Body Positivity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "body-positivity" Showing 1-30 of 117
“and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.”
Nayyirah Waheed

“You look beautiful," Alodia says.
I startle at the compliment. Then I smile. "I’m beautiful to the one person who matters."
She nods. "Hector’s mouth is going to drop open when he sees you.”
“I hope so. But I meant me. I’m beautiful to me.”
Rae Carson, The Bitter Kingdom

Veronica Roth
“This body had carried me through a hard life. It looked exactly the way it was supposed to.”
Veronica Roth, Carve the Mark

Megan Jayne Crabbe
“Hating our bodies is something that we learn, and it sure as hell is something that we can unlearn.”
Megan Jayne Crabbe, Body Positive Power

J.K. Rowling
“He'll have that scar forever."

"Couldn't you do something about it, Dumbledore?"

"Even if I could, I wouldn't. Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground.”
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Allene vanOirschot
“Every day the world feeds you fakeness; be courageous enough to stay real.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Aiden Thomas
“Why was it that just because his body was different from everyone else’s, they thought they could ask whatever inappropriate questions they wanted.”
Aiden Thomas, The Sunbearer Trials

Lily Mayne
“Moth, when I look at you, I don't sit there picking out things that could be perceived as flaws. Because they're not flaws. They're just a part of you. And I love every part of you.”
Lily Mayne, Moth

“What is the utility of "body positivity" if it only seeks to provide one with a false sense of confidence rather than to liberate all from that which cages the body?”
Da'Shaun L. Harrison, Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness

“Capitalism is not and will not be a source of justice for any of us.”
Aubrey Gordon, “You Just Need to Lose Weight”: And 19 Other Myths About Fat People

Yasmine Millett
“Often, in my experience, the impression of beauty is created by a single aspect of a woman and from that aspect beauty appears to spread outward through every part of them, rendering them beautiful in their entirety. Sometimes such beauty comes from a smile. Sometimes from a lovely pair of eyes. Sometimes from an attitude, or form of movement, or a sentiment of goodness or happiness which reveals itself in a single expression. Sometimes it is the curve of a body from which beauty spreads, sometimes a tone of skin, or a river of glossy hair that catches the light and seems to shine like silk. Yet were that aspect to be removed and not replaced by something else, so too would the beauty it had brought to light disappear. Less often, beauty comes from several sources in the same person, all working together to increase the impression of overall beauty. If one of these aspects were to disappear, unlike a man, the woman would remain beautiful, though changed.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

“My body contains me and that’s enough”
Julie Murphy

Yasmine Millett
“I have never ceased to be fascinated by feminine beauty. In a man, beauty, if it exists, is usually simple; a complete harmony of physical qualities and behaviour all acting together as a whole. The slightest flaw causes it to disappear. In women, beauty is more complex. Often, in my experience, the impression of beauty is created by a single aspect of a woman and from that aspect beauty appears to spread outward through every part of them, rendering them beautiful in their entirety. Sometimes such beauty comes from a smile. Sometimes from a lovely pair of eyes. Sometimes from an attitude, or a form of movement, or a sentiment of goodness or happiness which reveals itself in a single expression. Sometimes it is the curve of a body from which beauty spreads, sometimes a tone of skin, or a river of glossy hair that catches the light and seems to shine like silk. Yet were that aspect removed and not replaced by something else, so too would the beauty it had brought to light disappear. Less often, beauty comes from several sources in the same person, all working together to increase the impression of overall beauty. If one of these aspects were to disappear, unlike a man, the woman would remain beautiful, though changed.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

Yasmine Millett
“To be made love to by someone who did not think me beautiful was not part of any fantasy I had ever had.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

