Hard Truths Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hard-truths" Showing 1-30 of 48
E.A. Bucchianeri
“An acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair-weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Deborah Harkness
“Memories were short and history unkind. It was the way of the world.”
Deborah Harkness, Shadow of Night

Maggie Stiefvater
“Mum liked to say that some things happen for a reason, that sometimes obstacles were there to stop you from doing something stupid.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Scorpio Races

E.A. Bucchianeri
“The devil has not vanished simply because people refuse to believe he exists, no more than God has...”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

E.A. Bucchianeri
“God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Faust: My Soul be Damned for the World, Vol. 1

Hailey Edwards
“Life after love was possible. I was proof. Loss taught you about yourself, burrowed in the dark parts of your soul and ate you from the inside out.”
Hailey Edwards

N.K. Jemisin
“Love is no inoculation against murder.”
N.K. Jemisin, The Obelisk Gate

Laura Sebastian
“He is a stone, incapable of feeling anything, and I don't like being reminded that he's also human. I don't like to be reminded that we love the same person.”
Laura Sebastian, Ash Princess

Robin Wall Kimmerer
“It is the fundamental unfairness of parenthood, that if we do our jobs well, the deepest bond we are given will walk out the door with a wave over the shoulder.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

Karen Marie Moning
“I can't find a man I want, and I'm beginning to think the problem is me. Maybe I expect too much. Maybe I'm holding out for something that doesn't even exist." She'd voiced her secret fear. Maybe grand passion was just a dream. With all the kissing she'd done in the past few months, she'd not once been overcome with desire. Her parents certainly hadn't had any great passion between them. Come to think of it, she wasn't sure she'd ever seen grand passion outside of a movie theater or a book.”
Karen Marie Moning

F.D.  Lee
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“No, I know not everything about you. But I sense enough to know you have mistaken obsession with drive, guilt with injustice. I know you want to escape what you are, cabbage fairy,” he said, reaching for his hood and gloves and tucking them into the waistband of his trousers. “Your desires are no different from my own, I simply have the courage to face them.”
F. D. Lee, The Fairy's Tale

“You have been consumed by Media Indoctrination. You are no longer Human. From birth you are a mindless brainwashed drone waiting for your next programming like a junkie for a fix. You are a CORPORATE BITCH and your GOVERNMENT IS CORPORATION'S LITTLE WHORE!”
Levon Peter Poe

Nina George
“Oh no, she was never elitist. She said that far too many women are the accomplices of cruel, indifferent men. They lie for these men. They lie to their own children. Because their fathers treated them exactly the same way. These women always retain some hope that love is hiding behind the cruelty, so that the anguish doesn't drive them mad. Truth is, though, Max, there's no love there.
Max wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.”
Nina George, The Little Paris Bookshop

Salman Aziz
“People change just in a blink! You won’t get any explanation for that. They change in front of your eyes or behind of your eyes. Just they change unconditionally.”
Salman Aziz

Lisa Unger
“...little girls are raised on fairy tales. No one ever tells you that sad things stay sad, some people die angry and unforgiven, and some things are lost and never found.”
Lisa Unger, Beautiful Lies

“Reality wins, and I'd rather see the truth than stay in love with a fantasy.”
Jewel, Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story

N.R. Walker
“There was something absolutely terrifying in handing over your wounded heart for someone else to hold.”
N.R. Walker, Spencer Cohen, Book Three

Jojo Moyes
“It's crap, divorce,' he says. 'We tell ourselves the kids are fine, that it's better this way than two unhappy people shouting at each other, but we never dare ask them the truth.'
'The truth?'
'What they want. Because we know the answer. And it would break our hearts.”
Jojo Moyes, The Girl You Left Behind

James S.A. Corey
“Being young was undignified. Being young and in love was worse.”
James S.A. Corey, Babylon’s Ashes

Julius  Bailey
“Not all things can be saved,”
Julius Bailey, Toils of the Valiant: Book Two of the Chronicles of Vrandalin

“One may question whether real civilisation is so safely afloat that we can afford to use our pens for boring holes in the bottom of it.”
F. L. Lucas

Izey Victoria Odiase
“Don't lie to protect my feelings. I'd rather you speak the truth with love and respect. I'll be fine!”
Izey Victoria Odiase, 99 Quotes and Affirmations For Self-Love & Personal Development

H.A. Wills
“The problem with doing the right thing,” Donovan continues, his expression intense and his voice low, “Doing right and playing by the rules only works if everyone does it”
H.A. Wills, Free Spirit

Zoraida Córdova
“I know the ingredients that will conjure luck and I can brew a potion to talk to the dead, but no one ever taught me how to speak a truth that is uncomfortable.”
Zoraida Córdova, Wayward Witch

Andrea Pomella
“Si ambisce alla tranquillità, non alla felicità. La felicità è dei superbi, chi aspira ad essa non sa che è possibile solo raramente. La felicità è una conseguenza, non uno stato d'animo.”
Andrea Pomella, Il dio disarmato

Sylvia Day
“The road to recovery for me was paved with hard truths, not denials and lies.”
Sylvia Day, Bared to You

Sylvia Day
“I found myself wanting to go to him and apologize for leaving him. I wanted to tell him I was there for him, ready to
listen or simply offer silent comfort. But I was too emotionally invested. I got wounded too easily. I was too afraid of rejection. And knowing he wouldn’t let me get too close only intensified that fear. Even if we did figure things out, I’d only tear myself apart trying to live with just the bits and pieces he decided to share with me.”
Sylvia Day, Bared to You

John Kreiter
“People like to talk a big game. They may talk about religion or magic and superstition but in the end, this is merely a way for them to feel the possibility of power without having to ever see it or touch it. As I told you, a part of them knows that the unfathomable is around them and yet another part of them denies this to keep the stability of their lives. One belief is pitted against another and in the end, people are stuck, stationary.”
John Kreiter, The Art of Transmutation

“In this case Karen’s child was her story. And all the world was waiting greedily for its deliverance even if they didn’t yet know its name or the uncomfortable shape of it and the peculiar contours that altogether were sure to test the foundations upon which they had built their holiest of houses and coziest of dens. They only knew that all of history was in want of a definitive accounting and that such had already been written and then ensepulchered by prophets unsung and that their eventual unveiling was nothing less than the birthright of all humankind.”
Casey Fisher, The Subtle Cause

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