Galen And Emma Quotes

Quotes tagged as "galen-and-emma" Showing 1-8 of 8
Anna Banks
“What about me?" I whisper. "Where do I belong?"
"With me," my mother and Galen say in unison. They exchange hard glares. Galen locks his jaw.
"I'm her mother," she tells Galen, her voice sharp. "Her place is with me."
"I want her for my mate," Galen says. The admission warms up the space between us with an impossible heat and I want to melt into him. His words, his declaration, cannot be unspoken. And now he's declared it to everyone who matters. It's out there in the open, hanging in the air. He wants me for his mate. Me. Him. Forever.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton

Anna Banks
“As soon as she releases me, Galen grabs my hand and I don't even have time to gasp before he snatches me to the surface and pulls me toward shore, only pausing to dislodge his pair of swimming trunks from under his favorite rock, where he had just moments before taken the time to hide them.
I know the routine and turn away so he can change, but it seems like no time before he hauls me onto the beach and drags me to the sand dunes in front of my house. "What are you doing?" I ask. His legs are longer than mine so for every two of his strides I have to take three, which feels a lot like running.
He stops us in between the dunes. "I'm doing something that is none of anyone else's business." Then he jerks me up against him and crushes his mouth on mine. And I see why he didn't want an audience for this kiss. I wouldn't want an audience for this kiss, either, especially if the audience included my mother. This is our first kiss after he announced that he wanted me for his mate. This kiss holds promises of things to come.
When he pulls away I feel drunk and excited and nervous and filled with a craving that I'm not sure can ever be satisfied. And Galen looks startled. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that," he says. "That makes it about fifty times harder to leave, I think.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton

Anna Banks
“You know what my favorite part was?" he says, stepping closer.
"We didn't fight. Not once. I hate fighting with you."
"I do, too. It seems like a waste of time when..."
He leans impossibly closer, holding her gaze. "When?"
"When we could be enjoying each other's company instead," she whispers. "But you probably don't enjoy my company here lately. I haven't been very nice-"
He brushes his lips against hers, cutting her off. They're softer than he ever imagined. And it's not enough. Moving his hand from her jawline to entwine it in her damp locks, he pulls her to him. She tips up on her toes to meet him and as he lifts her from the ground, she folds her arms around his neck. Just as hungry for him as he is for her, she opens her mouth for a deeper kiss, pressing her soft curves into him. And Galen decides there is nothing better than kissing Emma.
Everything about her seems made for him. The way her mouth moves in perfect rhythm with his. The way she combs her fingers through his hair, sending a stirring jolt down his spine. The way her cool lips ignite heat through his whole being. She fits in his arms, as if her every curve fills a place on his own body...”
Anna Banks, Of Poseidon

Anna Banks
“Maybe you can talk to donkeys, too," Dr. Milligan smiles. Emma nods. "I can sometimes Galen can be a jackass."
"That hurts my feelings, Emma," Galen says, trying to look hurt.”
Anna Banks

Anna Banks
“Okay, Galen.”
“Galen, Emma,” Nalia calls from the dining
room, saving him from making a fool of
himself. “Everyone is here.”
Emma gives him a look that clearly says
“We’re so not done with this conversation.”
Then she turns and walks away.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton

Anna Banks
“He is about to lose his shirt altogether. Until Antonis’s voice booms from the doorway.
“Extract yourself from Prince Galen, Emma,” he says. “You two are not mated. This behavior is inappropriate for any Syrena, let alone a Royal.”
Galen feels like a fingerling again. “I apologize, Highness,” he says. It seems like all he does lately is apologize to the Poseidon king.
“It was my fault.”
Antonis gives him a reproving look. “I like you, young prince. But you well know the law. Do not disappoint me, Galen. My granddaughter
is deserving of a proper mating ceremony.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton

Anna Banks
“Actually, I won’t be visiting land,” Galen says. He turns to Emma.
“I’ll be living here.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton

Anna Banks
“Because it’s Galen’s SUV.
From where I stand, I can see him looking
at me from behind the wheel. His face is
stricken and tired and relieved and pained. I
want to want to want to believe the look in
his eyes right now. The look that clearly says
he’s found what he’s looking for, in more
ways than one.”
Anna Banks, Of Triton