Donald Trump Quotes

Quotes tagged as "donald-trump" Showing 91-120 of 293
Nicholas A. Christakis
“We know from subsequent leaks that the president was indeed presented with information about the seriousness of the virus and its pandemic potential beginning at least in early January 2020. And yet, as documented by the Washington Post, he repeatedly stated that “it would go away.” On February 10, when there were 12 known cases, he said that he thought the virus would “go away” by April, “with the heat.” On February 25, when there were 53 known cases, he said, “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.” On February 27, when there were 60 cases, he said, famously, “We have done an incredible job. We’re going to continue. It’s going to disappear. One day—it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.” On March 6, when there were 278 cases and 14 deaths, again he said, “It’ll go away.” On March 10, when there were 959 cases and 28 deaths, he said, “We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” On March 12, with 1,663 cases and 40 deaths recorded, he said, “It’s going to go away.” On March 30, with 161,807 cases and 2,978 deaths, he was still saying, “It will go away. You know it—you know it is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory.” On April 3, with 275,586 cases and 7,087 deaths, he again said, “It is going to go away.” He continued, repeating himself: “It is going away.… I said it’s going away, and it is going away.” In remarks on June 23, when the United States had 126,060 deaths and roughly 2.5 million cases, he said, “We did so well before the plague, and we’re doing so well after the plague. It’s going away.” Such statements continued as both the cases and the deaths kept rising. Neither the virus nor Trump’s statements went away.”
Nicholas A. Christakis, Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live

Steven Hassan
“In my practice, I’ve helped to creatively engineer all kinds of physical separations—bringing a cult member home for a holiday, family celebration, or even a funeral. It might seem manipulative, but it is a critical first step to helping a person free themselves from the clutches of a cult—one that has become increasingly difficult with 24/7 access to the internet through smartphones. In the case of Trump, there are also the continual tweets and right-wing and Christian right programming through radio and television. The relentless programming streaming from both ends of the political spectrum is pushing supporters ever deeper into Trump country.
This brings me to an important point and a key aspect of my approach. By attacking or belittling Trump’s followers, political opponents and traditional media may be helping Trump to maintain his influence over his base. In my experience, telling a person that they are brainwashed, that they are in a cult, or that they are following a false god, is doomed to fail. It puts them immediately on the defensive, confirms you are a threat, possibly an enemy, and reinforces their indoctrination. It closes their mind to other perspectives. I’ve seen this happen over and over again. It happened to me when I was in the Moon group. It immediately triggers a person’s mind control programming—including thought stopping and us-versus-them thinking, with you being the “them.”
Steven Hassan PhD, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control

John Dickerson
“By January 2020, about 1,095 days into his administration, the number of false or misleading claims made by President Trump reached 16,241 ... He told outright lies, repeated lies even after having been fact-checked repeatedly, and made up stories when the truth would do. He lied about little things and he lied about the most important issues a president must handle. He took credit for things he had nothing to do with and denied involvement in matters he orchestrated. To list the individual examples would fill the next twenty pages. Even the president's supporters admit this.”
John Dickerson, The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency

Stephen         King
“Conservatives who for 8 years sowed the dragon's teeth of partisan politics are horrified to discover they have grown an actual dragon.”
Stephen King

Dmitry Dyatlov
“Back when I dressed nice and uh... had some money in pocket I'd meet girls, you know. And eventually you gotta Pop the question, right? Do you charge for sex or do you sleep with people you actually like? of course that didn't ALWAYS end well... and now it's 2020 and they give me TRUMP or BIDEN. oh you assholes. I guess Karma is a bitch. No thanks... I think I'm staying in.”
Dmitry Dyatlov

“A billionaire plutocrat is now sitting in the White House. Democracy has been overthrown. A right wing coup d’état has taken place. The Confederacy has defeated the Union. Racist Nazis are now running America, calling themselves “patriots”. They are the enemies of the People, the enemies of America, and the enemies of the world. The time has come to get rid of the global elite and their brainwashed right wing puppets. The time has come for the people to take control of their own destiny. We need to reboot the world.”
Ranty McRanterson

