Finale Quotes

Quotes tagged as "finale" Showing 1-30 of 56
Becca Fitzpatrick
“All I can think about is bed.”
“We’re sharing the same thought.”
“You’re thinking about bed too?”
“I’m thinking about YOU in MY bed.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Finale

Becca Fitzpatrick
“You don’t deserve me,” he agreed. “You deserve better. But you’re stuck with me, and you might as well get over it.” Scooping me under him in one agile movement, he rolled on top of me, his black eyes all pirate. “I have no intention of letting you go easily, something to keep in mind. I don’t care if it’s another man, your mother, or the powers of hell trying to pry us apart, I’m not easing up and I’m not saying good-bye.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Finale

Becca Fitzpatrick
“Nice costume," he said.

"Ditto. I can tell you put a lot of thought into yours."

Amusement curled his mouth. "If you don't like it, I can take it off.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Finale

Becca Fitzpatrick
“I believe in destiny Angel. I believe every choice I've made has brought me closer to you. I looked for you for a very long time. I may have fallen from heaven, but I fell for you.”
Becca Fitzpatrick

Alex de Campi
“There's nothing on Earth like really nailing the last line of a big book. You have 200 pages to tickle their fancy, and seven words to break their heart.”
Alex de Campi

Stephanie Garber
“Even before she'd known him, she'd fallen in love with the boy who'd had the passion to make his one wish come true and the audacity to call himself Legend.”
Stephanie Garber, Excerpt: Finale
tags: finale

Stephanie Garber
“Not quite sure how far she'd already fallen, she imagined loving him would feel like falling in love with darkness, frightening and consuming yet utterly beautiful when the stars came out.”
Stephanie Garber, Caraval

Amal El-Mohtar
“I don’t give a shit who wins this war, Garden or the Agency – towards whose Shift the arc of the universe bends.
But maybe this is how we win, Red.
You and me.
This is how we win.”
Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone, This Is How You Lose the Time War

Steven Magee
“It has been an ‘Entertaining’ 4 years with President Trump and it is now time for the finale.”
Steven Magee

“i can't say that i understand love, or that I'm very good at it, because I've never loved anyone before. but I love everything about you, donatella dragna. everything.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

Victor Hugo
“Quasimodo allora alzò nuovamente lo sguardo sull’egiziana di cui vedeva il corpo, appeso alla forca, fremere da lontano sotto l’abito bianco negli ultimi spasimi dell’agonia, poi li abbassò sull’arcidiacono disteso ai piedi della torre senza più forma umana, e disse con un singhiozzo dal profondo del petto: «Oh! Tutto ciò ce ho amato!»"

-Notre-Dame de Paris, V. Hugo”
Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Stephanie Garber
“The garment he'd sent had straps made of flower petals, a bodice made of ribbons lined in gems as small as glitter and a full skirt formed of hundreds of silk butterflies, all in different shades of blue that together formed a magical hue she'd never seen. Some had sheer blue wings that were almost as pale as tears, others were soft sky blue, a few had hints of violet, while some had periwinkle veins. The butterflies weren't alive, but they were so delicate and ethereal, at a glance they looked real.”
Stephanie Garber, Excerpt: Finale

Stephanie Garber
“Each living wall was formed of different rare flowers. Burning orange starfire lilies. Deep purple twilight thistles. Brilliant gold creeping faisies. Champagne delights. Scorching red feverbells. All of which grew and stretched with every person that stepped inside.”
Stephanie Garber, Excerpt: Finale

Stephanie Garber
“For most of his immortal life, he believed his world would come crashing down if he fell in love and became human. Instead his world had become more precious, particularly the pieces involving her.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

Pragya Tiwari
“Our journey, not our destination makes our finale special…”
Pragya Tiwari, Outlet from Loneliness

“Chi scrive, normalmente, ha il brutto vizio di pensare troppo in fretta al finale. Qualcosa che dia un senso alla storia che hai in mente. Spesso gli scrittori, così come i cantanti, o gli sceneggiatori si dannano l’anima per giustificare un’idea. Hanno bisogno di una chiusa, di una risoluzione, di un timbro che assolva la loro colpa. Quella di aver avuto il bisogno di raccontare qualcosa... E allora cercano, ancora prima della fine, che forse già esiste, un finale.”
Alessandro Cattelan
tags: finale

