Loving Mother Quotes

Quotes tagged as "loving-mother" Showing 1-23 of 23

I wish I could
Shower your head with flowers
And anoint your feet with my tears,
For I know I have caused you
So much heartache, frustration and despair –
Throughout my youthful years.
I wish I could give you
The remainder of my life
To add to yours,
Or simply erase
The lines on your face,
And mend all that has been torn.
For next to God,
You are the fire
That has given light
To the flame in each of my eyes.
You are the fountain
That nourished my growth,
And from your chalice –
Gave me life.
Without the wetness of your love,
The fragrance of your water,
Or the trickling sounds of
Your voice,
I shall always feel
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“A mother’s love is like an everlasting bed of roses, that continues to blossom. A mother’s love bears strength, comfort, healing and warmth. Her beauty is compared to a sunny day that shines upon each rose petal and inspires hope.”
Ellen J. Barrier

Amit Kalantri
“Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Gift Gugu Mona
“I Pray For This Girl

Oh yes! For the young girl
Who just landed on Mother Earth!
The one about to turn five with a smile
Or the other one who just turned nine
She is not only mine
My Mother’s, Grandmother’s
Neighbour’s or friend’s daughter
She is like a flower
Very fragile, yet so gorgeous
An Angel whose wings are invisible

I speak life to this young or older girl
She might not have a say
But expects the world to be a better place
Whether affluent or impoverished
No matter her state of mind
Her background must not determine
How she is treated
She needs to live, she has to thrive!
Lord God Almighty
Sanctify her unique journey
Save her from the claws of the enemy
Shield her against any brutality
Restore her if pain becomes a reality
Embrace her should joy pass swiftly
When emptiness fills her heart severely
May you be her sanctuary!

Dear Father, please give her
The honour to grow without being frightened
Hope whenever she feels forsaken
Contentment even after her heart was broken
Comfort when she is shaken
Courage when malice creeps in
Calm when she needs peace
Strength when she is weak
Freedom to climb on a mountain peak
And wisdom to tackle any season

Guide her steps, keep her from tumbling
My Lord, if she does sometimes stumble
Lift her up, so she can rise and ramble
Grant her power to wisely triumph
On my knees, I plead meekly for this girl

I may have never met her
I may not know her name
I may not be in her shoes
I may not see her cries
Yet, I grasp her plight
Wherever she is
King of Kings
Be with her
Each and every day
I pray for this girl”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Viv Albertine
“How can someone who's stood by you your whole life – who helped you empty the contents of the kitchen bin onto the floor when you were seventeen because you accidentally threw away a piece of hash the size of a cocoa nib, or who accompanied you, when she was eighty years old, to the Southbank Cinema on Mother's Day to watch hardcore gay and lesbian sex films because no one else would go with you (ditto a Sparks concert at the Royal Festival Hall) – how can that person, who you've been through so much with and who is now lying in front of you with snow-white hair, pale-grey eyes, soft pink skin and worry lines, not be beautiful?”
Viv Albertine, To Throw Away Unopened

Amit Ray
“Look the world through the eyes of a mother. Enlightenment gives you the power to see the world in the eyes of a loving mother. See the world through the lens of forgiveness, gratefulness and carefulness.”
Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Remarkable Woman

She is so exquisite
Even without make-up on her face
She is very special
Even if she lets others seem important
She is selfless
Even when the selfish surround her
She offers a lot of love
Even so, she needs it often
She has a big heart
Even though she appears small
She lets others belong
But she longs to be appreciated

She adds value
Despite her own worth being undermined
She is attentive
Nonetheless; no one pays attention to her needs

She is patient
No matter how long it takes, she waits
She is giving
While no one could be willing to give
She is forgiving
Much as the worst was done against her
She is trusting
Albeit her trust was broken a countless times

