Human Memory Quotes

Quotes tagged as "human-memory" Showing 1-5 of 5
Jorge Luis Borges
“When you read The Arabian Nights you accept Islam. You accept the fables woven by generations as if they were by one single author or, better still, as if they had no author. And in fact they have one and none. Something so worked on, so polished by generations is no longer associated with and individual. In Kafka's case, it's possible that his fables are now part of human memory. What happened to Quixote could happen to to them. Let's say that all the copies of Quixote, in Spanish and in translation, were lost. The figure of Don Quixote would remain in human memory. I think that the idea of a frightening trial that goes on forever, which is at the core of The Castle and The Trial (both books that Kafka, of course, never wanted to publish because he knew they were unfinished), is now grown infinite, is now part of human memory and can now be rewritten under different titles and feature different circumstances. Kafka's work now forms a part of human memory.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Conversations, Volume 1

Maureen Johnson
“one of the worst things is when witnesses start talking to each other. As soon as you start talking to someone else, the story you have in your head changes. Human memory is rewritten like computer memory. You just get
the most updated file.”
Maureen Johnson, Truly, Devious

“Like human memory, the surface of our planet distorts the record, emphasising more recent events and letting the rest pass into vagueness - or at least into unimpressive joints in worn down mountain chains.”
Nigel Calder

Abhijit Naskar
“Time is memory - where there is memory, there is time, where there is no memory, there is no time.”
Abhijit Naskar, Citizens of Peace: Beyond the Savagery of Sovereignty