Active Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "active-mind" Showing 1-5 of 5
Stewart Stafford
“Maintain an active mind: alert to the possibilities and mischievous in your pursuit of them.”
Stewart Stafford

Frances Hodgson Burnett
“When she was his companion, her father had always felt himself stirred to interest and enterprise. "You ought to have been a man, Betty," he used to say to her sometimes. 
But Betty had not agreed with him. "You say that," she once replied to him, "because you see I am inclined to do things, to change them if they need changing. Well, one is either born like that or one is not. Sometimes I think that perhaps the people who must act are of a distinct race, a kind of vigorous restlessness drives them. I remember that when I was a child I could not see a pin lying upon the ground without picking it up or pass a drawer which needed closing without giving it a push. But there has always been as much for women to do as there is for men.”
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Shuttle

“Exercise your mind the same as you would exercise your body. Practice healthy mental habits that will help you, empower you, and improve your perspectives. Practice them daily.”
Akiroq Brost

“A Bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of any breakage in the branches as because he keeps the trust on his wings rather than on the Branches. Stay alert and always Believe in Yourself”
Er. Tabish Rasool

Joan Ambu
“Knowledge does not update itself, we must keep our minds active.”
Joan Ambu, Strength of The Small