She is wise
In spite of being treated otherwise by some
She works hard
Notwithstanding that she requires to rest
She is helpful
Yet, there is none to lend her a hand
She makes life seem easy
Whilst going through difficult times herself
She stands by others
Although there is no one to stand by her
She chooses to be peaceful
Against being somehow provoked
She is calm
Undeterred by what is not
She is bold
In defiance of tough battles ahead
She shows bravery
Still in the presence of adversity
She is fearless
Though she may seem helpless
She is spirited
Contrary to attempts to bring her down
She is never destroyed
Irrespective of storms she faces sometimes
She keeps moving forward
Granting the hindrances along the way

She does not look down on others
Regardless of some doing so to her
She recognizes those who shielded her on rainy days
Whenever the sun shines upon her
She keeps on running her race
Because she knows for her, grace is abundant
She puts a smile on, always
Since prayer keeps her in the right place

She is an inspiration
A pioneer of transformation
True leader of economic revolution
How the world aspires for such
A remarkable woman!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“I Pray For This Girl

Oh yes! For the young girl
Who just landed on Mother Earth!
The one about to turn five with a smile
Or the other one who just turned nine
She is not only mine
My Mother’s, Grandmother’s
Neighbour’s or friend’s daughter
She is like a flower
Very fragile, yet so gorgeous
An Angel whose wings are invisible

I speak life to this young or older girl
She might not have a say
But expects the world to be a better place
Whether affluent or impoverished
No matter her state of mind
Her background must not determine
How she is treated
Like others, she needs to live
Indeed, she has to thrive!

Lord God Almighty
Sanctify her unique journey
Save her from the claws of the enemy
Shield her against any brutality
Restore her if pain becomes a reality
Embrace her should joy pass swiftly
When emptiness fills her heart severely
May you be her sanctuary!

Dear Father, please give her
The honour to grow without being frightened
Hope whenever she feels forsaken
Contentment even after her heart was broken
Comfort when she is shaken
Courage when malice creeps in
Calm when she needs peace
Strength when she is weak
Freedom to climb on a mountain peak
And wisdom to tackle any season

Guide her steps, keep her from tumbling
My Lord, if she does sometimes stumble
Lift her up, so she can rise and ramble
Grant her power to wisely triumph
On my knees, I plead meekly for this girl

I may have never met her
I may not know her name
I may not be in her shoes
I may not see her cries
Yet, I grasp her plight
Wherever she is
King of Kings
Be with her
Each and every day
I pray for this girl”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“I Pray For This Girl

Oh yes! For the young girl
Who just landed on Mother Earth!
The one about to turn five with a smile
Or the other one who just turned nine
She is not only mine
My Mother’s, Grandmother’s
Neighbour’s or friend’s daughter
She is like a flower
Very fragile, yet so gorgeous
An Angel whose wings are invisible

I speak life to this young or older girl
She might not have a say
But expects the world to be a better place
Whether affluent or impoverished
No matter her state of mind
Her background must not determine
How she is treated
She needs to live, she has to thrive!

Lord God Almighty
Sanctify her unique journey
Save her from the claws of the enemy
Shield her against any brutality
Restore her if pain becomes a reality
Embrace her should joy pass swiftly
When emptiness fills her heart severely
May you be her sanctuary!

Dear Father, please give her
The honour to grow without being frightened
Hope whenever she feels forsaken
Contentment even after her heart was broken
Comfort when she is shaken
Courage when malice creeps in
Calm when she needs peace
Strength when she is weak
Freedom to climb on a mountain peak
And wisdom to tackle any season

Guide her steps, keep her from tumbling
My Lord, if she does sometimes stumble
Lift her up, so she can rise and ramble
Grant her power to tactfully triumph
On my knees, I plead meekly for this girl

I may have never met her
I may not know her name
I may not be in her shoes
I may not see her cries
Yet, I grasp her plight
Wherever she is
King of Kings
Be with her
Each and every day
I pray for this girl”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Lord, Please Bless My Child

I was blessed with a precious gift
Beautiful and sweet
God’s grand masterpiece
She brought me peace
And made me believe
So much in the Lord
My life is filled with joy
Through this lovely Soul
A beam of hope
I know she will grow
Become so great
Yes, I will be glad
To see her prosper
As she set foot on earth
I pray with a sincere heart
Lord, please bless my child”
Gift Gugu Mona

