Alien Invasion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "alien-invasion" Showing 1-30 of 49
“He sounds like a politician running for office.”
March Lions, The Last Sunset

Rick Yancey
“I would kill for a cheeseburger. Honestly. If I stumbled across someone eating a cheeseburger, I would kill them for it.”
Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave

C.A. Knutsen
“It took me all day to get that car out. Well, it wasn’t a car. That’s just what I thought it might be when I spotted part of it jutting out from decades of forest undergrowth, and moss, inside a mound of blackberry bushes.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“In science fiction books characters always seem to have a weapon that can be set on stun. Do you have anything like that?” I asked. GERI laughed. He was getting better at it. “Yes, Tom, I have something like that.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“Mr. Williams, in your short time boarding with us you’ve seen very little of my home,” Eleanor said. “I’d like you to see the rest of it, starting with my bedroom.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“That got to me. I wasn’t communicating with a computer. Inside this machine was a sophisticated, self-aware intelligence, and it wanted me to be its friend.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“Tom, does this activity that we are undertaking qualify for the moniker cloak-and-dagger?” GERI asked. “I think it does, but I don’t share your enthusiasm for it. I’m the agent on the ground and potentially the one in the line-of-fire.” “Do not worry, Tom. I have got your six,” GERI said, and laughed.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

Robin Sacredfire
“Between a monkey and a snake, the one that resists change the most is the snake. You can hardly domesticate a snake and make it your trustworthy friend. And so, taking into consideration that most people refuse to change their attitude, and instead decide to discriminate others and act as enemies to the human race as a whole, in their selfishness, competitiveness and egotistical stubbornness, without empathy or compassion for others, they are acting like reptiles, not mammals. We have too much of reptile-thinking inside the human race; and the distance between our reality and a fiction movie about an alien invasion, in which reptiles walk among us disguised as humans isn't that much. We have been corrupted already. Humanity is nearly extinct due to a massive invasion of a reptilian belief-system.”
Robin Sacredfire

G.S. Jennsen
“No, we absolutely should do it. If we can capture such a motherlode, it could make a pivotal difference in the coming war. We need it. AEGIS needs it, my mother needs it. This is why we’re here.

“I’m merely pausing at the precipice of the cliff, peeking down into the chasm and asking, ‘Are we sure?’ So…” Alex eyed him wearing an uneasy grimace “…are we sure?”
G.S. Jennsen, Relativity

G.S. Jennsen
“Solum invoked a sensation akin to lingering déjà vu in the wake of a dream.

It was not Earth. Its city-planet architectural stylings hid the outline of continents that might have otherwise been recognizable and altered the vibrant blue-and-green color palette enough to erase any familiarity in its silhouette.

Yet if you tilted your head just so and let your gaze unfocus a little, you could almost see Earth. Its echo, its memory.”
G.S. Jennsen, Requiem

“There's nothing like a trip to the Yeerk pool to make you appreciate life and freedom.”
K.A. Applegate, The Sickness

Robert A. Heinlein
“Do steers make treaties with meat packers?”
Robert A Heinlein

G.S. Jennsen
“You have business and pleasure to attend to. As an expert in both, allow me to advise you to put them aside for the next ten minutes. Why?

“Because the world is about to transform, and you will want to be able to say you saw it happen. The axes of our little universe are about to flip, and you’ll want to get your magboots set.”
G.S. Jennsen, Rubicon

G.S. Jennsen
“We can assume that by now the Rasu have captured and analyzed zettabytes of government data from Namino. There’s zero chance they don’t possess the locations of every Dominion world. Why haven’t they attacked us somewhere else yet?”

An uneasy silence answered Maris. Nika was reluctant to break it, but hiding from the truth did them no good. “Because the Rasu don’t fear us.”

Dashiel frowned at her. “But we destroyed their entire presence in this galaxy.”

“We did. And by now, they realize that we accomplished it using smoke and mirrors and are unlikely to be able to replicate the feat anytime soon. They don’t fear us, which means they can afford to take their time, methodically dismantling our civilization block by block, then planet by planet.”

Lance arched an eyebrow. “Then we need to make them fear us again.”
G.S. Jennsen, Inversion

“All unnatural control systems have a key element in their intricate composition – the fatality that they will naturally collapse.”
Robert Neil Fleischer, Alien Biography

Wisteria D. Jones
“Entry 3Å9Ø

Father is upset again. Word has spread that a deserter went down to the planet before its first harvest. I don’t know why such information would upset him. The planet is not habitable for Tanyesi, and the coward will likely die alone. I suspect he simply doesn’t want the product to be disturbed before they’ve been collected, but he’s always been sensitive about the delicacy of the planet’s commodities.
I guess I should try to learn from him if I’m ever going to take his place as The Supreme Leader.”
Wisteria D. Jones, The Generational War

Beth Worsdell
“It isn’t writers block, you’re having a creative rest”
Beth Worsdell, Earth's Angels

G.S. Jennsen
“Alex dragged her gaze away from the visuals to regard Nika curiously. “Each one of these points of view—they’re all you?”

