Dallas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dallas" Showing 1-26 of 26
J.D. Robb
“Didn't people consider what could happen if armies of farm animals united in revolt?”
J.D. Robb, Indulgence in Death


The strangled word, spoken in anguish, tore at her heart, ripped through her resolve. She swiped at the tears raining over her cheeks and slowly turned, forcing the painful truth past her lips. "I can't stay. I can no longer give you what you want. I can't give you a son."

Dallas stepped off the veranda and extended a bouquet of wildflowers toward her. "Then stay and give me what I need."

Her heart lurched at the abundance of flowers wilting within his smothering grasp. She shook her head vigorously. "You don't need me. There are a dozen eligible women in Leighton who would happily give you a son and within the month there will be at least a dozen more—"

"I'll never love any of them as much as I love you. I know that as surely as I know the sun will come up in the morning."

Her breath caught, her trembling increased, words lodged in her throat. He loved her? She watched as he swallowed.

"I know I'm not an easy man. I don't expect you to ever love me, but if you'll tolerate me, I give you my word that I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy—"

Quickly stepping forward, she pressed her shaking fingers against his warm lips. "My God, don't you know that I love you? Why do you think I'm leaving? I'm leaving because I do love you—so much. Dallas, I want you to have your dream, I want you to have your son."

Closing his eyes, he laid his roughened hand over hers where it quivered against his lips and pressed a kiss against the heart of her palm.

"I can't promise that I won't have days when I'll look toward the horizon and feel the aching emptiness that comes from knowing we'll never have a child to pass our legacy on to…"Opening his eyes, he captured her gaze. "But I know the emptiness you'll leave behind will eat away at me every minute of every day."

-Dallas and Dee”
Lorraine Heath, Texas Glory

J.D. Robb
“I'm programming us a couple of spinach smoothies"

"I'll pass. For the rest of my natural life."

"Just what you need," he insisted, tapped buttons manually. And came out with two cups of coffee.”
J.D. Robb, Obsession in Death

“What are you doing?" she asked.

Grimacing, he considered returning his mouth to hers and kissing her until she forgot the question and his strange behavior, but he had to know the truth. Dammit, he had to know. "Amelia told me that her toes curl when Houston kisses her. I was just trying to see if your toes curl when I kiss you."

She turned a lovely shade of rose and rolled her shoulders toward her chin. "My whole body curls when you kiss me."

"Your whole body?"

She nodded quickly."Every inch."

"Well, hell," he said as he settled his mouth greedily over hers with plans to keep her body tightly curled for the remainder of the night.

-Dallas and Dee”
Lorraine Heath, Texas Glory

Kit Rocha
“Lex lets you off the hook way too easily, you know that?" "Of course I do." No laughter now. Dallas's expression was deadly serious. "Why do you think being a better man matters so damn much? The sex, that's good, but it's not the prize. Trust is the prize, and the fight's not about winning it or keeping it. It's about deserving it, and that's a fight a man's got to have with himself. Every fucking day.”
kit rocha, Beyond Pain

“Maybe in time, once your feelings for Dee deepen—"

"That's my problem, Houston. I think I've fallen in love with her and I've got no earthly idea how to make her love me."

-Dallas and Houston”
Lorraine Heath, Texas Glory

“Holding his daughter close with one arm, he pointed toward the distant horizon. "As far as you can see—it all belongs to you, Faith. Someday, I'll take you to the top of a windmill and teach you to dream. When you reach for some of those dreams, you might fall…but your mother and I will be there to catch you because that's what love means: always being there. I love you, little girl." He pressed a kiss to his daughter's cheek. "So much…it hurts. But I reckon that's part of love, too."

Lorraine Heath, Texas Glory

Gena Showalter
“Ava said her hand accidentally slipped and made contact with her guy's nose. I said Repeatedly? And she said, 'Uh, yeah. I'm really clumsy.”
Gena Showalter, Ecstasy in Darkness

Kit Rocha
“Dallas traced her jaw and put the tip of his finger under her chin. "I'm feeling possessive tonight, Lexie love, so here's your choice. I can untie you and we can have a little tease and cuddle...or you can stand up and go into the bedroom. If you do that, I'm going to play with you until you think you can't take it anymore, and then I'm going to ride you so hard your legs won't work in the morning. Pick one.”
kit rocha, Beyond Control

Gena Showalter
“What do we got on the chopping block? And by the way, I'm smarter than you. My IQ is off the charts, man." If the chart only reached fifty, then yeah. No need to tax his poor brain with numbers, though.”
Gena Showalter, Ecstasy in Darkness
tags: dallas, mia

Iris Blaire
“Every time you said the phrase 'homologous chromosome' when you lectured at East Park, it made me so horny.”
His lips brush against my ear. “Homologous chromosome.”
“Yes, yes just like that.”
His voice gets deeper, huskier. “Homologous chromosome.”
“Oh, god.”
“Homologous chromosome.”
“Homologous chromosome.”
Iris Blaire, Dark Frame

Iris Blaire
“How do you know she had sex?” Dallas asks.
“Every time a penis touches Britain, I receive a telepathic notification.”
“Oh,” Dallas says with a straight face. “Well that explains a lot.”
Iris Blaire, Dark Frame

“Dreams were the stepping stones to glory.