Becca Fitzpatrick
“-¿Sabes?, la primera vez que te vi, pensé: Nunca había visto algo tan hermoso y cautivador.
-¿Por qué me cuentas todo esto? -dije, abatida.
-Te vi, y enseguida quise estar cerca de ti. Quería conocerte como nadie te había conocido nunca. Te quería a ti, todo lo que tú eres. Y ese deseo casi me volvió loco. -Patch hizo una pausa e inhaló lenta, intensamente, como si quisiera respirar me. -Y ahora que te tengo, lo único que me asusta es que la vida me obligue a volver a revivir aquello: desearte sabiendo que mi deseo no puede cumplirse. Eres mía, ángel. Toda tu. Y no pienso permitir que nada lo cambie.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Finale

Becca Fitzpatrick
“-No te merezco, Patch. Tú dirás lo que quieras, pero esa es la verdad.
-Es cierto, no me mereces. -Coincidió -Te mereces algo mejor. Pero ahora estás atada a mí, tendrás que aceptarlo. -Con un solo movimiento, Patch me acostó y se coloco encima de mi, mirándome desafiante con sus ojos negros -No tengo intención de dejarte marchar, date por avisada. Me da igual que sea otro hombre, tu madre o los poderes del infierno los que traten de separarnos: no pienso dejarte.
Parpadee, atónita, con las pestañas humedecidas por las lagrimas.
-No voy a permitir que nadie se interponga entre nosotros. Y menos la hechicería diabólica. Llevo el antídoto en el bolso. Me lo tomare ahora mismo. Patch? -y añadí sinceramente -Gracias... Por todo. No se lo que haría sin ti.
-Mejor -murmuro -Por que no voy a permitir que te me escapes.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Finale

Stephanie Garber
“Everything smelled of dust trapped in light, cracked leather and wayward dreams. Breathing in and out through her nose, Tella looked down at the Map of All. It had transformed once they'd entered the library. It now revealed an entire kingdom made of books that could either have been a book lover's nightmare or their wish come true. There was a Broken Spine Castle, an Unread River, a Ravine of Ripped Pages, a Poetry Valley, a set of Novel Mountains, and then finally, the Ruscica and Books for Advanced Imaginations.

The most direct route to this room was through an area referred to as The Zoo. Tella wondered if it would have books in cages, but The Zoo didn't even have bookshelves. The books all roamed freely in this room as they clung together to take the shapes of different animals. Tella spied bookish rhinos, paper-mache elephants and very tall giraffes that milled about in an oddly peaceful silence. The elephant sniffed at Tella with its leathery-grey trunk of books, while a paper bunny made of loose pages noiselessly hopped after Legend. The bunny continued to follow as they left The Zoo and reached The Reading Chamber, where books formed couches and chairs and one massive throne.”
Stephanie Garber, Excerpt: Finale

“His hand was the hand that she wanted to hold. His voice was the sound she wanted to hear, and his smile wasn't just something she wanted to see; she wanted to be the reason for it.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

“if there had been a clock in the room, it would have stopped. occasionally, there are minutes that get extra seconds. moments so precious the universe stretches to make additional room for them, and this was one of them. people don't get pauses like this often. some people never receive them at all.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale
tags: finale

“i will love you with every bone in my body, so that even after my heart stops beating, a part of me will remain forever to love you.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale
tags: finale

“i don't think my heart could be safer than in your hands”
Stephanie Garber, Finale
tags: finale

“and still the colors around him were fierce and bright and full of the deep, unending crimson love.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

“and scarlett cried. she cried for the horrors he had been, and she cried for the wonders that he could have been instead.”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

“he looked like the ending of a doomed love story”
Stephanie Garber, Finale

Steven Magee
“Smart people know when it is a good time to stop.”
Steven Magee

Stephanie Garber
“m not trying to win her hand. I’m offering her mine, and everything that comes with it, hoping she’ll take it and decide she wants to keep it”
Stephanie Garber, Finale
tags: finale

Stephanie Garber
“Occasionally, there are minutes that get extra seconds. Moments so precious the universe stretches to make additional room for them, and this was one of them. People don’t get pauses like these very often. Some people never receive them at all”
Stephanie Garber, Finale
tags: finale

Stephanie Garber
“I used to be so scared of it, but now I think love is another type of magic. It makes everything brighter, it makes people who have it stronger, it breaks rules that aren't supposed to exist, it's infinitely valuable. I can't imagine my life without it.”
Stephanie Garber
tags: finale

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