Sarah Hays Coomer
“When we trust our bodies to tell us about
hunger and fullness, exhaustion and energy, they communicate everything we could ever need to know about how to survive and how to thrive.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Trees grow stronger in response to the wind, and their roots grow deeper. This moment in history may feel like it’s planted in the path of a category 5 hurricane. It has ripped us up, but it has also rooted us, weaving us together beneath the surface of the ground and leaving us stronger than ever. We can grieve the loss while, at the same time, falling madly in love with what it has mobilized in us: caring, grace, companionship, openness, and uncensored, outspoken truth-telling. Dying can teach us a great deal about living.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

“What would it mean for us to lean into Insecurity as a political tool in which we free ourselves from insisting that we perform "perfection" and total confidence in order to advocate for our collective liberation?”
Da'Shaun L. Harrison, Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness

Sonya Renee Taylor
“The planet is a big, daunting place. It's easy to feel at the whim of the universe. We've been convinced we are ineffectual at exacting any real change against our social systems and structures so instead, we land the guilt and blame squarely on the shoulders of the most accessible party, ourselves. This burden has kept us immobile in our own lives and oblivious to our impact in the world. The weight of the shame has kept us small and strapped in the belief that our bodies and our lives are mistakes. What an exhausting and disheartening way to live.”
Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love

Yasmine Millett
“Yes, I thought, this is what I wanted, this is what I had truly imagined; to be desirable, to be beautiful and seductive, and at the same time to be completely powerful, in control, able to give glimpses of myself to strangers that would haunt them for a long time afterwards, when I wanted, when I chose, and to conceal myself or cut those glimpses short equally as I chose.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

“When I understand the inception of my desires, I can experience bliss and pleasure without craving, fixation, shame, or dependency”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Melissa Febos
“This is a love story, though. The kind where the lover laments all the years she lost at the altar of some false god. When regret seeps in, I try to remember the Hecatoncheires. They did not defeat the Titans as children. They lived under their power. They were of the Titans. It took years for their strength to surpass that of the old gods. But when they did? They threw mountains, a hundred at a time, one for each great hand. And what if they had been taught to hate their own strength? Maybe it would have taken a hundred years for them to grasp a mountain in hand, to understand what they could do, that they could make their own Olympus.”
Melissa Febos, Girlhood

Holly Black
“Everyone gets born into bodies they can't just kick off like slippers, figures they can't transform as though they were shadows.”
Holly Black, Book of Night

Rhys Blanco
“I Love Myself Entirely, so I Feed my Body Natural, Nourishing foods”
Rhys Blanco, Affirmations for Glowing skin

Nikki Elizabeth
“There's tremendous beauty in you.”
Nikki Elizabeth, Part One: Experiment

Diriye Osman
“She moved like a woman whose body not only provided her with pleasure, but peace and ease. She moved like a fully embodied universe of her own making.”
Diriye Osman

Diriye Osman
“Happiness is two-hour long baths during an energy crisis because it's fantastically irresponsible and fabulous for your soul. Happiness is fresh Spanish perfume on your collarbone and sipping ice-cool Caipirinhas with fun people whilst Mariah Carey's 'Babydoll' plays in the background on a booming system. Happiness is never giving a fuck about becoming fat because you will always fuck, and instead enjoying delicious, deeply satisfying suya and switching your phone off for a whole weekend. Happiness is bad bitches who no longer front like insanity is not festering on every floor of the Western Promise and finally stop giving a fuck. That's happiness.”
Diriye Osman

Donna Leon
“In another culture, Giuliano Marcolini might have been described as fat: Italians, however, graced with a language from which euphemism springs with endless sympathy, would describe him as 'robusto'.”
Donna Leon, Suffer the Little Children

“How many summer days I missed out on - it's too many to count. I hate that I still care more about how other people perceive my body, rather than how I feel about my body. I want so desperately to be someone who is unapologetic, who loves herself, who doesn't have to analyze every moment.

I want to be be bold, adventurous - to say yes to life.”
Jamie Varon, Main Character Energy

“The queens danced and Veronica danced, and their dancing said, World, kiss my fat middle-aged butt.”
Mary Gaitskill;, Veronica

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