% "' Fifteen years was a very long time. Long enough to decide that he was going to be a widower for the rest of his life. He’d made his peace with that years ago.'

That's a tough decision for a guy in his late 20s."
April 13, 2017 –
44.0% "' Puchkov leaned back, smirking. “I do like you, Mr. President. You have muda.” He pointed to his crotch. “Balls.”

LOL. Higher diplomacy ;-)"
April 13, 2017 –
47.0% "I feel like a grandma watching a Spanish telenovela: Glued to the screen and crying into a tissue."
April 13, 2017 –
50.0% "LOL. This relationship is gonna be so expensive for you, if you lose your suit jacket EVERY SINGLE TIME."
April 14, 2017 –
50.0% "OMG, is that guy the leak?! Someone MUST be a 'double agent', right?"
April 14, 2017 –
51.0% "Please tell me the sex isn't off page..."
April 15, 2017 –
64.0% "' His heart, so recently made whole again, cracked, revealing his tender love for Ethan hidden deep within.'

Hmm, this is drowning in sap now."
April 15, 2017 –
68.0% "Now he's going all Bush after 9/11? This is more and more jumping the shark..."
April 17, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Jerry The sex is not off page. Plenty of sex between all the main couples. One couple will be only in book 3 and they will tear your heart out getting there.

Jerry Jack and Ethan take a while working up to it. Their progress is slow, but well worth it.

Martin Thank you, Jerry!! Phew, I was worried there for a sec ;-)

Jerry Tal is really inserting the hook into you by this point. You are salivating for the sex, I know. Once the sex happens, you are totally lost and then he can plunge the knife in and make you twist in the wind. He, he, he.....

Martin Katerina wrote: "Was ist es nur mit Black Hawk Down und dem Einfluss auf gewisse Bücher ;)
Ich bin so hin und her gerissen mit dieser Serie. Und Dein Review bestärkt mich nur.
Aufgrund Deiner Status Updates hab ich..."

Die erste Hälfte ist wirklich toll geschrieben. Die zweite Hälfte dagegen hat mir gar nicht gefallen. Ich fand auch die politischen Entwicklungen ein bisschen zu überspitzt dargestellt. Z.B. Wenn IS Terroristen eine Atombombe einsetzen, wäre ich als Präsident nicht mehr an Sex mit meinem Bodyguard interessiert. Da hätte ich dann anderes zu denken, oder?!
Und die Verschwörung war ziemlich an den Haaren herbeigezogen. Ich wünschte die Story hätte sich mehr um die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung der beiden MCs gedreht, nicht um eine Actionfilm-ähnliche Handlung.

message 6: by Ariana (mostly offline) (last edited Apr 17, 2017 08:15AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ariana  (mostly offline) Ich glaube nicht, dass man den Action Plot ganz ernst nehmen kann/soll. Du hast ganz recht, dass das nicht mit der Realität übereinstimmt. Ich glaub es kommt darauf an, wie sehr du in dieser Beziehung ein Auge zudrücken kannst oder willst.
Ich habe diese Serie unter AU (alternative universe) eingereiht, weil vieles a la James Bond nicht unbedingt realistisch ist. Muss es aber auch nicht sein.
Würde dir aber Teil 2 und 3 nicht unbedingt empfehlen, weil es noch mehr Action gibt und 'suspending your belief" auf jeden Fall notwendig ist.
Obwohl ich deine Meinung im Grunde teile, finde ich diese Series trotzdem total super. :)

message 7: by JAN (new) - rated it 5 stars

JAN Sorry you didn't have a blast, Martin :(

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