Lost Soul Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lost-soul" Showing 1-19 of 19
Renée Ahdieh
“There is potential for boundless good in the boy I knew. Trust that the man you see now is a shadow of what lies beneath. If you would, give him the love that will enable him to see it for himself. To a lost soul, such a treasure is worth its weight in gold. Worth its weight in dreams.”
Renee Ahdieh, The Wrath and the Dawn

Jack Kerouac
“...that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didn’t know who I was—I was far away from home, haunted and tired with travel, in a cheap hotel room I’d never seen, hearing the hiss of steam outside, and the creak of the old wood of the hotel, and footsteps upstairs, and all the sad sounds, and I looked at the cracked high ceiling and really didn’t know who I was for about fifteen strange seconds. I wasn’t scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost. I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future, and maybe that’s why it happened right there and then, that strange red afternoon.”
Jack Kerouac

Fredrik Backman
“And then she left him alone in a world where he no longer understood the language.”
Fredrik Backman, A Man Called Ove

Donna Lynn Hope
“I'd rather be befriended as an aimless lost soul than be befriended for adornment, gain or goal.”
Donna Lynn Hope

“We drove in silence for a while. Then out of nowhere, Nancy quietly said, 'I'm going to die very soon. Before my twenty-first birthday. I won't live to be twenty-one. I'm never gonna be old. I don't ever want to be ugly and old. I'm an old lady now anyhow. I'm eighty. There's nothing left. I've already lived a whole lifetime. I'm going out. In a blaze of glory.'
Then she was quiet.
Her words just lay there like a bombshell. No one wanted to touch them. She hadn't issued a threat, simply made a flat statement. We all believed her. Even Sid.
'I honestly can't understand her,' David [Nancy's brother] said as we drove home. 'She's dying. She knows it. Why won't she stop herself?'
'She doesn't want to,' Frank [Nancy's father] ]said sadly. 'She wants to die. She has for a long, long time. It's been her goal.'
'But why?' asked David.
'She hates being alive,' I said. 'She hates her pain. She hates herself. She wants to destroy herself.'
'Isn't there anything you guys can do?' asked David.
'Yes,' I said.
'Watch her die.”
Deborah Spungen, And I Don't Want to Live This Life: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A lost soul often looks for another lost soul!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Abhijit Naskar
“When I quit my university, people in my neighborhood quite literally began to gossip about me being insane, while others pitied me as a lost soul. But mark this my friend, it's the lost souls that lay the foundation for a better tomorrow, because those beings are not afraid to be lost, they are not afraid to fail, in the pursuit of something greater, something grander, than to just survive no different than the dogs do on the streets.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Trebor Healey
“The only good soul is a lost soul, and only a lost soul can find its way home.”
Trebor Healey, A Horse Named Sorrow

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Not every lost soul wants to be found, because not every lost is lost, some of them found something or many thing or even everything in their lostness!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A lost soul will eventually find another lost soul!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Abhijit Naskar
“Legends become legends by getting lost, so that humanity doesn’t.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Dina Al-Hidiq Zebib
“I travel to lose myself in the beauties of the world and to find my lost soul within the chaos of it all.”
Dina Al-Hidiq Zebib

“One letter was addressed to me personally in large, shaky handwriting with little circles over the i's instead of dots. [...]
It was from Sid.
Dear Debbie [Nancy's mother],
Thank you for phoning me the other night. It was so comforting to hear your voice. You are the only person who really understands how much Nancy and I love each other. Every day without Nancy gets worse and worse. I just hope that when I die I go the same place as her. Otherwise I will never find peace.
Frank [Nancy's father] said in the paper that Nancy was born in pain and lived in pain all her life. When I first met her, and for about six months after that, I spent practically the whole time in tears. Her pain was just too much to bear. Because, you see, I felt Nancy's pain as though it were my own, worse even. But she said that I must be strong for her or otherwise she would have to leave me. So I became strong for her, and she began to stop having asthma attacks and seemed to be going through a lot less pain. [Nancy had had asthma since she was a child.]
I realized that she had never known love and was desperately searching for someone to love her. It was the only thing she really needed. I gave her the love that she needed so badly and it comforts me to know that I made her very happy during the time we were together, where she had only known unhappiness before.
Oh Debbie, I love her with such passion. Every day is agony without her. I know now that it is possible to die from a broken heart. Because when you love someone as much as we love each other, they become fundamental to your existence. So I will die soon, even if I don't kill myself. I guess you could say that I'm pining for her. I could live without food or .water longer than I'm going to survive without Nancy.
Thank you so much for understanding us, Debbie. It means so much to me, and I know it meant a lot to Nancy. She really loves you, and so do I. How did she know when she was going to die? I always prayed that she was wrong, but deep inside I knew she was right.
Nancy was a very special person, too beautiful for this world. I feel so privileged to have loved her and been loved by her. Oh Debbie, it was such a beautiful love. I can't go on without it. When we first met, we knew we were made for each other, and fell in love with each other immediately. We were totally inseparable and were never apart. We had certain telepathic abilities, too. I remember about nine months after we met, I left Nancy for a while. After a couple of weeks of being apart, I had a strange feeling that Nancy was dying. I went straight to the place she was staying and when I saw her, I knew it was true. I took her home with me and nursed her back to health, but I knew that if I hadn't bothered she would have died.
Nancy was just a poor baby, desperate for love. It made me so happy to give her love, and believe me, no man ever loved a woman with such burning passion as I love Nancy. I never even looked at others. No one was as beautiful as my Nancy. Enclosed is a poem I wrote for her. It kind of sums up how much I love her.
If possible, I would love to see you before I die. You are the only one who understood.
Love, Sid XXX.”
Deborah Spungen, And I Don't Want to Live This Life: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Murder

Leigh Bardugo
“Why didn't these people ever get it? Protect your own. Pay your debts. There was no other way to live, not if you wanted to live right. - Alex Stern”
Leigh Bardugo, Hell Bent

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“What can a ruined soul, like mine, effect towards the redemption of other souls?⁠—or a polluted soul towards their purification?”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Abhijit Naskar
“It's the lost souls that lay the foundation for a better tomorrow, because those beings are not afraid to be lost, they are not afraid to fail, in the pursuit of something greater, something grander, than to just survive no different than the dogs do on the streets.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

Milan Kundera
“Ainsi m'étais-je petit à petit habitué au fait que ma vie avait perdu sa continuité, qu'elle m'était tombée des mains et qu'il ne me resterait plus qu'à commencer enfin à être, même dans mon for intérieur, là où je me trouvais réellement et sans appel.”
Milan Kundera, The Joke

Tin Ujević
“XXXI (Pokojnik)

S ranom u tom srcu, tamnu i duboku,
s tajnom u tom trudnu i prokletu biću,
sa zvijezdom na čelu, sa iskrom u oku
gazi stazom varke, mrtvi Ujeviću;

Smrt je tvoja ljubav pri svakome kroku,
smrt je u tvom iću, u tvojemu piću,
smrt je u tvom dahu, i u tvojem boku,
smrt, i smrt, i smrt u Nadi i Otkriću.

Što ti vrijedi polet u vlastitu čudu,
što ti vrijedi volja i voljenje slijepo?
Srce bije, pluće diše uzaludu;

gle, bez hvajde ljubiš sve dobro i lijepo;
kao sveli miris u razbitu sudu
pogiba u tebi pjev što si ga tepo.”
Tin Ujević, Kolajna

Daniel Ruczko
“And so we sit, two lost souls in a world that doesn't seem to care.”
Daniel Ruczko, Pieces of a Broken Mind