By pursuing them, he had attained a level of success that exceeded most men’s reach and acquired all that he had set out to gain: Land, cattle, and wealth beyond his highest expectations.

Yet, desperation gnawed at him like a starving dog that had just discovered a buried bone, and as he gazed at the stars that blanketed the velvety sky, he felt as though he had achieved nothing.”
Lorraine Heath, Texas Glory

Alicia Howard
“Nobody told you to shoot her!” Dallas barked.

“You said death was the only way out and from the looks of things she was on her way out.” Shannon hunched her shoulders.

“Go home Shannon.” Dallas knew this hell demon needed rest.

“Cool I am sleepy anyways. Roc you coming?” Shannon waved the gun.

“No boo I will take a cab. I don’t trust you.” He was serious as hell.

“I understand. I don’t trust me either.” She smiled and when home.”
Alicia howard, Duffle Bag Bitches 2

William Manchee
“Never call your office while you’re on vacation. That’s always been one of my hard and fast rules.”
William Manchee, Deadly Distractions

Catherine Austen
“I can do it, Max. I still have my thoughts. I just can't say them out loud. I still have my friends. I just can't show them. I still have all the things that used to matter. They're inside of me. They can't take that away.”
Catherine Austen, All Good Children

Catherine Austen
“So who do you think would win in a fight, Max? Us or the rest of the world?”
Catherine Austen, All Good Children
tags: dallas

“If there was a day of the week I could skip it would be Monday. Clients had too much time to think and worry over a long weekend and by Monday they were often riddled with fear and anxiety.”
Stan Turner

“What is it that makes a seemingly rational man set out on a perilous journey knowing full well that the odds of success are quite remote and the consequences of failure are likely to be devastating? Is it pride, stubbornness, a yearning for adventure, or just a reckless disregard of reality?”
Stan Turner

“Blood may be thicker than water, but oil is thicker than both.”
Larry Hagman
tags: dallas

James Hold
“According to Mr Walt, there once was a place so utterly desolate, lacking in natural resources, and devoid of charm and beauty that nobody wanted to live there. And because it was such a miserable stink hole, no one bothered to name it. Then one day came a man and wife so utterly down and out that when their wagon broke there was nothing for them to do but stay, like Job on his ash heap, and wait for the end. With nothing to do they established the place as a trash dump, taking refuse from better-off pioneers on their way to greener pastures. In this way they eked a poor but bearable existence. The man's name is not remembered but the woman was called Alice and over time this bleak barren tract of worthless soil became known as the Dump of Alice. Through contraction, it has passed down to us today as Dallas.”
James Hold, Out of Texas 14 : The Iron Claw of Destiny, Part 2

Dallas Schulze
“A vida não vem com garantias.”
Dallas Schulze, Bela Adormecida

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Jean Baudrillard
“Dallas. The scriptwriters have each of the actresses in the soap opera play the death scene in the swimming pool: they do not know which of them is to die, and hence disappear from the series. The 'soap' becomes their destiny. If they should die in reality, a way is devised for writing them out of the script. If they are sacrificed in the script, their stardom inevitably comes to an end in real life too, since they are identified with the characters they play. It is the same as in a ceremony: outside the ritual, you count for nothing, but the ritual is flexible enough to make use of all the chance happenings of life. Dallas 's secret lies in its closeness to tribal and initiatory stereotypes. That is why there is never any laughter in it: no wit, no humour, no comic episodes, no happy coincidences. It is a closed world in which everything leads inevitably to fatality, perfidy, sentimental incest or magical cannibalism. Such is the tribal law, of which J.R. is the emblem, which gives rise to the desperate efforts on the part of the women to escape from this archaic trap. In its artless cruelty, Dallas is superior to any 'intelligent' critique that can be made of it. That is why intellectual snobbery meets its match here.

In a dream I saw the face of servitude. It is the face of a woman with heavy lidded, blue, expressionless eyes. The crescent shapes of her breasts are asymmetrical. She always has a smile for the poorest as she crawls off daintily towards infinity.

Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories

Gerard Way
Gerard Way (Author) Gabriel Ba (Illustrator)

A.C. Greene
“It's not really necessary: a ten-year-old son in St. Mark's and a seven-year-old daughter in Lamplighter, three bedrooms and three baths at one end of Beverly Drive, her station wagon, his Toronado.”
A.C. Greene, The Highland Park Woman: A Collection of Short Stories