Gift Gugu Mona
“The Priceless Job of Motherhood

God of Heaven!
I am here on Earth
To follow a Divine mandate
Of being a loving Mother
I know I have no strength
To this on my own
I pray for your wisdom
So, I can carry this task
Without a fright

As I raise these children
Please help me remember
I was never hired for this role
But highly favoured, to find myself in it
Hence, I acknowledge this privilege

Lord, I lift my hands
And bow to Your Majestic name
I say from the top of my voice
Thank you Father
For the priceless job of Motherhood!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“My Lovely Child
Life has never been this great
Since I had you my superstar!
My shining light in the night!
In you, I found delight
You captured my heart
For making me proud
By calling me Mom
Oh, my ray of hope!
Your beautiful story is not yet told
But you are so bold
One day, you will be in history books
Because you know your worth
To me you mean a lot
That is why I am content
And will always protect
The bond that we have
As much as I can
I will hold your hand
Until the end
Be blessed my lovely child!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“It Is Well

At times when you are unwell
As you almost drown in a pool of tears
Walk away from any distress
And choose to say, ‘It is well’

When life becomes so hard
And the pain you face is too sharp
When your days feel like cold nights
Be the one to say, ‘It is well’

When you wonder which way to take
And you are unsure how you will get there
When you go through myriad tests
Trust the Lord and say, ‘It is well’

When everything seems unfair
As people begin to doubt the God you serve
When you go through things, you do not deserve
Learn to say, ‘It is well’

Things will not always go your way
Because it is God’s will that prevails
That is why in every circumstance
You should pray and say ‘it is well”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Thank You
A gratitude letter to a loving Mother

For the great times we spent
For the beautiful memories we shared
For the wonderful life we had
For the light you shed
For the love you gave
For the sacrifices you made
For the smile you kept
For the fun you brought
For the valuable lessons you taught
For the value you added
For the amazing things you did
For the precious gift you have been
From the deepest part of my heart
I can never have ample words to say
Thank you!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“She Is Remarkable

Salute to the woman who knows who she is
And why she is who she is
A powerful being
Once thrown into a deep end of the ocean
But swam her way back to shore
She never stops moving forward
Nothing can ever pull her backwards
Such a hard nut to crack

Shout out to the superwoman
Determined to change the status quo
Because she feels the need to do so
Just like an eagle
She soars higher and higher
As the wind blows stronger
She does not let anything deter her
From reaching another level in life

Thumbs up to an amazing woman
A great force to be reckoned with
That committed Mother on the street
Who trades from sunrise to sunset
Trying to make ends meet
Oh, she has a heart so big!
Being mindful that come snow or sunshine
She has mouths to feed

I revere this gifted woman
Who uses her creativity
To make an impact in society
Despite the uniqueness of her talent
She remains a trendsetter
It could be the potter in whose hands clay becomes magic
The miner who touches gold, before it even gets sold to the markets
Or the strategist who sits in high level meetings, making sure organisations do not collapse

A special mention to the special woman
Who chooses not to give up
She understands that others look up to her
The smart lady out there, with a clear vision
She makes things happen for her family, community and the world at large
She deserves a badge of honour
Because she is remarkable!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“From My Mother’s Classroom

I looked at her
As she spoke
Every word
Each lesson
Profound wisdom
And heartfelt guidance
I kept so close to me
I was the curious learner
She, the passionate teacher
The same teachings
Have carried me across oceans
Helped me climb mountains
Walked me through the darkest valleys
Kept me safe in the wilderness
I conquered battles
Beat the odds
Pursued my purpose
Fearlessly dreamt
Lived a life so great
That is why today
I still appreciate
Everything I learnt
From my Mother’s classroom”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Powerful Woman

When a powerful woman departs from this world
She leaves behind a great legacy
Because her entire life was lived not only for herself
But for countless generations to come

When a powerful woman departs from this world
Although her loved ones shed tears
They still look back and appreciate
As they affectionately remember
What she has done for them

