Biracial Quotes

Quotes tagged as "biracial" Showing 1-30 of 153
Charlena E. Jackson
“The way of the world is full of judgmental people. People size me up and down with their eyes. I am told that my hair is too curly to be white and too straight to be black. People ask me questions as if I owe them an answer—what does my race have anything to do with you—and why do you care. The fact is, race shouldn’t exist—it is not real. It is made up, but race does matter.” Race shouldn’t matter, but it does. In society's eyes, race is stubbornly real.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“If people would only listen to themselves, they would realize how naïve and ignorant they sound. Just because the term was created doesn’t mean it should be used.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

“Xuan and I had decided to take a trip together in honor of our one-thousand-day anniversary. We ate Korean barbecue, shared a decadent cake, and then drove three and a half hours to Yosemite. I’d never heard of such an occasion. But in Seoul, where Ji-Hoon was born and raised, there was almost a monthly holiday devoted to romance. We wore similar out- fits, which Xuan said was common for couples in Asian countries. Three years was a big deal, especially when we didn’t know how many more we’d have.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Charlena E. Jackson
“Hate pulls so much negative energy from the soul. I guess the saying is true; misery loves company.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“It is sad that this country is condemned by a generational curse of centuries and decades of hate. The pollution of hate will end when we speak the truth without everyone thinking the fingers are being pointed at them.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“When you look at me, what do you see? When you see me, you see a war of colors because that is what you were taught to see.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“Our generation is the change. We have to break the curse of hate. We have to break the curse of racism. We are the generation that needs to show our past generation that love and respect will not spread hate or cause pain but bring us together as one. My generation and the generations after are the only way to heal America’s open wounds of hate.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“My generation and the generations after are the only way to heal America’s open wounds of hate.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“You are wounded with colorism. You try to define me by my color, but I am not easily defined. You see color. However, what is color? It's man-made. If you want to see ‘color’—to each its own.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“You tried to water down my blackness. And you question my whiteness. I guess because America chose for me with the one-drop rule. I am told since I am biracial, I am invalid. How is that?”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“What is your problem with me? What is your problem with race? The word ‘race’ is the reason why Americans are more polarized than ever!”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“Yes, I am biracial. You do not like that, but you will not and cannot tell me who I am! People like you always want an easy answer. Well, whether you like it or not, I am both!”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“They say the United States of America is the greatest nation on earth? How is that when the foundation of America is not being taught? We cannot hide that racism existed in the past and exists now.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“What is your reason for hate? What is united in America? Nothing. What has divided America? Racism!”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“What is united in America? Nothing. What has divided America? Racism!”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“We shouldn’t be against each other. Wisdom is truth, and truth is wisdom! It is all about how we tell the story. It is about who tells the story!”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“We hear people say we are one race. We cannot say that if only one ‘race’ tells the story. We have to tell the whole story. That is the only way to have peace in America. Then, America can weep tears of joy and heal.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“We cannot sprinkle some of the truth. We have to speak the whole truth. We have to be honest; not everyone is treated as an American. Hate is contagious in America, but we the people are the cure.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“The deadly poison of hate for the other race in American can be cleansed by spreading kindness and love. I know it can be done! We are the remedy, but it takes all of us to make a difference. We should confront the past. Once we do that, this damaged country will be healed.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“We all should ask each other, why are you obsessed with my race? I wonder what the other’s person answer will be.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Charlena E. Jackson
“I think it would be so much easier to love. Hate pulls so much negative energy from the soul. I guess the saying is true; misery loves company.”
Charlena E. Jackson, Why Are You Obsessed with My Race?

Claire Kohda
“How best to portray the story of Lydia---a woman who has mixed Japanese, Malaysian, and English heritage, and who is a vampire, a creature inherently half-demon, half-human---who is constantly trying to resist the temptation of her nature? I designed many versions of this cover; some depicted Lydia, while others focused on specific details from the story, like bite marks, or a pig whose blood she drinks in order to stave off her cravings for human blood. In the end, though, the most powerful visual was not one of Lydia herself, but of the novel's antagonist.
Because Lydia is an artist, it felt fitting to use a painting on the cover, but it needed to be a piece that spoke to the story on multiple levels. Caravaggio's Boy with a Basket of Fruit felt just right; the sidelong glance peering back at the viewer, the lush basket filled with food that Lydia can never eat, not to mention Caravaggio's own less-than-pristine reputation, not dissimilar to our antagonist's. The final touch: a perfectly-placed crack in the canvas---or is it a bite mark?”
Claire Kohda, Woman, Eating

Kayla  Cunningham
“My stomach twisted. I felt an ache inside me grow in anger. Prejudice and hatred were poisonous and all-consuming, spreading like a cancer every day.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

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