
Vote for our October Wild Card.

Please take into account the availability and cost (and length) of books when voting for them. Remember, if you vote for a book and it wins, you are implicitly promising to read the book and participate in the discussion. Poll will be open for 5 days and the discussion will start October 15th.

  5 votes, 33.3%

  3 votes, 20.0%

  2 votes, 13.3%

  2 votes, 13.3%

  2 votes, 13.3%

  1 vote, 6.7%

Poll added by: Whitney

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by LindaJ^ (new)

LindaJ^ I'm starting with a vote for my nomination, but I really liked The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. It was a comfort book for me. Reading it was like eating my favorite comfort food.

message 2: by Whitney (new)

Whitney Mod
It's always a good idea to revisit the poll near the end and adjust votes as needed. I would love it if GR had a method to do instant runoff voting.

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Dianne 895 books
161 friends
voted for:
The Love We

Luella 416 books
194 friends
voted for:
Ready Player

Britta 6607 books
1468 friends
voted for:
The Long Way

Kay 1505 books
22 friends
voted for:
The Long Way

Molly 2975 books
62 friends
voted for:
The Two Deat

Ashley 2936 books
87 friends
voted for:
The Love We

Nutmegger 2221 books
53 friends
voted for:
Caught Steal

Mark 435 books
4 friends
voted for:
The Two Deat

Peter 3063 books
8 friends
voted for:
The Long Way

Casceil 1681 books
97 friends
voted for:
The Long Way

Whitney 3028 books
82 friends
voted for:
The Red Tree

Amanda 4153 books
771 friends
voted for:
The Love We

LindaJ^ 3662 books
107 friends
voted for:
Caught Steal

Viv 3387 books
334 friends
voted for:
The Long Way

Ernie 2087 books
72 friends
voted for:
Ready Player