“In the days leading up to the moments when we found ourselves choking on disbelief while watching streamed images of corpses being loaded into freezer trucks, emergency room attendants scrambling to save lives, nurses sobbing frustration over feeling overwhelmed and abandoned, and U.S. citizens on the march to take control of their own fates, Americans witnessed something foreboding. It was the formation of a dominating political culture which would prove fatally lacking when put to a test of ‘unprecedented’ severity.”
Aberjhani, Greeting Flannery O'Connor at the Back Door of My Mind

Mary L. Trump
“The more Fred Trump had, the better he was. If he gave something to someone else, that person would be worth more and he less. He would pass that attitude on to Donald in spades.”
Mary L. Trump, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Mary L. Trump
“I had expected the hotel to be vulgar and gilded. It wasn’t.

My room was also tasteful. But my name was plastered everywhere, on everything: TRUMP shampoo, TRUMP conditioner, TRUMP slippers, TRUMP shower cap, TRUMP shoe polish, TRUMP sewing kit, and TRUMP bathrobe. I opened the refrigerator, grabbed a split of TRUMP white wine, and poured it down my Trump throat so it could course through my Trump bloodstream and hit the pleasure center of my Trump brain.”
Mary L. Trump

“When [Donald Trump] watches Fox [News], he thinks he's looking out the window at what America looks like, and he's really just looking in the mirror. It has become this self-actualization of propaganda, where the people who are hearing it and saying it have all become one.”
Dan Pfeiffer

Jeffrey Rasley
“The President held up a Bible, an assassin aimed a gun. What happened next?”
Jeffrey Rasley

“In the history of American democracy, we have had undisciplined presidents. We have had incurious presidents. We have had inexperienced presidents. We have had amoral presidents. Rarely if ever before have we had them all at once.”
Anonymous, A Warning

Andrew G. McCabe
“I do not even know how to think about the fact that the person with time on his hands to tweet about me and my wife is the President of the United States.”
Andrew G. McCabe

Connor de Bruler
“You can understand social conservatism without flirting with its ideals. People want unity and comradery. People enjoy a sense of mutual celebration, shared identity, lineage, and tradition. These ideas aren't what the Nazis and MAGA-hat crowd created, they are only the sugar to make the sickness go down.”
Connor de Bruler

“Trump spends more time worrying about his daughter’s clothing range than the concerns of America.”
Ranty McRanterson, Full Retard: The Dumbest Just Got Dumber

“A billionaire plutocrat is now sitting in the White House. Democracy has been overthrown. A right wing coup d’état has taken place. The Confederacy has defeated the Union. Racist Nazis are now running America, calling themselves “patriots”. They are the enemies of the People, the enemies of America, and the enemies of the world. We need to reboot the world.”
Ranty McRanterson, Full Retard: The Dumbest Just Got Dumber

“Come to think of it, who really is Jesus’ dad? No one is mentioned on his birth certificate. In fact, he doesn’t have a birth certificate. Talk about a Birther conspiracy theory. Why isn’t Trump on the case? Obama has nothing on Jesus. Jesus isn’t American. He’s a Middle Eastern immigrant. Isn’t the Donald supposed to be stopping those cunts with their fanatical religious beliefs from getting into the country? Build the fucking Wall! Keep out Jesus.”
Adam Nostra, The Devil and Jesus Debate Tinder Strategies: How to Optimize Your Tinder Success

“Some say America's forgotten workin' men rose up in a single, inchoate scream of rage at a system that for too long had provided them with nothing but empty promises, bad trade deals, and government-subsidized carbs. Some claim it's from a generation weaned on talk radio, Fox News, and the comments sections of a million tea party websites. Some say it's a sign of a merciless god testing us to the breaking point. I still think it's because we didn't let that old gypsy woman vote when she couldn't produce a photo ID back in 2012.”
Rick Wilson, Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever

Mary L. Trump
“For him, there has never been any option but to be positive, to project strength…to do anything else is a death sentence.”
Mary L. Trump, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Mary L. Trump
“Donald could no more advocate for the sick and dying than he could put himself between his father and Freddy. Perhaps most crucially for Donald, there’s no value in empathy, no tangible upside for caring for other people.”
Mary L. Trump, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

“America is now undertaking the boldest experiment in its history: to discover whether a property developer who inherited his wealth and has been bankrupt four times, who never pays taxes (and thinks you’re dumb if you do), who has hosted a cheesy reality TV show, and has literally zero political or military experience of running anything, can successfully preside over the most powerful and racially complex nation country on earth. Good luck with that, Donald. You’re going to need it. It’s not a case of God Bless America. More like … God help America! Hey Donald, you’re fired.”
Joe Dixon, Dumbocalypse Now: The First Dunning-Kruger President

Abhijit Naskar
“It's time we call Donald Trump what he really is, a terrorist, who publicly incites terrorism.”
Abhijit Naskar

“Goddamn, so this is what it means to have a leader
You despise, the racists said when the president
Was black and I’ll be damned if I ain’t saying it too.
Is this a mandate for whiteness, virility, sovereignty,
Stupidity, an idiot’s threats & gangsta narcissisms threading
Every shabby sentence his trumpet constructs?”
Terrance Hayes, American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin

“Good riddance you fasict white supremacist.”
Mark Pocan

Yasmina Reza
“While I'm at the hairdresser to be shampooed, I'm thumbing through a magazine and I land on Donald Trump and his new fiancée. Blonde girl, twenty-five, fine. But as for him, and I put on my glasses to take a better look, he's pushing sixty, hair like an upside-down conch shell, setting off from the back of his head at an angle of 110 degrees, probably to hide a bald spot and landing in a fringed swag on his forehead. The whole thing a tone poem of russet browns. There's a guy who's earning a good living, I say to myself as I wait to be shampooed, a guy who has his photograph taken day and night and hasn't found a single person in his entourage who'll tell him, "No, Mr. Trump, it's not okay, it's absolutely not okay.”
Yasmina Reza, Desolation

“By using propaganda skillfully any delusion can become fact.”
Michael Corthell

“A billionaire businessman, Donald Trump largely spent his own money, and used his own experience and his own contacts as a media star to get elected which meant that he was not beholden to the usual establishment special interests and lobbyists.”
Charles Moscowitz, Toward Fascist America: 2021: The Year that Launched American Fascism

Immigrant. The word carries currency. Loaded. Weighed down by a politics of emotionality. Fear reigns and rules. It shrouds policy and reaches into these borders of manufactured fear where the walls are thick with America's rewritten history of immigration, featuring the accents of bigotry and unapologetic open political warfare turning small screens of news shows into horror movies where caged children are vilified and their proponent, America's forty-fifth president, is deified.”
Esther Armah, Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019

“I couldn't wait for my vote to help evict that ne'er-do-well scoundrel Donald Trump from the White House. He was easily the worst president in all the history of this great country. I am overjoyed that his attempted tyranny is at an end and can't wait to welcome our duly and fairly elected 46th president, Joseph R. Biden!”
Terry Hurlbut

Tom Perrotta
“If you really want to know," she said, "I wrote about Donald Trump."
Tim's immediate sense of relief only lasted a second or two.
"Donald Trump? Are you kidding me?"
"He's cool," she said.
"He's not cool, Abby. Trust me on this one."
"Yah-huh," she insisted. "He's totally cool on The Apprentice."
"I can't believe Donald Trump is your hero."
"I didn't say he was my hero. I just said I admire him."
"For what?"
"Come on, Dad. Everybody admires him. He's got a skyscraper, a private jet, and his own TV show. He can do whatever he wants.”
Tom Perrotta, The Abstinence Teacher