When a powerful woman departs from this world
Indeed, the Mighty hand of God is seen
Through how she ran her race
As she walks by faith
And marches towards the Promised Land
When a powerful woman departs from this world
Her beautiful memories remain
Her wonderful contribution embraced
Her colourful name celebrated
By those whose lives she changed

When a powerful woman departs from this world, no one can dispute that she made her mark”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“My Kind of Girl
A letter of inspiration from a loving Mother

My Kind of Girl
Understands who she is
Stands for what she believes in
She cannot be broken
No one can belittle her
When trials come her way
She remains unfazed

My Kind of Girl
Walks with confidence
She exudes excellence
An epitome of elegance
She does due diligence
Being mindful of her intelligence
And she knows her importance

My Kind of Girl
Builds her own future
A certified trailblazer
Who utilizes the power within her
To be of good influence
Always on top of her game
Yes, she keeps soaring like an eagle

My Kind of Girl
Takes charge of her own life
Secures her name in historical archives
For she is no ordinary woman
An extraordinary being
She dares to dream
In the world, she makes a difference
That is my kind of girl”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Grateful For You
A gratitude poem from a Mother to her miracle child

You are a wonderful treasure
My love for you I cannot measure
In you, God gave me an Angel
Through you, I was blessed by the Heavens
An answered prayer of way back
Just when I thought it was over
My precious gift from Above, you showed up!
Filled with your bright smile and loads of fun
You make me so fine
Oh, what a privilege in life!
Of being given such a sense of pride
As I call you my child
While you chose to be mine
You are so kind
You bring me hope every time
I could go through heavy tides
With you by my side
I always rise
You help me to make many strides
I cannot drown, not even once
You give me a better chance
To become a daring Mom
I have peace, even in the storm
Because you teach me to stay strong
So glad you came along
And never left me all alone
What an honour to be your Mother!
My perfect match
Such a great catch!
My very best friend
Will you lend me a hand
To walk beside you on this land?
You are all I ever need
And I am so grateful for you”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Powerful Woman
Ode to my wonderful Mother

When a powerful woman departs from this world
She leaves behind a great legacy
Because her entire life was lived not only for herself
But for countless generations to come

When a powerful woman departs from this world
Although her loved ones shed tears
They still look back and appreciate
As they affectionately remember
What she has done for them

When a powerful woman departs from this world
Indeed, the Mighty hand of God is seen
Through how she ran her race
As she walks by faith
And marches towards the Promised Land

When a powerful woman departs from this world
Her beautiful memories remain
Her wonderful contribution embraced
Her colourful name celebrated
By those whose lives she changed

When a powerful woman departs from this world, no one can dispute that she made her mark”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Mitta Xinindlu
“They judge me because I nurture my child, I judge them because they tell me not to.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Gift Gugu Mona
“I Will Always Love You
Lovely words from a loving Mother

When the sun does not shine
And the noon becomes dull
When the moon goes too soon
And daylight fades on the horizon
Be rest assured, I will always love you

When you see my flaws
Or feel like not loving me anymore
When you begin to wonder
If I am the Mother you expected me to be
You must know that I will always love you

When I cannot sing you a song
In case you hear the cracks in my voice
When the journey seems long
Perhaps I am no more and you feel all alone
Remember that I will always love you

You are a star that makes my night so bright
The one who lifts me high
A great blessing in my life
I am very proud to call you my child
That is why I will always love you

With the whole of my being
And all that is within
From the hair on my head
To the heels of my feet
I will always love you”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“If It Were Possible
For a loving Mother

If it were possible
I would write you a letter
Send it to the Heavens
Just so you could read
And realise how much I love you

If it were possible
I would get you flowers
As a token of appreciation
For all the great things you have done for me
And the difference you made in my life

If it were possible
I would sit down next to you
Have a deep conversation
Perhaps to hear your current thoughts
And listen to your guidance again

If it were possible
I would spend time with you
Celebrate your presence
Miss no precious moment
And make sure it counts the most

However, it is not possible
Hence, I have no choice
But to accept that you are gone”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman