Donald Trump Quotes

Quotes tagged as "donald-trump" Showing 211-240 of 293
Alexander McCall Smith
“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.”
Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life

Sam Harris
“There is never a moment where I find Trump persuasive. When I look at him I see a man without any inner life. I see the most superficial person on Earth. This is a guy who has been totally hollowed out by greed and self regard and delusion. If I caught some sort of brain virus and I started talking about myself the way Trump talks about himself, I would throw myself out a fucking window. That barely overstates it. Do you remember that scene at the end of The Exorcist where the priest is driving out the devil from Linda Blair and the devil comes into him and he just hurls himself out the window to end all the madness? Well, it would be like that.”
Sam Harris

Judith Lewis Herman
“President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

November 29, 2016

Dear President Obama,

We are writing to express our grave concern regarding the mental stability of our President-Elect. Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally. Nevertheless, his widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office.

We strongly recommend that, in preparation for assuming these responsibilities, he receive a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators.


Judith Herman, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School
Nanette Gartrell, M.D.
Dee Mosbacher, M.D.”
Judith Lewis Herman

Stephen         King
“Donald Trump is worse than any horror story I've written.”
Stephen King

“Lying is second nature to him... More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.”
Tony Schwartz

“Truthful hyperbole’ is a contradiction in terms. It’s a way of saying, ‘It’s a lie, but who cares?’ ”
Tony Schwartz

John Oliver
“It is going to be too easy for things to start feeling normal—especially if you are someone who is not directly impacted by his actions.
So keep reminding yourself:
This is not normal.
Write it on a Post-It note and stick it on your refrigerator, hire a skywriter once a month, tattoo it on your ass.
Because a Klan-backed misogynist internet troll is going to be delivering the next State of the Union address.
And that is not normal.
It is fucked up.”
John Oliver

Abhijit Naskar
“If your nationality is lost, nothing is lost – if your religion is lost, nothing is lost – if your ethnicity is lost, nothing is lost – but if your character is lost, then you are more lost than Donald Trump.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Civilized or Phobic: A Treatise on Homosexuality

Sherman Alexie
“But, in the Trump aftermath, I've measured the costs

And benefits of loving those who don't love
Strangers. After all, I'm often the odd one—

The strangest stranger—in any field or room.
"He was weird" will be carved into my tomb.”
Sherman Alexie

Timothy Snyder
“Like Hitler, the President used the word lies to mean statements of fact not to his liking and presented journalism as a campaign against himself.”
Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

Tarif Naaz
“Trump is a man without filter in his head that is why he can't scan his thoughts....”
Tarif Naaz

DaShanne Stokes
“The messages of racism, the lies, the fraud, the sexism--he’s sending a lot of really horrible messages to our children.”
DaShanne Stokes

“With President Trump, however, the masculine archetype seems to have regressed. Trump is less the strict father than the petulant child: a boyish figure who rejects advice, shirks discipline and refuses to be beholden to behavioral norms. He is rarely even seen as the patriarch of his own family; as Melania Trump said after he was caught boasting about assaults on tape, “Sometimes I say I have two boys at home.”
Amanda Hess

“Nuance is anathema to his thinking, which is why he can maintain such fidelity to his ideas in a-hundred-and-forty-character bursts.”
Jelani Cobb

Andrena Sawyer
“The price of conviction has never been cheap, but it will always be worth it.”
Andrena Sawyer

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Hoe zouden wij die oude mythen kunnen vergeten die aan de wieg van alle volkeren staan – de mythen over draken die op het allerlaatste ogenblik in een prinses veranderen; misschien zijn alle draken uit ons leven wel prinsessen die er alleen maar op wachten ons eens mooi en moedig te zien. Misschien is al het verschrikkelijkste in diepste wezen wel het hulpeloze dat ons om hulp vraagt.
Borgeby Gård Flädie, Zweden, 12 augustus 2017”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Matt Taibbi
“He steps to the lectern and does his Mussolini routine, which he’s perfected over the past months. It’s a nodding wave, a grin, a half-sneer, and a little U.S. Open–style applause back in the direction of the audience, his face the whole time a mask of pure self-satisfaction. “This is unbelievable, unbelievable!” he says, staring out at a crowd of about 4,000 whooping New Englanders with snow hats, fleece and beer guts. There’s a snowstorm outside and cars are flying off the road, but it’s a packed house.”
Matt Taibbi, Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus

Martijn Benders
“Zet net de tv aan, schrik me dood. Die van Nieuwkerk ziet er ineens uit als een kruising tussen Donald Trump en Adam Curry.”
Martijn Benders