“Yes. And each one is mentally connected to the others, and to this instance. To me.”

Her eyes drifted back to the frames. “How many were there?”

“To start? Eight thousand.”

Alex blinked. “Eight THOUSAND? Can all Asterions do this? Can you teach—”

Caleb reached over and touched Alex’s arm. “No, baby. You’re not splitting yourself into eight thousand shards. The universe is barely surviving one of you.”
G.S. Jennsen, Continuum

“Everyone must realise that extraterrestrial beings will be truly different from humans in not only the way they look but in the way they think and will have different ambitions, feelings, demands, incentives, motivations, and therefore undoubtedly different intentions.

-Extract from “The Spaces between the Stars” by Sir Albert Jeffrey McIntyre published in 1954.-”
BH Mckechnie, The Last Question

“If aliens wanted to exterminate us, they wouldn't send a fleet of spaceships or a Deathstar. They'd just send one guy with a deadly virus.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert: Comics, Deep Thoughts and Quotable Quotes

G.S. Jennsen
“The Rasu’s head and neck toppled to land at Caleb’s feet, and he hurled the mass of metal down the street in the opposite direction from the other half—

—sprouting limbs stretched out from the torso and leg that remained to claw insidiously at him. He slashed blindly, a whirlwind of finely honed blades slicing through every appendage and sending chunks of Rasu flying through the air like confetti. The grasping limbs finally stopped moving, and the last disparate pieces fell to the ground.

The world began to rush back in around him—the low rumble of distant buildings collapsing, the closer gasps, shouts, and insistent footsteps. He worked to find his voice and project it above the chaos. “We need to move before this monster puts itself back together.”

Marlee gaped at him from the sidewalk, her eyes wide and mouth open. “Oh my god. Everything they ever said about you is true!”
G.S. Jennsen, Inversion

G.S. Jennsen
“A flood of emotions broke across Nika’s expression. “If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what else to do. I fear we’ll lose Namino forever.”

Dashiel gave her the bravest, most confident smile he could conjure. “Then let’s make sure it works.”

“Right. Okay. The Concord fleet is standing by. The Kat fleet is standing by. Our tiny little DAF fleet is standing by. Even a few hundred Taiyok vessels are standing by, gods thank them for their overwrought sense of honor. Perrin and Katherine are standing by to receive a new influx of refugees. Every weapon in our arsenal is standing by.”

She leaned in to rest her forehead on his. “It’s time.”
G.S. Jennsen, Inversion

Laurence Galian
“The author is sounding the alarm that humanity is under invasion. The attack is spiritual in nature, as you will discover through the reading this book. Certain forces are seeking to replace all of humanity’s spiritual impulses, with impulses designed to sink humanity ever deeper into scientific materialism. Humanity is gradually becoming enmeshed in technology.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

H.G. Wells
“For so it had come about, as indeed I and many men might have foreseen had not terror and disaster blinded our minds. These germs of disease have taken toll of humanity since the beginning of things—taken toll of our prehuman ancestors since life began here. But by virtue of this natural selection of our kind we have developed resisting power; to no germs do we succumb without a struggle, and to many—those that cause putrefaction in dead matter, for instance—our living frames are altogether immune. But there are no bacteria in Mars, and directly these invaders arrived, directly they drank and fed, our microscopic allies began to work their overthrow. Already when I watched them they were irrevocably doomed, dying and rotting even as they went to and fro. It was inevitable. By the toll of a billion deaths man has bought his birthright of the earth, and it is his against all comers; it would still be his were the Martians ten times as mighty as they are. For neither do men live nor die in vain.”
H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

Rae Knightly
“We have come to fight an enemy from the depths of our past.”
Rae Knightly, Ben Archer and the Toreq Son

Peter F. Hamilton
“He wept for hours as the terrible anguish of countless deaths soaked through him. He hated it as he had hated nothing in his life before. Hated what was done. Hated the blind stupidity of the imperialists. Hated the Silfen for standing by and doing nothing. Hated the waste of so much life, so much promise. Hated knowing what a better universe it could have been if only the quiet simple aliens whose world this once was had survived and finally met the gaudy flawed human race as the Commonwealth expanded. Hated that such a meeting of unalike minds would never happen.”
Peter F. Hamilton, Pandora's Star

“Most teachers and subs keep
looking at the seating chart
to learn who the new kids are.
Mrs. Tricker looked at it once for
two seconds. She knew them all after that.”
Michael Richardson, 5th grader, from the novel Mrs. Tricker is Not Herself

Heather Chambers
“You need to rethink your definition of 'nice'."
"Because if we were stuck together I'd leave you behind. I'm not your 'nice terrant.' I could kill you if I wanted to."
"So nice.”
Heather Chambers, Earth Sucks

Steven Magee
“The USA war in Afghanistan taught us that really poor Afghans can defeat the USA military.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A bunch of really poor Afghans can defeat the USA military.”
Steven Magee

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