All You Need Is Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "all-you-need-is-love" Showing 1-30 of 34
Kamand Kojouri
“Think the tree that bears nutrition:
though the fruits are picked,
the plant maintains fruition.
So give all the love you have.
Do not hold any in reserve.
What is given is not lost; it shall return.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I don’t know why we fight.
It takes much too effort to stay mad at you.
To dodge your skin in the hallway
and leave the kitchen without bringing you a treat.
It takes much too effort to stare at the sink
so my eyes don’t smile at you in the mirror.
It takes much too effort to look away as we undress
and lie apart in the now bigger bed.
It takes much too effort to stiffen my body
because sleepy limbs forget fights
and pride is always lost in dreams.
It takes much too effort to awaken every hour to make sure we are islands with a gulf of white sheets separating us.
I dread the light peeking through the parted curtains
and empathise with your groans —
I didn’t get any sleep either.
I really don’t know why we fight.
It takes much too effort to stay mad at one another
when it’s so easy for us to love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I used to be lost in us. Blurred were the lines that separated us. But now, I see our togetherness in our separateness. I see the you in me and the me in you. We are two independent beings who complement one another like photographs that are beautiful on their own but are enhanced when juxtaposed, creating an altogether new photograph.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“The thing about love is that you will never run out of it. It's an ever-flowing river. So go ahead and LOVE. What are you saving all this love for — death?”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I see your pain
as clearly as I feel my own.
I will share your burden
so you feel it less.
Do not hate this world.
Do not hate these people.
I will share my hope
so you feel it more.
I want you to see our love
as clearly as I feel yours.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Do the lovers know
that when they whisper these poems
they are commemorating our love?
Do they ever think of you and me
or only of themselves?
Do they know that I once found
a strand of your hair
and wore it around my neck
like a necklace?
That I kiss your hands
more than I kiss your lips?
Do they realise that our love
and their love
are drops in the universe’s ocean of love
and that without any of these drops,
the ocean would be
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Love without conditions, restrictions, or the expectation of being loved in return.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“The only thing necessary in this world is love. Everything else is secondary.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Name and form are simply illusions of separation. Love doesn’t make us blind; rather, it erases the illusions so we can see clearly.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“How is it possible, you ask, for love to be greater than the person who does the loving? That’s because love defies the rules of reason. It is the only exception.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“We all have the ability to make someone's life better with our love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I don’t want to be remembered for my work. I want to be remembered for my love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The best or worst thing you can do for or to someone who hates themselves is to openly love them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Sinclair Lewis
“Yet all this while the power of thought, the pull of conscience, were feeble beside Alverna's youth. It was his first love; the first time in his life that he had been roused to through away caution and dignity.”
Sinclair Lewis, Mantrap

Viv Albertine
“Ari [Up] was an artist and an artist needs love more than anyone, she needed loads, but I don’t know if she got enough on a one-to-one level. Everything came second to her music, even family. You have to be selfish to be an artist; your family just have to accept that. It’s not personal, it’s not that you don’t love them. What an artist gives their family isn’t routine and their constant presence, they give vitality and ideas, independence and creative thinking.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

Romain Gary
“That night I hardly slept a wink, but turned over and over in my tent; never until then had I felt so alone or so deserted. Perhaps even the elephants are too small, I thought, as I stared into the darkness, and we need a far bigger and more affectionate presence at our side.”
Romain Gary, The Roots of Heaven

Emma Donoghue
“Hang on, here's the Beatles, there's an oldie you might like from about fifty years ago,' she says, 'All You Need Is Love.'
I'm confused. 'Don't persons need food and stuff?'
'Yeah, but all that's no good if you don't have somebody to love as well'...”
Emma Donoghue, Room

Kamand Kojouri
“I never wanted to be a martyr—even for love. I don’t want to die for love. I want to live for it.”
Kamand Kojouri

Romain Gary
“No one knew the desert better than Scholscher, who had spent so many nights alone there on the starlit dunes, and no one understood better than he did that need for protection which sometimes grips men’s hearts and drives them to give a dog the affection they dream so desperately of receiving themselves. And certainly this deep feeling of helplessness had never been more agonizing than now.”
Romain Gary, The Roots of Heaven

Romain Gary
“Besides, he had slept with a good number of women in his life: it had nothing to do with that need for company. He stubbed out his cigarette in the sand: What he needed was a good dog who would come and offer his paw from time to time.”
Romain Gary, The Roots of Heaven

Romain Gary
“She was leaning over him, with a slight smile that was victorious over everything: victorious over her sickness, over the incandescent air, over her exhaustion, the dust, the stench, the merciless heat. Lying flat under the bush, his eyes blood- shot and his nose bleeding. Fields told himself that he would particularly have liked to inspire such love and devotion in a German he, the son of parents who had been gassed by the Germans at Auschwitz: it would have proved that to be a man was after all not hopeless. To fall in love with a German girl, he a Jew, that would show the Germans how he felt about it. But perhaps it was merely lust.”
Romain Gary, The Roots of Heaven

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Plants would rather be defecated on than be loved.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Abhijit Naskar
“They say you can’t live on love alone,
And indeed it’s true to its factual core.
But green of dollar without green of heart,
Grows on us like toxic mold.”
Abhijit Naskar, Find A Cause Outside Yourself: Sermon of Sustainability

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