Eating Well Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eating-well" Showing 1-10 of 10
E.A. Bucchianeri
“Everyone is in such a good mood when they've eaten well.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly

Joan Crawford
“I've never been able to understand how anyone could stand measuring out half a cup of this and four ounces of that. If a woman has the time to do that she's not busy enough—and that may be why she's overweight! It's a lot easier just to buy the foods that are fairly low in calories and to cultivate a taste for them. And have a little of each kind of essential food during the course f a day. The operative word in that bit of advice is 'little.' Raw nibbles, bouillon, and dill pickles always stop the hunger pangs until the next small meal is served.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Anthony Capella
“She had never eaten food like this before. No: she had never eaten before. It was as if these flavors had always existed, had always been there in her imagination, but now she was tasting them properly for the very first time. Each course was more intense than the last. The spaghetti was coated in a thick sauce of meat, tomatoes, and wine, rich, pungent, and sticky. The lamb, by contrast, was pink and sweet, so tender it seemed to dissolve in her mouth. It was served without vegetables, but afterward Tommaso brought the first of the contorni to the table: a whole artichoke, slathered in warm olive oil and lemon juice and sprinkled with chopped mint. Laura licked every drop of oil off her fingers, amazed by the depth of the flavor.”
Anthony Capella, The Food of Love

Joan Crawford
“Of course no diets as rigid as those should be continued for more than two weeks. Some diet 'experts' — the ones who are still trying new ones because they haven't succeeded — tell you to diet five days a week and take the weekends off. I guess that's all right if you don't go berserk with chocolate éclairs and beer on Saturday and Sunday.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“The really faddish diets — like subsisting solely on bananas —seem to have gone out of vogue. […] We need a little of everything, including some at. The only thing it's all right to skip is starchy food, because there's a healthy amount of carbohydrate in fruits and vegetables.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“I eat most of the things I like, but I eat sparingly, and I eat slowly. I simply cannot gulp down a meal. Have you ever noticed that people who eat quickly have no interest in food and invariably have pot bellies? I'd much rather eat the first course and forget he rest of it if its a business lunch and everybody has to be back in forty-five minutes.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“When I'm filming, I get up at 5 A.M. and have a piece of fruit and a cup of tea. At 6:30, I eat an egg and bacon or sausage. […] I eat a light lunch. Sometimes a small minute steak with two small cherry tomatoes. Sometimes chicken—boiled, not broiled. I've always found roasted or barbecued chicken incredibly dry. My chicken is boiled with carrots, celery, onions, kosher salt and pepper, and bay leaf, and it's always moist and delicious. Sometimes I'll have some more bacon late in the afternoon. […] I eat for energy, and that means plenty of protein.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“I never touch sweets. I'd much rather have a dill pickle - if I ever ate ice cream I'm sure I'd surround it with pickles. […] I never touch potatoes because I learned a long time ago not to like what made me fat. I honestly believe that I don't like potatoes...”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“If I'm lunching with tolerant friends I eat green onions, and I like to nibble on raw carrot sticks. I certainly prefer them to fancy hors d'oeuvres. Fish is a wonderful beauty food. […] I like it best straight out of the sea, when I'm in the Islands, but even frozen fish can be prepared deliciously.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

Joan Crawford
“I like tomatoes with a sour lemon or vinegar dressing and a sprinkling of black pepper. They give me vitamins. I keep hardboiled eggs in the icebox all the time, and if I get terribly hungry I eat the yolk of one of them. At home I have fruit, tea, and one egg every morning. But if I've gained half a pound I give up that egg and have an apple instead.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life